@@@ wip type definitions in manpage synopses
[mLib] / codec / codec.3
1 .\" -*-nroff-*-
2 .TH codec 3 "9 January 2009" "Straylight/Edgeware" "mLib utilities library"
4 codec \- binary encoding and decoding
5 .\" @codec_class
6 .\" @codec_strerror
7 .\" @null_codec_class
8 .\" @base64_class
9 .\" @file64_class
10 .\" @base64url_class
11 .\" @base32_class
12 .\" @base32hex_class
13 .\" @hex_class
15 .nf
16 .B "#include <mLib/codec.h>"
17 .B "#include <mLib/base64.h>"
18 .B "#include <mLib/base32.h>"
19 .B "#include <mLib/hex.h>"
21 .B "#define CDCF_LOWERC ..."
22 .B "#define CDCF_IGNCASE ..."
23 .B "#define CDCF_NOEQPAD ..."
24 .B "#define CDCF_IGNEQPAD ..."
25 .B "#define CDCF_IGNEQMID ..."
26 .B "#define CDCF_IGNZPAD ..."
27 .B "#define CDCF_IGNNEWL ..."
28 .B "#define CDCF_IGNINVCH ..."
29 .B "#define CDCF_IGNSPC ..."
30 .B "#define CDCF_IGNJUNK ..."
32 .B "enum {"
33 .B "\h'4n'CDCERR_OK = ...,"
34 .B "\h'4n'CDCERR_INVCH = ...,"
35 .B "\h'4n'CDCERR_INVEQPAD = ...,"
36 .B "\h'4n'CDCERR_INVZPAD = ..."
37 .B "};"
39 .B "typedef struct {"
40 .B "\h'4n'const char *name;"
41 .ds mT \fBcodec *(*encoder)(
42 .BI "\h'4n'\*(mTunsigned " flags ,
43 .BI "\h'4n+\w'\*(mT'u'const char *" indent ", unsigned " maxlen );
44 .BI "\h'4n'codec *(*decoder)(unsigned " flags );
45 .B "\h'4n'...\&"
46 .B "} codec_class;"
48 .B "typedef struct {"
49 .B "\h'4n'const codec_ops *ops;"
50 .B "} codec;"
52 .B "typedef struct {"
53 .B "\h'4n'const codec_class *c;"
54 .BI "\h'4n'int (*code)(codec *" c ", const void *" p ", size_t " sz ", dstr *" d );
55 .BI "\h'4n'void (*destroy)(codec *" c );
56 .B "} codec_ops;"
58 .B "codec_class null_codec_class;"
59 .B "codec_class base64_class, file64_class, base64url_class;"
60 .B "codec_class base32_class, base32hex_class;"
61 .B "codec_class hex_class;"
63 .BI "const char *codec_strerror(int " err ");"
64 .fi
66 The
67 .B codec
68 system provides an object-based interface to functions which encode
69 binary data as plain text and decode the result to recover the original
70 binary data. The interface makes it easy to support multiple encodings
71 and select an appropriate one at runtime.
72 .SS "The codec_class structure"
73 The
74 .B codec_class
75 structure represents a particular encoding format. The structure has
76 the following members.
77 .TP
78 .B "const char *name"
79 The name of the class, as a null-terminated string. The name should not
80 contain whitespace characters.
81 .TP
82 .BI "codec *(*encoder)(unsigned " flags ", const char *" indent ", unsigned " maxline ")"
83 Pointer to a function which constructs a new encoder object, of type
84 .BR codec .
85 The
86 .I flags
87 configure the behaviour of the object; the
88 .I indent
89 string is written to separate lines of output; the integer
90 .I maxline
91 is the maximum length of line to be produced, or zero to forbid line
92 breaking.
93 .TP
94 .BI "codec *(*decoder)(unsigned " flags ")"
95 Pointer to a function which constructs a new decoder object, also of
96 type
97 .BR codec .
98 The
99 .I flags
100 configure the behaviour of the object.
101 .PP
102 The
103 .I flags
104 to the
105 .B encoder
106 and
107 .B decoder
108 functions have the following meanings.
109 .TP
111 For codecs which produce output using a single alphabetic case (e.g.,
112 .BR base32 ,
113 .BR hex ),
114 emit and accept only lower case; the default to emit and accept only
115 upper case, for compatibility with RFC4648. If the codec usually
116 produces mixed-case output, then this flag is ignored.
117 .TP
119 For codecs which produce output using a single alphabetic case, ignore
120 the case of the input when decoding. If the codec usually produces
121 mixed-case output, then this flag is ignored.
122 .TP
124 For codecs which usually pad their output (e.g.,
125 .BR base64 ,
126 .BR base32 ),
127 do not emit or accept padding characters. If the codec does not usually
128 produce padding, or the padding is not redundant, then this flag is
129 ignored.
130 .TP
132 For codecs which usually pad their output, do not treat incorrect (e.g.,
133 missing or excessive) padding as an error when decoding. If the codec
134 does not usually produce padding, or the padding is required for
135 unambiguous decoding, then this flag is ignored.
136 .TP
138 For codecs which usually pad their output, ignore padding characters
139 wherever they may appear when decoding. Usually padding characters
140 indicate the end of the input, and further input characters are
141 considered erroneous. If the codec does not usually produce padding, or
142 it is impossible to resume decoding correctly having seen padding
143 characters, then this flag is ignored.
144 .TP
146 For codecs which need to pad their input, ignore unusual padding bits
147 when decoding. (This is not at all the same thing as the padding
148 characters controlled by the flags above: they deal with padding the
149 length of the encoding
150 .I output
151 up to a suitable multiple of characters; this option deals with padding
152 of the
153 .I input
154 prior to encoding.) If the codec does not add padding bits, or specific
155 values are required for unambiguous decoding, then this flag is ignored.
156 .TP
158 Ignore newline (and carriage-return) characters when decoding: the
159 default for RFC4648 codecs is to reject newline characters. If these
160 characters are significant in the encoding, then this flag is ignored.
161 .TP
163 Ignore whitespace characters (other than newlines) when decoding: the
164 default for RFC4648 codecs is to reject whitespace characters. If these
165 characters are significant in the encoding, then this flag is ignored.
166 .TP
168 Ignore any other invalid characters appearing in the input when
169 decoding.
170 .TP
172 Ignore all `junk' in the input. This should suppress almost all
173 decoding errors.
174 .PP
175 If you do not set any of the
176 .BR CDCF_IGN ...\&
177 flags, a decoder should only accept the exact encoding that the
178 corresponding encoder would produce (with
179 .I maxline
180 = 0 to inhibit line-breaking).
181 .SS "The codec and codec_ops structures"
182 The
183 .B codec
184 structure represents the state of an encoder or decoder, as returned by
185 the
186 .B encoder
187 and
188 .B decoder
189 functions described above, contains a single member.
190 .TP
191 .B "const codec_ops *ops"
192 Pointer to a
193 .B codec_ops
194 structure which contains operations and metadata for use with the
195 encoder or decoder.
196 .PP
197 The
198 .B codec_ops
199 structure contains the following members.
200 .TP
201 .B "const codec_class *c"
202 Pointer back to the
203 .B codec_class
204 which was used to construct the
205 .B codec
206 object.
207 .TP
208 .BI "int (*code)(codec *" c ", const void *" p ", size_t " sz ", dstr *" d ")"
209 Encode or decode, using the codec
210 .IR c ,
211 the data in the buffer at address
212 .I p
213 and continuing for
214 .I sz
215 bytes, appending the output to the dynamic string
216 .I d
217 (see
218 .BR dstr (3)).
219 If the operation was successful, the function returns zero; otherwise it
220 returns a nonzero error code, as described below.
221 .TP
222 .BI "void (*destroy)(codec *" c ")"
223 Destroy the codec object
224 .IR c ,
225 freeing any resources it may hold.
226 .PP
227 A codec may buffer its input (e.g., if needs to see more in order to
228 decide what output to produce next); it may also need to take special
229 action at the end of the input (e.g., flushing buffers, and applying
230 padding). To signal the codec that there is no more input, call the
231 .B code
232 function with a null
233 .I p
234 pointer. It will then write any final output to
235 .IR d .
236 .PP
237 The following error conditions may be reported.
238 .TP
240 An invalid character was encountered while decoding. This includes
241 encoutering padding characters if padding is disabled using the
243 flag.
244 .TP
246 Invalid padding characters (e.g., wrong characters, or too few, too
247 many, or none at all) were found during decoding. This may also
248 indicate that the input is truncated, even if the codec does not usually
249 perform output padding.
250 .TP
252 Invalid padding bits were found during decoding.
253 .PP
254 The
255 .B codec_strerror
256 function converts these error codes to brief, (moderately)
257 human-readable strings.
258 .SS "Provided codecs"
259 The library provides a number of standard codecs.
260 .TP
261 .B base64
262 Implements Base64 encoding, as defined by RFC4648. Output is
263 mixed-case, so the
265 and
267 flags are ignored.
268 .TP
269 .B safe64
270 Implements a variant of the Base64 encoding which uses
271 .RB ` % '
272 in place of
273 .RB ` / ',
274 so that its output is suitable for use as a Unix filename.
275 .TP
276 .B base64url
277 Implements the filename- and URL-safe variant of Base64 encoding, as
278 defined by RFC4648.
279 .TP
280 .B base32
281 Implements Base32 encoding, as defined by RFC4648. Output is in upper
282 case by default.
283 .TP
284 .B base32hex
285 Implements the extended-hex variant of Base32, as defined by RFC4648.
286 This encoding has the property that the encoding preserves the ordering
287 of messages if padding is suppressed.
288 .TP
289 .B hex
290 Implements hex encoding, defined by RFC4648 under the name Base16. For
291 compatibility with that specification, output is in upper case by
292 default.
293 .SH "SEE ALSO"
294 .BR bincode (1),
295 .BR dstr (3),
296 .BR mLib (3).
298 Mark Wooding, <mdw@distorted.org.uk>