cdb-map: New program to construct CDB files.
[misc] / splitconf
1 #! /usr/bin/tclsh
3 #----- Miscellaneous utilities ----------------------------------------------
5 # die MSG
6 #
7 # Something didn't work. Exit right now.
9 proc die {msg} {
10 global argv0
11 puts stderr "$argv0: $msg"
12 exit 1
13 }
15 # usage FILE
16 #
17 # Write a usage message to FILE, which is a file handle.
19 proc usage {file} {
20 global argv0
21 puts $file "Usage: \n\t$argv0 \[-s\] FILE\n\t$argv0 -u OUTPUT FILE FILE ..."
22 }
24 # clear-arrays ARRAY ...
25 #
26 # Make each named ARRAY exist and be empty.
28 proc clear-arrays {args} {
29 foreach i $args {
30 upvar 1 $i v
31 unset i
32 array set v {}
33 }
34 }
36 #------ Write-safe ----------------------------------------------------------
38 # write-safe STUFF [TIDY]
39 #
40 # Do some safe I/O. If STUFF succeeds, do TIDY and commit the modifications;
41 # otherwise, do TIDY and back out all the changes. See also write-safe-open,
42 # write-safe-file and write-safe-delete.
44 proc write-safe {stuff {tidy {}}} {
45 global _ws_close _ws_del _ws_new
46 clear-arrays _ws_del _ws_new
47 set _ws_close {}
49 if {[set rc [catch {
50 uplevel 1 $stuff
51 } err]]} {
52 foreach f $_ws_close { catch { close $f } }
53 foreach f [array names _ws_new] { catch { file delete -- $ } }
54 catch { uplevel 1 $tidy }
55 return -code $rc $err
56 }
57 foreach f $_ws_close { catch { close $f } }
58 clear-arrays all
59 foreach f [concat [array names _ws_old] [array names _ws_del]] {
60 set all($f) 0
61 }
62 if {[set rc [catch {
63 foreach f [array names all] {
64 if {[file exists $f]} {
65 file delete -- $f.old
66 file copy -force -- $f $f.old
67 }
68 set old($f) 0
69 }
70 foreach f [array names _ws_new] { file rename -force -- $ $f }
71 foreach f [array names _ws_del] { file delete -- $f }
72 } err]]} {
73 foreach f [array names _ws_new] { catch { file delete -- $ } }
74 foreach f [array names old] { file rename -force -- $f.old $f }
75 catch { uplevel 1 $tidy }
76 return -code $rc $err
77 }
78 foreach i [array names all] { catch { file delete -- $i.old } }
79 catch { uplevel 1 $tidy }
80 return {}
81 }
83 # write-safe-open NAME [TRANS]
84 #
85 # Open file NAME for writing, with the translation mode TRANS (default is
86 # `auto'); return the file handle. The file NAME is not destroyed until the
87 # changes are committed by an enclosing write-safe completing. You can close
88 # the file handle if you like; write-safe will close it automatically anyway.
90 proc write-safe-open {name {trans auto}} {
91 global _ws_close _ws_new
92 if {[file isdirectory $name]} { error "`$name' is a directory" }
93 set f [open $ w]
94 fconfigure $f -translation $trans
95 lappend _ws_close $f
96 set _ws_new($name) 0
97 return $f
98 }
100 # write-safe-delete NAME
101 #
102 # Delete file NAME. The file isn't actually removed until the enclosing
103 # write-safe completes.
105 proc write-safe-delete {name} {
106 global _ws_del
107 set _ws_del($name) 0
108 }
110 # write-safe-file NAME CONTENTS [TRANS]
111 #
112 # Write CONTENTS to FILE, using translation mode TRANS (default `auto'). The
113 # file isn't actually replaced until the changes are committed by an
114 # enclosing write-safe completing.
116 proc write-safe-file {name contents {trans auto}} {
117 set f [write-safe-open $name $trans]
118 puts -nonewline $f $contents
119 close $f
120 }
122 # read-file NAME [TRANS]
123 #
124 # Evaluates to the contents of the file NAME under translation mode TRANS
125 # (default `auto').
127 proc read-file {name {trans auto}} {
128 set f [open $name]
129 fconfigure $f -translation $trans
130 set c [read $f]
131 close $f
132 return $c
133 }
135 #----- Splitconf-specific stuff ---------------------------------------------
137 # write-safe-manifest F L
138 #
139 # Writes the list of filenames L to the manifest file associated with config
140 # file F.
142 proc write-safe-manifest {f l} {
143 set f [write-safe-open $f.files]
144 foreach i $l { puts $f $i }
145 close $f
146 }
148 # old-files CONF
149 #
150 # Returns the filenames in the current manifest of the config file CONF.
152 proc old-files {conf} {
153 set old {}
154 if {[file exists $conf.files]} {
155 set f [open $conf.files]
156 while {[gets $f line] >= 0} { lappend old $line }
157 close $f
158 }
159 return $old
160 }
162 #----- Main code ------------------------------------------------------------
164 set job "split"
165 while {[llength $argv]} {
166 switch -glob -- [lindex $argv 0] {
167 "-u" - "--unsplit" {
168 set job "unsplit"
169 if {[llength $argv] < 2} { die "option `-u' needs an argument" }
170 set output [lindex $argv 1]
171 set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
172 }
173 "-d" - "--delete" { set job "delete" }
174 "-s" - "--split" { set job "split" }
175 "-h" - "--help" { usage stdout; exit 0 }
176 "-" { break }
177 "--" { set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]; break }
178 "-*" { die "unknown option `[lindex $argv 0]'"; exit 1 }
179 default { break }
180 }
181 set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
182 }
184 set rc 0
185 clear-arrays opt
186 array set opt {
187 prefix ""
188 before ""
189 after ""
190 }
191 switch $job {
192 "unsplit" {
193 set f "\#\# automatically generated by splitconf\n\n"
194 set ff {}
195 foreach i $argv {
196 if {[catch {
197 set c [read-file $i]
198 append f "\[$i\]\n$c\n"
199 lappend ff $i
200 } msg]} {
201 set rc 1
202 }
203 }
204 write-safe {
205 write-safe-file $output $f
206 write-safe-manifest $output $ff
207 }
208 }
209 "delete" {
210 if {[llength $argv] != 1} { die "need exactly one filename" }
211 set conf [lindex $argv 0]
212 set old [old-files $conf]
213 write-safe {
214 foreach i $old { write-safe-delete $i }
215 write-safe-delete $conf.files
216 }
217 }
218 "split" {
219 if {[llength $argv] != 1} { die "need exactly one filename" }
220 set conf [lindex $argv 0]
221 set old [old-files $conf]
222 set c [open $conf r]
223 catch { unset o }
224 set spill ""
225 set donebefore 0
226 array set new {}
227 write-safe {
228 while {[gets $c line] >= 0} {
229 if {[regexp -- {^\[(.*)\]\s*$} $line . name]} {
230 if {[info exists o]} { close $o }
231 if {[string equal $name ""]} {
232 catch { unset o }
233 } else {
234 if {!$donebefore} {
235 exec "sh" "-c" $opt(before) <@ stdin >@ stdout 2>@ stderr
236 set donebefore 1
237 }
238 set name "$opt(prefix)$name"
239 set o [write-safe-open $name]
240 set new($name) 1
241 set spill ""
242 }
243 } elseif {[info exists o]} {
244 switch -regexp -- $line {
245 {^\s*$} { append spill "$line\n" }
246 {^\#\#} { }
247 {^\!} {
248 puts -nonewline $o "$spill[string range $line 1 end]\n"
249 set spill ""
250 }
251 default { puts -nonewline $o "$spill$line\n"; set spill "" }
252 }
253 } elseif {[regexp -- {^\s*(\#|$)} $line]} {
254 continue
255 } elseif {[regexp -- \
256 {^\s*([-./\w]+)\s*=\s*(.*\S|)\s*$} $line . k v]} {
257 if {![info exists opt($k)]} {
258 error "unknown configuration option `$k'"
259 } else {
260 set opt($k) $v
261 }
262 } elseif {[regexp -- \
263 {^\s*([-./\w]+)\s*:\s*(.*\S|)\s*$} $line . name d]} {
264 if {!$donebefore} {
265 exec "sh" "-c" $opt(before) <@ stdin >@ stdout 2>@ stderr
266 set donebefore 1
267 }
268 set name "$opt(prefix)$name"
269 set new($name) 1
270 write-safe-file $name "$d\n"
271 } else {
272 error "unknown preamble directive"
273 }
274 }
275 if {[info exists o]} {
276 close $o
277 }
278 close $c
279 foreach i $old {
280 if {![info exists new($i)]} { write-safe-delete $i }
281 }
282 write-safe-manifest $conf [array names new]
283 } {
284 if {$donebefore} {
285 exec "sh" "-c" $opt(after) <@ stdin >@ stdout 2>@ stderr
286 }
287 }
288 }
289 }
291 #----- That's all, folks ----------------------------------------------------