properly scroll user list
[disorder] / disobedience / users.c
1 /*
2 * This file is part of DisOrder
3 * Copyright (C) 2008 Richard Kettlewell
4 *
5 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 * (at your option) any later version.
9 *
10 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
11 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * General Public License for more details.
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
18 * USA
19 */
20 /** @file disobedience/users.c
21 * @brief User management for Disobedience
22 *
23 * The user management window contains:
24 * - a list of all the users
25 * - an add button
26 * - a delete button
27 * - a user details panel
28 * - an apply button
29 *
30 * When you select a user that user's details are displayed to the right of the
31 * list. Hit the Apply button and any changes are applied.
32 *
33 * When you select 'add' a new empty set of details are displayed to be edited.
34 * Again Apply will commit them.
35 *
36 * TODO: @ref RIGHT_ADMIN and @ref RIGHT_USERINFO should be applied here, so we
37 * can give decent error messages.
38 *
39 * TODO: it would be really nice if the Username entry could be removed and new
40 * user names entered in the list, rather off in the details panel. This may
41 * be possible with a sufficiently clever GtkCellRenderer.
42 */
44 #include "disobedience.h"
45 #include "bits.h"
47 static GtkWidget *users_window;
48 static GtkListStore *users_list;
49 static GtkTreeSelection *users_selection;
51 static GtkWidget *users_details_table;
52 static GtkWidget *users_apply_button;
53 static GtkWidget *users_delete_button;
54 static GtkWidget *users_details_name;
55 static GtkWidget *users_details_email;
56 static GtkWidget *users_details_password;
57 static GtkWidget *users_details_password2;
58 static GtkWidget *users_details_rights[32];
59 static int users_details_row;
60 static const char *users_selected;
61 static const char *users_deferred_select;
63 static int users_mode;
64 #define MODE_NONE 0
65 #define MODE_ADD 1
66 #define MODE_EDIT 2
68 #define mode(X) do { \
69 users_mode = MODE_##X; \
70 if(0) fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: %s(): mode -> %s\n", \
71 __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, #X); \
72 users_details_sensitize_all(); \
73 } while(0)
75 static const char *users_email, *users_rights, *users_password;
77 /** @brief qsort() callback for username comparison */
78 static int usercmp(const void *a, const void *b) {
79 return strcmp(*(char **)a, *(char **)b);
80 }
82 /** @brief Find a user
83 * @param user User to find
84 * @param iter Iterator to point at user
85 * @return 0 on success, -1 if not found
86 */
87 static int users_find_user(const char *user,
88 GtkTreeIter *iter) {
89 char *who;
91 /* Find the user */
92 if(!gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(users_list), iter))
93 return -1;
94 do {
95 gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(users_list), iter,
96 0, &who, -1);
97 if(!strcmp(who, user)) {
98 g_free(who);
99 return 0;
100 }
101 g_free(who);
102 } while(gtk_tree_model_iter_next(GTK_TREE_MODEL(users_list), iter));
103 return -1;
104 }
106 /** @brief Called with the list of users
107 *
108 * Called:
109 * - at startup to populate the initial list
110 * - when we add a user
111 * - maybe in the future when we delete a user
112 *
113 * If users_deferred_select is set then that user is selected.
114 */
115 static void users_got_list(void attribute((unused)) *v, int nvec, char **vec) {
116 int n;
117 GtkTreeIter iter;
119 /* Present users in alphabetical order */
120 qsort(vec, nvec, sizeof (char *), usercmp);
121 /* Set the list contents */
122 gtk_list_store_clear(users_list);
123 for(n = 0; n < nvec; ++n)
124 gtk_list_store_insert_with_values(users_list, &iter, n/*position*/,
125 0, vec[n], /* column 0 */
126 -1); /* no more columns */
127 /* Only show the window when the list is populated */
128 gtk_widget_show_all(users_window);
129 if(users_deferred_select) {
130 if(!users_find_user(users_deferred_select, &iter))
131 gtk_tree_selection_select_iter(users_selection, &iter);
132 users_deferred_select = 0;
133 }
134 }
136 /** @brief Text should be visible */
137 #define DETAIL_VISIBLE 1
139 /** @brief Text should be editable */
140 #define DETAIL_EDITABLE 2
142 /** @brief Add a row to the user detail table */
143 static void users_detail_generic(const char *title,
144 GtkWidget *selector) {
145 const int row = users_details_row++;
146 GtkWidget *const label = gtk_label_new(title);
147 gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label), 1, 0);
148 gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(users_details_table),
149 label,
150 0, 1, /* left/right_attach */
151 row, row+1, /* top/bottom_attach */
152 GTK_FILL, /* xoptions */
153 0, /* yoptions */
154 1, 1); /* x/ypadding */
155 gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(users_details_table),
156 selector,
157 1, 2, /* left/right_attach */
158 row, row + 1, /* top/bottom_attach */
159 GTK_EXPAND|GTK_FILL, /* xoptions */
160 GTK_FILL, /* yoptions */
161 1, 1); /* x/ypadding */
162 }
164 /** @brief Add a row to the user details table
165 * @param entryp Where to put GtkEntry
166 * @param title Label for this row
167 * @param value Initial value or NULL
168 * @param flags Flags word
169 */
170 static void users_add_detail(GtkWidget **entryp,
171 const char *title,
172 const char *value,
173 unsigned flags) {
174 GtkWidget *entry;
176 if(!(entry = *entryp)) {
177 *entryp = entry = gtk_entry_new();
178 users_detail_generic(title, entry);
179 }
180 gtk_entry_set_visibility(GTK_ENTRY(entry),
181 !!(flags & DETAIL_VISIBLE));
182 gtk_editable_set_editable(GTK_EDITABLE(entry),
183 !!(flags & DETAIL_EDITABLE));
184 gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), value ? value : "");
185 }
187 /** @brief Add a checkbox for a right
188 * @param title Label for this row
189 * @param value Current value
190 * @param right Right bit
191 */
192 static void users_add_right(const char *title,
193 rights_type value,
194 rights_type right) {
195 GtkWidget *check;
196 GtkWidget **checkp = &users_details_rights[leftmost_bit(right)];
198 if(!(check = *checkp)) {
199 *checkp = check = gtk_check_button_new();
200 users_detail_generic(title, check);
201 }
202 gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(check), !!(value & right));
203 }
205 /** @brief Set sensitivity of particular mine/random rights bits */
206 static void users_details_sensitize(rights_type r) {
207 const int bit = leftmost_bit(r);
208 const GtkWidget *all = users_details_rights[bit];
209 const int sensitive = (!gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(all))
210 && users_mode != MODE_NONE);
212 gtk_widget_set_sensitive(users_details_rights[bit + 1], sensitive);
213 gtk_widget_set_sensitive(users_details_rights[bit + 2], sensitive);
214 }
216 /** @brief Set sensitivity of everything in sight */
217 static void users_details_sensitize_all(void) {
218 int n;
220 for(n = 0; n < 32; ++n)
221 if(users_details_rights[n])
222 gtk_widget_set_sensitive(users_details_rights[n], users_mode != MODE_NONE);
223 gtk_widget_set_sensitive(users_details_name, users_mode != MODE_NONE);
224 gtk_widget_set_sensitive(users_details_email, users_mode != MODE_NONE);
225 gtk_widget_set_sensitive(users_details_password, users_mode != MODE_NONE);
226 gtk_widget_set_sensitive(users_details_password2, users_mode != MODE_NONE);
227 users_details_sensitize(RIGHT_MOVE_ANY);
228 users_details_sensitize(RIGHT_REMOVE_ANY);
229 users_details_sensitize(RIGHT_SCRATCH_ANY);
230 gtk_widget_set_sensitive(users_apply_button, users_mode != MODE_NONE);
231 gtk_widget_set_sensitive(users_delete_button, !!users_selected);
232 }
234 /** @brief Called when an _ALL widget is toggled
235 *
236 * Modifies sensitivity of the corresponding _MINE and _RANDOM widgets. We
237 * just do the lot rather than trying to figure out which one changed,
238 */
239 static void users_any_toggled(GtkToggleButton attribute((unused)) *togglebutton,
240 gpointer attribute((unused)) user_data) {
241 users_details_sensitize_all();
242 }
244 /** @brief Add a checkbox for a three-right group
245 * @param title Label for this row
246 * @param bits Rights bits (not masked or normalized)
247 * @param mask Mask for this group (must be 7*2^n)
248 */
249 static void users_add_right_group(const char *title,
250 rights_type bits,
251 rights_type mask) {
252 const uint32_t first = mask / 7;
253 const int bit = leftmost_bit(first);
254 GtkWidget **widgets = &users_details_rights[bit], *any, *mine, *random;
256 if(!*widgets) {
257 GtkWidget *hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 2);
259 any = widgets[0] = gtk_check_button_new_with_label("Any");
260 mine = widgets[1] = gtk_check_button_new_with_label("Own");
261 random = widgets[2] = gtk_check_button_new_with_label("Random");
262 gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), any, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
263 gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), mine, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
264 gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), random, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
265 users_detail_generic(title, hbox);
266 g_signal_connect(any, "toggled", G_CALLBACK(users_any_toggled), NULL);
267 users_details_rights[bit] = any;
268 users_details_rights[bit + 1] = mine;
269 users_details_rights[bit + 2] = random;
270 } else {
271 any = widgets[0];
272 mine = widgets[1];
273 random = widgets[2];
274 }
275 /* Discard irrelevant bits */
276 bits &= mask;
277 /* Shift down to bits 0-2; the mask is always 3 contiguous bits */
278 bits >>= bit;
279 gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(any), !!(bits & 1));
280 gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(mine), !!(bits & 2));
281 gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(random), !!(bits & 4));
282 }
284 /** @brief Called when the details table is destroyed */
285 static void users_details_destroyed(GtkWidget attribute((unused)) *widget,
286 GtkWidget attribute((unused)) **wp) {
287 users_details_table = 0;
288 g_object_unref(users_list);
289 users_list = 0;
290 users_details_name = 0;
291 users_details_email = 0;
292 users_details_password = 0;
293 users_details_password2 = 0;
294 memset(users_details_rights, 0, sizeof users_details_rights);
295 /* also users_selection? Not AFAICT; _get_selection does upref */
296 }
298 /** @brief Create or modify the user details table
299 * @param name User name (users_edit()) or NULL (users_add())
300 * @param email Email address
301 * @param rights User rights string
302 * @param password Password
303 */
304 static void users_makedetails(const char *name,
305 const char *email,
306 const char *rights,
307 const char *password,
308 unsigned nameflags,
309 unsigned flags) {
310 rights_type r = 0;
312 /* Create the table if it doesn't already exist */
313 if(!users_details_table) {
314 users_details_table = gtk_table_new(4, 2, FALSE/*!homogeneous*/);
315 g_signal_connect(users_details_table, "destroy",
316 G_CALLBACK(users_details_destroyed), 0);
317 }
319 /* Create or update the widgets */
320 users_add_detail(&users_details_name, "Username", name,
323 users_add_detail(&users_details_email, "Email", email,
326 users_add_detail(&users_details_password, "Password", password,
327 DETAIL_EDITABLE & flags);
328 users_add_detail(&users_details_password2, "Password", password,
329 DETAIL_EDITABLE & flags);
331 parse_rights(rights, &r, 0);
332 users_add_right("Read operations", r, RIGHT_READ);
333 users_add_right("Play track", r, RIGHT_PLAY);
334 users_add_right_group("Move", r, RIGHT_MOVE__MASK);
335 users_add_right_group("Remove", r, RIGHT_REMOVE__MASK);
336 users_add_right_group("Scratch", r, RIGHT_SCRATCH__MASK);
337 users_add_right("Set volume", r, RIGHT_VOLUME);
338 users_add_right("Admin operations", r, RIGHT_ADMIN);
339 users_add_right("Rescan", r, RIGHT_RESCAN);
340 users_add_right("Register new users", r, RIGHT_REGISTER);
341 users_add_right("Modify own userinfo", r, RIGHT_USERINFO);
342 users_add_right("Modify track preferences", r, RIGHT_PREFS);
343 users_add_right("Modify global preferences", r, RIGHT_GLOBAL_PREFS);
344 users_add_right("Pause/resume tracks", r, RIGHT_PAUSE);
345 users_details_sensitize_all();
346 }
348 /** @brief Called when the 'add' button is pressed */
349 static void users_add(GtkButton attribute((unused)) *button,
350 gpointer attribute((unused)) userdata) {
351 /* Unselect whatever is selected */
352 gtk_tree_selection_unselect_all(users_selection);
353 /* Reset the form */
354 /* TODO it would be better to use the server default_rights if there's no
355 * client setting. */
356 users_makedetails("",
357 "",
358 config->default_rights,
359 "",
362 /* Remember we're adding a user */
363 mode(ADD);
364 }
366 static rights_type users_get_rights(void) {
367 rights_type r = 0;
368 int n;
370 /* Extract the rights value */
371 for(n = 0; n < 32; ++n) {
372 if(users_details_rights[n])
373 if(gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(users_details_rights[n])))
374 r |= 1 << n;
375 }
376 /* Throw out redundant bits */
377 if(r & RIGHT_REMOVE_ANY)
379 if(r & RIGHT_MOVE_ANY)
380 r &= ~(rights_type)(RIGHT_MOVE_MINE|RIGHT_MOVE_RANDOM);
383 return r;
384 }
386 /** @brief Called when various things fail */
387 static void users_op_failed(struct callbackdata attribute((unused)) *cbd,
388 int attribute((unused)) code,
389 const char *msg) {
390 popup_submsg(users_window, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, msg);
391 }
393 /** @brief Called when a new user has been created */
394 static void users_adduser_completed(void *v) {
395 struct callbackdata *cbd = v;
397 /* Now the user is created we can go ahead and set the email address */
398 if(*cbd-> {
399 struct callbackdata *ncbd = xmalloc(sizeof *cbd);
400 ncbd->onerror = users_op_failed;
401 disorder_eclient_edituser(client, NULL, cbd->u.edituser.user,
402 "email", cbd->, ncbd);
403 }
404 /* Refresh the list of users */
405 disorder_eclient_users(client, users_got_list, 0);
406 /* We'll select the newly created user */
407 users_deferred_select = cbd->u.edituser.user;
408 }
410 /** @brief Called if creating a new user fails */
411 static void users_adduser_failed(struct callbackdata attribute((unused)) *cbd,
412 int attribute((unused)) code,
413 const char *msg) {
414 popup_submsg(users_window, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, msg);
415 mode(ADD); /* Let the user try again */
416 }
418 /** @brief Called when the 'Apply' button is pressed */
419 static void users_apply(GtkButton attribute((unused)) *button,
420 gpointer attribute((unused)) userdata) {
421 struct callbackdata *cbd;
422 const char *password;
423 const char *password2;
424 const char *name;
425 const char *email;
427 switch(users_mode) {
428 case MODE_NONE:
429 return;
430 case MODE_ADD:
431 name = xstrdup(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(users_details_name)));
432 email = xstrdup(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(users_details_email)));
433 password = xstrdup(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(users_details_password)));
434 password2 = xstrdup(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(users_details_password2)));
435 if(!*name) {
436 /* No username. Really we wanted to desensitize the Apply button when
437 * there's no userame but there doesn't seem to be a signal to detect
438 * changes to the entry text. Consequently we have error messages
439 * instead. */
440 popup_submsg(users_window, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Must enter a username");
441 return;
442 }
443 if(strcmp(password, password2)) {
444 popup_submsg(users_window, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Passwords do not match");
445 return;
446 }
447 if(*email && !strchr(email, '@')) {
448 /* The server will complain about this but we can give a better error
449 * message this way */
450 popup_submsg(users_window, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Invalid email address");
451 return;
452 }
453 cbd = xmalloc(sizeof *cbd);
454 cbd->onerror = users_adduser_failed;
455 cbd->u.edituser.user = name;
456 cbd-> = email;
457 disorder_eclient_adduser(client, users_adduser_completed,
458 name,
459 password,
460 rights_string(users_get_rights()),
461 cbd);
462 /* We switch to no-op mode while creating the user */
463 mode(NONE);
464 break;
465 case MODE_EDIT:
466 /* Ugh, can we de-dupe with above? */
467 email = xstrdup(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(users_details_email)));
468 password = xstrdup(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(users_details_password)));
469 password2 = xstrdup(gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(users_details_password2)));
470 if(strcmp(password, password2)) {
471 popup_submsg(users_window, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Passwords do not match");
472 return;
473 }
474 if(*email && !strchr(email, '@')) {
475 popup_submsg(users_window, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, "Invalid email address");
476 return;
477 }
478 cbd = xmalloc(sizeof *cbd);
479 cbd->onerror = users_op_failed;
480 disorder_eclient_edituser(client, NULL, users_selected,
481 "email", email, cbd);
482 disorder_eclient_edituser(client, NULL, users_selected,
483 "password", password, cbd);
484 disorder_eclient_edituser(client, NULL, users_selected,
485 "rights", rights_string(users_get_rights()), cbd);
486 /* We remain in edit mode */
487 break;
488 }
489 }
491 /** @brief Called when a user has been deleted */
492 static void users_deleted(void *v) {
493 const struct callbackdata *const cbd = v;
494 GtkTreeIter iter[1];
496 if(!users_find_user(cbd->u.user, iter)) /* Find the user... */
497 gtk_list_store_remove(users_list, iter); /* ...and remove them */
498 }
500 /** @brief Called when the 'Delete' button is pressed */
501 static void users_delete(GtkButton attribute((unused)) *button,
502 gpointer attribute((unused)) userdata) {
503 GtkWidget *yesno;
504 int res;
505 struct callbackdata *cbd;
507 if(!users_selected)
508 return;
509 yesno = gtk_message_dialog_new(GTK_WINDOW(users_window),
513 "Do you really want to delete user %s?"
514 " This action cannot be undone.",
515 users_selected);
516 res = gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(yesno));
517 gtk_widget_destroy(yesno);
518 if(res == GTK_RESPONSE_YES) {
519 cbd = xmalloc(sizeof *cbd);
520 cbd->onerror = users_op_failed;
521 cbd->u.user = users_selected;
522 disorder_eclient_deluser(client, users_deleted, cbd->u.user, cbd);
523 }
524 }
526 static void users_got_email(void attribute((unused)) *v, const char *value) {
527 users_email = value;
528 }
530 static void users_got_rights(void attribute((unused)) *v, const char *value) {
531 users_rights = value;
532 }
534 static void users_got_password(void attribute((unused)) *v, const char *value) {
535 users_password = value;
536 users_makedetails(users_selected,
537 users_email,
538 users_rights,
539 users_password,
542 mode(EDIT);
543 }
545 /** @brief Called when the selection MIGHT have changed */
546 static void users_selection_changed(GtkTreeSelection attribute((unused)) *treeselection,
547 gpointer attribute((unused)) user_data) {
548 GtkTreeIter iter;
549 char *gselected, *selected;
551 /* Identify the current selection */
552 if(gtk_tree_selection_get_selected(users_selection, 0, &iter)) {
553 gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(users_list), &iter,
554 0, &gselected, -1);
555 selected = xstrdup(gselected);
556 g_free(gselected);
557 } else
558 selected = 0;
559 /* Eliminate no-change cases */
560 if(!selected && !users_selected)
561 return;
562 if(selected && users_selected && !strcmp(selected, users_selected))
563 return;
564 /* There's been a change; junk the old data and fetch new data in
565 * background. */
566 users_selected = selected;
567 users_makedetails("", "", "", "",
570 if(users_selected) {
571 disorder_eclient_userinfo(client, users_got_email, users_selected,
572 "email", 0);
573 disorder_eclient_userinfo(client, users_got_rights, users_selected,
574 "rights", 0);
575 disorder_eclient_userinfo(client, users_got_password, users_selected,
576 "password", 0);
577 }
578 mode(NONE); /* not editing *yet* */
579 }
581 /** @brief Table of buttons below the user list */
582 static struct button users_buttons[] = {
583 {
585 users_add,
586 "Create a new user",
587 0
588 },
589 {
591 users_delete,
592 "Delete a user",
593 0
594 },
595 };
596 #define NUSERS_BUTTONS (sizeof users_buttons / sizeof *users_buttons)
598 /** @brief Pop up the user management window */
599 void manage_users(void) {
600 GtkWidget *tree, *buttons, *hbox, *hbox2, *vbox, *vbox2;
601 GtkCellRenderer *cr;
602 GtkTreeViewColumn *col;
604 /* If the window already exists just raise it */
605 if(users_window) {
606 gtk_window_present(GTK_WINDOW(users_window));
607 return;
608 }
609 /* Create the window */
610 users_window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
611 gtk_widget_set_style(users_window, tool_style);
612 g_signal_connect(users_window, "destroy",
613 G_CALLBACK(gtk_widget_destroyed), &users_window);
614 gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(users_window), "User Management");
615 /* default size is too small */
616 gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(users_window), 240, 240);
618 /* Create the list of users and populate it asynchronously */
619 users_list = gtk_list_store_new(1, G_TYPE_STRING);
620 disorder_eclient_users(client, users_got_list, 0);
621 /* Create the view */
622 tree = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model(GTK_TREE_MODEL(users_list));
623 /* ...and the renderers for it */
624 cr = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new();
625 col = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes("Username",
626 cr,
627 "text", 0,
628 NULL);
629 gtk_tree_view_append_column(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), col);
630 /* Get the selection for the view; set its mode; arrange for a callback when
631 * it changes */
632 users_selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree));
633 gtk_tree_selection_set_mode(users_selection, GTK_SELECTION_BROWSE);
634 g_signal_connect(users_selection, "changed",
635 G_CALLBACK(users_selection_changed), NULL);
637 /* Create the control buttons */
638 buttons = create_buttons_box(users_buttons,
640 gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 1));
641 users_delete_button = users_buttons[1].widget;
643 /* Buttons live below the list */
644 vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 2);
645 gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), scroll_widget(tree), TRUE/*expand*/, TRUE/*fill*/, 0);
646 gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), buttons, FALSE/*expand*/, FALSE, 0);
648 /* Create an empty user details table, and put an apply button below it */
649 users_apply_button = gtk_button_new_from_stock(GTK_STOCK_APPLY);
650 users_makedetails("", "", "", "",
653 g_signal_connect(users_apply_button, "clicked",
654 G_CALLBACK(users_apply), NULL);
655 hbox2 = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0);
656 gtk_box_pack_end(GTK_BOX(hbox2), users_apply_button,
657 FALSE/*expand*/, FALSE, 0);
659 vbox2 = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0);
660 gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox2), users_details_table,
661 TRUE/*expand*/, TRUE/*fill*/, 0);
662 gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox2), hbox2,
663 FALSE/*expand*/, FALSE, 0);
665 /* User details are to the right of the list */
666 hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 2);
667 gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), vbox, FALSE/*expand*/, FALSE, 2);
668 gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), vbox2, TRUE/*expand*/, TRUE/*fill*/, 2);
669 gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(users_window), hbox);
670 }
672 /*
673 Local Variables:
674 c-basic-offset:2
675 comment-column:40
676 fill-column:79
677 indent-tabs-mode:nil
678 End:
679 */