privmsg_unlogged is supposed to return 1 to say we do not log incoming msgs
[ircbot] / spoutchan.tcl
1 #!/usr/bin/tclsh8.2
2 # usage:
3 # cd ../ircbot
4 # soemthing | ./spoutchan.tcl SERVER PORT NICK IDENT FULLNAME CHANNEL
6 source irccore.tcl
8 manyset $argv host port nick ident ownfullname channel
10 proc connected {} {
11 global channel
12 sendout JOIN $channel
13 }
14 proc new_event {} { }
15 proc privmsg_unlogged {args} { return 1 }
16 proc msg_366 {args} {
17 fconfigure stdin -blocking no
18 fileevent stdin readable stdinread
19 }
20 proc stdinread {} {
21 global channel
22 if {[eof stdin]} { exit 0 }
23 if {[gets stdin l] < 0} return
24 sendprivmsg $channel $l
25 }
27 ensure_connecting
28 vwait forever