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1 <HTML>
3 Mup User's Guide
5 <BODY>
7 <P>
8 This is the on-line version of the Mup User's Guide, giving information
9 about how to use the Mup Music Publication program.
10 </P>
11 <H2>
12 Mup Background Information
13 </H2>
14 <A HREF="intro.html">Introduction to Mup</A>
15 <BR>
16 <A HREF="basics.html">Quick tutorial on Mup basics</A>
17 <BR>
18 <A HREF="running.html">Running Mup</A>
19 <BR>
20 <A HREF="cmdargs.html">Mup Options</A>
21 <BR>
22 <A HREF="utilpgms.html">Mup utility programs for displaying and printing music</A>
23 <BR>
24 <A HREF="gensyn.html">Mup General syntax information</A>
25 <BR>
26 <A HREF="contexts.html">Mup contexts</A>
27 <BR>
28 <HR>
29 <H2>
30 Basic Standard Music Notation
31 </H2>
32 <A HREF="music.html">Specifying Mup music input</A>
33 <BR>
34 <A HREF="chordinp.html">Chords (pitch, duration, and other attributes)</A>
35 <BR>
36 <UL>
37 <LI>
38 <A HREF="chordinp.html#letter">Notes, rests, or spaces</A>
39 <LI>
40 <A HREF="chordinp.html#measdur">Measure duration</A>
41 <LI>
42 <A HREF="chordinp.html#acc">Accidentals</A>
43 <LI>
44 <A HREF="chordinp.html#oct">Octave</A>
45 <LI>
46 <A HREF="chordinp.html#shorthnd">Shorthand notations</A>
47 <LI>
48 <A HREF="noteattr.html">Note attributes</A>
49 <UL>
50 <LI>
51 <A HREF="noteattr.html#small">Small note head</A>
52 <LI>
53 <A HREF="noteattr.html#ntie">Note tie</A>
54 <LI>
55 <A HREF="noteattr.html#nslur">Slurs</A>
56 <LI>
57 <A HREF="noteattr.html#ntag">Note location tag</A>
58 </UL>
59 <LI>
60 <A HREF="chrdattr.html">Chord attributes</A>
61 <UL>
62 <LI>
63 <A HREF="chrdattr.html#chstyle">Chord style (grace, cue, xnote, diamond)</A>
64 <LI>
65 <A HREF="chrdattr.html#withlist">Symbols to be printed with a chord</A>
66 <LI>
67 <A HREF="chrdattr.html#slashes">Slashes</A>
68 <LI>
69 <A HREF="chrdattr.html#pad">Chord padding</A>
70 <LI>
71 <A HREF="chrdattr.html#ctag">Chord location tag</A>
72 <LI>
73 <A HREF="chrdattr.html#dist">Rest distance</A>
74 <LI>
75 <A HREF="chrdattr.html#rptattr">Shorthand for repeated attributes</A>
76 </UL>
77 <LI>
78 <A HREF="midmeas.html">Mid-measure parameter changes</A>
79 <LI>
80 <A HREF="crossst.html">Cross-staff stems</A>
81 <LI>
82 <A HREF="ichdattr.html">Inter-chord attributes</A>
83 <UL>
84 <LI>
85 <A HREF="ichdattr.html#tie">Chord ties</A>
86 <LI>
87 <A HREF="ichdattr.html#slur">Chord slurs</A>
88 <LI>
89 <A HREF="ichdattr.html#custbeam">Custom beaming</A>
90 <LI>
91 <A HREF="ichdattr.html#crossbm">Cross-staff beams</A>
92 <LI>
93 <A HREF="ichdattr.html#alt">Alternation groups</A>
94 </UL>
95 <LI>
96 <A HREF="tuplets.html">Tuplets</A>
97 </UL>
98 <BR>
99 <A HREF="altinp.html">Chord-at-a-time input style</A>
100 <BR>
101 <A HREF="bars.html">Bar lines</A>
102 <BR>
103 <UL>
104 <LI>
105 <A HREF="bars.html#bpad">Bar line padding</A>
106 <LI>
107 <A HREF="bars.html#btag">Bar line location tag</A>
108 <LI>
109 <A HREF="bars.html#endings">Endings</A>
110 <LI>
111 <A HREF="bars.html#reh">Rehearsal marks</A>
112 <LI>
113 <A HREF="bars.html#setmnum">Setting the measure number</A>
114 <LI>
115 <A HREF="bars.html#hide">Hiding time/key signature and clef changes</A>
116 </UL>
117 <A HREF="multirst.html">Multirests</A>
118 <BR>
119 <A HREF="lyrics.html">Lyrics</A>
120 <HR>
121 <H2>
122 Tablature
123 </H2>
124 <A HREF="tabstaff.html">Tablature notation</A>
125 <HR>
126 <H2>
127 Shaped notes
128 </H2>
129 <A HREF="shaped.html">Shaped notes</A>
130 <HR>
131 <H2>
132 Text Strings
133 </H2>
134 <A HREF="textstr.html">Mup text strings</A>
135 <HR>
136 <H2>
137 Tempo, dynamic marks, ornaments, etc.
138 </H2>
139 <A HREF="stuff.html">General Information</A>
140 <BR>
141 <A HREF="textmark.html">Text</A>
142 <BR>
143 <A HREF="textmark.html#grids">Guitar grids</A>
144 <BR>
145 <A HREF="mussym.html">Music symbols</A>
146 <BR>
147 <A HREF="phrase.html">Phrase marks</A>
148 <BR>
149 <A HREF="cres.html">Crescendo and decrescendo marks</A>
150 <BR>
151 <A HREF="octave.html">Octave marks</A>
152 <BR>
153 <A HREF="pedal.html">Piano pedal marks</A>
154 <BR>
155 <A HREF="roll.html">Rolls</A>
156 <HR>
157 <H2>
158 Tags, printing text, lines and curves
159 </H2>
160 <A HREF="tags.html">Location tags</A>
161 <BR>
162 <A HREF="prnttext.html">Printing text</A>
163 <BR>
164 <A HREF="linecurv.html">Lines and curves</A>
165 <HR>
166 <H2>
167 Miscellaneous Mup features
168 </H2>
169 <A HREF="newscore.html">Newscore and newpage</A>
170 <BR>
171 <A HREF="headfoot.html">Page headers and footers</A>
172 <BR>
173 <A HREF="macros.html">Macros</A>
174 <BR>
175 <A HREF="ifclause.html">Generalized if clauses</A>
176 <BR>
177 <A HREF="include.html">Include files</A>
178 <BR>
179 <A HREF="fontfile.html">Installing other fonts</A>
180 <BR>
181 <HR>
182 <H2>
183 Mup Parameters
184 </H2>
185 <A HREF="param.html">Mup parameters</A>
186 <HR>
187 <H2>
188 Hints
189 </H2>
190 <A HREF="debug.html">Debugging</A>
191 <BR>
192 <A HREF="adjust.html">Adjusting output</A>
193 <BR>
194 <A HREF="invisbar.html">Special uses of invisible bars</A>
195 <BR>
196 <A HREF="chant.html">Chant</A>
197 <BR>
198 <A HREF="sharehd.html">Forcing shared note heads</A>
199 <BR>
200 <A HREF="mantup.html">Manually placed tuplet numbers</A>
201 <BR>
202 <A HREF="manual.html">Manual placement of notes</A>
203 <BR>
204 <A HREF="brackmac.html">Bracketing notes across staffs</A>
205 <BR>
206 <A HREF="crossbar.html">Cross-bar beaming</A>
207 <BR>
208 <A HREF="mixtsig.html">Mixed time signatures</A>
209 <BR>
210 <A HREF="oddeven.html">Different margins for odd/even pages</A>
211 <BR>
212 <A HREF="trnspose.html">Transposition</A>
213 <BR>
214 <A HREF="tempochg.html">Marking complicated tempo changes</A>
215 <BR>
216 <A HREF="multsong.html">Placing several songs on one page</A>
217 <BR>
218 <A HREF="cadenza.html">Cadenzas</A>
219 <BR>
220 <A HREF="verses.html">Placing verses below the scores</A>
221 <BR>
222 <A HREF="pianored.html">Automatic piano reduction</A>
223 <BR>
224 <A HREF="slashmrk.html">Diagonal slash marks</A>
225 <BR>
226 <A HREF="breathmk.html">Breath marks</A>
227 <BR>
228 <A HREF="heeltoe.html">Organ pedal heel and toe marks</A>
229 <BR>
230 <A HREF="muspaper.html">Generating blank staff paper</A>
231 <BR>
232 <A HREF="pstools.html">Converting Mup files to other formats</A>
233 <HR>
234 <H2>
235 MIDI output
236 </H2>
237 <A HREF="midi.html">MIDI output</A>
238 <BR>
239 <HR>
241 Arkkra Enterprises
242 <BR>
243 P. O. Box 315
244 <BR>
245 Warrenville, IL 60555
246 <BR>
247 <A HREF=""></A>
248 <BR>
249 <A HREF=""></A>
250 </ADDRESS>
251 <BR>
252 <HR>
253 Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 by Arkkra Enterprises
254 <HR><P>
255 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="intro.html">next page --&gt;</A>
256 </P>
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