Work in progress. This lot needs some serious sorting out.
[doc/wrestlers] / wr-main.tex
... / ...
1\section{The Wrestlers Protocol}
4\subsection{Identification using Diffie-Hellman}
6\begin{frame}{Identification using Diffie-Hellman: properties}
7 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
8 \item Simple -- easy to remember, analyse and implement
9 \item Practical -- two scalar multiplications for each party
10 \item Secure -- under Computational Diffie-Hellman assumption
11 \item Zero-knowledge -- statistical ZK
12 \item Proofs in random oracle model -- but without `programming'
13 \end{itemize}
16\begin{frame}{Identification using Diffie-Hellman: basic setting}
17 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
18 \item Cyclic group $(G, +)$
19 \item $|G| = q$ is prime
20 \item $P$ generates $G$
21 \item Alice's private key is $a \inr \Nupto{q}$
22 \item Alice's public key is $A = a P$
23 \item Assume computational Diffie-Hellman problem hard in $G$
24 \end{itemize}
27\begin{frame}{Identification using Diffie-Hellman: protocols}
28 %% Overlays:
29 %% 1 - basic setup (alice's keys)
30 %% naïve version
31 %% 2 - bob makes eqphemeral keys
32 %% 3 - bob sends challenge to alice
33 %% 4 - alice computes response and sends it back
34 %% 5 - bob computes expected answer
35 %% 6 - bob checks alice's response
36 %% 7 - remark?
37 %% hash fix (8)
38 %% 9 - bob computes check hash and sends it
39 %% 10 - alice verifies the hash
40 %% 11 - remark?
41 %% stinson-wu (12)
42 %% 13 - check subgroup membership
43 %% 14 - don't hash U
44 %% 15 - remark?
45 %% wrestlers (16)
46 %% 17 - bob computes and sends c
47 %% 18 - alice recovers and checks u
48 \begin{protocol}{5}{16}
49 \node [alice, thoughts] at (0, 2)
50 {Private: $a \inr \Nupto{q}$ \\
51 Public: $A = a P$};
52 \uncover<2->{
53 \node [bob, thoughts] at (0, 4)
54 {{$u \getsr \Nupto{q}$; \\
55 $U \gets u P$; \\
56 \action<5->{$Y \gets u A$;} \\
57 \action<9-| alert@9-11>{$
58 h \gets H(\cookie{check},
59 \only<9-13,16->{U, Y}
60 \action<alert@14-15| only@14-15>{Y})
61 $;} \\
62 \action<17-| alert@17-> {
63 $c \gets u \xor h$;
64 }
65 }};
66 }
67 \uncover<3->{
68 \path [message, ->] (0, 10) -- node [above]
69 {{\vphantom{$,$}
70 \only<3-8>{$U$}
71 \only<9-16>{$U, \alert<9-11>{h}$}
72 \only<17->{$U, \alert<17->{c}$} }}
73 +(1, 0);
74 }
75 \uncover<4->{
76 \node [alice, thoughts] at (0, 10)
77 {{$Y' \gets a U$; \\
78 \action<only@10-16| alert@10-11>
79 {Check $h = H(\cookie{check},
80 \only<10-13,16->{U, Y}
81 \action<alert@14-15| only@14-15>{Y})
82 $; \\}
83 \only<17->
84 {$h' \gets H(\cookie{check}, U, Y)$; \\}
85 \action<only@13-15| alert@13-15>{Check $q U = 0$;}
86 \action<only@18-| alert@18->{
87 $r' \gets h' \xor c$; \\
88 Check $r' P = U$;
89 }}};
90 \path [message, <-] (0, 14) -- node [above] {$Y'$} +(1, 0);
91 }
92 \uncover<6->{
93 \node [bob, thoughts] at (0, 14) {Check $Y = Y'$;};
94 }
95 \end{protocol}
96 \par\vskip-\bigskipamount
97 \begin{itemize}
98 \item<only@2-7> Naïve attempt
99 \only<7>{-- lots of attacks against this protocol.}
100 \item<only@8-11> Fix it with a hash
101 \only<11>{-- still open to small-subgroup attacks.}
102 \item<only@12-15> Stinson-Wu [SW06]
103 \only<15>{-- and assume Knowledge of Exponent.}
104 \item<only@16-> The Wrestlers identification protocol $\Wident$.
105 \end{itemize} \par
108\subsection{Key exchange}
110\begin{frame}{Mutual identification: protocol}
111 \begin{protocol}{4}{14}
112 \node [alice, thoughts] at (0, 2)
113 {\footnotesize Private $a$; public $A = a P$};
115 \node [bob, thoughts] at (0, 3)
116 {{ $u \getsr \Nupto{q}$; \\
117 $U \gets u P$;
118 $Y_B \gets u A$; }};
119 \path [message, ->] (0, 5.5) -- node [above]
120 {$U, u \xor H(\cookie{check}, U, Y_B$)}
121 +(1, 0);
123 \node [alice, thoughts] at (0, 8)
124 {{ $Y'_B \gets a U$; }};
125 \path [message, <-] (0, 9) -- node [above]
126 {$Y'_B$}
127 +(1, 0);
129 \only<2->{
130 \node [bob, other, thoughts] at (0, 2)
131 {\footnotesize Private $b$; public $B = b P$};
133 \node [alice, other, thoughts] at (0, 3)
134 {{ $v \getsr \Nupto{q}$; \\
135 $V \gets v P$;
136 $Y_A \gets v B$; }};
137 \path [message, other, <-] (0, 7) -- node [above]
138 {$V, v \xor H(\cookie{check}, V, Y_A$)}
139 +(1, 0);
141 \node [bob, other, thoughts] at (0, 8)
142 {{ $Y'_A \gets b V$; }};
143 \path [message, other, ->] (0, 10.5) -- node [above]
144 {$Y'_A$}
145 +(1, 0);
146 }
147 \action<3-| alert@3->{
148 \node [bob, thoughts] at (0, 11) {$Z \gets u V = u v P$;};
149 \node [alice, thoughts] at (0, 11) {$Z \gets v U = u v P$;};
150 }
151 \end{protocol}
152 \par\vskip-\bigskipamount
153 \begin{itemize}
154 \item<3-> We can do ephemeral Diffie-Hellman with the challenges!
155 \item<4-> Unfortunately, it's not secure.
156 \end{itemize}
159\begin{frame}{Key exchange: properties}
160 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
161 \item Simple -- symmetrical; based on mutual identification.
162 \item Practical -- three, four or five flows; four multiplications by each
163 party.
164 \item Secure -- provides SK-security in model of [CK01].
165 \item Deniable -- simulator can produce convincing transcripts.
166 \item Proofs in random oracle model -- again without `programming'.
167 \end{itemize}
170\begin{frame}{Key exchange: setting}
171 \begin{itemize}[<+->]
172 \item Cyclic group $(G, +)$.
173 \item $|G| = q$ is prime.
174 \item $P$ generates $G$.
175 \item Alice's private key is $a \inr \Nupto{q}$; her public key is $A = a
176 P$.
177 \item Bob's private key is $b \inr \Nupto{q}$; his public key is $B = b
178 P$.
179 \item Symmetric IND-CCA encryption scheme $\E = (\kappa, E, D)$.
180 \item Assume computational Diffie-Hellman problem hard in $G$.
181 \end{itemize}
184\begin{frame}{Key exchange: protocols}
185 %% overlays
186 %% 1 - original broken protocol
187 %% 2 - encrypt responses
188 %% 3 - session-ids
189 %% 4 - pre-challenges
190 \begin{protocol}{3.9}{17}
191 \node [alice, thoughts] at (0, 1.5)
192 {\footnotesize Private $a$; public $A = a P$};
194 \node [bob, thoughts] at (0, 3)
195 {{ $u \getsr \Nupto{q}$; \\
196 $U \gets u P$;
197 $Y_B \gets u A$; }};
198 \only<4->
199 {\path [message, ->] (0, 6) -- node [above] {$\alert<4>{U}$} +(1, 0);}
200 \path [message, ->] (0, 9) -- node [above]
201 {$U, u \xor H(\cookie{check},
202 \only<3->{\alert<3>{B}, \alert<3>{s},}
203 \only<4->{\alert<4>{V},}
204 U, Y_B$)}
205 +(1, 0);
207 \node [alice, thoughts] at (0, 11)
208 {{\strut
209 \only<1>{$Z \gets v U$; \\}%
210 \action<only@2-| alert@2>
211 {$(K, \hat{K}) \gets H(\cookie{key}, v U)$; \\}%
212 $Y'_B \gets a U$; }};
213 \path [message, <-] (0, 13.5) -- node [above]
214 {$\action<only@2-| alert@2>{E_{\hat{K}}(}
215 Y'_B
216 \action<only@2-| alert@2>{)}$}
217 +(1, 0);
219 \node [bob, other, thoughts] at (0, 1.5)
220 {\footnotesize Private $b$; public $B = b P$};
222 \node [alice, other, thoughts] at (0, 3)
223 {{ $v \getsr \Nupto{q}$; \\
224 $V \gets v P$;
225 $Y_A \gets v B$; }};
226 \only<4->
227 {\path [message, other, <-] (0, 7.5) --
228 node [above] {$\alert<4>{V}$} +(1, 0);}
229 \path [message, other, <-] (0, 10.5) -- node [above]
230 {$V, v \xor H(\cookie{check},
231 \only<3->{\alert<3>{A}, \alert<3>{s},}
232 \only<4->{\alert<4>{U},}
233 V, Y_A$)}
234 +(1, 0);
236 \node [bob, other, thoughts] at (0, 11)
237 {{\strut
238 \only<1>{$Z \gets u V$; \\}%
239 \action<only@2-| alert@2>
240 {$(K, \hat{K}) \gets H(\cookie{key}, u V)$; \\}%
241 $Y'_A \gets b V$; }};
242 \path [message, other, ->] (0, 15) -- node [above]
243 {${\action<only@2-| alert@2>{E_{\hat{K}}(}}
244 Y'_A
245 {\action<only@2-| alert@2>{)}}$}
246 +(1, 0);
247 \node [bob, thoughts] at (0, 15.5) {Use key $K$;};
248 \node [alice, thoughts] at (0, 15.5) {Use key $K$;};
249 \end{protocol}
256 \head{Key exchange \seq: broken first attempt}
257 \topic{protocol design}
259 \begin{protocol}
260 Alice & Bob \\
261 (Private key $a$, public key $A = a P$) &
262 \other (Private key $b$, public key $B = b P$)
263 \\[\medskipamount]
264 \other $u_A \getsr \Nupto{q}$; & $u \getsr \Nupto{q}$; \\
265 \other $U_A \gets u_A P$ & $U \gets u P$; \\
266 \\
267 \\
268 \send{<-}{(U, u \xor H(\cookie{check}, U, Y_B))}
269 \send{->}{\other (U_A, u_A \xor H(\cookie{check}, U_A, Y_A))}
270 $Y_B \gets a U$; & \other $Y_A \gets b U$; \\
271 $Z \gets u_A U$; & $Z \gets u U_A$; \\
272 \send{->}{(U_A, Y_B)}
273 \send{<-}{\other (U, Y_A)}
274 Key is $Z$ & Key is $Z$
275 \end{protocol}
279 \head{Key exchange \seq: solution -- encrypt responses}
281 \begin{protocol}
282 Alice & Bob \\
283 (Private key $a$, public key $A = a P$) &
284 \other (Private key $b$, public key $B = b P$)
285 \\[\medskipamount]
286 \other $u_A \getsr \Nupto{q}$; & $u \getsr \Nupto{q}$; \\
287 \other $U_A \gets u_A P$ & $U \gets u P$; \\
288 \\
289 \\
290 \send{<-}{(U, u \xor H(\cookie{check}, U, Y_B))}
291 \send{->}{\other (U_A, u_A \xor H(\cookie{check}, U_A, Y_A))}
292 $Y_B \gets a U$; & \other $Y_A \gets b U$; \\
293 \diff $(K_0, K_1) \gets H(\cookie{key}, u_A U)$; &
294 \diff $(K_0, K_1) \gets H(\cookie{key}, u U_A)$; \\
295 \send{->}{(U_A, \hbox{\diff $E_{K_0}(Y_B)$})}
296 \send{<-}{\other (U, \hbox{\diff $E_{K_0}(Y_A)$})}
297 Key is $K_1$ & Key is $K_1$
298 \end{protocol}
302 \head{Key exchange \seq: multiple sessions}
304 \begin{protocol}
305 Alice & Bob \\
306 (Private key $a$, public key $A = a P$) &
307 \other (Private key $b$, public key $B = b P$)
308 \\[\medskipamount]
309 \other $u_A \getsr \Nupto{q}$; & $u \getsr \Nupto{q}$; \\
310 \other $U_A \gets u_A P$ & $U \gets u P$; \\
311 \\
312 \\
313 \send{<-}{(U, u \xor H(\cookie{check},
314 \hbox{\diff $B$}, \hbox{\diff $s$}, U, Y_B))}
315 \send{->}{\other (U_A, u_A \xor H(\cookie{check},
316 \hbox{\diff $A$}, \hbox{\diff $s$}, U_A, Y_A))}
317 $Y_B \gets a U$; & \other $Y_A \gets b U$; \\
318 $(K_0, K_1) \gets H(\cookie{key}, u_A U)$; &
319 $(K_0, K_1) \gets H(\cookie{key}, u U_A)$; \\
320 \send{->}{(U_A, E_{K_0}(Y_B))}
321 \send{<-}{\other (U, E_{K_0}(Y_A))}
322 Key is $K_1$ & Key is $K_1$
323 \end{protocol}
324 (Session id is $s$)
328 \head{Key exchange \seq: proof sketch}
330 \begin{itemize}
331 \item $\G0$ is SK-security game.
332 \item In $\G1$, stop game unless all parties have distinct public keys
333 (collision bound).
334 \item In $\G2$, use extractor to answer challenges other than from matching
335 session.
336 \item In $\G3$, stop game if adversary queries $H(\cookie{key}, u_A u P)$
337 (CDH in $G$).
338 \item In $\G4$, stop game if session accepts response except from matching
339 session.
340 \begin{itemize}
341 \item In $\G5$, focus on a single session (factor of $q_S$).
342 \item In $\G6$, encrypt $1^{|Y|}$ instead of $Y = x U$ (IND-CCA of $\E$).
343 \item In $\G7$, focus on a single party (factor of $n$).
344 \item Now if party accepts, reduce from impersonating in $\Wident$.
345 \end{itemize}
346 \end{itemize}
350 \head{Key exchange \seq: security result}
351 \begin{spliteqn*}
352 \InSec{sk}(\Wkx^{G, \E}; t, n, q_S, q_M, q_I, q_K) \le
353 2 q_S \bigl( \InSec{ind-cca}(\E; t', q_M, q_M) + {} \\
354 \InSec{mcdh}(G; t', q_K) +
355 n \,\InSec{mcdh}(G; t', q_M + q_I) \bigr) + {} \\
356 \frac{n (n - 1)}{|G|} +
357 \frac{2 q_M}{2^{\ell_I}}.
358 \end{spliteqn*}
359 \begin{multicols}{2}
360 \begin{itemize}
361 \item $t$ is running time of adversary
362 \item $n$ is number of parties
363 \item $q_S$ is number of new sessions
364 \item $q_M$ is number of messages sent
365 \item $q_I$ is number of $H(\cookie{check}, \cdot)$ queries
366 \item $q_K$ is number of $H(\cookie{key}, \cdot)$ queries
367 \item $t' = t + O(q_S) + O(q_M q_I) + O(q_K)$
368 \end{itemize}
369 \end{multicols}
373 \head{Key exchange \seq: fully deniable variant}
375 \begin{protocol}
376 Alice & Bob \\
377 (Private key $a$, public key $A = a P$) &
378 \other (Private key $b$, public key $B = b P$)
379 \\[\medskipamount]
380 \other $u_A \getsr \Nupto{q}$; & $u \getsr \Nupto{q}$; \\
381 \other $U_A \gets u_A P$ & $U \gets u P$; \\
382 \send{->}{\diff U_A}
383 \send{<-}{\diff U}
384 \send{<-}{(U, u \xor H(\cookie{check}, B, s, \hbox{\diff $U_A$}, U, Y_B))}
385 \send{->}{\other (U_A, u_A \xor H(\cookie{check}, A, s, \hbox{\diff $U$}, U_A, Y_A))}
386 $Y_B \gets a U$; & \other $Y_A \gets b U$; \\
387 $(K_0, K_1) \gets H(\cookie{key}, u_A U)$; &
388 $(K_0, K_1) \gets H(\cookie{key}, u U_A)$; \\
389 \send{->}{(U_A, E_{K_0}(Y_B))}
390 \send{<-}{\other (U, E_{K_0}(Y_A))}
391 Key is $K_1$ & Key is $K_1$
392 \end{protocol}
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