drwho.tex (\joindie): Raise the `×' to cover the letter better.
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1* The First Doctor (1963-1966)
3** Season 1
4 + An Unearthly Child S +Susan Foreman
5 | B +Barbara Wright
6 | | I +Ian Chesterton
7 + The Daleks | | |
8 + The Edge of Destruction | | |
9 + (Marco Polo) | | |
10 + The Keys of Marinus | | |
11 + The Aztecs | | |
12 + The Sensorites | | |
13 + The Reign of Terror | | |
14 | | |
15** Season 2 | | |
16 + Planet of Giants | | |
17 + The Dalek Invasion of Earth * | |
18 + The Rescue | | V +Vicki
19 + The Romans | | |
20 + The Web Planet | | |
21 + (The Crusade) | | |
22 + The Space Museum | | |
23 + The Chase S * * | +Stephen Taylor
24 + The Time Meddler | |
25 | |
26** Season 3 | |
27 + (Galaxy Four) | |
28 + (Mission to the Unknown) | |
29 + (The Myth Makers) | K * +Katarina
30 + (The Daleks' Master Plan) | x Sx +Sara Kingdom
31 + (The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve) | D +Dodo Chaplet
32 + The Ark | |
33 + (The Celestial Toymaker) | |
34 + The Gunfighters | |
35 + (The Savages) * |
36 + The War Machines P * +Polly
37 | B +Ben Jackson
38** Season 4 | |
39 + (The Smugglers) | |
40 + The Tenth Planet | |
41 : :
43* The Second Doctor (1966-1969)
45 P Polly
46 : B Ben Jackson
47** Season 4 (cont.) | :
48 + The Power of the Daleks | |
49 + (The Highlanders) J | | +Jamie McCrimmon
50 + The Underwater Menace | | |
51 + The Moonbase | | |
52 + (The Macra Terror) | | |
53 + (The Faceless Ones) | * *
54 + (The Evil of the Daleks) | V +Victoria Waterfield
55 | |
56** Season 5 | |
57 + The Tomb of the Cybermen | |
58 + (The Abominable Snowmen) | |
59 + The Ice Warriors | |
60 + The Enemy of the World | |
61 + The Web of Fear | |
62 + (Fury from the Deep) | *
63 + (The Wheel in Space) | Z +Zoe Heriot
64 | |
65** Season 6 | |
66 + The Dominators | |
67 + The Mind Robber | |
68 + The Invasion | |
69 + The Krotons | |
70 + The Seeds of Death | |
71 + (The Space Pirates) | |
72 + The War Games * *
75* The Third Doctor (1970-1974)
77** Season 7
78 + Spearhead from Space L +Elizabeth Shaw
79 + Doctor Who and the Siluarians |
80 + The Ambassadors of Death |
81 + Inferno *
83** Season 8
84 + Terror of the Autons J +Jo Grant
85 + The Mind of Evil |
86 + The Claws of Axos |
87 + Colony in Space |
88 + The Daemons |
89 |
90** Season 9 |
91 + Day of the Daleks |
92 + The Curse of Peladon |
93 + The Sea Devils |
94 + The Mutants |
95 + The Time Monster |
96 |
97** Season 10 |
98 + The Three Doctors |
99 + Carnival of Monsters |
100 + Frontier in Space |
101 + Planet of the Daleks |
102 + The Green Death *
104** Season 11
105 + The Time Warrior S +Sarah Jane Smith
106 + Invasion of the Dinosaurs |
107 + Death to the Daleks |
108 + The Monster of Peladon |
109 + Planet of the Spiders |
110 :
112* The Fourth Doctor (1974-1981)
114 S +Sarah Jane Smith
115** Season 12 :
116 + Robot | H +Harry Sullivan
117 + The Ark in Space | |
118 + The Sontaran Experiment | |
119 + Genesis of the Daleks | |
120 + Revenge of the Cybermen | |
121 | |
122** Season 13 | |
123 + Terror of the Zygons | *
124 + Planet of Evil |
125 + Pyramids of Mars |
126 + The Android Invasion |
127 + The Brain of Morbius |
128 + The Seeds of Doom |
129 |
130** Season 14 |
131 + The Masque of Mandragora |
132 + The Hand of Fear *
133 + The Deadly Assassin
134 + The Face of Evil L +Leela
135 + The Robots of Death |
136 + The Talons of Weng-Chiang |
137 |
138** Season 15 |
139 + Horror of Fang Rock |
140 + The Invisible Enemy | K +K-9
141 + Image of the Fendahl | |
142 + The Sun Makers | |
143 + Underworld | |
144 + The Invasion of Time * :
145 |
146** Season 16 (The Key to Time) |
147 + The Ribos Operation R | +Romanadvoratrelundar
148 + The Pirate Planet | | `Romana'
149 + The Stones of Blood | |
150 + The Androids of Tara | |
151 + The Power of Kroll | |
152 + The Armageddon Factor | |
153 | |
154** Season 17 | |
155 + Destiny of the Daleks : |
156 + City of Death | |
157 + The Creature from the Pit | |
158 + Nightmare of Eden | |
159 + The Horns of Nimon | |
160 + (Shada) | |
161 | |
162** Season 18 | |
163 + The Leisure Hive | |
164 + Meglos | |
165 + Full Circle | | A +Adric
166 + State of Decay | | |
167 + Warriors' Gate * * |
168 + The Keeper of Traken | N +Nyssa
169 + Logopolis T | | +Tegan Jovanka
170 : : :
172* The Fifth Doctor (1981-1984)
174 T +Tegan Jovanka
175 : A +Adric
176 | : N +Nyssa
177** Season 19 | | :
178 + Castrovalva | | |
179 + Four to Doomsday | | |
180 + Kinda | | |
181 + The Visitation | | |
182 + Black Orchid | | |
183 + Earthshock | x |
184 + Time-Flight | |
185 | |
186** Season 20 | |
187 + Arc of Infinity | |
188 + Snakedance | |
189 + Mawdryn Undead | T | +Vislor Turlough
190 + Terminus | | *
191 + Enlightenment | |
192 + The King’s Demons | | K +Kamelion
193 | | |
194** (Special) | | |
195 + The Five Doctors | | |
196 | | |
197** Season 21 | | |
198 + Warriors of the Deep | | |
199 + The Awakening | | |
200 + Frontios | | |
201 + Resurrection of the Daleks * | |
202 + Planet of Fire * x P +Perpugilliam `Peri'
203 + The Caves of Androzani | Brown
204 |
205* The Sixth Doctor (1984-1986) |
206 |
207** Season 21 (cont.) |
208 + The Twin Dilemma |
209 |
210** Season 22 |
211 + Attack of the Cybermen |
212 + Vengeance on Varos |
213 + The Mark of the Rani |
214 + The Two Doctors |
215 + Timelash |
216 + Revelation of the Daleks |
217 |
218** Season 23 (The Trial of a Time Lord) |
219 + The Mysterious Planet |
220 + Mindwarp x
221 + Terror of the Vervoids M +Melanie Bush
222 + The Ultimate Foe |
223 :
225* The Seventh Doctor (1987-1989)
227 M +Melanie Bush
228** Season 24 :
229 + Time and the Rani |
230 + Paradise Towers |
231 + Delta and the Bannerman |
232 + Dragonfire * A +Dorothy `Ace'
233 | McShane Gale
234** Season 25 |
235 + Remembrance of the Daleks |
236 + The Happiness Patrol |
237 + Silver Nemesis |
238 + The Greatest Show in the Galaxy |
239 |
240** Season 26 |
241 + Battlefield |
242 + Ghost Light |
243 + The Curse of Fenric |
244 + Survival *