Fixed a null pointer deref.
[disorder] / server / normalize.c
1 /*
2 * This file is part of DisOrder
3 * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Richard Kettlewell
4 *
5 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 * (at your option) any later version.
9 *
10 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
17 */
18 /** @file server/normalize.c
19 * @brief Convert "raw" format output to the configured format
20 *
21 * If libsamplerate is available then resample_convert() is used to do all
22 * conversions. If not then we invoke sox (even for trivial conversions such
23 * as byte-swapping). The sox support might be removed in a future version.
24 */
26 #include "disorder-server.h"
27 #include "resample.h"
29 static char buffer[1024 * 1024];
31 static const struct option options[] = {
32 { "help", no_argument, 0, 'h' },
33 { "version", no_argument, 0, 'V' },
34 { "config", required_argument, 0, 'c' },
35 { "debug", no_argument, 0, 'd' },
36 { "no-debug", no_argument, 0, 'D' },
37 { "syslog", no_argument, 0, 's' },
38 { "no-syslog", no_argument, 0, 'S' },
39 { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
40 };
42 /* display usage message and terminate */
43 static void help(void) {
44 xprintf("Usage:\n"
45 " disorder-normalize [OPTIONS]\n"
46 "Options:\n"
47 " --help, -h Display usage message\n"
48 " --version, -V Display version number\n"
49 " --config PATH, -c PATH Set configuration file\n"
50 " --debug, -d Turn on debugging\n"
51 " --[no-]syslog Force logging\n"
52 "\n"
53 "Audio format normalizer for DisOrder. Not intended to be run\n"
54 "directly.\n");
55 xfclose(stdout);
56 exit(0);
57 }
59 /** @brief Copy bytes from one file descriptor to another
60 * @param infd File descriptor read from
61 * @param outfd File descriptor to write to
62 * @param n Number of bytes to copy
63 */
64 static void copy(int infd, int outfd, size_t n) {
65 ssize_t written;
67 while(n > 0) {
68 const ssize_t readden = read(infd, buffer,
69 n > sizeof buffer ? sizeof buffer : n);
70 if(readden < 0) {
71 if(errno == EINTR)
72 continue;
73 else
74 disorder_fatal(errno, "read error");
75 }
76 if(readden == 0)
77 disorder_fatal(0, "unexpected EOF");
78 n -= readden;
79 written = 0;
80 while(written < readden) {
81 const ssize_t w = write(outfd, buffer + written, readden - written);
82 if(w < 0)
83 disorder_fatal(errno, "write error");
84 written += w;
85 }
86 }
87 }
90 static void soxargs(const char ***pp, char **qq,
91 const struct stream_header *header) {
92 *(*pp)++ = "-t.raw";
93 *(*pp)++ = "-s";
94 *qq += sprintf((char *)(*(*pp)++ = *qq), "-r%d", header->rate) + 1;
95 *qq += sprintf((char *)(*(*pp)++ = *qq), "-c%d", header->channels) + 1;
96 /* sox 12.17.9 insists on -b etc; CVS sox insists on -<n> etc; both are
97 * deployed! */
98 switch(config->sox_generation) {
99 case 0:
100 if(header->bits != 8
101 && header->endian != ENDIAN_NATIVE)
102 *(*pp)++ = "-x";
103 switch(header->bits) {
104 case 8: *(*pp)++ = "-b"; break;
105 case 16: *(*pp)++ = "-w"; break;
106 case 32: *(*pp)++ = "-l"; break;
107 case 64: *(*pp)++ = "-d"; break;
108 default: disorder_fatal(0, "cannot handle sample size %d", header->bits);
109 }
110 break;
111 case 1:
112 if(header->bits != 8
113 && header->endian != ENDIAN_NATIVE)
114 switch(header->endian) {
115 case ENDIAN_BIG: *(*pp)++ = "-B"; break;
116 case ENDIAN_LITTLE: *(*pp)++ = "-L"; break;
117 }
118 if(header->bits % 8)
119 disorder_fatal(0, "cannot handle sample size %d", header->bits);
120 *qq += sprintf((char *)(*(*pp)++ = *qq), "-%d", header->bits / 8) + 1;
121 break;
122 default:
123 disorder_fatal(0, "unknown sox_generation %ld", config->sox_generation);
124 }
125 }
126 #else
127 static void converted(uint8_t *bytes,
128 size_t nbytes,
129 void attribute((unused)) *cd) {
130 /*syslog(LOG_INFO, "out: %02x %02x %02x %02x",
131 bytes[0],
132 bytes[1],
133 bytes[2],
134 bytes[3]);*/
135 while(nbytes > 0) {
136 ssize_t n = write(1, bytes, nbytes);
137 if(n < 0)
138 disorder_fatal(errno, "writing to stdout");
139 bytes += n;
140 nbytes -= n;
141 }
142 }
143 #endif
145 int main(int argc, char attribute((unused)) **argv) {
146 struct stream_header header, latest_format;
147 int n, outfd = -1, logsyslog = !isatty(2), rs_in_use = 0;
148 pid_t pid = -1;
149 struct resampler rs[1];
151 set_progname(argv);
152 if(!setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""))
153 disorder_fatal(errno, "error calling setlocale");
154 while((n = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hVc:dDSs", options, 0)) >= 0) {
155 switch(n) {
156 case 'h': help();
157 case 'V': version("disorder-normalize");
158 case 'c': configfile = optarg; break;
159 case 'd': debugging = 1; break;
160 case 'D': debugging = 0; break;
161 case 'S': logsyslog = 0; break;
162 case 's': logsyslog = 1; break;
163 default: disorder_fatal(0, "invalid option");
164 }
165 }
166 if(config_read(1, NULL))
167 disorder_fatal(0, "cannot read configuration");
168 if(logsyslog) {
169 openlog(progname, LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON);
170 log_default = &log_syslog;
171 }
172 memset(&latest_format, 0, sizeof latest_format);
173 for(;;) {
174 /* Read one header */
175 n = 0;
176 while((size_t)n < sizeof header) {
177 int r = read(0, (char *)&header + n, sizeof header - n);
179 if(r < 0) {
180 if(errno != EINTR)
181 disorder_fatal(errno, "error reading header");
182 } else if(r == 0) {
183 if(n)
184 disorder_fatal(0, "EOF reading header");
185 break;
186 } else
187 n += r;
188 }
189 if(!n)
190 break;
191 D(("NEW HEADER: %"PRIu32" bytes %"PRIu32"Hz %"PRIu8" channels %"PRIu8" bits %"PRIu8" endian",
192 header.nbytes, header.rate, header.channels, header.bits, header.endian));
193 /* Sanity check the header */
194 if(header.rate < 100 || header.rate > 1000000)
195 disorder_fatal(0, "implausible rate %"PRId32"Hz (%#"PRIx32")",
196 header.rate, header.rate);
197 if(header.channels < 1 || header.channels > 2)
198 disorder_fatal(0, "unsupported channel count %d", header.channels);
199 if(header.bits % 8 || !header.bits || header.bits > 64)
200 disorder_fatal(0, "unsupported sample size %d bits", header.bits);
201 if(header.endian != ENDIAN_BIG && header.endian != ENDIAN_LITTLE)
202 disorder_fatal(0, "unsupported byte order %d", header.endian);
203 /* Skip empty chunks regardless of their alleged format */
204 if(header.nbytes == 0)
205 continue;
206 /* If the format has changed we stop/start the converter */
208 /* We have libsamplerate */
209 if(formats_equal(&header, &config->sample_format))
210 /* If the format is already correct then we just write out the data */
211 copy(0, 1, header.nbytes);
212 else {
213 /* If we have a resampler active already check it is suitable and destroy
214 * it if not */
215 if(rs_in_use) {
216 D(("call resample_close"));
217 resample_close(rs);
218 rs_in_use = 0;
219 }
220 /*syslog(LOG_INFO, "%d/%d/%d/%d/%d -> %d/%d/%d/%d/%d",
221 header.bits,
222 header.channels,
223 header.rate,
224 1,
225 header.endian,
226 config->sample_format.bits,
227 config->sample_format.channels,
228 config->sample_format.rate,
229 1,
230 config->sample_format.endian);*/
231 if(!rs_in_use) {
232 /* Create a suitable resampler. */
233 D(("call resample_init"));
234 resample_init(rs,
235 header.bits,
236 header.channels,
237 header.rate,
238 1, /* signed */
239 header.endian,
240 config->sample_format.bits,
241 config->sample_format.channels,
242 config->sample_format.rate,
243 1, /* signed */
244 config->sample_format.endian);
245 latest_format = header;
246 rs_in_use = 1;
247 /* TODO speaker protocol does not record signedness of samples. It's
248 * assumed that they are always signed. This should be fixed in the
249 * future (and the sample format syntax extended in a compatible
250 * way). */
251 }
252 /* Feed data through the resampler */
253 size_t used = 0, left = header.nbytes;
254 while(used || left) {
255 if(left) {
256 size_t limit = (sizeof buffer) - used;
257 if(limit > left)
258 limit = left;
259 ssize_t r = read(0, buffer + used, limit);
260 if(r < 0)
261 disorder_fatal(errno, "reading from stdin");
262 if(r == 0)
263 disorder_fatal(0, "unexpected EOF");
264 left -= r;
265 used += r;
266 //syslog(LOG_INFO, "read %zd bytes", r);
267 D(("read %zd bytes", r));
268 }
269 /*syslog(LOG_INFO, " in: %02x %02x %02x %02x",
270 (uint8_t)buffer[0],
271 (uint8_t)buffer[1],
272 (uint8_t)buffer[2],
273 (uint8_t)buffer[3]);*/
274 D(("calling resample_convert used=%zu !left=%d", used, !left));
275 const size_t consumed = resample_convert(rs,
276 (uint8_t *)buffer, used,
277 !left,
278 converted, 0);
279 //syslog(LOG_INFO, "used=%zu consumed=%zu", used, consumed);
280 D(("consumed=%zu", consumed));
281 memmove(buffer, buffer + consumed, used - consumed);
282 used -= consumed;
283 }
284 }
285 #else
286 /* We do not have libsamplerate. We will use sox instead. */
287 if(!formats_equal(&header, &latest_format)) {
288 if(pid != -1) {
289 /* There's a running converter, stop it */
290 xclose(outfd);
291 if(waitpid(pid, &n, 0) < 0)
292 disorder_fatal(errno, "error calling waitpid");
293 if(n)
294 disorder_fatal(0, "sox failed: %#x", n);
295 pid = -1;
296 outfd = -1;
297 }
298 if(!formats_equal(&header, &config->sample_format)) {
299 const char *av[32], **pp = av;
300 char argbuf[1024], *q = argbuf;
302 /* Input format doesn't match target, need to start a converter */
303 *pp++ = "sox";
304 soxargs(&pp, &q, &header);
305 *pp++ = "-"; /* stdin */
306 soxargs(&pp, &q, &config->sample_format);
307 *pp++ = "-"; /* stdout */
308 *pp = 0;
309 /* This pipe will be sox's stdin */
310 int p[2];
311 xpipe(p);
312 if(!(pid = xfork())) {
313 exitfn = _exit;
314 xdup2(p[0], 0);
315 xclose(p[0]);
316 xclose(p[1]);
317 execvp(av[0], (char **)av);
318 disorder_fatal(errno, "sox");
319 }
320 xclose(p[0]);
321 outfd = p[1];
322 } else
323 /* Input format matches output, can just copy bytes */
324 outfd = 1;
325 /* Remember current format for next iteration */
326 latest_format = header;
327 }
328 /* Convert or copy this chunk */
329 copy(0, outfd, header.nbytes);
330 #endif
331 }
332 if(outfd != -1)
333 xclose(outfd);
334 if(pid != -1) {
335 /* There's still a converter running */
336 if(waitpid(pid, &n, 0) < 0)
337 disorder_fatal(errno, "error calling waitpid");
338 if(n)
339 disorder_fatal(0, "sox failed: %#x", n);
340 }
341 if(rs_in_use)
342 resample_close(rs);
343 return 0;
344 }
346 /*
347 Local Variables:
348 c-basic-offset:2
349 comment-column:40
350 fill-column:79
351 indent-tabs-mode:nil
352 End:
353 */