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3 Rolls
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12 <H2>
13 Rolls
14 </H2>
15 <P>
16 Rolls can be specified with the &quot;roll&quot; statement, which has a format:
17 <BR><PRE>
18 <B>roll</B> <I>staff voice</I> <B>:</B> <I>timeval</I><B>;</B>
19 </PRE><BR>
20 </P>
21 <P>
22 A simple example would be:
23 <BR><PRE>
24 roll 2 1: 3;
25 </PRE><BR>
26 which indicates that a roll is to be placed on the chord at count 3 of
27 staff 2 voice 1.
28 As usual, if the <I>voice</I> is omitted, voice 1 is assumed.
29 </P>
30 <P>
31 Multiple rolls in a measure can be listed on a single statement if they are
32 associated with the same voice. For example:
33 <BR><PRE>
34 1: ceg;dfa;egb;fac+;
35 // rolls on 3 chords: on the first,
36 // second, and third beats of the measure
37 roll 1: 1;2;3;
38 bar
39 </PRE><BR>
40 <IMG SRC="mugex78.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
41 would produce rolls on the chords on counts 1, 2, and 3.
42 </P>
43 <P>
44 A roll can extend over several chords on different voices, or even
45 different staffs. This is specified
46 by giving the top and bottom staffs and voices, with the keyword &quot;to&quot;
47 between them. For example:
48 <BR><PRE>
49 1: 4.r;8g+b+d++ tie;2;
50 2-3: 4.ceg;8gbd+ tie;2;
51 roll 1 1 to 3 1: 2.5;
52 bar
53 </PRE><BR>
54 <IMG SRC="mugex79.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
55 The roll would extend from voice 1 of staff 1 to voice 1 of staff 3.
56 </P>
57 <P>
58 If you wish the roll to be downward, the keyword &quot;down&quot; can be placed
59 after &quot;roll.&quot; This will result in a downward arrow being drawn on the
60 bottom end of the roll.
61 <BR><PRE>
62 score
63 vscheme=2o
64 music
65 1 1: c+e+g+;;;;
66 1 2: ceg;;;;
67 // downward roll on staff 1
68 // on beats 2 and 4
69 roll down 1 1 to 1 2: 2; 4;
70 bar
71 </PRE><BR>
72 <IMG SRC="mugex80.gif" ALT="Picture of Mup output"><BR>
73 </P>
74 <P>
75 You can also explicitly say &quot;up&quot; which will cause an upward arrow to be
76 drawn at the top of the roll. If no direction is specified, no arrow is drawn.
77 </P>
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