mkm3u: Rename internal things for better consistency.
[epls] / mkm3u
1 #! /usr/bin/python3
2 ### -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
4 from contextlib import contextmanager
5 import errno as E
6 import optparse as OP
7 import os as OS
8 import re as RX
9 import sqlite3 as SQL
10 import subprocess as SP
11 import sys as SYS
13 class ExpectedError (Exception): pass
15 @contextmanager
16 def location(loc):
17 global LOC
18 old, LOC = LOC, loc
19 yield loc
20 LOC = old
22 def filter(value, func = None, dflt = None):
23 if value is None: return dflt
24 elif func is None: return value
25 else: return func(value)
27 def check(cond, msg):
28 if not cond: raise ExpectedError(msg)
30 def lookup(dict, key, msg):
31 try: return dict[key]
32 except KeyError: raise ExpectedError(msg)
34 def forget(dict, key):
35 try: del dict[key]
36 except KeyError: pass
38 def getint(s):
39 if not s.isdigit(): raise ExpectedError("bad integer `%s'" % s)
40 return int(s)
42 def getbool(s):
43 if s == "t": return True
44 elif s == "nil": return False
45 else: raise ExpectedError("bad boolean `%s'" % s)
47 def quote(s):
48 if s is None: return "-"
49 else: return '"' + s.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('"', '\\"') + '"'
51 class Words (object):
52 def __init__(me, s):
53 me._s = s
54 me._i, me._n = 0, len(s)
55 def _wordstart(me):
56 s, i, n = me._s, me._i, me._n
57 while i < n:
58 if not s[i].isspace(): return i
59 i += 1
60 return -1
61 def nextword(me):
62 s, n = me._s, me._n
63 begin = i = me._wordstart()
64 if begin < 0: return None
65 while i < n and not s[i].isspace(): i += 1
66 me._i = i
67 return s[begin:i]
68 def rest(me):
69 s, n = me._s, me._n
70 begin = me._wordstart()
71 if begin < 0: return None
72 else: return s[begin:].rstrip()
74 def program_output(*args, **kw):
75 try: return SP.check_output(*args, **kw)
76 except SP.CalledProcessError as e:
77 raise ExpectedError("program `%s' failed with code %d" %
78 (e.cmd, e.returncode))
80 URL_SAFE_P = 256*[False]
81 for ch in \
83 b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" \
84 b"0123456789" b"!$%_-.,/":
85 URL_SAFE_P[ch] = True
86 def urlencode(s):
87 return "".join((URL_SAFE_P[ch] and chr(ch) or "%%%02x" % ch
88 for ch in s.encode("UTF-8")))
90 PROG = OS.path.basename(SYS.argv[0])
92 class BaseLocation (object):
93 def report(me, exc):
94 SYS.stderr.write("%s: %s%s\n" % (PROG, me._loc(), exc))
96 class DummyLocation (BaseLocation):
97 def _loc(me): return ""
99 class FileLocation (BaseLocation):
100 def __init__(me, fn, lno = 1): me._fn, me._lno = fn, lno
101 def _loc(me): return "%s:%d: " % (me._fn, me._lno)
102 def stepline(me): me._lno += 1
104 LOC = DummyLocation()
106 ROOT = "/mnt/dvd/archive/"
107 DB = None
109 def init_db(fn):
110 global DB
111 DB = SQL.connect(fn)
112 DB.cursor().execute("PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL")
114 def setup_db(fn):
115 try: OS.unlink(fn)
116 except OSError as e:
117 if e.errno == E.ENOENT: pass
118 else: raise
119 init_db(fn)
120 DB.cursor().execute("""
121 CREATE TABLE duration
122 (path TEXT NOT NULL,
124 start_chapter INTEGER NOT NULL,
125 end_chapter INTEGER NOT NULL,
127 device INTEGER NOT NULL,
129 mtime REAL NOT NULL,
130 duration REAL NOT NULL,
131 PRIMARY KEY (path, title, start_chapter, end_chapter));
132 """)
134 class Source (object):
136 PREFIX = ""
139 def __init__(me, fn):
140 me.fn = fn
141 me.neps = None
142 me.used_titles = set()
143 me.used_chapters = set()
144 me.nuses = 0
146 def _duration(me, title, start_chapter, end_chapter):
147 return -1
149 def url_and_duration(me, title = -1, start_chapter = -1, end_chapter = -1):
150 if title == -1:
151 if me.TITLEP: raise ExpectedError("missing title number")
152 if start_chapter != -1 or end_chapter != -1:
153 raise ExpectedError("can't specify chapter without title")
154 suffix = ""
155 elif not me.TITLEP:
156 raise ExpectedError("can't specify title with `%s'" % me.fn)
157 elif start_chapter == -1:
158 if end_chapter != -1:
159 raise ExpectedError("can't specify end chapter without start chapter")
160 suffix = "#%d" % title
161 elif not me.CHAPTERP:
162 raise ExpectedError("can't specify chapter with `%s'" % me.fn)
163 elif end_chapter == -1:
164 suffix = "#%d:%d" % (title, start_chapter)
165 else:
166 suffix = "#%d:%d-%d:%d" % (title, start_chapter, title, end_chapter - 1)
168 duration = None
169 if DB is None:
170 duration = me._duration(title, start_chapter, end_chapter)
171 else:
172 st = OS.stat(OS.path.join(ROOT, me.fn))
173 duration = None
174 c = DB.cursor()
175 c.execute("""
176 SELECT device, inode, size, mtime, duration FROM duration
177 WHERE path = ? AND title = ? AND
178 start_chapter = ? AND end_chapter = ?
179 """, [me.fn, title, start_chapter, end_chapter])
180 row = c.fetchone()
181 foundp = False
182 if row is None:
183 duration = me._duration(title, start_chapter, end_chapter)
184 c.execute("""
186 (path, title, start_chapter, end_chapter,
187 device, inode, size, mtime, duration)
188 VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
189 """, [me.fn, title, start_chapter, end_chapter,
190 st.st_dev, st.st_ino, st.st_size, st.st_mtime,
191 duration])
192 else:
193 dev, ino, sz, mt, d = row
194 if (dev, ino, sz, mt) == \
195 (st.st_dev, st.st_ino, st.st_size, st.st_mtime):
196 duration = d
197 else:
198 duration = me._duration(title, start_chapter, end_chapter)
199 c.execute("""
200 UPDATE duration
201 SET device = ?, inode = ?, size = ?, mtime = ?, duration = ?
202 WHERE path = ? AND title = ? AND
203 start_chapter = ? AND end_chapter = ?
204 """, [st.st_dev, st.st_dev, st.st_size, st.st_mtime, duration,
205 me.fn, title, start_chapter, end_chapter])
206 DB.commit()
208 if end_chapter != -1:
209 keys = [(title, ch) for ch in range(start_chapter, end_chapter)]
210 set = me.used_chapters
211 else:
212 keys, set = [title], me.used_titles
213 for k in keys:
214 if k in set:
215 if title == -1:
216 raise ExpectedError("`%s' already used" % me.fn)
217 elif end_chapter == -1:
218 raise ExpectedError("`%s' title %d already used" % (me.fn, title))
219 else:
220 raise ExpectedError("`%s' title %d chapter %d already used" %
221 (me.fn, title, k[1]))
222 if end_chapter == -1:
223 me.used_titles.add(title)
224 else:
225 for ch in range(start_chapter, end_chapter):
226 me.used_chapters.add((title, ch))
227 return me.PREFIX + ROOT + urlencode(me.fn) + suffix, duration
229 class DVDFile (Source):
230 PREFIX = "dvd://"
233 def __init__(me, fn, *args, **kw):
234 super().__init__(fn, *args, **kw)
235 me.neps = 0
237 def _duration(me, title, start_chapter, end_chapter):
238 path = OS.path.join(ROOT, me.fn)
239 ntitle = int(program_output(["dvd-info", path, "titles"]))
240 if not 1 <= title <= ntitle:
241 raise ExpectedError("bad title %d for `%s': must be in 1 .. %d" %
242 (title, me.fn, ntitle))
243 if start_chapter == -1:
244 durq = "duration:%d" % title
245 else:
246 nch = int(program_output(["dvd-info", path, "chapters:%d" % title]))
247 if end_chapter == -1: end_chapter = nch
248 else: end_chapter -= 1
249 if not 1 <= start_chapter <= end_chapter <= nch:
250 raise ExpectedError("bad chapter range %d .. %d for `%s' title %d: "
251 "must be in 1 .. %d" %
252 (start_chapter, end_chapter, me.fn, title, nch))
253 durq = "duration:%d.%d-%d" % (title, start_chapter, end_chapter)
254 duration = int(program_output(["dvd-info", path, durq]))
255 return duration
257 class DVDSeason (object):
258 def __init__(me, i, title):
259 me.i = i
260 me.title = title
261 me.episodes = {}
262 def set_episode_disc(me, i, disc):
263 if i in me.episodes:
264 raise ExpectedError("season %d episode %d already taken" % (me.i, i))
265 me.episodes[i] = disc; disc.neps += 1
267 def match_group(m, *groups, dflt = None, mustp = False):
268 for g in groups:
269 try: s =
270 except IndexError: continue
271 if s is not None: return s
272 if mustp: raise ValueError("no match found")
273 else: return dflt
275 class DVDDir (object):
277 _R_ISO_PRE = list(map(lambda pats:
278 list(map(lambda pat:
279 RX.compile("^" + pat + r"\.iso$", RX.X),
280 pats)),
281 [[r""" S (?P<si> \d+) \. \ (?P<stitle> .*) — (?: D \d+ \. \ )?
282 (?P<epex> .*) """,
283 r""" S (?P<si> \d+) (?: D \d+)? \. \ (?P<epex> .*) """,
284 r""" S (?P<si> \d+) \. \ (?P<epex> E \d+ .*) """,
285 r""" S (?P<si> \d+) (?P<epex> E \d+) \. \ .* """],
286 [r""" (?P<si> \d+) [A-Z]? \. \ (?P<stitle> .*) — (?P<epex> .*) """],
287 [r""" \d+ \. \ (?P<epex> [ES] \d+ .*) """],
288 [r""" (?P<epnum> \d+ ) \. \ .* """]]))
290 _R_ISO_EP = RX.compile(r""" ^
291 (?: S (?P<si> \d+) \ )?
292 E (?P<ei> \d+) (?: – (?P<ej> \d+))? $
293 """, RX.X)
295 def __init__(me, dir):
296 me.dir = dir
297 fns = OS.listdir(OS.path.join(ROOT, dir))
298 fns.sort()
299 season = None
300 seasons = {}
301 styles = me._R_ISO_PRE
302 for fn in fns:
303 path = OS.path.join(dir, fn)
304 if not fn.endswith(".iso"): continue
305 #print(";; `%s'" % path, file = SYS.stderr)
306 for sty in styles:
307 for r in sty:
308 m = r.match(fn)
309 if m: styles = [sty]; break
310 else:
311 continue
312 break
313 else:
314 #print(";;\tignored (regex mismatch)", file = SYS.stderr)
315 continue
317 si = filter(match_group(m, "si"), int)
318 stitle = match_group(m, "stitle")
320 check(si is not None or stitle is None,
321 "explicit season title without number in `%s'" % fn)
322 if si is not None:
323 if season is None or si != season.i:
324 check(season is None or si == season.i + 1,
325 "season %d /= %d" %
326 (si, season is None and -1 or season.i + 1))
327 check(si not in seasons, "season %d already seen" % si)
328 seasons[si] = season = DVDSeason(si, stitle)
329 else:
330 check(stitle == season.title,
331 "season title `%s' /= `%s'" % (stitle, season.title))
333 disc = DVDFile(path)
334 ts = season
335 any, bad = False, False
336 epnum = match_group(m, "epnum")
337 if epnum is not None: eplist = ["E" + epnum]
338 else: eplist = match_group(m, "epex", mustp = True).split(", ")
339 for eprange in eplist:
340 mm = me._R_ISO_EP.match(eprange)
341 if mm is None:
342 #print(";;\t`%s'?" % eprange, file = SYS.stderr)
343 bad = True; continue
344 if not any: any = True
345 i = filter("si"), int)
346 if i is not None:
347 try: ts = seasons[i]
348 except KeyError: ts = seasons[i] = DVDSeason(i, None)
349 if ts is None:
350 ts = season = seasons[1] = DVDSeason(1, None)
351 start = filter("ei"), int)
352 end = filter("ej"), int, start)
353 for k in range(start, end + 1):
354 ts.set_episode_disc(k, disc)
355 #print(";;\tepisode %d.%d" % (ts.i, k), file = SYS.stderr)
356 if not any:
357 #print(";;\tignored", file = SYS.stderr)
358 pass
359 elif bad:
360 raise ExpectedError("bad ep list in `%s'", fn)
361 me.seasons = seasons
363 class AudioFile (Source):
364 PREFIX = "file://"
367 def _duration(me, title, start_chapter, end_chaptwr):
368 out = program_output(["metaflac",
369 "--show-total-samples", "--show-sample-rate",
370 OS.path.join(ROOT, me.fn)])
371 nsamples, hz = map(float, out.split())
372 return int(nsamples/hz)
374 class AudioEpisode (AudioFile):
375 def __init__(me, fn, i, *args, **kw):
376 super().__init__(fn, *args, **kw)
377 me.i = i
379 class AudioDir (object):
381 _R_FLAC = RX.compile(r""" ^
382 E (\d+)
383 (?: \. \ (.*))?
384 \. flac $
385 """, RX.X)
387 def __init__(me, dir):
388 me.dir = dir
389 fns = OS.listdir(OS.path.join(ROOT, dir))
390 fns.sort()
391 episodes = {}
392 last_i = 0
393 for fn in fns:
394 path = OS.path.join(dir, fn)
395 if not fn.endswith(".flac"): continue
396 m = me._R_FLAC.match(fn)
397 if not m: continue
398 i = filter(, int)
399 etitle =
400 check(i == last_i + 1, "episode %d /= %d" % (i, last_i + 1))
401 episodes[i] = AudioEpisode(path, i)
402 last_i = i
403 me.episodes = episodes
405 class Chapter (object):
406 def __init__(me, episode, title, i):
407 me.title, me.i = title, i
408 me.url, me.duration = \
409 episode.source.url_and_duration(episode.tno, i, i + 1)
411 class Episode (object):
412 def __init__(me, season, i, neps, title, src, series_title_p = True,
413 tno = -1, startch = -1, endch = -1):
414 me.season = season
415 me.i, me.neps, me.title = i, neps, title
416 me.chapters = []
417 me.source, me.tno = src, tno
418 me.series_title_p = series_title_p
419 me.tno, me.start_chapter, me.end_chapter = tno, startch, endch
420 me.url, me.duration = src.url_and_duration(tno, startch, endch)
421 def add_chapter(me, title, j):
422 ch = Chapter(me, title, j)
423 me.chapters.append(ch)
424 return ch
425 def label(me):
426 return me.season._eplabel(me.i, me.neps, me.title)
428 class BaseSeason (object):
429 def __init__(me, series, implicitp = False):
430 me.series = series
431 me.episodes = []
432 me.implicitp = implicitp
433 me.ep_i, episodes = 1, []
434 def add_episode(me, j, neps, title, src, series_title_p,
435 tno, startch, endch):
436 ep = Episode(me, j, neps, title, src, series_title_p,
437 tno, startch, endch)
438 me.episodes.append(ep)
439 src.nuses += neps; me.ep_i += neps
440 return ep
441 def _epnames(me, i, neps):
442 playlist = me.series.playlist
443 if neps == 1: return playlist.epname, ["%d" % i]
444 elif neps == 2: return playlist.epnames, ["%d" % i, "%d" % (i + 1)]
445 else: return playlist.epnames, ["%d–%d" % (i, i + neps - 1)]
447 class Season (BaseSeason):
448 def __init__(me, series, title, i, *args, **kw):
449 super().__init__(series, *args, **kw)
450 me.title, me.i = title, i
451 def _eplabel(me, i, neps, title):
452 epname, epn = me._epnames(i, neps)
453 if title is None:
454 if me.implicitp:
455 label = "%s %s" % (epname, ", ".join(epn))
456 elif me.title is None:
457 label = "%s %s" % \
458 (epname, ", ".join("%d.%s" % (me.i, e) for e in epn))
459 else:
460 label = "%s: %s %s" % (me.title, epname, ", ".join(epn))
461 else:
462 if me.implicitp:
463 label = "%s. %s" % (", ".join(epn), title)
464 elif me.title is None:
465 label = "%s. %s" % \
466 (", ".join("%d.%s" % (me.i, e) for e in epn), title)
467 else:
468 label = "%s: %s. %s" % (me.title, ", ".join(epn), title)
469 return label
471 class MovieSeason (BaseSeason):
472 def __init__(me, series, title, *args, **kw):
473 super().__init__(series, *args, **kw)
474 me.title = title
475 me.i = None
476 def add_episode(me, j, neps, title, src, series_title_p,
477 tno, startch, endch):
478 if me.title is None and title is None:
479 raise ExpectedError("movie or movie season must have a title")
480 return super().add_episode(j, neps, title, src, series_title_p,
481 tno, startch, endch)
482 def _eplabel(me, i, neps, title):
483 if me.title is None:
484 label = title
485 elif title is None:
486 epname, epn = me._epnames(i, neps)
487 label = "%s: %s %s" % (me.title, epname, ", ".join(epn))
488 else:
489 label = "%s: %s" % (me.title, title)
490 return label
492 class Series (object):
493 def __init__(me, playlist, name, title = None,
494 full_title = None, wantedp = True):
495 me.playlist = playlist
496, me.title, me.full_title = name, title, full_title
497 me.cur_season = None
498 me.wantedp = wantedp
499 def _add_season(me, season):
500 me.cur_season = season
501 def add_season(me, title, i, implicitp = False):
502 me._add_season(Season(me, title, i, implicitp))
503 def add_movies(me, title = None):
504 me._add_season(MovieSeason(me, title))
505 def ensure_season(me):
506 if me.cur_season is None: me.add_season(None, 1, implicitp = True)
507 return me.cur_season
508 def end_season(me):
509 me.cur_season = None
511 class Playlist (object):
513 def __init__(me):
514 me.seasons = []
515 me.episodes = []
516 me.epname, me.epnames = "Episode", "Episodes"
517 me.nseries = 0
518 me.single_series_p = False
519 me.series_title = None
521 def add_episode(me, episode):
522 me.episodes.append(episode)
524 def done_season(me):
525 if me.episodes:
526 me.seasons.append(me.episodes)
527 me.episodes = []
529 def write(me, f):
530 f.write("#EXTM3U\n")
531 for season in me.seasons:
532 f.write("\n")
533 for ep in season:
534 label = ep.label()
535 if me.nseries > 1 and ep.series_title_p and \
536 ep.season.series.title is not None:
537 if ep.season.i is None: sep = ": "
538 else: sep = " "
539 label = ep.season.series.title + sep + label
540 if not ep.chapters:
541 f.write("#EXTINF:%d,,%s\n%s\n" % (ep.duration, label, ep.url))
542 else:
543 for ch in ep.chapters:
544 f.write("#EXTINF:%d,,%s: %s\n%s\n" %
545 (ch.duration, label, ch.title, ch.url))
547 def dump(me, f):
548 if opts.list_name is not None: f.write("LIST %s\n" % opts.list_name)
549 if me.series_title is not None and \
550 me.nseries > 1 and not me.single_series_p:
551 raise ExpectedError("can't force series name for multi-series list")
552 series = set()
553 if me.single_series_p:
554 f.write("SERIES - %s\n" % quote(me.series_title))
555 for season in me.seasons:
556 for ep in season:
557 label = ep.label()
558 title = ep.season.series.full_title
559 if me.single_series_p:
560 stag = "-"
561 if title is not None: label = title + " " + label
562 else:
563 if title is None: title = me.series_title
564 stag =
565 if stag is None: stag = "-"
566 if stag not in series:
567 f.write("SERIES %s %s\n" % (stag, quote(title)))
568 series.add(stag)
569 f.write("ENTRY %s %s %s %d %d %d %g\n" %
570 (stag, quote(label), quote(ep.source.fn),
571 ep.tno, ep.start_chapter, ep.end_chapter, ep.duration))
573 def write_deps(me, f, out):
574 deps = set()
575 for season in me.seasons:
576 for ep in season: deps.add(ep.source.fn)
577 f.write("### -*-makefile-*-\n")
578 f.write("%s: $(call check-deps, %s," % (out, out))
579 for dep in sorted(deps):
580 f.write(" \\\n\t'%s'" %
581 OS.path.join(ROOT, dep)
582 .replace(",", "$(comma)")
583 .replace("'", "'\\''"))
584 f.write(")\n")
587 R_DURMULT = RX.compile(r""" ^
588 (\d+ (?: \. \d+)?) x
589 $ """, RX.X)
590 R_DUR = RX.compile(r""" ^
591 (?: (?: (\d+) :)? (\d+) :)? (\d+)
592 (?: / (\d+ (?: \. \d+)?) \%)?
593 $ """, RX.X)
594 def parse_duration(s, base = None, basevar = DEFAULT_EXPVAR):
595 if base is not None:
596 m = R_DURMULT.match(s)
597 if m is not None: return base*float(, basevar
598 m = R_DUR.match(s)
599 if not m: raise ExpectedError("invalid duration spec `%s'" % s)
600 hr, min, sec = map(lambda g: filter(, int, 0), [1, 2, 3])
601 var = filter(, lambda x: float(x)/100.0)
602 if var is None: var = DEFAULT_EXPVAR
603 return 3600*hr + 60*min + sec, var
604 def format_duration(d):
605 if d >= 3600: return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (d//3600, (d//60)%60, d%60)
606 elif d >= 60: return "%d:%02d" % (d//60, d%60)
607 else: return "%d s" % d
609 MODE_UNSET = 0
611 MODE_MULTI = 2
613 class EpisodeListParser (object):
615 def __init__(me, series_wanted = None, chapters_wanted_p = False):
616 me._pl = Playlist()
617 me._cur_episode = me._cur_chapter = None
618 me._series = {}; me._vdirs = {}; me._sfdirs = {}; me._isos = {}
619 me._series_wanted = series_wanted
620 me._chaptersp = chapters_wanted_p
621 me._explen, me._expvar = None, DEFAULT_EXPVAR
622 if series_wanted is None: me._mode = MODE_UNSET
623 else: me._mode = MODE_MULTI
625 def _bad_keyval(me, cmd, k, v):
626 raise ExpectedError("invalid `!%s' option `%s'" %
627 (cmd, v if k is None else k))
629 def _keyvals(me, opts):
630 if opts is not None:
631 for kv in opts.split(","):
632 try: sep = kv.index("=")
633 except ValueError: yield None, kv
634 else: yield kv[:sep], kv[sep + 1:]
636 def _set_mode(me, mode):
637 if me._mode == MODE_UNSET:
638 me._mode = mode
639 elif me._mode != mode:
640 raise ExpectedError("inconsistent single-/multi-series usage")
642 def _get_series(me, name):
643 if name is None:
644 me._set_mode(MODE_SINGLE)
645 try: series = me._series[None]
646 except KeyError:
647 series = me._series[None] = Series(me._pl, None)
648 me._pl.nseries += 1
649 else:
650 me._set_mode(MODE_MULTI)
651 series = lookup(me._series, name, "unknown series `%s'" % name)
652 return series
654 def _opts_series(me, cmd, opts):
655 name = None
656 for k, v in me._keyvals(opts):
657 if k is None: name = v
658 else: me._bad_keyval(cmd, k, v)
659 return me._get_series(name)
661 def _auto_epsrc(me, series):
662 dir = lookup(me._vdirs,, "no active video directory")
663 season = series.ensure_season()
664 check(season.i is not None, "must use explicit iso for movie seasons")
665 vseason = lookup(dir.seasons, season.i,
666 "season %d not found in video dir `%s'" %
667 (season.i, dir.dir))
668 src = lookup(vseason.episodes, season.ep_i,
669 "episode %d.%d not found in video dir `%s'" %
670 (season.i, season.ep_i, dir.dir))
671 return src
673 def _process_cmd(me, ww):
675 cmd = ww.nextword(); check(cmd is not None, "missing command")
676 try: sep = cmd.index(":")
677 except ValueError: opts = None
678 else: cmd, opts = cmd[:sep], cmd[sep + 1:]
680 if cmd == "title":
681 for k, v in me._keyvals(opts): me._bad_keyval("title", k, v)
682 title =; check(title is not None, "missing title")
683 check(me._pl.series_title is None, "already set a title")
684 me._pl.series_title = title
686 elif cmd == "single":
687 for k, v in me._keyvals(opts): me._bad_keyval("single", k, v)
688 check( is None, "trailing junk")
689 check(not me._pl.single_series_p, "single-series already set")
690 me._pl.single_series_p = True
692 elif cmd == "series":
693 name = None
694 for k, v in me._keyvals(opts):
695 if k is None: name = v
696 else: me._bad_keyval(cmd, k, v)
697 check(name is not None, "missing series name")
698 check(name not in me._series, "series `%s' already defined" % name)
699 title =
700 if title is None:
701 full = None
702 else:
703 try: sep = title.index("::")
704 except ValueError: full = title
705 else:
706 full = title[sep + 2:].strip()
707 if sep == 0: title = None
708 else: title = title[:sep].strip()
709 me._set_mode(MODE_MULTI)
710 me._series[name] = series = Series(me._pl, name, title, full,
711 me._series_wanted is None or
712 name in me._series_wanted)
713 if series.wantedp: me._pl.nseries += 1
715 elif cmd == "season":
716 series = me._opts_series(cmd, opts)
717 w = ww.nextword();
718 check(w is not None, "missing season number")
719 if w == "-":
720 if not series.wantedp: return
721 series.add_movies(
722 else:
723 title =; i = getint(w)
724 if not series.wantedp: return
725 series.add_season(, getint(w), implicitp = False)
726 me._cur_episode = me._cur_chapter = None
727 me._pl.done_season()
729 elif cmd == "explen":
730 w =; check(w is not None, "missing duration spec")
731 if w == "-":
732 me._explen, me._expvar = None, DEFAULT_EXPVAR
733 else:
734 d, v = parse_duration(w)
735 me._explen = d
736 if v is not None: me._expvar = v
738 elif cmd == "epname":
739 for k, v in me._keyvals(opts): me._bad_keyval("epname", k, v)
740 name =; check(name is not None, "missing episode name")
741 try: sep = name.index("::")
742 except ValueError: names = name + "s"
743 else: name, names = name[:sep], name[sep + 2:]
744 me._pl.epname, me._pl.epnames = name, names
746 elif cmd == "epno":
747 series = me._opts_series(cmd, opts)
748 w =; check(w is not None, "missing episode number")
749 epi = getint(w)
750 if not series.wantedp: return
751 series.ensure_season().ep_i = epi
753 elif cmd == "iso":
754 series = me._opts_series(cmd, opts)
755 fn =; check(fn is not None, "missing filename")
756 if not series.wantedp: return
757 if fn == "-": forget(me._isos,
758 else:
759 check(OS.path.exists(OS.path.join(ROOT, fn)),
760 "dvd iso file `%s' not found" % fn)
761 me._isos[] = DVDFile(fn)
763 elif cmd == "vdir":
764 series = me._opts_series(cmd, opts)
765 dir =; check(dir is not None, "missing directory")
766 if not series.wantedp: return
767 if dir == "-": forget(me._vdirs,
768 else: me._vdirs[] = DVDDir(dir)
770 elif cmd == "adir":
771 series = me._opts_series(cmd, opts)
772 dir =; check(dir is not None, "missing directory")
773 if not series.wantedp: return
774 if dir == "-": forget(me._sfdirs,
775 else: me._sfdirs[] = AudioDir(dir)
777 elif cmd == "displaced":
778 series = me._opts_series(cmd, opts)
779 w =; check(w is not None, "missing count"); n = getint(w)
780 src = me._auto_epsrc(series)
781 src.nuses += n
783 else:
784 raise ExpectedError("unknown command `%s'" % cmd)
786 def _process_episode(me, ww):
788 opts = ww.nextword(); check(opts is not None, "missing title/options")
789 ti = -1; sname = None; neps = 1; epi = None; loch = hich = -1
790 explen, expvar, explicitlen = me._explen, me._expvar, False
791 series_title_p = True
792 for k, v in me._keyvals(opts):
793 if k is None:
794 if v.isdigit(): ti = int(v)
795 elif v == "-": ti = -1
796 else: sname = v
797 elif k == "s": sname = v
798 elif k == "n": neps = getint(v)
799 elif k == "ep": epi = getint(v)
800 elif k == "st": series_title_p = getbool(v)
801 elif k == "l":
802 if v == "-": me._explen, me._expvar = None, DEFAULT_EXPVAR
803 else:
804 explen, expvar = parse_duration(v, explen, expvar)
805 explicitlen = True
806 elif k == "ch":
807 try: sep = v.index("-")
808 except ValueError: loch, hich = getint(v), -1
809 else: loch, hich = getint(v[:sep]), getint(v[sep + 1:]) + 1
810 else: raise ExpectedError("unknown episode option `%s'" % k)
811 check(ti is not None, "missing title number")
812 series = me._get_series(sname)
813 me._cur_chapter = None
815 title =
816 if not series.wantedp: return
817 season = series.ensure_season()
818 if epi is None: epi = season.ep_i
820 if ti == -1:
821 check(season.implicitp or season.i is None,
822 "audio source, but explicit non-movie season")
823 dir = lookup(me._sfdirs,,
824 "no title, and no single-file directory")
825 src = lookup(dir.episodes, season.ep_i,
826 "episode %d not found in single-file dir `%s'" %
827 (epi, dir.dir))
829 else:
830 try: src = me._isos[]
831 except KeyError: src = me._auto_epsrc(series)
833 episode = season.add_episode(epi, neps, title, src,
834 series_title_p, ti, loch, hich)
836 if episode.duration != -1 and explen is not None:
837 if not explicitlen: explen *= neps
838 if not explen*(1 - expvar) <= episode.duration <= explen*(1 + expvar):
839 if season.i is None: epid = "episode %d" % epi
840 else: epid = "episode %d.%d" % (season.i, epi)
841 raise ExpectedError \
842 ("%s duration %s %g%% > %g%% from expected %s" %
843 (epid, format_duration(episode.duration),
844 abs(100*(episode.duration - explen)/explen), 100*expvar,
845 format_duration(explen)))
846 me._pl.add_episode(episode)
847 me._cur_episode = episode
849 def _process_chapter(me, ww):
850 check(me._cur_episode is not None, "no current episode")
851 check(me._cur_episode.source.CHAPTERP,
852 "episode source doesn't allow chapters")
853 if me._chaptersp:
854 if me._cur_chapter is None: i = 1
855 else: i = me._cur_chapter.i + 1
856 me._cur_chapter = me._cur_episode.add_chapter(, i)
858 def parse_file(me, fn):
859 with location(FileLocation(fn, 0)) as floc:
860 with open(fn, "r") as f:
861 for line in f:
862 floc.stepline()
863 sline = line.lstrip()
864 if sline == "" or sline.startswith(";"): continue
866 if line.startswith("!"): me._process_cmd(Words(line[1:]))
867 elif not line[0].isspace(): me._process_episode(Words(line))
868 else: me._process_chapter(Words(line))
869 me._pl.done_season()
871 def done(me):
872 discs = set()
873 for name, vdir in me._vdirs.items():
874 if not me._series[name].wantedp: continue
875 for s in vdir.seasons.values():
876 for d in s.episodes.values():
877 discs.add(d)
878 for sfdir in me._sfdirs.values():
879 for d in sfdir.episodes.values():
880 discs.add(d)
881 for d in sorted(discs, key = lambda d: d.fn):
882 if d.neps is not None and d.neps != d.nuses:
883 raise ExpectedError("disc `%s' has %d episodes, used %d times" %
884 (d.fn, d.neps, d.nuses))
885 return me._pl
887 op = OP.OptionParser \
888 (usage = "%prog [-Dc] [-L NAME] [-M DEPS] [-d CACHE] [-o OUT] [-s SERIES] EPLS\n"
889 "%prog -i -d CACHE",
890 description = "Generate M3U playlists from an episode list.")
891 op.add_option("-D", "--dump",
892 dest = "dump", action = "store_true", default = False,
893 help = "Dump playlist in machine-readable form")
894 op.add_option("-L", "--list-name", metavar = "NAME",
895 dest = "list_name", type = "str", default = None,
896 help = "Set the playlist name")
897 op.add_option("-M", "--make-deps", metavar = "DEPS",
898 dest = "deps", type = "str", default = None,
899 help = "Write a `make' fragment for dependencies")
900 op.add_option("-c", "--chapters",
901 dest = "chaptersp", action = "store_true", default = False,
902 help = "Output individual chapter names")
903 op.add_option("-i", "--init-db",
904 dest = "initdbp", action = "store_true", default = False,
905 help = "Initialize the database")
906 op.add_option("-d", "--database", metavar = "CACHE",
907 dest = "database", type = "str", default = None,
908 help = "Set filename for cache database")
909 op.add_option("-o", "--output", metavar = "OUT",
910 dest = "output", type = "str", default = None,
911 help = "Write output playlist to OUT")
912 op.add_option("-O", "--fake-output", metavar = "OUT",
913 dest = "fakeout", type = "str", default = None,
914 help = "Pretend output goes to OUT for purposes of `-M'")
915 op.add_option("-s", "--series", metavar = "SERIES",
916 dest = "series", type = "str", default = None,
917 help = "Output only the listed SERIES (comma-separated)")
918 try:
919 opts, argv = op.parse_args()
921 if opts.initdbp:
922 if opts.chaptersp or opts.series is not None or \
923 opts.output is not None or opts.deps is not None or \
924 opts.fakeout is not None or \
925 opts.database is None or len(argv):
926 op.print_usage(file = SYS.stderr); SYS.exit(2)
927 setup_db(opts.database)
929 else:
930 if len(argv) != 1: op.print_usage(file = SYS.stderr); SYS.exit(2)
931 if opts.database is not None: init_db(opts.database)
932 if opts.series is None:
933 series_wanted = None
934 else:
935 series_wanted = set()
936 for name in opts.series.split(","): series_wanted.add(name)
937 if opts.deps is not None:
938 if (opts.output is None or opts.output == "-") and opts.fakeout is None:
939 raise ExpectedError("can't write dep fragment without output file")
940 if opts.fakeout is None: opts.fakeout = opts.output
941 else:
942 if opts.fakeout is not None:
943 raise ExpectedError("fake output set but no dep fragment")
945 ep = EpisodeListParser(series_wanted, opts.chaptersp)
946 ep.parse_file(argv[0])
947 pl = ep.done()
949 if opts.list_name is None:
950 opts.list_name, _ = OS.path.splitext(OS.path.basename(argv[0]))
952 if opts.dump: outfn = pl.dump
953 else: outfn = pl.write
954 if opts.output is None or opts.output == "-":
955 outfn(SYS.stdout)
956 else:
957 with open(opts.output, "w") as f: outfn(f)
959 if opts.deps:
960 if opts.deps == "-":
961 pl.write_deps(SYS.stdout, opts.fakeout)
962 else:
963 with open(opts.deps, "w") as f: pl.write_deps(f, opts.fakeout)
965 except (ExpectedError, IOError, OSError) as e:
967 SYS.exit(2)