roles/common/: Do the rest of the common configuration.
authorMark Wooding <>
Thu, 9 Jul 2015 09:32:00 +0000 (10:32 +0100)
committerMark Wooding <>
Thu, 9 Jul 2015 09:32:00 +0000 (10:32 +0100)
15 files changed:
roles/common/files/backup/filter.home [new file with mode: 0644]
roles/common/files/backup/filter.var-spool [new file with mode: 0644]
roles/common/files/backup/fshash [new file with mode: 0755]
roles/common/files/netdb/hosts [new file with mode: 0644]
roles/common/files/netdb/networks [new file with mode: 0644]
roles/common/files/netdb/services [new file with mode: 0644]
roles/common/files/pki/ca.cert [new file with mode: 0644]
roles/common/files/pki/dh-param-2048.pem [new file with mode: 0644]
roles/common/files/pki/dh-param.pem [new file with mode: 0644]
roles/common/files/pki/openssl.conf [new file with mode: 0644]
roles/common/files/root/gitconfig [new file with mode: 0644]
roles/common/files/scripts/fetch-unpack-archive [new file with mode: 0755]
roles/common/files/scripts/genx509 [new file with mode: 0755]
roles/common/files/sudo/sudoers [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/roles/common/files/backup/filter.home b/roles/common/files/backup/filter.home
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b101b69
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+- /aquota.user
+- /
+- /*/.cache/
+- /*/.ccache/
+- /*/.local/share/Trash/
+- /*/.thumbnails/
+- /*/tmp/
diff --git a/roles/common/files/backup/filter.var-spool b/roles/common/files/backup/filter.var-spool
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..df01fb6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+- squid/
+- squid3/
+- lpd/
diff --git a/roles/common/files/backup/fshash b/roles/common/files/backup/fshash
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..888ef73
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+### Efficiently construct canonical digests of filesystems
+### (c) 2012 Mark Wooding
+###----- Licensing notice ---------------------------------------------------
+### This file is part of the `rsync-backup' program.
+### rsync-backup is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+### (at your option) any later version.
+### rsync-backup is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+### GNU General Public License for more details.
+### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+### along with rsync-backup; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+### Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+from sys import argv, exit, stdin, stdout, stderr
+import os as OS
+import re as RX
+import time as T
+import stat as ST
+import optparse as OP
+import hashlib as H
+import sqlite3 as DB
+import zlib as Z
+PACKAGE = 'rsync-backup'
+VERSION = '0.99.1-8-ga844'
+### Utilities.
+QUIS = OS.path.basename(argv[0])
+def moan(msg):
+  stderr.write('%s: %s\n' % (QUIS, msg))
+def die(msg, rc = 1):
+  moan(msg)
+  exit(rc)
+def syserr(msg):
+  global SYSERR
+  moan(msg)
+  SYSERR += 1
+### File system enumeration.
+class FileInfo (object):
+  def __init__(me, file, st = None):
+ = file
+    if st:
+ = st
+      me.err = None
+    else:
+      try:
+ = OS.lstat(file)
+        me.err = None
+      except OSError, err:
+ = None
+        me.err = err
+def enum_walk(file, func):
+  def dirents(name):
+    try:
+      return OS.listdir(name)
+    except OSError, err:
+      syserr("failed to read directory `%s': %s" % (name, err.strerror))
+      return []
+  def dir(ee, dev):
+    ff = []
+    dd = []
+    for e in ee:
+      fi = FileInfo(e)
+      if and != dev: pass
+      if and ST.S_ISDIR( dd.append(fi)
+      else: ff.append(fi)
+    ff.sort(key = lambda fi:
+    dd.sort(key = lambda fi: + '/')
+    for f in ff:
+      func(f)
+    for d in dd:
+      if == dev:
+        func(d)
+        dir([OS.path.join(, e) for e in dirents(], dev)
+  if file.endswith('/'):
+    cwd ='.', OS.O_RDONLY)
+    try:
+      OS.chdir(file)
+      fi = FileInfo('.')
+      func(fi)
+      dir(dirents('.'),
+    finally:
+      OS.fchdir(cwd)
+      OS.close(cwd)
+  else:
+    fi = FileInfo(file)
+    func(fi)
+    if and ST.S_ISDIR(
+      dir([OS.path.join(, e) for e in dirents(],
+def enum_find0(f, func):
+  tail = ""
+  while True:
+    buf =
+    last = len(buf) == 0
+    names = (tail + buf).split('\0')
+    tail = names.pop()
+    for n in names:
+      func(FileInfo(n))
+    if last:
+      break
+  if len(tail):
+    moan("ignored trailing junk after last filename")
+RX_RSYNCESC = RX.compile(r'\\ \# ([0-7]{3})', RX.VERBOSE)
+def enum_rsync(f, func):
+  ## The format is a little fiddly.  Each line consists of PERMS SIZE DATE
+  ## TIME NAME, separated by runs of whitespace, but the NAME starts exactly
+  ## one space character after the TIME and may begin with a space.
+  ## Sequences of the form `\#OOO' where OOO are three octal digits, stand
+  ## for a byte with that value.  Newlines and backslashes which would be
+  ## ambiguous are converted into this form; all other characters are
+  ## literal.
+  ##
+  ## We ignore the stat information and retrieve it ourselves, because it's
+  ## incomplete.  Hopefully the dcache is still warm.
+  for line in f:
+    if line.endswith('\n'): line = line[:-1]
+    ## Extract the escaped name.
+    ff = line.split(None, 3)
+    if len(ff) != 4:
+      syserr("ignoring invalid line from rsync: `%s'" % line)
+      continue
+    tail = ff[3]
+    try:
+      spc = tail.index(' ')
+    except ValueError:
+      syserr("ignoring invalid line from rsync: `%s'" % line)
+      continue
+    name = tail[spc + 1:]
+    ## Now translate escape sequences.
+    name = RX_RSYNCESC.sub(lambda m: chr(int(, 8)), name)
+    ## Call the client.
+    try:
+      fi = FileInfo(name)
+    except OSError, err:
+      syserr("failed to stat `%s': %s" % (name, err.strerror))
+      continue
+    func(fi)
+### The hash cache.
+class HashCache (object):
+  VERSION = 0
+  BUFSZ = 128*1024
+  INIT = [
+    """CREATE TABLE meta (
+               version INTEGER NOT NULL,
+               hash TEXT NOT NULL
+       );""",
+    """CREATE TABLE hash (
+               ino INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+               mtime INTEGER NOT NULL,
+               ctime INTEGER NOT NULL,
+               size INTEGER NOT NULL,
+               hash TEXT NOT NULL,
+               seen BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE
+       );""",
+    """PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;"""
+  ]
+  def __init__(me, file, hash = None):
+    if file is None:
+      ## We're going this alone, with no cache.
+      db = None
+      if hash is None:
+        die("no hash specified and no database cache to read from")
+    else:
+      ## Connect to the database.
+      db = DB.connect(file)
+      db.text_factory = str
+      ## See whether we can understand the cache database.
+      c = db.cursor()
+      v = h = None
+      try:
+        c.execute('SELECT version, hash FROM meta')
+        v, h = c.fetchone()
+        if c.fetchone() is not None:
+          die("cache database corrupt: meta table has mutliple rows")
+      except (DB.Error, TypeError):
+        pass
+      ## If that didn't work, we'd better clear the thing and start again.
+      ## But only if we know how to initialize it.
+      if v != me.VERSION:
+        ## Explain the situation.
+        moan("cache version %s not understood" % v)
+        if hash is None:
+          if h is None:
+            die("can't initialize cache: no hash function set")
+          else:
+            hash = h
+        try:
+        except Exception:
+          die("unknown hash function `%s'" % hash)
+        ## Drop old things.
+        c.execute('SELECT type, name FROM sqlite_master')
+        for type, name in c.fetchall():
+          c.execute('DROP %s IF EXISTS %s' % (type, name))
+        ## Now we're ready to go.
+        for stmt in me.INIT:
+          c.execute(stmt)
+        c.execute('INSERT INTO meta VALUES (?, ?)', [me.VERSION, hash])
+        db.commit()
+      ## Check the hash function if necessary.
+      if hash is None:
+        hash = h
+      elif h is not None and  h != hash:
+        die("hash mismatch: cache uses %s but %s requested" % (h, hash))
+    ## All done.
+    me.hash = hash
+    me._db = db
+    me._pend = 0
+  def hashfile(me, fi):
+    ## If this isn't a proper file then don't try to hash it.
+    if fi.err or not ST.S_ISREG(
+      return None
+    ## See whether there's a valid entry in the cache.
+    if me._db:
+      c = me._db.cursor()
+      c.execute(
+        'SELECT mtime, size, hash, seen FROM hash WHERE ino = ?;',
+        [])
+      r = c.fetchone()
+      if r is not None:
+        mt, sz, h, s = r
+        if mt == and \
+           sz ==
+          if not s:
+            c.execute('UPDATE hash SET seen = 1 WHERE ino = ?',
+                      [])
+          me._update()
+          return h
+    ## Hash the file.  Beware raciness: update the file information from the
+    ## open descriptor, but set the size from what we actually read.
+    h =
+    try:
+      with open(, 'rb') as f:
+        sz = 0
+        while True:
+          buf =
+          if len(buf) == 0:
+            break
+          sz += len(buf)
+          h.update(buf)
+ = OS.fstat(f.fileno())
+ = sz
+      hash = h.digest()
+    except (OSError, IOError), err:
+ = None
+      fi.err = err
+      return None
+    hash = hash.encode('hex')
+    ## Insert a record into the database.
+    if me._db:
+      c.execute("""
+              INSERT OR REPLACE INTO hash
+                      (ino, mtime, ctime, size, hash, seen)
+              VALUES
+                      (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 1);
+      """, [,
+  ,
+  ,
+  ,
+            hash])
+      me._update()
+    ## Done.
+    return hash
+  def _update(me):
+    me._pend += 1
+    if me._pend >= 1024:
+      me.flush()
+  def flush(me):
+    if me._db:
+      me._db.commit()
+    me._pend = 0
+  def need_db(me):
+    if not me._db:
+      die("no cache database")
+  def reset(me):
+    me.need_db()
+    c = me._db.cursor()
+    c.execute('UPDATE hash SET seen = 0 WHERE seen')
+    me.flush()
+  def prune(me):
+    me.need_db()
+    c = me._db.cursor()
+    c.execute('DELETE FROM hash WHERE NOT seen')
+    me.flush()
+### Printing output.
+class GenericFormatter (object):
+  def __init__(me, fi):
+ = fi
+  def _fmt_time(me, t):
+    tm = T.gmtime(t)
+    return T.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', tm)
+  def _enc_name(me, n):
+    return ' \\-> '.join(n.encode('string_escape').split(' -> '))
+  def name(me):
+    return me._enc_name(
+  def info(me):
+    return me.TYPE
+  def mode(me):
+    return '%06o' %
+  def size(me):
+    return
+  def mtime(me):
+    return me._fmt_time(
+  def owner(me):
+    return '%5d:%d' % (,
+class ErrorFormatter (GenericFormatter):
+  def info(me):
+    return 'E%d %s' % (,
+  def error(me): return 'error'
+  mode = size = mtime = owner = error
+class SocketFormatter (GenericFormatter):
+  TYPE = 'socket'
+class PipeFormatter (GenericFormatter):
+  TYPE = 'fifo'
+class LinkFormatter (GenericFormatter):
+  TYPE = 'symbolic-link'
+  def name(me):
+    n =
+    try:
+      d = OS.readlink(
+      return '%s -> %s' % (n, me._enc_name(d))
+    except OSError, err:
+      return '%s -> <E%d %s>' % (n, err.errno, err.strerror)
+class DirectoryFormatter (GenericFormatter):
+  TYPE = 'directory'
+  def name(me): return + '/'
+  def size(me): return 'dir'
+class DeviceFormatter (GenericFormatter):
+  def info(me):
+    return '%s %d:%d' % (me.TYPE,
+                         OS.major(,
+                         OS.minor(
+class BlockDeviceFormatter (DeviceFormatter):
+  TYPE = 'block-device'
+class CharDeviceFormatter (DeviceFormatter):
+  TYPE = 'character-device'
+class FileFormatter (GenericFormatter):
+  TYPE = 'regular-file'
+class Reporter (object):
+  TYMAP = {
+    ST.S_IFSOCK: SocketFormatter,
+    ST.S_IFDIR: DirectoryFormatter,
+    ST.S_IFLNK: LinkFormatter,
+    ST.S_IFREG: FileFormatter,
+    ST.S_IFBLK: BlockDeviceFormatter,
+    ST.S_IFCHR: CharDeviceFormatter,
+    ST.S_IFIFO: PipeFormatter,
+  }
+  def __init__(me, db):
+    me._inomap = {}
+    me._vinomap = {}
+    me._db = db
+    me._hsz = int(
+  def file(me, fi):
+    h = me._db.hashfile(fi)
+    if fi.err:
+      fmt = ErrorFormatter(fi)
+      vino = 'error'
+    else:
+      fmt = me.TYMAP[ST.S_IFMT(](fi)
+      inoidx =,
+      try:
+        vino = me._inomap[inoidx]
+      except KeyError:
+        suffix = ''
+        seq = 0
+        while True:
+          vino = '%08x' % (Z.crc32( + suffix) & 0xffffffff)
+          if vino not in me._vinomap: break
+          suffix = '\0%d' % seq
+          seq += 1
+        me._inomap[inoidx] = vino
+    if h: info = h
+    else: info = '[%-*s]' % (2*me._hsz - 2,
+    print '%s %8s %6s %-12s %-20s %20s %s' % (
+      info, vino, fmt.mode(), fmt.owner(),
+      fmt.mtime(), fmt.size(),
+### Main program.
+  'rsync': lambda f: enum_rsync(stdin, f),
+  'find0': lambda f: enum_find0(stdin, f)
+op = OP.OptionParser(
+  usage = '%prog [-a] [-c CACHE] [-f FORMAT] [-H HASH] [FILE ...]',
+  version = '%%prog, version %s' % VERSION,
+  description = '''\
+Print a digest of a filesystem (or a collection of specified files) to
+standard output.  The idea is that the digest should be mostly /complete/
+(i.e., any `interesting\' change to the filesystem results in a different
+digest) and /canonical/ (i.e., identical filesystem contents result in
+identical output).
+for short, long, props in [
+  ('-a', '--all', { 'action': 'store_true', 'dest': 'all',
+                    'help': 'clear cache of all files not seen' }),
+  ('-c', '--cache', { 'dest': 'cache', 'metavar': 'FILE',
+                      'help': 'use FILE as a cache for file hashes' }),
+  ('-f', '--files', { 'dest': 'files', 'metavar': 'FORMAT',
+                      'type': 'choice', 'choices': FMTMAP.keys(),
+                      'help': 'read files to report in the given FORMAT' }),
+  ('-H', '--hash', { 'dest': 'hash', 'metavar': 'HASH',
+                     ##'type': 'choice', 'choices': H.algorithms,
+                     'help': 'use HASH as the hash function' })]:
+  op.add_option(short, long, **props)
+opts, args = op.parse_args(argv)
+if not opts.files and len(args) <= 1:
+  die("no filename sources: nothing to do")
+db = HashCache(opts.cache, opts.hash)
+if opts.all:
+  db.reset()
+rep = Reporter(db)
+if opts.files:
+  FMTMAP[opts.files](rep.file)
+for dir in args[1:]:
+  enum_walk(dir, rep.file)
+if opts.all:
+  db.prune()
+###----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/roles/common/files/netdb/hosts b/roles/common/files/netdb/hosts
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..151f173
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+## -*-conf-*-
+### Statically defined hosts.
+### This file is maintained on ibanez: edit it there and run `update-slaves'.
+### Standard infrastructural names.
+## IPv4 names.
+              localhost
+     all-hosts
+     all-routers
+## IPv6 names.
+::1                    ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
+fe00::0                        ip6-localnet
+ff00::0                        ip6-mcastprefix
+ff02::1                        ip6-allnodes
+ff02::2                        ip6-allrouters
+### Hosts on the local network.
+## Globally routable addresses.
+ guvnor.dmz
+2001:470:1f09:1b98::1 guvnor.dmz
+ radius.dmz rd
+2001:470:1f09:1b98::2 radius.dmz rd
+ roadstar.dmz rgd
+2001:470:1f09:1b98::3 roadstar.dmz rgd
+ jem.dmz jd
+2001:470:1f09:1b98::4 jem.dmz jd
+ artist.dmz ad
+2001:470:1f09:1b98::5 artist.dmz ad
+ vampire.dmz vd
+2001:470:1f09:1b98::6 vampire.dmz vd
+ ibanez.dmz id
+2001:470:1f09:1b98::9 ibanez.dmz id
+ anon.dmz
+2001:470:1f09:1b98::c anon.dmz
+ nat.dmz nat
+## Unsafe but trusted network.
+  radius.unsafe radius r ru
+2001:470:9740:1::1 radius.unsafe radius r ru
+  roadstar.unsafe roadstar rg rgu
+2001:470:9740:1::2 roadstar.unsafe roadstar rg rgu
+  jem.unsafe jem j ju
+2001:470:9740:1::3 jem.unsafe jem j ju
+  artist.unsafe artist a au
+2001:470:9740:1::4 artist.unsafe artist a au
+  vampire.unsafe vampire v vu
+2001:470:9740:1::5 vampire.unsafe vampire v vu
+ ibanez.unsafe ibanez i iu
+2001:470:9740:1::e ibanez.unsafe ibanez i iu
+ groove.vpn groove gr
+2001:470:9740:1::11 groove.vpn groove gr
+## Safe, trusted network.
+ rs
+2001:470:9740:4001::1 rs
+ vs
+2001:470:9740:4001::2 vs
+ evolution evo
+2001:470:9740:4001::3 evolution evo
+ grigsby tp0
+2001:470:9740:4001::4 grigsby tp0
+ carling tp1
+2001:470:9740:4001::5 carling tp1
+ tritan tp2
+2001:470:9740:4001::6 tritan tp2
+## Untrusted network.
+  radius.untrusted rx
+2001:470:9740:8001::1 radius.untrusted rx
+  artist.untrusted ax
+2001:470:9740:8001::2 artist.untrusted ax
+  vampire.untrusted vx
+2001:470:9740:8001::3 vampire.untrusted vx
+## Colocated border network.
+ fender.jump fj
+2001:ba8:0:1d9::5 fender.jump fj
+ precision.jump pj
+2001:ba8:0:1d9::6 precision.jump pj
+ telecaster.jump tele.jump tj
+2001:ba8:0:1d9::7 telecaster.jump tele.jump tj
+ stratocaster.jump strat.jump sj
+2001:ba8:0:1d9::8 stratocaster.jump strat.jump sj
+ jazz.jump zj
+2001:ba8:0:1d9::9 jazz.jump zj
+ jaguar jaguar.jump jag
+2001:ba8:0:1d9::2:1 jaguar jaguar.jump jag
+## Colocated internal network.
+ fender.colo fender f fc
+2001:ba8:1d9:2::1 fender.colo fender f fc
+ precision.colo precision p pc
+2001:ba8:1d9:2::2 precision.colo precision p pc
+ telecaster.colo telecaster tele t tc
+2001:ba8:1d9:2::3 telecaster.colo telecaster tele t tc
+ stratocaster.colo stratocaster strat s sc
+2001:ba8:1d9:2::4 stratocaster.colo stratocaster strat s sc
+ jazz.colo jazz jz z zc anon anon.colo
+2001:ba8:1d9:2::5 jazz.colo jazz jz z zc anon anon.colo
+## Virtual private network.
+ crybaby.vpn crybaby cb
+2001:ba8:1d9:6000::1:1 crybaby.vpn crybaby cb
+ terror.vpn terror
+ orange.vpn orange o
+2001:ba8:1d9:6000::3:1 orange.vpn orange o
+ haze.vpn haze h
+2001:ba8:1d9:6000::4:1 haze.vpn haze h
+ radius.vpn rv
+2001:ba8:1d9:6000::5:1 radius.vpn rv
+ precision.vpn pv
+2001:ba8:1d9:6000::6:1 precision.vpn pv
+ jazz.vpn zv
+2001:ba8:1d9:6000::7:1 jazz.vpn zv
+ vampire.vpn vv
+2001:ba8:1d9:6000::8:1 vampire.vpn vv
+### Satellite networks.
+ binswrt.binswood binswrt bw
+ mango.binswood mango
+###----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/roles/common/files/netdb/networks b/roles/common/files/netdb/networks
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..cdf6ffd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/roles/common/files/netdb/services b/roles/common/files/netdb/services
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7930d21
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+# Network services, Internet style
+# Note that it is presently the policy of IANA to assign a single well-known
+# port number for both TCP and UDP; hence, officially ports have two entries
+# even if the protocol doesn't support UDP operations.
+# Updated from and other
+# sources like .
+# New ports will be added on request if they have been officially assigned
+# by IANA and used in the real-world or are needed by a debian package.
+# If you need a huge list of used numbers please install the nmap package.
+### This file is maintained on ibanez: edit it there and run `update-slaves'.
+tcpmux         1/tcp                           # TCP port service multiplexer
+echo           7/tcp
+echo           7/udp
+discard                9/tcp           sink null
+discard                9/udp           sink null
+systat         11/tcp          users
+daytime                13/tcp
+daytime                13/udp
+netstat                15/tcp
+qotd           17/tcp          quote
+msp            18/tcp                          # message send protocol
+msp            18/udp
+chargen                19/tcp          ttytst source
+chargen                19/udp          ttytst source
+ftp-data       20/tcp
+ftp            21/tcp
+fsp            21/udp          fspd
+ssh            22/tcp                          # SSH Remote Login Protocol
+ssh            22/udp
+telnet         23/tcp
+smtp           25/tcp          mail
+time           37/tcp          timserver
+time           37/udp          timserver
+rlp            39/udp          resource        # resource location
+nameserver     42/tcp          name            # IEN 116
+whois          43/tcp          nicname
+tacacs         49/tcp                          # Login Host Protocol (TACACS)
+tacacs         49/udp
+re-mail-ck     50/tcp                          # Remote Mail Checking Protocol
+re-mail-ck     50/udp
+domain         53/tcp                          # name-domain server
+domain         53/udp
+mtp            57/tcp                          # deprecated
+tacacs-ds      65/tcp                          # TACACS-Database Service
+tacacs-ds      65/udp
+bootps         67/tcp                          # BOOTP server
+bootps         67/udp
+bootpc         68/tcp                          # BOOTP client
+bootpc         68/udp
+tftp           69/udp
+gopher         70/tcp                          # Internet Gopher
+gopher         70/udp
+rje            77/tcp          netrjs
+finger         79/tcp
+www            80/tcp          http            # WorldWideWeb HTTP
+www            80/udp                          # HyperText Transfer Protocol
+link           87/tcp          ttylink
+kerberos       88/tcp          kerberos5 krb5 kerberos-sec kdc # Kerberos v5
+kerberos       88/udp          kerberos5 krb5 kerberos-sec kdc # Kerberos v5
+supdup         95/tcp
+hostnames      101/tcp         hostname        # usually from sri-nic
+iso-tsap       102/tcp         tsap            # part of ISODE
+acr-nema       104/tcp         dicom           # Digital Imag. & Comm. 300
+acr-nema       104/udp         dicom           # Digital Imag. & Comm. 300
+csnet-ns       105/tcp         cso-ns          # also used by CSO name server
+csnet-ns       105/udp         cso-ns
+rtelnet                107/tcp                         # Remote Telnet
+rtelnet                107/udp
+pop2           109/tcp         postoffice pop-2 # POP version 2
+pop2           109/udp         pop-2
+pop3           110/tcp         pop-3           # POP version 3
+pop3           110/udp         pop-3
+sunrpc         111/tcp         portmapper      # RPC 4.0 portmapper
+sunrpc         111/udp         portmapper
+auth           113/tcp         authentication tap ident
+sftp           115/tcp
+uucp-path      117/tcp
+nntp           119/tcp         readnews untp   # USENET News Transfer Protocol
+ntp            123/tcp
+ntp            123/udp                         # Network Time Protocol
+pwdgen         129/tcp                         # PWDGEN service
+pwdgen         129/udp                         # PWDGEN service
+loc-srv                135/tcp         epmap           # Location Service
+loc-srv                135/udp         epmap
+netbios-ns     137/tcp                         # NETBIOS Name Service
+netbios-ns     137/udp
+netbios-dgm    138/tcp                         # NETBIOS Datagram Service
+netbios-dgm    138/udp
+netbios-ssn    139/tcp                         # NETBIOS session service
+netbios-ssn    139/udp
+imap2          143/tcp         imap            # Interim Mail Access P 2 and 4
+imap2          143/udp         imap
+snmp           161/tcp                         # Simple Net Mgmt Protocol
+snmp           161/udp                         # Simple Net Mgmt Protocol
+snmp-trap      162/tcp         snmptrap        # Traps for SNMP
+snmp-trap      162/udp         snmptrap        # Traps for SNMP
+cmip-man       163/tcp                         # ISO mgmt over IP (CMOT)
+cmip-man       163/udp
+cmip-agent     164/tcp
+cmip-agent     164/udp
+mailq          174/tcp                 # Mailer transport queue for Zmailer
+mailq          174/udp                 # Mailer transport queue for Zmailer
+xdmcp          177/tcp                         # X Display Mgr. Control Proto
+xdmcp          177/udp
+nextstep       178/tcp         NeXTStep NextStep       # NeXTStep window
+nextstep       178/udp         NeXTStep NextStep       #  server
+bgp            179/tcp                         # Border Gateway Protocol
+bgp            179/udp
+prospero       191/tcp                         # Cliff Neuman's Prospero
+prospero       191/udp
+irc            194/tcp                         # Internet Relay Chat
+irc            194/udp
+smux           199/tcp                         # SNMP Unix Multiplexer
+smux           199/udp
+at-rtmp                201/tcp                         # AppleTalk routing
+at-rtmp                201/udp
+at-nbp         202/tcp                         # AppleTalk name binding
+at-nbp         202/udp
+at-echo                204/tcp                         # AppleTalk echo
+at-echo                204/udp
+at-zis         206/tcp                         # AppleTalk zone information
+at-zis         206/udp
+qmtp           209/tcp                         # Quick Mail Transfer Protocol
+qmtp           209/udp                         # Quick Mail Transfer Protocol
+z3950          210/tcp         wais            # NISO Z39.50 database
+z3950          210/udp         wais
+ipx            213/tcp                         # IPX
+ipx            213/udp
+imap3          220/tcp                         # Interactive Mail Access
+imap3          220/udp                         # Protocol v3
+pawserv                345/tcp                         # Perf Analysis Workbench
+pawserv                345/udp
+zserv          346/tcp                         # Zebra server
+zserv          346/udp
+fatserv                347/tcp                         # Fatmen Server
+fatserv                347/udp
+rpc2portmap    369/tcp
+rpc2portmap    369/udp                         # Coda portmapper
+codaauth2      370/tcp
+codaauth2      370/udp                         # Coda authentication server
+clearcase      371/tcp         Clearcase
+clearcase      371/udp         Clearcase
+ulistserv      372/tcp                         # UNIX Listserv
+ulistserv      372/udp
+ldap           389/tcp                 # Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
+ldap           389/udp
+imsp           406/tcp                 # Interactive Mail Support Protocol
+imsp           406/udp
+svrloc         427/tcp                         # Server Location
+svrloc         427/udp                         # Server Location
+https          443/tcp                         # http protocol over TLS/SSL
+https          443/udp
+snpp           444/tcp                         # Simple Network Paging Protocol
+snpp           444/udp
+microsoft-ds   445/tcp                         # Microsoft Naked CIFS
+microsoft-ds   445/udp
+kpasswd                464/tcp
+kpasswd                464/udp
+saft           487/tcp                 # Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
+saft           487/udp
+isakmp         500/tcp                 # IPsec - Internet Security Association
+isakmp         500/udp                 #  and Key Management Protocol
+rtsp           554/tcp                 # Real Time Stream Control Protocol
+rtsp           554/udp                 # Real Time Stream Control Protocol
+nqs            607/tcp                         # Network Queuing system
+nqs            607/udp
+npmp-local     610/tcp         dqs313_qmaster          # npmp-local / DQS
+npmp-local     610/udp         dqs313_qmaster
+npmp-gui       611/tcp         dqs313_execd            # npmp-gui / DQS
+npmp-gui       611/udp         dqs313_execd
+hmmp-ind       612/tcp         dqs313_intercell        # HMMP Indication / DQS
+hmmp-ind       612/udp         dqs313_intercell
+qmqp           628/tcp
+qmqp           628/udp
+ipp            631/tcp                         # Internet Printing Protocol
+ipp            631/udp
+# UNIX specific services
+exec           512/tcp
+biff           512/udp         comsat
+login          513/tcp
+who            513/udp         whod
+shell          514/tcp         cmd             # no passwords used
+syslog         514/udp
+printer                515/tcp         spooler         # line printer spooler
+talk           517/udp
+ntalk          518/udp
+route          520/udp         router routed   # RIP
+timed          525/udp         timeserver
+tempo          526/tcp         newdate
+courier                530/tcp         rpc
+conference     531/tcp         chat
+netnews                532/tcp         readnews
+netwall                533/udp                         # for emergency broadcasts
+gdomap         538/tcp                         # GNUstep distributed objects
+gdomap         538/udp
+uucp           540/tcp         uucpd           # uucp daemon
+klogin         543/tcp                         # Kerberized `rlogin' (v5)
+kshell         544/tcp         krcmd           # Kerberized `rsh' (v5)
+dhcpv6-client  546/tcp
+dhcpv6-client  546/udp
+dhcpv6-server  547/tcp
+dhcpv6-server  547/udp
+afpovertcp     548/tcp                         # AFP over TCP
+afpovertcp     548/udp
+idfp           549/tcp
+idfp           549/udp
+remotefs       556/tcp         rfs_server rfs  # Brunhoff remote filesystem
+nntps          563/tcp         snntp           # NNTP over SSL
+nntps          563/udp         snntp
+submission     587/tcp                         # Submission [RFC4409]
+submission     587/udp
+ldaps          636/tcp                         # LDAP over SSL
+ldaps          636/udp
+tinc           655/tcp                         # tinc control port
+tinc           655/udp
+silc           706/tcp
+silc           706/udp
+kerberos-adm   749/tcp                         # Kerberos `kadmin' (v5)
+webster                765/tcp                         # Network dictionary
+webster                765/udp
+rsync          873/tcp
+rsync          873/udp
+ftps-data      989/tcp                         # FTP over SSL (data)
+ftps           990/tcp
+telnets                992/tcp                         # Telnet over SSL
+telnets                992/udp
+imaps          993/tcp                         # IMAP over SSL
+imaps          993/udp
+ircs           994/tcp                         # IRC over SSL
+ircs           994/udp
+pop3s          995/tcp                         # POP-3 over SSL
+pop3s          995/udp
+# From ``Assigned Numbers'':
+#> The Registered Ports are not controlled by the IANA and on most systems
+#> can be used by ordinary user processes or programs executed by ordinary
+#> users.
+#> Ports are used in the TCP [45,106] to name the ends of logical
+#> connections which carry long term conversations.  For the purpose of
+#> providing services to unknown callers, a service contact port is
+#> defined.  This list specifies the port used by the server process as its
+#> contact port.  While the IANA can not control uses of these ports it
+#> does register or list uses of these ports as a convienence to the
+#> community.
+socks          1080/tcp                        # socks proxy server
+socks          1080/udp
+proofd         1093/tcp
+proofd         1093/udp
+rootd          1094/tcp
+rootd          1094/udp
+openvpn                1194/tcp
+openvpn                1194/udp
+rmiregistry    1099/tcp                        # Java RMI Registry
+rmiregistry    1099/udp
+kazaa          1214/tcp
+kazaa          1214/udp
+nessus         1241/tcp                        # Nessus vulnerability
+nessus         1241/udp                        #  assessment scanner
+lotusnote      1352/tcp        lotusnotes      # Lotus Note
+lotusnote      1352/udp        lotusnotes
+ms-sql-s       1433/tcp                        # Microsoft SQL Server
+ms-sql-s       1433/udp
+ms-sql-m       1434/tcp                        # Microsoft SQL Monitor
+ms-sql-m       1434/udp
+ingreslock     1524/tcp
+ingreslock     1524/udp
+prospero-np    1525/tcp                        # Prospero non-privileged
+prospero-np    1525/udp
+datametrics    1645/tcp        old-radius
+datametrics    1645/udp        old-radius
+sa-msg-port    1646/tcp        old-radacct
+sa-msg-port    1646/udp        old-radacct
+kermit         1649/tcp
+kermit         1649/udp
+l2f            1701/tcp        l2tp
+l2f            1701/udp        l2tp
+radius         1812/tcp
+radius         1812/udp
+radius-acct    1813/tcp        radacct         # Radius Accounting
+radius-acct    1813/udp        radacct
+msnp           1863/tcp                        # MSN Messenger
+msnp           1863/udp
+unix-status    1957/tcp                        # remstats unix-status server
+log-server     1958/tcp                        # remstats log server
+remoteping     1959/tcp                        # remstats remoteping server
+cisco-sccp     2000/tcp                        # Cisco SCCP
+cisco-sccp     2000/udp
+search         2010/tcp        ndtp
+pipe_server    2010/tcp
+nfs            2049/tcp                        # Network File System
+nfs            2049/udp                        # Network File System
+gnunet         2086/tcp
+gnunet         2086/udp
+rtcm-sc104     2101/tcp                        # RTCM SC-104 IANA 1/29/99
+rtcm-sc104     2101/udp
+gsigatekeeper  2119/tcp
+gsigatekeeper  2119/udp
+gris           2135/tcp                # Grid Resource Information Server
+gris           2135/udp                # Grid Resource Information Server
+cvspserver     2401/tcp                        # CVS client/server operations
+cvspserver     2401/udp
+venus          2430/tcp                        # codacon port
+venus          2430/udp                        # Venus callback/wbc interface
+venus-se       2431/tcp                        # tcp side effects
+venus-se       2431/udp                        # udp sftp side effect
+codasrv                2432/tcp                        # not used
+codasrv                2432/udp                        # server port
+codasrv-se     2433/tcp                        # tcp side effects
+codasrv-se     2433/udp                        # udp sftp side effect
+mon            2583/tcp                        # MON traps
+mon            2583/udp
+dict           2628/tcp                        # Dictionary server
+dict           2628/udp
+gsiftp         2811/tcp
+gsiftp         2811/udp
+gpsd           2947/tcp
+gpsd           2947/udp
+gds_db         3050/tcp                        # InterBase server
+gds_db         3050/udp
+icpv2          3130/tcp        icp             # Internet Cache Protocol
+icpv2          3130/udp        icp
+mysql          3306/tcp
+mysql          3306/udp
+nut            3493/tcp                        # Network UPS Tools
+nut            3493/udp
+distcc         3632/tcp                        # distributed compiler
+distcc         3632/udp
+daap           3689/tcp                        # Digital Audio Access Protocol
+daap           3689/udp
+svn            3690/tcp        subversion      # Subversion protocol
+svn            3690/udp        subversion
+suucp          4031/tcp                        # UUCP over SSL
+suucp          4031/udp                        # UUCP over SSL
+sysrqd         4094/tcp                        # sysrq daemon
+sysrqd         4094/udp                        # sysrq daemon
+sieve          4190/tcp                        # ManageSieve Protocol
+epmd           4369/tcp                        # Erlang Port Mapper Daemon
+epmd           4369/udp                        # Erlang Port Mapper Daemon
+remctl         4373/tcp                # Remote Authenticated Command Service
+remctl         4373/udp                # Remote Authenticated Command Service
+iax            4569/tcp                        # Inter-Asterisk eXchange
+iax            4569/udp
+mtn            4691/tcp                        # monotone Netsync Protocol
+mtn            4691/udp                        # monotone Netsync Protocol
+radmin-port    4899/tcp                        # RAdmin Port
+radmin-port    4899/udp
+rfe            5002/udp                        # Radio Free Ethernet
+rfe            5002/tcp
+mmcc           5050/tcp        # multimedia conference control tool (Yahoo IM)
+mmcc           5050/udp
+sip            5060/tcp                        # Session Initiation Protocol
+sip            5060/udp
+sip-tls                5061/tcp
+sip-tls                5061/udp
+aol            5190/tcp                        # AIM
+aol            5190/udp
+xmpp-client    5222/tcp        jabber-client   # Jabber Client Connection
+xmpp-client    5222/udp        jabber-client
+xmpp-server    5269/tcp        jabber-server   # Jabber Server Connection
+xmpp-server    5269/udp        jabber-server
+cfengine       5308/tcp
+cfengine       5308/udp
+mdns           5353/tcp                        # Multicast DNS
+mdns           5353/udp                        # Multicast DNS
+postgresql     5432/tcp        postgres        # PostgreSQL Database
+postgresql     5432/udp        postgres
+freeciv                5556/tcp        rptp            # Freeciv gameplay
+freeciv                5556/udp
+amqp           5672/tcp
+amqp           5672/udp
+amqp           5672/sctp
+ggz            5688/tcp                        # GGZ Gaming Zone
+ggz            5688/udp                        # GGZ Gaming Zone
+x11            6000/tcp        x11-0           # X Window System
+x11            6000/udp        x11-0
+x11-1          6001/tcp
+x11-1          6001/udp
+x11-2          6002/tcp
+x11-2          6002/udp
+x11-3          6003/tcp
+x11-3          6003/udp
+x11-4          6004/tcp
+x11-4          6004/udp
+x11-5          6005/tcp
+x11-5          6005/udp
+x11-6          6006/tcp
+x11-6          6006/udp
+x11-7          6007/tcp
+x11-7          6007/udp
+gnutella-svc   6346/tcp                        # gnutella
+gnutella-svc   6346/udp
+gnutella-rtr   6347/tcp                        # gnutella
+gnutella-rtr   6347/udp
+sge_qmaster    6444/tcp                        # Grid Engine Qmaster Service
+sge_qmaster    6444/udp                        # Grid Engine Qmaster Service
+sge_execd      6445/tcp                        # Grid Engine Execution Service
+sge_execd      6445/udp                        # Grid Engine Execution Service
+mysql-proxy    6446/tcp                        # MySQL Proxy
+mysql-proxy    6446/udp                        # MySQL Proxy
+afs3-fileserver 7000/tcp       bbs             # file server itself
+afs3-fileserver 7000/udp       bbs
+afs3-callback  7001/tcp                        # callbacks to cache managers
+afs3-callback  7001/udp
+afs3-prserver  7002/tcp                        # users & groups database
+afs3-prserver  7002/udp
+afs3-vlserver  7003/tcp                        # volume location database
+afs3-vlserver  7003/udp
+afs3-kaserver  7004/tcp                        # AFS/Kerberos authentication
+afs3-kaserver  7004/udp
+afs3-volser    7005/tcp                        # volume managment server
+afs3-volser    7005/udp
+afs3-errors    7006/tcp                        # error interpretation service
+afs3-errors    7006/udp
+afs3-bos       7007/tcp                        # basic overseer process
+afs3-bos       7007/udp
+afs3-update    7008/tcp                        # server-to-server updater
+afs3-update    7008/udp
+afs3-rmtsys    7009/tcp                        # remote cache manager service
+afs3-rmtsys    7009/udp
+font-service   7100/tcp        xfs             # X Font Service
+font-service   7100/udp        xfs
+http-alt       8080/tcp        webcache        # WWW caching service
+http-alt       8080/udp                        # WWW caching service
+bacula-dir     9101/tcp                        # Bacula Director
+bacula-dir     9101/udp
+bacula-fd      9102/tcp                        # Bacula File Daemon
+bacula-fd      9102/udp
+bacula-sd      9103/tcp                        # Bacula Storage Daemon
+bacula-sd      9103/udp
+xmms2          9667/tcp        # Cross-platform Music Multiplexing System
+xmms2          9667/udp        # Cross-platform Music Multiplexing System
+nbd            10809/tcp                       # Linux Network Block Device
+zabbix-agent   10050/tcp                       # Zabbix Agent
+zabbix-agent   10050/udp                       # Zabbix Agent
+zabbix-trapper 10051/tcp                       # Zabbix Trapper
+zabbix-trapper 10051/udp                       # Zabbix Trapper
+amanda         10080/tcp                       # amanda backup services
+amanda         10080/udp
+hkp            11371/tcp                       # OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver
+hkp            11371/udp                       # OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver
+bprd           13720/tcp                       # VERITAS NetBackup
+bprd           13720/udp
+bpdbm          13721/tcp                       # VERITAS NetBackup
+bpdbm          13721/udp
+bpjava-msvc    13722/tcp                       # BP Java MSVC Protocol
+bpjava-msvc    13722/udp
+vnetd          13724/tcp                       # Veritas Network Utility
+vnetd          13724/udp
+bpcd           13782/tcp                       # VERITAS NetBackup
+bpcd           13782/udp
+vopied         13783/tcp                       # VERITAS NetBackup
+vopied         13783/udp
+dcap           22125/tcp                       # dCache Access Protocol
+gsidcap                22128/tcp                       # GSI dCache Access Protocol
+wnn6           22273/tcp                       # wnn6
+wnn6           22273/udp
+# Datagram Delivery Protocol services
+rtmp           1/ddp                   # Routing Table Maintenance Protocol
+nbp            2/ddp                   # Name Binding Protocol
+echo           4/ddp                   # AppleTalk Echo Protocol
+zip            6/ddp                   # Zone Information Protocol
+# The remaining port numbers are not as allocated by IANA.
+# Kerberos (Project Athena/MIT) services
+# Note that these are for Kerberos v4, and are unofficial.  Sites running
+# v4 should uncomment these and comment out the v5 entries above.
+kerberos4      750/udp         kerberos-iv kdc # Kerberos (server)
+kerberos4      750/tcp         kerberos-iv kdc
+kerberos_master        751/udp                         # Kerberos authentication
+kerberos_master        751/tcp
+passwd_server  752/udp                         # Kerberos passwd server
+krb_prop       754/tcp         krb5_prop hprop # Kerberos slave propagation
+krbupdate      760/tcp         kreg            # Kerberos registration
+swat           901/tcp                         # swat
+kpop           1109/tcp                        # Pop with Kerberos
+knetd          2053/tcp                        # Kerberos de-multiplexor
+zephyr-srv     2102/udp                        # Zephyr server
+zephyr-clt     2103/udp                        # Zephyr serv-hm connection
+zephyr-hm      2104/udp                        # Zephyr hostmanager
+eklogin                2105/tcp                        # Kerberos encrypted rlogin
+# Hmmm. Are we using Kv4 or Kv5 now? Worrying.
+# The following is probably Kerberos v5  --- (11/02/2000)
+kx             2111/tcp                        # X over Kerberos
+iprop          2121/tcp                        # incremental propagation
+# Unofficial but necessary (for NetBSD) services
+supfilesrv     871/tcp                         # SUP server
+supfiledbg     1127/tcp                        # SUP debugging
+# Services added for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution
+linuxconf      98/tcp                          # LinuxConf
+poppassd       106/tcp                         # Eudora
+poppassd       106/udp
+ssmtp          465/tcp         smtps           # SMTP over SSL
+moira_db       775/tcp                         # Moira database
+moira_update   777/tcp                         # Moira update protocol
+moira_ureg     779/udp                         # Moira user registration
+spamd          783/tcp                         # spamassassin daemon
+omirr          808/tcp         omirrd          # online mirror
+omirr          808/udp         omirrd
+customs                1001/tcp                        # pmake customs server
+customs                1001/udp
+skkserv                1178/tcp                        # skk jisho server port
+predict                1210/udp                        # predict -- satellite tracking
+rmtcfg         1236/tcp                        # Gracilis Packeten remote config server
+wipld          1300/tcp                        # Wipl network monitor
+xtel           1313/tcp                        # french minitel
+xtelw          1314/tcp                        # french minitel
+support                1529/tcp                        # GNATS
+cfinger                2003/tcp                        # GNU Finger
+frox           2121/tcp                        # frox: caching ftp proxy
+ninstall       2150/tcp                        # ninstall service
+ninstall       2150/udp
+zebrasrv       2600/tcp                        # zebra service
+zebra          2601/tcp                        # zebra vty
+ripd           2602/tcp                        # ripd vty (zebra)
+ripngd         2603/tcp                        # ripngd vty (zebra)
+ospfd          2604/tcp                        # ospfd vty (zebra)
+bgpd           2605/tcp                        # bgpd vty (zebra)
+ospf6d         2606/tcp                        # ospf6d vty (zebra)
+ospfapi                2607/tcp                        # OSPF-API
+isisd          2608/tcp                        # ISISd vty (zebra)
+afbackup       2988/tcp                        # Afbackup system
+afbackup       2988/udp
+afmbackup      2989/tcp                        # Afmbackup system
+afmbackup      2989/udp
+xtell          4224/tcp                        # xtell server
+fax            4557/tcp                        # FAX transmission service (old)
+hylafax                4559/tcp                        # HylaFAX client-server protocol (new)
+distmp3                4600/tcp                        # distmp3host daemon
+munin          4949/tcp        lrrd            # Munin
+enbd-cstatd    5051/tcp                        # ENBD client statd
+enbd-sstatd    5052/tcp                        # ENBD server statd
+pcrd           5151/tcp                        # PCR-1000 Daemon
+noclog         5354/tcp                        # noclogd with TCP (nocol)
+noclog         5354/udp                        # noclogd with UDP (nocol)
+hostmon                5355/tcp                        # hostmon uses TCP (nocol)
+hostmon                5355/udp                        # hostmon uses UDP (nocol)
+rplay          5555/udp                        # RPlay audio service
+nrpe           5666/tcp                        # Nagios Remote Plugin Executor
+nsca           5667/tcp                        # Nagios Agent - NSCA
+mrtd           5674/tcp                        # MRT Routing Daemon
+bgpsim         5675/tcp                        # MRT Routing Simulator
+canna          5680/tcp                        # cannaserver
+sane-port      6566/tcp        sane saned      # SANE network scanner daemon
+ircd           6667/tcp                        # Internet Relay Chat
+zope-ftp       8021/tcp                        # zope management by ftp
+tproxy         8081/tcp                        # Transparent Proxy
+omniorb                8088/tcp                        # OmniORB
+omniorb                8088/udp
+clc-build-daemon 8990/tcp                      # Common lisp build daemon
+xinetd         9098/tcp
+mandelspawn    9359/udp        mandelbrot      # network mandelbrot
+git            9418/tcp                        # Git Version Control System
+zope           9673/tcp                        # zope server
+webmin         10000/tcp
+kamanda                10081/tcp                       # amanda backup services (Kerberos)
+kamanda                10081/udp
+amandaidx      10082/tcp                       # amanda backup services
+amidxtape      10083/tcp                       # amanda backup services
+smsqp          11201/tcp                       # Alamin SMS gateway
+smsqp          11201/udp
+xpilot         15345/tcp                       # XPilot Contact Port
+xpilot         15345/udp
+sgi-cmsd       17001/udp               # Cluster membership services daemon
+sgi-crsd       17002/udp
+sgi-gcd                17003/udp                       # SGI Group membership daemon
+sgi-cad                17004/tcp                       # Cluster Admin daemon
+isdnlog                20011/tcp                       # isdn logging system
+isdnlog                20011/udp
+vboxd          20012/tcp                       # voice box system
+vboxd          20012/udp
+binkp          24554/tcp                       # binkp fidonet protocol
+asp            27374/tcp                       # Address Search Protocol
+asp            27374/udp
+csync2         30865/tcp                       # cluster synchronization tool
+dircproxy      57000/tcp                       # Detachable IRC Proxy
+tfido          60177/tcp                       # fidonet EMSI over telnet
+fido           60179/tcp                       # fidonet EMSI over TCP
+### Local services.
+## VPN.  This one is allocated by IANA.
+tripe          4090/udp                        # Trivial IP Encryption (VPN)
+## Kerberos.
+kerberos-adm   749/tcp                         # Kerberos 5 admin/changepw
+kerberos-adm   749/udp                         # Kerberos 5 admin/changepw
+## Web proxy.
+wwwcache       3128/tcp                        # Squid proxy port
+## Remote management.
+ipmi           623/udp                         # IPMI network protocol
+## NFS-related services, as recommended in
+rpc.statd-bc   32765/tcp                       # RPC statd broadcast
+rpc.statd-bc   32765/udp                       # RPC statd broadcast
+rpc.statd      32766/tcp                       # RPC statd listen
+rpc.statd      32766/udp                       # RPC statd listen
+rpc.mountd     32767/tcp                       # RPC mountd
+rpc.mountd     32767/udp                       # RPC mountd
+rcp.lockd      32768/tcp                       # RPC lockd/nlockmgr
+rcp.lockd      32768/udp                       # RPC lockd/nlockmgr
+rpc.quotad     32769/tcp                       # RPC quotad
+rpc.quotad     32769/udp                       # RPC quotad
diff --git a/roles/common/files/pki/ca.cert b/roles/common/files/pki/ca.cert
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4aff3dd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+    Data:
+        Version: 3 (0x2)
+        Serial Number: 16570956933538312940 (0xe5f7dd88cbd8f2ec)
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+        Issuer: C=GB, ST=Cambridgeshire, L=Cambridge,, Certificate Authority/
+        Validity
+            Not Before: Dec  1 14:27:13 2012 GMT
+            Not After : Nov 29 14:27:13 2022 GMT
+        Subject: C=GB, ST=Cambridgeshire, L=Cambridge,, Certificate Authority/
+        Subject Public Key Info:
+            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
+                Public-Key: (3072 bit)
+                Modulus:
+                    00:ba:88:24:78:37:a2:42:8b:1a:03:88:28:46:d8:
+                    dc:ad:3a:20:ba:2e:d0:fd:3b:b1:09:64:4a:63:35:
+                    cb:ff:ab:c4:b3:31:19:80:00:ca:67:b8:90:86:3d:
+                    fd:2c:72:c4:31:40:99:00:e8:cf:4e:72:54:9a:6e:
+                    b1:11:ed:0b:c5:de:9d:88:f2:03:93:f1:ee:3a:d9:
+                    56:4e:cb:c7:5c:2e:c3:41:e4:d8:d3:a9:cd:54:b1:
+                    43:e4:4f:24:f4:1c:d6:3d:11:f1:12:b4:a5:89:4a:
+                    d5:8e:99:6c:ef:85:ca:64:23:07:3b:f6:91:fa:86:
+                    e9:db:55:5f:8d:2c:5f:8b:dd:0e:02:49:59:4a:31:
+                    b9:57:6a:97:f9:50:e4:5a:f6:df:20:53:4f:53:bb:
+                    01:08:f6:2c:59:08:db:6b:ee:b9:e2:ef:db:f6:35:
+                    24:12:29:e7:10:49:52:80:8e:9f:d3:16:96:94:ae:
+                    68:bc:40:c9:a7:9a:08:9c:7e:4f:d0:c1:ae:45:b0:
+                    8a:da:a6:60:5d:29:06:8f:a3:af:ed:72:1a:ef:c6:
+                    cf:bf:2b:3f:c0:2f:26:30:85:63:04:4b:61:8c:20:
+                    da:0a:f9:c1:4a:10:66:bf:ab:fe:ef:41:55:d3:c9:
+                    ab:29:a9:03:94:f0:13:08:a2:14:f3:e8:50:c4:01:
+                    31:41:61:06:e9:14:13:3b:52:bb:01:ef:09:40:4f:
+                    27:78:7b:6e:13:61:6c:24:ce:bf:60:c0:06:eb:87:
+                    31:ac:00:b0:f1:0a:5c:3b:72:92:3a:3c:ee:8a:69:
+                    22:25:af:87:21:5e:47:98:62:86:0e:2b:72:87:ad:
+                    7d:a9:79:5f:80:3b:52:1c:f8:9b:09:72:ce:9a:e9:
+                    d2:07:3e:1e:58:d9:1c:5b:3f:e3:cc:4e:ef:9d:54:
+                    45:91:83:6a:99:92:9a:42:b1:54:ff:67:9d:fc:49:
+                    02:9f:b0:cd:7d:3a:d1:8f:5b:d3:69:dd:ba:eb:08:
+                    c6:7e:4a:80:58:d6:0f:10:c5:3f
+                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
+        X509v3 extensions:
+            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE
+            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
+                Certificate Sign
+            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 
+                73:9C:A1:60:E2:B2:1B:D0:F2:10:33:C1:11:97:73:9A:6E:5B:AB:CA
+            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: 
+            X509v3 CRL Distribution Points: 
+                Full Name:
+                  URI:
+    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
+         6b:1f:b0:49:bc:07:25:8a:75:47:03:b4:85:47:c8:b6:9b:93:
+         6b:7c:aa:c9:15:74:eb:d2:81:57:10:e2:6c:b6:42:4a:4b:18:
+         11:80:04:1b:1e:67:63:41:70:a1:b3:2a:6c:e6:82:77:9d:a4:
+         83:9e:f0:e4:c7:0e:56:0f:f1:1e:61:ff:a3:27:f1:4b:aa:9a:
+         fd:27:a7:ba:13:f9:9a:b6:b8:e6:6d:78:fc:2b:21:5f:62:b7:
+         73:3a:38:94:30:4e:80:b7:1f:84:dc:1a:68:da:fa:99:19:08:
+         c3:e0:7f:d2:08:8b:25:c1:69:e5:d5:24:5e:33:4c:5c:cc:d2:
+         a7:27:2b:01:da:3c:50:c3:58:64:73:f7:7f:88:12:b5:6e:41:
+         eb:07:8e:c5:79:e7:3d:e1:da:e6:9b:3c:c8:c4:b9:92:71:a1:
+         5d:01:95:4e:92:9e:e5:7f:ed:71:e4:27:3e:97:10:de:5d:1a:
+         a1:37:a3:1f:f0:fe:09:fe:ce:72:e7:f5:a0:5c:54:19:6f:f7:
+         62:a8:c8:66:09:77:6c:d8:73:d9:1d:c0:cd:65:c9:bd:27:9a:
+         8a:10:dc:0b:1e:08:ec:39:99:50:89:2f:bc:ca:a2:13:55:c6:
+         7f:2c:96:f1:2b:46:cf:9c:70:31:9d:7f:11:72:18:67:5d:a7:
+         c9:03:a7:1f:6b:cc:ac:a3:ae:e2:2e:01:bd:7f:a3:8d:ca:aa:
+         20:72:9c:81:84:5b:34:c5:93:1a:bd:e7:52:4f:00:9a:dd:c3:
+         af:0a:a1:e4:64:aa:d9:62:80:ce:b9:c8:57:38:03:54:d0:e1:
+         ae:0c:a9:09:da:44:88:32:58:0d:58:1f:6d:f5:c8:9b:65:fe:
+         02:57:44:ea:e1:ae:42:5f:63:24:b6:f2:99:d8:e0:3d:35:6c:
+         64:da:f7:7f:1c:f7:31:96:a4:38:93:ca:10:bc:e6:bf:d8:92:
+         ae:bc:e2:c1:df:57:45:6b:71:7b:d0:ea:43:8e:c7:87:61:77:
+         16:17:10:01:ef:6b
diff --git a/roles/common/files/pki/dh-param-2048.pem b/roles/common/files/pki/dh-param-2048.pem
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5f0e35e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+### key add -adh-param -Asha256-mgf -n128 -LS -b2053 -B224 tls-param
+keyid: 1d275741
+tag: <none>
+type: tls-param
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+delete: 2014-02-09 12:54:55 GMT
+comment: <none>
+  genseed = wi+aoJDdKOFT6dWEU4kI2Q==
+  seedalg = sha256-mgf
+  factors = 25628173794965459148662154755507710741791028195724330392802159422363,
+           23811438124381247217321230401533611940976915392825052997536081610507,
+           26275640499985683069419899154277340447423514251466047604672441535359,
+           15744921865728376733504714056932687844736336554772813867027917373369,
+           14571722492400529289497370737312585068735319010775321956515864166347,
+           21818144882486013845852086942457160224413719464451247588201008896789,
+           17162867383501409601861420964333397219709230017882544459910683886593,
+           24864351326571479769690396762702924550061869223096319281017678709539,
+  332484314929097640929322655956464533664591816173441051661092105906161372022243
+key: {
+  p = 22776865583712030790367384668088221584543419673920166884379692662984252870029859921034405747249167040667056325234151341282361256792042947039044164901553881759256888545670437638183519848216861454689725824445732202608093522096528797209029707704715051673914754751199015894007649263132043295955899305099369111705233363264874492115584860564160940283158668074340077531066436014005054259363495043312216798971787474791288757088129447384713646105528914634725020007328931507087348770461048545136523608574722819552686860923334787408823896388056590057944405567188617916405496780795175946735233906210408927704061739282164790656387
+  g = 6535512044329258663746685839550485727558099773690539635801549184488020961476332224800626537814730025495792072150140201611996005821244919688021282275232298087775965396463825259078046405157417614973898692445438447309185015577240016525153526431414428085869925456074716544216492418857668693561751830412213845544012946512175262020475004426125263500284425565949677587260328578319141926318492592560209940965848698920497777749069204212173216554124353412328082212662992818436664252025501254804880731042804592969527846247819850879366739906103217554952601493934303970385819986220354980965783318612371961374595592603464626324070
+  q = 25628173794965459148662154755507710741791028195724330392802159422363
+    PKCS#3 DH Parameters: (2048 bit)
+        prime:
+            00:b4:6d:72:9e:c8:db:21:69:96:34:f0:53:c8:5a:
+            e6:d0:0b:99:81:1d:ba:43:e1:7a:c8:48:96:00:6b:
+            cc:e8:f6:dc:be:a2:a4:ae:55:04:74:6f:91:b9:b2:
+            d4:48:9f:d6:77:d7:74:0b:b4:30:7b:c1:1a:45:6c:
+            97:9d:0d:aa:5f:94:a8:ec:4a:f6:31:92:19:ef:13:
+            65:6d:d9:fa:16:da:91:d9:80:5c:56:3b:58:77:47:
+            b3:58:ce:3a:3e:72:9b:c5:5d:17:ad:d1:ca:0a:57:
+            c4:ec:d7:ee:35:50:5d:24:b7:b8:bf:54:98:db:97:
+            97:ee:c1:94:cf:e0:69:c8:04:bd:80:ff:3c:23:4e:
+            aa:e1:3f:b8:55:ae:df:f3:0a:d6:0c:8c:12:59:71:
+            0e:1a:e2:52:f0:ac:7f:18:7a:fc:36:61:ab:77:9e:
+            3c:33:84:cd:61:e6:2d:34:3e:9f:7d:17:0c:88:66:
+            c9:9e:90:db:f0:66:24:79:a3:c9:9d:96:5d:ee:d9:
+            aa:dc:74:43:b5:23:66:72:37:e3:04:74:a9:97:a3:
+            d4:41:94:9f:87:3a:3e:e7:b0:81:00:63:29:91:48:
+            d0:6a:dc:e2:5f:43:64:0a:eb:8f:1e:81:91:03:1a:
+            a1:d5:e9:32:d7:b0:1b:d8:fe:99:21:b2:51:9e:f4:
+            fd:83
+        generator: 2 (0x2)
diff --git a/roles/common/files/pki/dh-param.pem b/roles/common/files/pki/dh-param.pem
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7085ec1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+### key add -adh-param -Asha256-mgf -n128 -LS -b3076 -B256 tls-param
+keyid: 0241383a
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+type: tls-param
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+delete: 2013-12-22 10:06:11 GMT
+comment: <none>
+  genseed = pmweI8TM8z97V5cMz4SxDw==
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+           106903045773099875882710785046140136819321506108162412296688492762767548829253,
+           103310011398334117850930711721790004717141991550731127510694599169210821154023,
+            99804578699726663269664694004275215226052726441353242410431647509530422034749,
+           109484260470875557519197828122260999595187616678246431195204478993922816483233,
+            81910940141774088385926192272675341931808229422367067813481469672581662142449,
+            78606395202673908605947290407730593907739810566754966671697770613580491969649,
+            80233163018087394422493792459040510162632368175639082356993879272039858219171,
+            60159484928028940229225637221687274639298282972458447117280310277994132829599,
+            75333669283284144307719796310662061239471651079367770009826444327394649758349,
+            61251876138930860888115739163978926628102666477542263877214306662534076129263,
+          1703179010696044263906647663968752539806092657149536496044465707327663091986047
+key: {
+  p = 4497942938077873944425784618179827542237908003253752562448339127374337963339173762617167196593229056860981254852713354733150705016182121938157177099047797445952986544291728480506397810603716727582305708672246127016820686421039708003869632545374570778838193193653681987900197918264100644961404725742553728356758333762011972683455259277701265102348157894161679372345534271640171051704947847398664849540519114215430391883201139553487057243412219058944800228773431290081683289297551838860242423437300134326373978229574732053865317058316111231485398464882049385817132653104586614851574232122654802645405582810439488131396226472241200725681050288328548572718882115709228124057076604983380586967622808776365872349087844872079863912081981895749467076688435792247130013663105446904895498189663326586916135669162483431024008793117922671682696173929229421254914410849008384382400893167293948750619359569709195938261074036355642151422623
+  g = 4457305826154257890994837352846221000668547232771645349088105755729753535847065063871700989400379053703020868777776266229974100915565927638724808182369055966244413764305911426991692015981299184658681032074105368610736959558172581784430387524865954707013807524263592377900502489192272536286759497194012518932125689991702802383827937037704335949874249310793725165094655979093528678359319121511302499570771186712089259419662727297634887534518177922943995902656134867348829436485687386774595480597822952662719420611236295245974521549563124261912998312537637725225206343040203842528687055109100017875863997044182932356190341834865952893475699357135542012580224524776421622407614156924688023051208862785836798330892014189779227965088771245786143709214913494585661278201101968140934348912691533063187928261912391218363446650076697251000946020982809324463125191097399228754391008655057230057511830170366722450504534570604356113235339
+  q = 76299672778585109227586065196249212078992548341882943096782659243409653858497
+    PKCS#3 DH Parameters: (3072 bit)
+        prime:
+            00:c6:33:9e:2f:17:90:97:ef:6f:2d:6c:3b:a1:89:
+            3b:2f:d6:d1:1e:51:1e:35:07:1e:0f:44:86:32:6f:
+            4a:c8:bd:a6:76:99:a6:48:be:fa:10:fd:2b:64:73:
+            cd:bb:18:e4:26:28:84:ee:6f:bc:51:23:65:b1:18:
+            46:40:67:bc:f3:6d:29:ef:12:6f:4b:5f:9d:45:72:
+            a4:04:e4:8d:de:ba:fc:de:4d:94:7d:90:91:5f:41:
+            2d:6d:fd:dc:30:be:51:8e:a7:b5:98:ed:51:5e:50:
+            2a:98:47:3c:03:56:c9:5b:73:d8:ec:4e:c9:98:e3:
+            56:ef:18:57:d8:01:8d:ab:69:9f:fc:c6:62:ef:8f:
+            f0:8a:7d:53:44:92:6c:07:5e:81:d8:b5:46:b4:37:
+            85:f9:ea:29:e0:f8:e6:50:90:6e:59:df:c6:ec:b4:
+            48:16:f3:6c:2a:32:49:59:8c:a4:c1:7b:7d:83:55:
+            c6:f7:d2:e5:cb:eb:29:ca:0e:82:8c:28:ad:24:57:
+            6f:de:e4:62:b9:f3:4c:ae:a8:2b:55:3c:73:c5:7a:
+            40:d2:79:eb:bf:cb:68:f9:cb:df:03:51:98:97:23:
+            05:09:69:80:44:3e:6b:d9:e2:5c:5c:21:72:02:52:
+            fc:97:d1:b5:1f:5c:36:4c:36:19:ec:29:ce:8b:b3:
+            b4:3b:ca:c5:5b:d0:e7:c3:c1:8b:5a:b6:2e:f3:51:
+            c4:a1:d9:83:2e:d1:8e:3c:e7:e7:09:03:a1:94:6d:
+            70:6b:e4:3a:ce:8e:e7:e7:1f:b2:77:9e:86:ac:60:
+            33:37:0c:8f:c8:55:a4:42:8f:57:46:f9:86:b3:67:
+            55:b8:a7:f9:78:01:0b:c6:76:1d:48:20:59:ce:e5:
+            b4:3f:51:e1:a4:02:4f:f0:16:ea:dd:2c:d5:c4:60:
+            27:3f:ed:37:22:3b:5a:b7:80:b4:76:e4:d4:99:65:
+            80:b7:b8:9c:48:20:9c:9c:5a:ac:38:4c:49:c3:da:
+            95:85:b7:de:a2:ef:ce:0c:4a:9f
+        generator: 5 (0x5)
diff --git a/roles/common/files/pki/openssl.conf b/roles/common/files/pki/openssl.conf
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1accc80
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+### -*-conf-*-
+### OpenSSL configuration for CA.
+### Defaults.
+RANDFILE = /dev/random
+db_suffix =
+### Certificate request configuration.
+default_bits = 3072
+encrypt_key = no
+default_md = sha256
+utf8 = yes
+x509_extensions = ca-extensions
+distinguished_name = req-dn
+prompt = yes
+countryName = "Country name"
+countryName_default = "GB"
+countryName_min = 2
+countryName_max = 2
+stateOrProvinceName = "State, province, or county"
+stateOrProvinceName_default = "Cambridgeshire"
+stateOrProvinceName_max = 64
+localityName = "Locality (e.g., city)"
+localityName_default = "Cambridge"
+localityName_max = 64
+organizationName = "Organization"
+organizationName_default = ""
+organizationName_max = 64
+organizationalUnitName = "Organizational unit"
+organizationalUnitName_max = 64
+commonName = "Common name"
+commonName_max = 64
+emailAddress = "Email address"
+emailAddress_max = 64
+### CA configuration.
+default_ca = distorted-ca
+preserve = yes
+default_days = 1825
+default_md = sha256
+unique_subject = no
+email_in_dn = no
+private_key = private/ca.key
+certificate = ca.cert
+database = state/db$ENV::db_suffix
+serial = state/serial
+crlnumber = state/crlnumber
+default_crl_hours = 28
+x509_extensions = tls-server-extensions
+crl_extensions = crl-extensions
+policy = distorted-policy
+name_opt = sep_multiline, esc_ctrl, utf8, dump_nostr, dump_unknown, space_eq, lname, align
+cert_opt = no_header, ext_parse, no_pubkey
+copy_extensions = copy
+countryName = supplied
+stateOrProvinceName = optional
+localityName = optional
+organizationName = supplied
+organizationalUnitName = optional
+commonName = supplied
+emailAddress = optional
+issuerAltName =
+crlDistributionPoints = URI:
+basicConstraints = critical, CA:TRUE
+keyUsage = critical, keyCertSign
+subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
+subjectAltName =
+crlDistributionPoints = URI:
+basicConstraints = critical, CA:FALSE
+keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
+extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
+subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
+authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always, issuer:always
+issuerAltName = issuer:copy
+crlDistributionPoints = URI:
+basicConstraints = critical, CA:FALSE
+keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature
+extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth
+subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
+authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer:always
+issuerAltName = issuer:copy
+subjectAltName = email:copy
+crlDistributionPoints = URI:
+###----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/roles/common/files/root/gitconfig b/roles/common/files/root/gitconfig
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..25ae8af
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+       name = root
+       email =
diff --git a/roles/common/files/scripts/fetch-unpack-archive b/roles/common/files/scripts/fetch-unpack-archive
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..e9b3d3e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+### Fetch an archive, and unpack it into a directory in a safe manner.
+set -e
+## Parse the command line.
+case $# in
+  3) ;;
+  *) echo >&2 "usage: $0 DIR LABEL URL"; exit 1 ;;
+dir=$1 label=$2 url=$3
+cd "$dir"
+## Fetch the archive.
+rm -rf tmp; mkdir tmp
+curl -s -o tmp/"$label.tar.gz" "$url"
+## Check the archive for unpleasantness.  The GNU and FreeBSD versions of
+## tar(1) do something vaguely sensible with `..' components in the pathnames
+## of archive members.  (Specifically, FreeBSD simply ignores the affected
+## members; GNU strips leading components in a bizarre way.)  But OpenBSD
+## gets a special security award for cheerily following the `..' components.
+## So we have to do this complicated laundering thing.
+## The archive ought to unpack everything into a single directory and not
+## contain anythig weird.  So check.  Actually, this won't catch newlines in
+## member names, so we'll have to be careful about those.  The regular
+## expression insists that everything be in a single directory identified by
+## the LABEL, and that the rest of the name contains no two adjacent dots.
+## We use the LABEL as part of an ERE, so it ought not contain bad things.
+  tar tzf tmp/"$label.tar.gz" |
+  grep -Ev "^$label/([^.]+|\.[^.])*$" >&2
+  echo >&2 "$0: archive has bad member pathnames"
+  exit 1
+## Unpack the archive now that we know it's safe.
+(cd tmp; tar xzf "$label.tar.gz")
+## Replace any existing tree with the new one.
+rm -rf "$label"
+mv tmp/"$label" .
+rm -rf tmp
diff --git a/roles/common/files/scripts/genx509 b/roles/common/files/scripts/genx509
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..7009026
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#! /bin/sh -e
+unset email unit key ext extra
+while getopts e:u:k:x: opt; do
+  case $opt in
+    e) email=$OPTARG ;;
+    u) unit=$OPTARG ;;
+    k) key=$OPTARG ;;
+    x) ext=$OPTARG ;;
+    *) good=nil ;;
+  esac
+shift $(( $OPTIND - 1 ))
+case $#,$good in
+  2,t) ;;
+  *) echo >&2 "usage: $0 [-e EMAIL] [-k KEY] [-u UNIT] [-x EXT] LABEL CN"; exit 1 ;;
+label=$1 cn=$2
+if [ ! -d private ]; then
+  mkdir -m700 private
+case ${ext+t} in
+  t)
+    { cat "$config"
+      echo
+      echo "[genx509-custom]"
+      cat "$ext"; } >"tmp.$label.conf"
+    config=tmp.$label.conf
+    extra="$extra -reqexts genx509-custom"
+    ;;
+case ${key+t} in
+  t)
+    openssl req -batch -config "$config" \
+       -new -subj "$name" -text -out "$" \
+       -key "$key" $extra
+    ;;
+  *)
+    openssl req -batch -config "$config" \
+       -new -subj "$name" -text -out "$" \
+       -nodes -keyout "private/$" $extra
+    chmod 600 "private/$"
+    mv "private/$" "private/$label.key"
+    ;;
+rm -f "tmp.$label.conf"
+mv "$" "$label.req"
+sha256sum "$label.req"
diff --git a/roles/common/files/sudo/sudoers b/roles/common/files/sudo/sudoers
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7676429
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+### -*-conf-*-
+### sudoers file for
+### This file is maintained on ibanez: edit it there and run `update-slaves'.
+### Thoughts.
+### I'm not using `sudo' to give people limited access to privileged
+### commands.  That's a mug's game, and anyway `userv' does it better.
+### So I'm not going to try to restrict what administrators can do.
+### Defaults.
+## The `authentication' -- making people type in their passwords -- will
+## only thwart an unimaginitive attacker.  We have to face up to the fact
+## that `sudo' basically deals in `at-least-as-powerful-as' relationships:
+## if Alice can `sudo' to Bob, then Alice is at least as powerful as Bob,
+## and all of the molly guards and password typing won't help that.
+Defaults !authenticate
+## Again, with the idea that we're trusting the calling users, we don't
+## to scrub the environment.
+Defaults !always_set_home, !env_reset, !secure_path
+## Allow any editor with `visudo'.  The idea that allowing a user to edit
+## the `sudoers' file is OK but letting him choose which editor he uses
+## isn't is obviously crazy.  After all, he can change the editor list
+## if he likes.
+Defaults env_editor
+## Don't spam me with reports of people being turned away.  I have logs for
+## that.
+Defaults !mailto
+## I'm going to assume that administrators already know how to behave
+## responsibly.
+Defaults lecture = never
+## Passing file descriptors into a program seems OK to me, given that
+## I'm assuming that the target user trusts the caller anyway.
+Defaults !closefrom_override
+### Administration.
+### Summary:
+### LIST ::= [!] ITEM, ...
+### USER ::= NAME | #UID | %GROUP
+### COMMAND ::= CMD | DIR/ | sudoedit
+## Allow `root' and members of the `sudo' and `root' groups to do their
+## things.
+root, %sudo, %root, %wheel     ALL = (ALL : ALL) ALL
+###----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------
index f26ef68..a264715 100644 (file)
 ### PKI machinery.
 - name: install PKI maintenance scripts
-  tags: [pki]
+  tags: [pki, pki-scripts]
   copy: src=pki/{{ item }} dest=/etc/cron.daily
     - update-ca-certs
     - check-x509-certs
+- name: install common PKI files
+  tags: [pki, pki-keys]
+  copy: src=pki/{{ item }} dest=/etc/ca
+  with_items:
+    - ca.cert
+    - dh-param.pem
+    - dh-param-2048.pem
+    - openssl.conf
+- name: install /etc/pki/CA link
+  tags: [pki, pki-link]
+  file: path=/etc/pki/CA/cacert.pem state=link src=../../ca/ca.cert
 ### NTP configuration.
   notify: restart ntpd
+### Network databases.
+- name: install netdb files
+  tags: netdb
+  copy: src=netdb/{{ item }} dest=/etc
+  with_items:
+    - hosts
+    - networks
+    - services
 ### SSH configuration.
 - name: install SSH configuration files
     - config.m4
     - known_hosts.extra
+### Backup machinery.
+- name: install backup filters
+  tags: [backup, backup-filters]
+  copy: src=backup/filter.{{ item.label }} dest={{ item.dest }}/.rsync-backup
+  with_items:
+    - { label: 'home', dest: '/home' }
+    - { label: 'var-spool', dest: '/var/spool' }
+- name: install required backup scripts on non-Debian hosts
+  tags: [backup, backup-scripts]
+  copy: src=backup/fshash dest=/usr/local/bin
+  when: os != 'debian'
+### Other miscellaneous files.
+- name: install sudo configuration
+  tags: [sudo]
+  copy: src=sudo/sudoers dest=/etc
+- name: install common scripts
+  tags: [scripts]
+  copy: src=scripts/{{ item }} dest=/usr/local/bin
+  with_items:
+    - fetch-unpack-archive
+    - genx509
+- name: install root Git configuration
+  tags: [root-files]
+  copy: src=root/gitconfig dest=/root/.gitconfig
 ###----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------