Works and sort of just sits there.
[ircbot] / bot.tcl
1 #!/usr/bin/tclsh8.2
3 set host chiark
4 set port 6667
5 set nick Blight
7 proc sendout {command args} {
8 global sock
9 if {[llength $args]} {
10 set la [lindex $args end]
11 set args [lreplace $args end end]
12 foreach i $args {
13 if {[regexp {[: ]} $i]} {
14 error "bad argument in output $i ($command $args)"
15 }
16 }
17 lappend args :$la
18 }
19 set args [lreplace $args 0 -1 $command]
20 set string [join $args { }]
21 puts "-> $string"
22 puts $sock $string
23 }
25 proc log {data} {
26 puts $data
27 }
29 proc logerror {data} {
30 log $data
31 }
33 proc saveeic {} {
34 global saveei saveec errorInfo errorCode
36 set saveei $errorInfo
37 set saveec $errorCode
39 puts ">$saveec|$saveei<"
40 }
42 proc bgerror {msg} {
43 global save
44 logerror $msg
45 saveeic
46 }
48 proc onread {args} {
49 global sock
51 if {[gets $sock line] == -1} { set terminate 1; return }
52 regsub -all "\[^ -\176\240-\376\]" $line ? line
53 set org $line
54 if {[regexp -nocase {^:([^ ]+) (.*)} $line dummy prefix remain]} {
55 set line $remain
56 } else {
57 set prefix {}
58 }
59 if {![string length $line]} { return }
60 if {![regexp -nocase {^([0-9a-z]+) *(.*)} $line dummy command line]} {
61 log "bad command: $org"
62 return
63 }
64 set command [string toupper $command]
65 set params {}
66 while {[regexp {^([^ :]+) *(.*)} $line dummy thisword line]} {
67 lappend params $thisword
68 }
69 if {[regexp {^:(.*)} $line dummy thisword]} {
70 lappend params $thisword
71 } elseif {[string length $line]} {
72 log "junk at end: $org"
73 return
74 }
75 if {"$command" == "PRIVMSG" &&
76 [regexp {^[&#+!]} [lindex $params 0]] &&
77 ![regexp {^!} [lindex $params 1]]} {
78 # on-channel message, ignore
79 return
80 }
81 log "<- $org"
82 set procname msg_$command
83 if {[catch { info body $procname }]} { return }
84 if {[catch {
85 eval [list $procname $prefix $command] $params
86 } emsg]} {
87 logerror "error: $emsg ($prefix $command $params)"
88 saveeic
89 }
90 }
92 proc prefix_none {} {
93 upvar 1 p p
94 if {[string length $p]} { error "prefix specified" }
95 }
97 proc msg_PING {p c s1} {
98 prefix_none
99 sendout PONG $s1
100 }
102 proc check_nick {n} {
103 if {[regexp -nocase {[^][\\`_^{|}a-z0-9-]} $n]} { error "bad char in nick" }
104 if {[regexp {^[-0-9]} $n]} { error "bad nick start" }
105 }
107 proc prefix_nick {} {
108 global nick
109 upvar 1 p p
110 upvar 1 n n
111 if {![regexp {^([^!]+)!} $p dummy n]} { error "not from nick" }
112 check_nick $n
113 if {"[string tolower $n]" == "$nick"} { error "from myself" }
114 }
116 proc msg_PRIVMSG {p c dest text} {
117 prefix_nick
118 if {[regexp {^[&#+!]} $dest]} {
119 set what "!..."
120 set them it
121 } else {
122 set what "private messages"
123 set them them
124 }
125 sendout PRIVMSG $n \
126 "I will respond to $what at some point; for now I just log $them."
127 }
129 if {![info exists sock]} {
130 set sock [socket $host $port]
131 fconfigure $sock -buffering line
132 #fconfigure $sock -translation binary
133 fconfigure $sock -translation crlf
135 sendout USER guest 0 * ":chiark testing bot"
136 sendout NICK $nick
137 fileevent $sock readable onread
138 }
140 if {![regexp {tclsh} $argv0]} {
141 vwait terminate
142 }