@@@ more mess
[mLib] / hash / t / unihash-testgen.py
1 #! /usr/bin/python
2 ### -*-python-*-
3 ###
4 ### Generate test vectors for universal hashing.
6 import sys as SYS
7 if SYS.version_info >= (3,): xrange = range
9 MOD = 0x104c11db7
11 def gfmul(x, y):
12 a = 0
13 while y > 0:
14 if y & 1: a ^= x
15 if x & 0x80000000: x = (x << 1) ^ MOD
16 else: x <<= 1
17 y >>= 1
18 return a
20 def hashtest(k, m):
21 h = k
22 for ch in m: h = gfmul(h ^ ord(ch), k)
23 print('')
24 print('k = 0x%08x' % k)
25 print('m = "%s"' % m)
26 print('h = 0x%08x' % h)
28 print('''\
29 ;;; -*-conf-*- Test vectors for universal hashing
30 ;;; [generated]
32 [unihash]''')
34 for k, m in [(0x00000000, 'anything you like'),
35 (0x12345678, 'an exaple test string'),
36 (0xb8a171f0, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'),
37 (0xcc825ed5, 'Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.'),
38 (0x16e98e46, 'Waltz, bad nymph, for quick jigs vex!'),
39 (0x2940521b, 'A man, a plan, a canal: Panama!')]:
40 hashtest(k, m)
42 k, m = 0x94b22a73, 0xbb7b1fef
43 for i in xrange(48):
44 hashtest(k, "If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure.")
45 k = gfmul(k, m)