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3 Mup Utilities for displaying and printing output
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12 <H2>
13 Mupdisp and Mupprnt utility programs
14 </H2>
15 <P>
16 If you are using Ghostscript, but prefer to not use Mupmate,
17 there are two utility programs included with
18 Mup for displaying and printing music.
19 <BR><PRE>
20 mupdisp <I>Mup_options myfile</I>
21 </PRE><BR>
22 will display music to your screen, while
23 <BR><PRE>
24 mupprnt <I>Mup_options myfile</I>
25 </PRE><BR>
26 will print the output to your printer.
27 See the installation instructions for more details on configuring the
28 Mupprnt program for your printer.
29 </P>
30 <P>
31 The <I>Mup_options</I> can be any of the options listed in the
32 section on
33 <A HREF="cmdargs.html">"Command line arguments"</A>
34 except -C, -E, -f, -F, -m, -M, -r, or -v, which don't
35 send PostScript output to the standard output.
36 </P>
37 <P>
38 The Mupdisp program allows you to view pages in any order, with either a
39 version small enough to fit on your screen or a near-actual-size version
40 that you can scroll if it doesn't fit on your screen.
41 Mupdisp will run under MS-DOS/Windows or will run under
42 UNIX with TERM of AT386, linux, or xterm (under X windows).
43 </P>
44 <P>
45 Mupdisp begins in partial page mode,
46 which displays output at approximately actual size (depending
47 on the size of your monitor). In this mode, it is possible that
48 not all of the page fits on the
49 screen, so the scrolling commands can be used to move up and down to view
50 different parts of the page. In full page mode, a small version of the
51 entire page is displayed. This is useful
52 for seeing overall page layout, but is generally too small to see much detail.
53 This mode is now somewhat of a relic of the days when screens were typically
54 much smaller than they are today, and is thus becoming less useful.
55 </P>
56 <P>
57 Once the music has been drawn on the screen, you can enter various commands
58 to view different pages or parts of the current page.
59 The commands are:
60 <DL>
61 <DT><I>num</I> &lt;Enter&gt;
62 <DD>
63 Go to page number <I>num</I>.
64 <DT>+ or &lt;space&gt; or &lt;control-E&gt; or &lt;control-F&gt;
65 <DD>
66 move forward on the page by about 1/8 of an inch
67 (partial page mode only)
68 <DT>- or &lt;backspace&gt; or &lt;control-Y&gt; or &lt;control-B&gt;
69 <DD>
70 move backward on the page by about 1/8 of an inch
71 (partial page mode only)
72 <DT>b or &lt;control-U&gt; or &lt;control-P&gt;
73 <DD>
74 move backward on the page by about an inch
75 (partial page mode only)
76 <DT>f or &lt;Enter&gt; or &lt;control-D&gt; or &lt;control-N&gt;
77 <DD>
78 move forward on the page by about an inch
79 (partial page mode only)
80 <DT>h or ?
81 <DD>
82 display help screen
83 <DT>m
84 <DD>
85 toggle between partial page and full page modes.
86 <DT>n
87 <DD>
88 go to next page
89 <DT>p
90 <DD>
91 go to previous page
92 <DT>q or ZZ
93 <DD>
94 quit
95 <DT>r
96 <DD>
97 Repaint the page (useful for exiting help page)
98 </DL>
99 </P>
100 <P>
101 When in X windows, the mouse can be used for scrolling. The left button scrolls
102 downward like the f command, while the right button scrolls backwards like
103 the b command.
104 <HR>
105 UNIX is a registered trademark of X/Open Company Limited
106 <BR>
107 MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
108 </P>
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