codec/base64.3: Supply missing Oxford comma.
[mLib] / utils / bits.3
1 .\" -*-nroff-*-
2 .TH bits 3 "20 June 1999" "Straylight/Edgeware" "mLib utilities library"
3 .ie t \{\
4 . ds ss \s8\u
5 . ds se \d\s0
6 .\}
7 .el \{\
8 . ds ss ^
9 . ds se
10 .\}
12 bits \- portable bit manipulation macros
13 .\" octet
14 .\" uint16
15 .\" uint24
16 .\" uint32
17 .\" uint64
18 .\" kludge64
19 .\"
20 .\" MASK_8
21 .\" MASK_16
22 .\" MASK_16_L
23 .\" MASK_16_B
24 .\" MASK_24
25 .\" MASK_24_L
26 .\" MASK_24_B
27 .\" MASK_32
28 .\" MASK_32_L
29 .\" MASK_32_B
30 .\" MASK_64
31 .\" MASK_64_L
32 .\" MASK_64_B
33 .\"
34 .\" SZ_8
35 .\" SZ_16
36 .\" SZ_16_L
37 .\" SZ_16_B
38 .\" SZ_24
39 .\" SZ_24_L
40 .\" SZ_24_B
41 .\" SZ_32
42 .\" SZ_32_L
43 .\" SZ_32_B
44 .\" SZ_64
45 .\" SZ_64_L
46 .\" SZ_64_B
47 .\"
48 .\" TY_8
49 .\" TY_16
50 .\" TY_16_L
51 .\" TY_16_B
52 .\" TY_24
53 .\" TY_24_L
54 .\" TY_24_B
55 .\" TY_32
56 .\" TY_32_L
57 .\" TY_32_B
58 .\" TY_64
59 .\" TY_64_L
60 .\" TY_64_B
61 .\"
64 .\"
65 .\" @U8
66 .\" @U16
67 .\" @U24
68 .\" @U32
69 .\" @U64
70 .\" @U64_
71 .\"
72 .\" @LSL8
73 .\" @LSR8
74 .\" @LSL16
75 .\" @LSR16
76 .\" @LSL24
77 .\" @LSR24
78 .\" @LSL32
79 .\" @LSR32
80 .\" @LSL64
81 .\" @LSR64
82 .\" @LSL64_
83 .\" @LSR64_
84 .\"
85 .\" @ROL8
86 .\" @ROR8
87 .\" @ROL16
88 .\" @ROR16
89 .\" @ROL24
90 .\" @ROR24
91 .\" @ROL32
92 .\" @ROL32
93 .\" @ROL64
94 .\" @ROR64
95 .\" @ROL64_
96 .\" @ROR64_
97 .\"
98 .\" ENDSWAP16
99 .\" ENDSWAP32
100 .\" ENDSWAP64
101 .\"
102 .\" BTOH16
103 .\" LTOH16
104 .\" HTOB16
105 .\" HTOL16
106 .\" BTOH32
107 .\" LTOH32
108 .\" HTOB32
109 .\" HTOL32
110 .\" BTOH64
111 .\" LTOH64
112 .\" HTOB64
113 .\" HTOL64
114 .\"
115 .\" RAW8
116 .\" RAW16
117 .\" RAW32
118 .\" RAW64
119 .\"
120 .\" @GETBYTE
121 .\" @PUTBYTE
122 .\"
123 .\" @LOAD8
124 .\" @STORE8
125 .\"
126 .\" @LOAD16_L
127 .\" @LOAD16_B
128 .\" @LOAD16
129 .\" @STORE16_L
130 .\" @STORE16_B
131 .\" @STORE16
132 .\"
133 .\" @LOAD24_L
134 .\" @LOAD24_B
135 .\" @LOAD24
136 .\" @STORE24_L
137 .\" @STORE24_B
138 .\" @STORE24
139 .\"
140 .\" @LOAD32_L
141 .\" @LOAD32_B
142 .\" @LOAD32
143 .\" @STORE32_L
144 .\" @STORE32_B
145 .\" @STORE32
146 .\"
147 .\" @LOAD64_L
148 .\" @LOAD64_B
149 .\" @LOAD64
150 .\" @STORE64_L
151 .\" @STORE64_B
152 .\" @STORE64
153 .\"
154 .\" @LOAD64_L_
155 .\" @LOAD64_B_
156 .\" @LOAD64_
157 .\" @STORE64_L_
158 .\" @STORE64_B_
159 .\" @STORE64_
160 .\"
161 .\" @SET64
162 .\" @X64
163 .\" @ASSIGN64
164 .\" @HI64
165 .\" @LO64
166 .\" @GET64
167 .\" @AND64
168 .\" @OR64
169 .\" @XOR64
170 .\" @CPL64
171 .\" @ADD64
172 .\" @SUB64
173 .\" @CMP64
174 .\" @ZERO64
176 .nf
177 .B "#include <mLib/bits.h>"
179 .BR "typedef " ... " octet;"
180 .BR "typedef " ... " uint16;"
181 .BR "typedef " ... " uint24;"
182 .BR "typedef " ... " uint32;"
183 .BR "typedef " ... " uint64;"
184 .BR "typedef " ... " kludge64;"
186 .BI "#define TY_" we " " type
187 .BI "#define SZ_" we " \fR..."
188 .BI "#define MASK_" we " \fR..."
190 .BI "#define DOUINTSZ(" f ") \fR..."
191 .BI "#define DOUINTCONV(" f ") \fR..."
193 .IB type " U" w ( v );
195 .IB type " LSL" w ( type " " v ", int " s );
196 .IB type " LSR" w ( type " " v ", int " s );
197 .IB type " ROL" w ( type " " v ", int " s );
198 .IB type " ROR" w ( type " " v ", int " s );
200 .BI "octet GETBYTE(void *" p ", size_t " o );
201 .BI "void PUTBYTE(void *" p ", size_t " o ", octet " v );
203 .IB type " LOAD" we "(void *" p );
204 .BI "void STORE" we "(void *" p ", " type " " v );
206 .BI "void SET64(kludge64 &" d ", uint32 " h ", uint32 " l );
207 .BI "kludge64 X64(" hexh ", " hexl );
208 .BI "void ASSIGN64(kludge64 &" d ", " x );
209 .BI "uint32 HI64(kludge64" x );
210 .BI "uint32 LO64(kludge64" x );
211 .IB ty " GET64(" ty ", kludge64 " x );
212 .BI "void AND64(kludge64 &" d ", kludge64 " x ", kludge64 " y );
213 .BI "void OR64(kludge64 &" d ", kludge64 " x ", kludge64 " y );
214 .BI "void XOR64(kludge64 &" d ", kludge64 " x ", kludge64 " y );
215 .BI "void CPL64(kludge64 &" d ", kludge64 " x );
216 .BI "void ADD64(kludge64 &" d ", kludge64 " x ", kludge64 " y );
217 .BI "void SUB64(kludge64 &" d ", kludge64 " x ", kludge64 " y );
218 .BI "int CMP64(kludge64 " x ", " op ", kludge64 " y );
219 .BI "int ZERO64(kludge64 " x );
220 .fi
222 The header file
223 .B <mLib/bits.h>
224 contains a number of useful definitions for portably dealing with bit-
225 and byte-level manipulation of larger quantities. The various macros
226 and types are named fairly systematically.
227 .PP
228 The header provides utilities for working with 64-bit quantities, but a
229 64-bit integer type is not guaranteed to exist under C89 rules. This
230 header takes two approaches. Firstly, if a 64-bit type is found, the
231 header defines the macro
232 .B HAVE_UINT64
233 and defines the various
234 .RB ... 64
235 macros as described below. Secondly, it unconditionally defines a type
236 .B kludge64
237 and a family of macros for working with them. See below for details.
238 .
239 .SS "Type definitions"
240 A number of types are defined.
241 .TP
242 .B octet
243 Equivalent to
244 .BR "unsigned char" .
245 This is intended to be used when a character array is used to represent
246 the octets of some external data format. Note that on some
247 architectures the
248 .B "unsigned char"
249 type may occupy more than 8 bits.
250 .TP
251 .B uint16
252 Equivalent to
253 .BR "unsigned short" .
254 Intended to be used when a 16-bit value is required. This type is
255 always capable of representing any 16-bit unsigned value, but the actual
256 type may be wider than 16 bits and will require masking.
257 .TP
258 .B uint24
259 Equivalent to some (architecture-dependent) standard type. Capable of
260 representing any unsigned 24-bit value, although the the actual type may
261 be wider than 24 bits.
262 .TP
263 .B uint32
264 Equivalent to some (architecture-dependent) standard type. Capable of
265 representing any unsigned 32-bit value, although the the actual type may
266 be wider than 32 bits.
267 pp.TP
268 .B uint64
269 Equivalent to some (architecture-dependent) standard type, if it exists.
270 Capable of representing any unsigned 64-bit value, although the the
271 actual type may be wider than 64 bits.
272 .
273 .SS "Size/endianness suffixes"
274 Let
275 .I w
276 be one of the size suffixes: 8, 16, 24, 32, and (if available) 64.
277 Furthermore, let
278 .I we
279 be one of the size-and-endian suffixes
280 .IR w ,
281 or, where
282 .IR w \~>\~8,
283 .IB w _L
284 or
285 .IB w _B \fR,
286 where
287 .RB ` _L '
288 denotes little-endian (Intel, VAX) representation, and
289 .RB ` _B '
290 denotes big-endian (IBM, network) representation; omitting an explicit
291 suffix gives big-endian order by default, since this is most common in
292 portable data formats.
293 .PP
294 The macro invocation
295 .BI DOUINTSZ( f )
296 invokes a given macro
297 .I f
298 repeatedly, as
299 .IB f ( w )
300 for each size suffix
301 .I w
302 listed above.
303 .PP
304 The macro invocation
306 invokes a given macro
307 .I f
308 repeatedly, as
309 .IR f ( w ", " we ", " suff )
310 where
311 .I we
312 ranges over size-and-endian suffixes as described above,
313 .I w
314 is just the corresponding bit width, as an integer, and
315 .I suff
316 is a suffix
317 .IR w ,
318 .IB w l\fR,
319 or
320 .IB w b\fR,
321 suitable for a C function name.
322 .PP
323 These macros are intended to be used to define families of related
324 functions.
325 .
326 .SS "Utility macros"
327 For each size-and-endian suffix
328 .IR we ,
329 the following macros are defined.
330 .TP
331 .BI TY_ we
332 A synonym for the appropriate one of the types
333 .BR octet ,
334 .BR uint32 ,
335 etc.\& listed above.
336 .TP
337 .BI SZ_ we
338 The number of octets needed to represent a value of the corresponding
339 type; i.e., this is
340 .IR w /8.
341 .TP
342 .BI MASK_ we
343 The largest integer representable in the corresponding type; i.e., this
344 is
345 .RI 2\*(ss w \*(se\~\-\~1.
346 .PP
347 (Note that the endianness suffix is irrelevant in the above
348 definitions.)
349 .PP
350 For each size suffix
351 .IR w ,
352 the macro invocation
353 .BI U w ( x )
354 coerces an integer
355 .I x
356 to the appropriate type; specifically, it returns the smallest
357 nonnegative integer congruent to
358 .I x
359 (modulo
360 .RI 2\*(ss w \*(se).
361 .
362 .SS "Shift and rotate"
363 For each size suffix
364 .IR w ,
365 the macro invocations
366 .BI LSL w ( x ", " n )
367 and
368 .BI LSR w ( x ", " n )
369 shift a
370 .IR w -bit
371 quantity
372 .I x
373 left or right, respectively, by
374 .I n
375 places; if
376 .IR n \~\(>=\~ w
377 then
378 .I n
379 is reduced modulo
380 .IR w .
381 (This behaviour is unfortunate, but (a) it's what a number of CPUs
382 provide natively, and (b) it's a cheap way to prevent undefined
383 behaviour.) Similarly,
384 .BI ROL w ( x ", " n )
385 and
386 .BI ROR w ( x ", " n )
387 rotate a
388 .IR w -bit
389 quantity
390 .I x
391 left or right, respectively, by
392 .I n
393 places.
394 .
395 .SS "Byte order conversions"
396 For each size suffix
397 .IR w ,
398 the macro invocation
399 .BI ENDSWAP w ( x )
400 returns the
401 .IR w -bit
402 value
403 .IR x
404 with its bytes reversed. The
406 macro does nothing (except truncate its operand to 8 bits), but is
407 provided for the sake of completeness.
408 .PP
409 A
410 .I big-endian
411 representation stores the most significant octet of an integer at the
412 lowest address, with the following octets in decreasing order of
413 significance. A
414 .I little-endian
415 representation instead stores the
416 .I least
417 significant octet at the lowest address, with the following octets in
418 increasing order of significance. An environment has a preferred order
419 for arranging the constituent octets of an integer of some given size in
420 memory; this might be either the big- or little-endian representation
421 just described, or something else strange.
422 .PP
423 It might be possible to rearrange the bits in an integer so that, when
424 that integer is stored to memory in the environment's preferred manner,
425 you end up with the big- or little-endian representation of the original
426 integer; and, similarly, it might be possible to load a big- or
427 little-endian representation of an integer into a variable using the
428 environment's preferred ordering and then rearrange the bits so as to
429 recover the integer value originally represented. If the environment is
430 sufficiently strange, these things might not be possible, but this is
431 actually quite rare.
432 .PP
433 Say that an integer has been converted to
434 .I big-
435 or
436 .I "little-endian form"
437 if, when it is stored in memory in the environment's preferred manner,
438 one ends up with a big- or little-endian representation of the original
439 integer. Equivalently, if one starts with a big- or little-endian
440 representation of some integer, and loads it into a variable using the
441 environment's preferred manner, one ends up with the big- or
442 little-endian form of the original integer.
443 .PP
444 If these things are possible, then the following macros are defined.
445 .TP
446 .BI HTOL w ( x )
447 Convert a
448 .IR w -bit
449 integer
450 .I x
451 to little-endian form.
452 .TP
453 .BI HTOB w ( x )
454 Convert a
455 .IR w -bit
456 integer
457 .I x
458 to big-endian form.
459 .TP
460 .BI LTOH w ( x )
461 Convert a
462 .IR w -bit
463 integer
464 .I x
465 from little-endian form.
466 .TP
467 .BI BTOH w ( x )
468 Convert a
469 .IR w -bit
470 integer
471 .I x
472 from big-endian form.
473 .
474 .SS "Load and store"
475 The macro invocation
476 .BI GETBYTE( p ", " o )
477 returns the
478 .IR o th
479 octet following the address
480 .IR p .
481 Conversely,
482 .BI PUTBYTE( p ", " o ", " v)
483 stores
484 .I
485 v in the
486 .IR o th
487 byte following the address
488 .IR p .
489 These macros always operate on byte offsets regardless of the type of
490 the pointer
491 .IR p .
492 .PP
493 For each size suffix
494 .IR w ,
495 there may be a macro such that the invocation
496 .BI RAW w ( p )
497 is an lvalue designating the
498 .IR w /8
499 octets starting at address
500 .IR p ,
501 interpreted according to the environment's preferred representation,
502 except that
503 .I p
504 need not be aligned in any particular fashion. There are many reasons
505 why this might not be possible; programmers are not normally expected to
506 use these macros directly, and they are documented in case they are
507 useful for special effects.
508 .PP
509 For each size-and-endian suffix
510 .IR we ,
511 the macro invocation
512 .BI LOAD we ( p )
513 loads and returns a value in the corresponding format at address
514 .IR p ;
515 similarly,
516 .BI STORE we ( p ", " x )
517 stores the value
518 .I x
519 at address
520 .I p
521 in the corresponding format.
522 .
523 .SS "64-bit support"
524 For portability to environments without native 64-bit integers, the
525 structure
526 .B kludge64
527 is defined. If the target platform is known to have an unsigned 64-bit
528 integer type, then this structure merely encapsulates a native integer,
529 and a decent optimizing compiler can be expected to handle this exactly
530 as if it were the native type. Otherwise, it contains two 32-bit halves
531 which are processed the hard way.
532 .PP
533 For each of the above macros with a suffix
534 .BR 64 ,
535 .BR 64_L ,
536 or
537 .BR 64_B ,
538 an additional `kludge' macro is defined, whose name has an additional
539 final underscore; e.g., the kludge macro corresponding to
540 .B ROR64
541 is
542 .BR ROR64_ ;
543 and that corresponding to
544 .B LOAD64_L
545 is
546 .BR LOAD64_L_ .
547 If the original macro would have
548 .I returned
549 a value of type
550 .BR uint64 ,
551 then the kludge macro has an additional first argument, denoted
552 .IR d ,
553 which should be an lvalue of type
554 .BR kludge64 ,
555 and the kludge macro will store its result in
556 .IR d .
557 The kludge macro's remaining arguments are the same as the original
558 macro, except that where the original macro accepts an argument of type
559 .BR uint64 ,
560 the kludge macro accepts an argument of type
561 .B kludge64
562 instead.
563 .PP
564 Finally, a number of additional macros are provided, to make working
565 with
566 .B kludge64
567 somewhat less awful.
568 .TP
569 .BI SET64( d ", " h ", " l )
570 Set the high 32 bits of
571 .I d
572 to be
573 .IR h ,
574 and the low 32 bits to be
575 .IR l .
576 Both
577 .I h
578 and
579 .I l
580 may be arbitrary integers.
581 .TP
582 .BI X64( hexh ", " hexl )
583 Expands to an initializer for an object of type
584 .B kludge64
585 where
586 .I hexh
587 and
588 .I hexl
589 encode the high and low 32-bit halves in hexadecimal, without any
590 .B 0x
591 prefix.
592 .TP
593 .BI ASSIGN( d ", " x )
594 Make
595 .I d
596 be a copy of the
597 .B kludge64
598 .IR x .
599 .TP
600 .BI HI64( x )
601 Return the high 32 bits of
602 .IR x .
603 .TP
604 .BI LO64( x )
605 Return the low 32 bits of
606 .IR x .
607 .TP
608 .BI GET64( t ", " x )
609 Return the value of
610 .I x
611 as a value of type
612 .IR t .
613 If
614 .I t
615 is an unsigned integer type, then the value will be truncated to fit as
616 necessary; if
617 .I t
618 is a signed integer type, then the behaviour is undefined if the value
619 of
620 .I x
621 is too large.
622 .TP
623 .BI AND64( d ", " x ", " y )
624 Set
625 .I d
626 to be the bitwise-and of the two
627 .B kludge64
628 arguments
629 .I x
630 and
631 .IR y .
632 .TP
633 .BI OR64( d ", " x ", " y )
634 Set
635 .I d
636 to be the bitwise-or of the two
637 .B kludge64
638 arguments
639 .I x
640 and
641 .IR y .
642 .TP
643 .BI XOR64( d ", " x ", " y )
644 Set
645 .I d
646 to be the bitwise-exclusive-or of the two
647 .B kludge64
648 arguments
649 .I x
650 and
651 .IR y .
652 .TP
653 .BI CPL64( d ", " x )
654 Set
655 .I d
656 to be the bitwise complement of the
657 .B kludge64
658 argument
659 .IR x .
660 .TP
661 .BI ADD64( d ", " x ", " y )
662 Set
663 .I d
664 to be the sum of the two
665 .B kludge64
666 arguments
667 .I x
668 and
669 .IR y .
670 .TP
671 .BI SUB64( d ", " x ", " y )
672 Set
673 .I d
674 to be the difference of the two
675 .B kludge64
676 arguments
677 .I x
678 and
679 .IR y .
680 .TP
681 .BI CMP64( x ", " op ", " y )
682 Here,
683 .I x
684 and
685 .I y
686 should be arguments of type
687 .B kludge64
688 and
689 .I op
690 should be one of the relational operators
691 .BR == ,
692 .BR < ,
693 .BR <= ,
694 .BR > ,
695 or
696 .B >=
697 \(en
698 .I not
699 .BR !=.
700 Evaluates nonzero if
701 .IR x \~ op \~ y .
702 .TP
703 .BI ZERO64( x )
704 Evaluates nonzero if the
705 .B kludge64
706 argument
707 .I x
708 is exactly zero.
709 .SH "SEE ALSO"
710 .BR mLib (3).
712 Mark Wooding, <>