Support schedule-* commands from command-line client. Exiguously tested.
[disorder] / doc /
1 .\"
2 .\" Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Richard Kettlewell
3 .\"
4 .\" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 .\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 .\" the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 .\" (at your option) any later version.
8 .\"
9 .\" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
10 .\" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 .\" General Public License for more details.
13 .\"
14 .\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 .\" along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 .\" Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
17 .\" USA
18 .\"
19 .TH disorder_protocol 5
21 disorder_protocol \- DisOrder communication protocol
23 The DisOrder client and server communicate via the protocol described
24 in this man page.
25 .PP
26 The protocol is liable to change without notice.
27 You are recommended to check the implementation before believing this document.
29 Everything is encoded using UTF-8.
30 See
32 below for more detail on character encoding issues.
33 .PP
34 Commands and responses consist of a line perhaps followed (depending on the
35 command or response) by a body.
36 .PP
37 The line syntax is the same as described in \fBdisorder_config\fR(5) except
38 that comments are prohibited.
39 .PP
40 Bodies borrow their syntax from RFC821; they consist of zero or more ordinary
41 lines, with any initial full stop doubled up, and are terminated by a line
42 consisting of a full stop and a line feed.
44 Commands always have a command name as the first field of the line; responses
45 always have a 3-digit response code as the first field.
46 See below for more details about this field.
47 .PP
48 All commands require the connection to have been already authenticated unless
49 stated otherwise.
50 If not stated otherwise, the \fBread\fR right is sufficient to execute
51 the command.
52 .PP
53 Neither commands nor responses have a body unless stated otherwise.
54 .TP
56 Create a new user with the given username and password.
57 The new user's rights list can be specified; if it is not
58 then the \fBdefault_rights\fR setting applies instead.
59 Requires the \fBadmin\fR right, and only works on local
60 connections.
61 .TP
62 .B allfiles \fIDIRECTORY\fR [\fIREGEXP\fR]
63 List all the files and directories in \fIDIRECTORY\fR in a response body.
64 If \fIREGEXP\fR is present only matching files and directories are returned.
65 .TP
66 .B confirm \fICONFIRMATION
67 Confirm user registration.
68 \fICONFIRMATION\fR is as returned from \fBregister\fR below.
69 This command can be used without logging in.
70 .TP
71 .B cookie \fICOOKIE
72 Log a user back in using a cookie created with \fBmake\-cookie\fR.
73 The response contains the username.
74 .TP
75 .B deluser \fIUSERNAME
76 Delete the named user.
77 Requires the \fBadmin\fR right, and only works on local connections.
78 .TP
79 .B dirs \fIDIRECTORY\fR [\fIREGEXP\fR]
80 List all the directories in \fIDIRECTORY\fR in a response body.
81 If \fIREGEXP\fR is present only matching directories are returned.
82 .TP
83 .B disable \fR[\fBnow\fR]
84 Disable further playing.
85 If the optional \fBnow\fR argument is present then the current track
86 is stopped.
87 Requires the \fBglobal prefs\fR right.
88 .TP
90 Set a user property.
91 With the \fBadmin\fR right any username and property may be specified.
92 Otherwise the \fBuserinfo\fR right is required and only the
93 \fBemail\fR and \fBpassword\fR properties may be set.
94 .IP
95 User properties are syntax-checked before setting. For instance \fBemail\fR
96 must contain an "@" sign or you will get an error. (Setting an empty value for
97 \fBemail\fR is allowed and removes the property.)
98 .TP
99 .B enable
100 Re-enable further playing, and is the opposite of \fBdisable\fR.
101 Requires the \fBglobal prefs\fR right.
102 .TP
103 .B enabled
104 Report whether playing is enabled.
105 The second field of the response line will be \fByes\fR or \fBno\fR.
106 .TP
107 .B exists \fITRACK\fR
108 Report whether the named track exists.
109 The second field of the response line will be \fByes\fR or \fBno\fR.
110 .TP
111 .B files \fIDIRECTORY\fR [\fIREGEXP\fR]
112 List all the files in \fIDIRECTORY\fR in a response body.
113 If \fIREGEXP\fR is present only matching files are returned.
114 .TP
115 .B get \fITRACK\fR \fIPREF\fR
116 Getsa preference value.
117 On success the second field of the response line will have the value.
118 .IP
119 If the track or preference do not exist then the response code is 555.
120 .TP
121 .B get\-global \fIKEY\fR
122 Get a global preference.
123 .IP
124 If the preference does not exist then the response code is 555.
125 .TP
126 .B length \fITRACK\fR
127 Get the length of the track in seconds.
128 On success the second field of the response line will have the value.
129 .TP
130 .B log
131 Send event log messages in a response body.
132 The command will never terminate.
133 Any further data sent to the server will be discarded (explicitly;
134 i.e. it will not accumulate in a buffer somewhere).
135 .IP
136 See \fBEVENT LOG\fR below for more details.
137 .TP
138 .B make\-cookie
139 Returns an opaque string that can be used by the \fBcookie\fR command to log
140 this user back in on another connection (until the cookie expires).
141 .TP
142 .B move \fITRACK\fR \fIDELTA\fR
143 Move a track in the queue.
144 The track may be identified by ID (preferred) or name (which might cause
145 confusion if it's there twice).
146 \fIDELTA\fR should be an negative or positive integer and indicates how
147 many steps towards the head of the queue the track should be moved.
148 .IP
149 Requires one of the \fBmove mine\fR, \fBmove random\fR or \fBmove any\fR rights
150 depending on how the track came to be added to the queue.
151 .TP
152 .B moveafter \fITARGET\fR \fIID\fR ...
153 Move all the tracks in the \fIID\fR list after ID \fITARGET\fR.
154 If \fITARGET\fR is the empty string then the listed tracks are put
155 at the head of the queue.
156 If \fITARGET\fR is listed in the ID list then the tracks are moved
157 to just after the first non-listed track before it, or to the head if there is
158 no such track.
159 .IP
160 Requires one of the \fBmove mine\fR, \fBmove random\fR or \fBmove any\fR rights
161 depending on how the tracks came to be added to the queue.
162 .TP
163 .B new \fR[\fIMAX\fR]
164 Send the most recently added \fIMAX\fR tracks in a response body.
165 If the argument is ommitted, the \fBnew_max\fR most recent tracks are
166 listed (see \fBdisorder_config\fR(5)).
167 .TP
168 .B nop
169 Do nothing.
170 Used by
171 .BR disobedience (1)
172 as a keepalive measure.
173 This command does not require authentication.
174 .TP
175 .B part \fITRACK\fR \fICONTEXT\fI \fIPART\fR
176 Get a track name part.
177 Returns an empty string if a name part cannot be constructed.
178 .IP
180 is one of
181 .B sort
182 or
183 .B display
184 and
185 .I PART
186 is usually one of
187 .BR artist ,
188 .B album
189 or
190 .BR title .
191 .TP
192 .B pause
193 Pause the current track.
194 Requires the \fBpause\fR right.
195 .TP
196 .B play \fITRACK\fR
197 Add a track to the queue.
198 The response contains the queue ID of the track.
199 Requires the \fBplay\fR right.
200 .TP
201 .B playing
202 Report what track is playing.
203 .IP
204 If the response is \fB252\fR then the rest of the response line consists of
205 track information (see below).
206 .IP
207 If the response is \fB259\fR then nothing is playing.
208 .TP
209 .B prefs \fBTRACK\fR
210 Send back the preferences for \fITRACK\fR in a response body.
211 Each line of the response has the usual line syntax, the first field being the
212 name of the pref and the second the value.
213 .TP
214 .B queue
215 Send back the current queue in a response body, one track to a line, the track
216 at the head of the queue (i.e. next to be be played) first.
217 See below for the track information syntax.
218 .TP
219 .B random\-disable
220 Disable random play (but don't stop the current track).
221 Requires the \fBglobal prefs\fR right.
222 .TP
223 .B random\-enable
224 Enable random play.
225 Requires the \fBglobal prefs\fR right.
226 .TP
227 .B random\-enabled
228 Report whether random play is enabled.
229 The second field of the response line will be \fByes\fR or \fBno\fR.
230 .TP
231 .B recent
232 Send back the current recently-played list in a response body, one track to a
233 line, the track most recently played last.
234 See below for the track information syntax.
235 .TP
236 .B reconfigure
237 Request that DisOrder reconfigure itself.
238 Requires the \fBadmin\fR right.
239 .TP
241 Register a new user.
242 Requires the \fBregister\fR right.
243 The result contains a confirmation string; the user will be be able
244 to log in until this has been presented back to the server via the
245 \fBconfirm\fR command.
246 .TP
247 .B reminder \fIUSERNAME\fR
248 Send a password reminder to user \fIUSERNAME\fR.
249 If the user has no valid email address, or no password, or a
250 reminder has been sent too recently, then no reminder will be sent.
251 .TP
252 .B remove \fIID\fR
253 Remove the track identified by \fIID\fR.
254 Requires one of the \fBremove mine\fR, \fBremove random\fR or
255 \fBremove any\fR rights depending on how the
256 track came to be added to the queue.
257 .TP
258 .B rescan \fR[\fBwait\fR] \fR[\fBfresh\fR]
259 Rescan all roots for new or obsolete tracks.
260 Requires the \fBrescan\fR right.
261 .IP
262 If the \fBwait\fR flag is present then the response is delayed until the rescan
263 completes.
264 Otherwise the response arrives immediately.
265 This is primarily intended for testing.
266 .IP
267 If the \fBfresh\fR flag is present a rescan is already underway then a second
268 rescan will be started when it completes.
269 The default behavior is to piggyback on the existing rescan.
270 .IP
271 NB that \fBfresh\fR is currently disabled in the server source, so using this
272 flag will just provoke an error.
273 .TP
274 .B resolve \fITRACK\fR
275 Resolve a track name, i.e. if this is an alias then return the real track name.
276 .TP
277 .B resume
278 Resume the current track after a \fBpause\fR command.
279 Requires the \fBpause\fR right.
280 .TP
281 .B revoke \fBcookie\fR
282 Revoke a cookie previously created with \fBmake\-cookie\fR.
283 It will not be possible to use this cookie in the future.
284 .TP
285 .B rtp\-address
286 Report the RTP broadcast (or multicast) address, in the form \fIADDRESS
287 PORT\fR.
288 This command does not require authentication.
289 .TP
290 .B scratch \fR[\fIID\fR]
291 Remove the track identified by \fIID\fR, or the currently playing track if no
292 \fIID\fR is specified.
293 Requires one of the \fBscratch mine\fR, \fBscratch random\fR or
294 \fBscratch any\fR rights depending on how the track came to be
295 added to the queue.
296 .TP
297 .B schedule-add \fIWHEN\fR \fIPRIORITY\fR \fIACTION\fR ...
298 Schedule an event for the future.
299 .IP
300 .I WHEN
301 is the time when it should happen, as \fBtime_t\fR value.
302 It must refer to a time in the future.
303 .IP
305 is the event priority.
306 This can be \fBnormal\fR, in which case the event will be run at startup if its
307 time has past, or \fBjunk\fR in which case it will be discarded if it is found
308 to be in the past at startup.
309 The meaning of other values is not defined.
310 .IP
312 is the action to perform.
313 The choice of action determines the meaning of the remaining arguments.
314 Possible actions are:
315 .RS
316 .TP
317 .B play
318 Play a track.
319 The next argument is the track name.
320 Requires the \fBplay\fR right.
321 .TP
322 .B set-global
323 Set a global preference.
324 The next argument is the preference name and the final argument is the value to
325 set it to (omit it to unset it).
326 Requires the \fBglobal prefs\fR right.
327 .RE
328 .IP
329 You need the right at the point you create the event.
330 It is not possible to create scheduled events in expectation of a future change
331 in rights.
332 .TP
333 .B schedule-del \fIEVENT\fR
334 Deletes a scheduled event.
335 Users can always delete their own scheduled events; with the \fBadmin\fR
336 right you can delete any event.
337 .TP
338 .B schedule-get \fIEVENT\fR
339 Sends the details of scheduled event \fIEVENT\fR in a response body.
340 Each line is a pair of strings quoted in the usual way, the first being the key
341 ane the second the value.
342 No particular order is used.
343 .IP
344 Scheduled events are considered public information.
345 Right \fBread\fR is sufficient to see details of all events.
346 .TP
347 .B schedule-list
348 Sends the event IDs of all scheduled events in a response body, in no
349 particular order.
350 Use \fBschedule-get\fR to get the details of each event.
351 .TP
352 .B search \fITERMS\fR
353 Search for tracks matching the search terms.
354 The results are put in a response body, one to a line.
355 .IP
356 The search string is split in the usual way, with quoting supported, into a
357 list of terms.
358 Only tracks matching all terms are included in the results.
359 .IP
360 Any terms of the form \fBtag:\fITAG\fR limits the search to tracks with that
361 tag.
362 .IP
363 All other terms are interpreted as individual words which must be present in
364 the track name.
365 .IP
366 Spaces in terms don't currently make sense, but may one day be interpreted to
367 allow searching for phrases.
368 .TP
369 .B \fBset\fR \fITRACK\fR \fIPREF\fR \fIVALUE\fR
370 Set a preference.
371 Requires the \fBprefs\fR right.
372 .TP
373 .B set\-global \fIKEY\fR \fIVALUE\fR
374 Set a global preference.
375 Requires the \fBglobal prefs\fR right.
376 .TP
377 .B stats
378 Send server statistics in plain text in a response body.
379 .TP
380 .B \fBtags\fR
381 Send the list of currently known tags in a response body.
382 .TP
383 .B \fBunset\fR \fITRACK\fR \fIPREF\fR
384 Unset a preference.
385 Requires the \fBprefs\fR right.
386 .TP
387 .B \fBunset\-global\fR \fIKEY\fR
388 Unset a global preference.
389 Requires the \fBglobal prefs\fR right.
390 .TP
392 Authenticate as user \fIUSERNAME\fR.
393 See
395 below.
396 .TP
397 .B userinfo \fIUSERNAME PROPERTY
398 Get a user property.
399 .TP
400 .B users
401 Send the list of currently known users in a response body.
402 .TP
403 .B version
404 Send back a response with the server version as the second field.
405 .TP
406 .B volume \fR[\fILEFT\fR [\fIRIGHT\fR]]
407 Get or set the volume.
408 .IP
409 With zero parameters just gets the volume and reports the left and right sides
410 as the 2nd and 3rd fields of the response.
411 .IP
412 With one parameter sets both sides to the same value.
413 With two parameters sets each side independently.
414 Setting the volume requires the \fBvolume\fR right.
416 Responses are three-digit codes.
417 The first digit distinguishes errors from succesful responses:
418 .TP
419 .B 2
420 Operation succeeded.
421 .TP
422 .B 5
423 Operation failed.
424 .PP
425 The second digit breaks down the origin of the response:
426 .TP
427 .B 0
428 Generic responses not specific to the handling of the command.
429 Mostly this is parse errors.
430 .TP
431 .B 1
432 51x errors indicate that the user had insufficient rights for the command.
433 .TP
434 .B 3
435 Authentication responses.
436 .TP
437 .B 5
438 Responses specific to the handling of the command.
439 .PP
440 The third digit provides extra information about the response:
441 .TP
442 .B 0
443 Text part is just commentary.
444 .TP
445 .B 1
446 Text part is a constant result e.g. \fBversion\fR.
447 .TP
448 .B 2
449 Text part is a potentially variable result.
450 .TP
451 .B 3
452 Text part is just commentary; a dot-stuffed body follows.
453 .TP
454 .B 4
455 Text part is just commentary; an indefinite dot-stuffed body follows.
456 (Used for \fBlog\fR.)
457 .TP
458 .B 5
459 Used with "normal" errors, for instance a preference not being found.
460 The text part is commentary.
461 .TP
462 .B 9
463 The text part is just commentary (but would normally be a response for this
464 command) e.g. \fBplaying\fR.
465 .PP
466 Result strings (not bodies) intended for machine parsing (i.e. xx1 and xx2
467 responses) are quoted.
469 When a connection is made the server sends a \fB231\fR response before any
470 command is received.
471 This contains a protocol generation, an algorithm name and a
472 challenge encoded in hex, all separated by whitespace.
473 .PP
474 The current protocol generation is \fB2\fR.
475 .PP
476 The possible algorithms are (currently) \fBsha1\fR, \fBsha256\fR, \fBsha384\fR
477 and \fBsha512\fR.
478 \fBSHA1\fR etc work as synonyms.
479 .PP
480 The \fBuser\fR response consists of the selected hash of the user's password
481 concatenated with the challenge, encoded in hex.
483 Track information is encoded in a line (i.e. using the usual line syntax) as
484 pairs of fields.
485 The first is a name, the second a value.
486 The names have the following meanings:
487 .TP 12
488 .B expected
489 The time the track is expected to be played at.
490 .TP
491 .B id
492 A string uniquely identifying this queue entry.
493 .TP
494 .B played
495 The time the track was played at.
496 .TP
497 .B scratched
498 The user that scratched the track.
499 .TP
500 .B state
501 The current track state.
502 Valid states are:
503 .RS
504 .TP 12
505 .B failed
506 The player failed (exited with nonzero status but wasn't scratched).
507 .TP
508 .B isscratch
509 The track is actually a scratch.
510 .TP
511 .B no_player
512 No player could be found for the track.
513 .TP
514 .B ok
515 The track was played without any problems.
516 .TP
517 .B scratched
518 The track was scratched.
519 .TP
520 .B started
521 The track is currently playing.
522 .TP
523 .B unplayed
524 In the queue, hasn't been played yet.
525 .TP
526 .B quitting
527 The track was terminated because the server is shutting down.
528 .RE
529 .TP
530 .B submitter
531 The user that submitted the track.
532 .TP
533 .B track
534 The filename of the track.
535 .TP
536 .B when
537 The time the track was added to the queue.
538 .TP
539 .B wstat
540 The wait status of the player in decimal.
542 Times are decimal integers using the server's \fBtime_t\fR.
543 .PP
544 For file listings, the regexp applies to the basename of the returned file, not
545 the whole filename, and letter case is ignored.
546 \fBpcrepattern\fR(3) describes the regexp syntax.
547 .PP
548 Filenames are in UTF-8 even if the collection they come from uses some other
549 encoding - if you want to access the real file (in such cases as the filenames
550 actually correspond to a real file) you'll have to convert to whatever the
551 right encoding is.
553 The event log consists of lines starting with a hexadecimal timestamp and a
554 keyword followed by (optionally) parameters.
555 The parameters are quoted in the usual DisOrder way.
556 Currently the following keywords are used:
557 .TP
558 .B completed \fITRACK\fR
559 Completed playing \fITRACK\fR
560 .TP
561 .B failed \fITRACK\fR \fIERROR\fR
562 Completed playing \fITRACK\fR with an error status
563 .TP
564 .B moved \fIUSERNAME\fR
565 User \fIUSERNAME\fR moved some track(s).
566 Further details aren't included any more.
567 .TP
568 .B playing \fITRACK\fR [\fIUSERNAME\fR]
569 Started playing \fITRACK\fR.
570 .TP
571 .B queue \fIQUEUE-ENTRY\fR...
572 Added \fITRACK\fR to the queue.
573 .TP
574 .B recent_added \fIQUEUE-ENTRY\fR...
575 Added \fIID\fR to the recently played list.
576 .TP
577 .B recent_removed \fIID\fR
578 Removed \fIID\fR from the recently played list.
579 .TP
580 .B removed \fIID\fR [\fIUSERNAME\fR]
581 Queue entry \fIID\fR was removed.
582 This is used both for explicit removal (when \fIUSERNAME\fR is present)
583 and when playing a track (when it is absent).
584 .TP
585 .B rescanned
586 A rescan completed.
587 .TP
588 .B scratched \fITRACK\fR \fIUSERNAME\fR
589 \fITRACK\fR was scratched by \fIUSERNAME\fR.
590 .TP
591 .B state \fIKEYWORD\fR
592 Some state change occurred.
593 The current set of keywords is:
594 .RS
595 .TP
596 .B completed
597 The current track completed successfully.
598 .TP
599 .B disable_play
600 Playing was disabled.
601 .TP
602 .B disable_random
603 Random play was disabled.
604 .TP
605 .B enable_play
606 Playing was enabled.
607 .TP
608 .B enable_random
609 Random play was enabled.
610 .TP
611 .B failed
612 The current track failed.
613 .TP
614 .B pause
615 The current track was paused.
616 .TP
617 .B playing
618 A track started playing.
619 .TP
620 .B resume
621 The current track was resumed.
622 .TP
623 .B scratched
624 The current track was scratched.
625 .PP
626 To simplify client implementation, \fBstate\fR commands reflecting the current
627 state are sent at the start of the log.
628 .RE
629 .TP
630 .B volume \fILEFT\fR \fIRIGHT\fR
631 The volume changed.
632 .PP
634 is as defined in
636 above.
638 All data sent by both server and client is encoded using UTF-8.
639 Moreover it must be valid UTF-8, i.e. non-minimal sequences are not
640 permitted, nor are surrogates, nor are code points outside the
641 Unicode code space.
642 .PP
643 There are no particular normalization requirements on either side of the
644 protocol.
645 The server currently converts internally to NFC, the client must
646 normalize the responses returned if it needs some normalized form for further
647 processing.
648 .PP
649 The various characters which divide up lines may not be followed by combining
650 characters.
651 For instance all of the following are prohibited:
652 .TP
653 .B o
654 LINE FEED followed by a combining character.
655 For example the sequence LINE FEED, COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT is never permitted.
656 .TP
657 .B o
658 APOSTROPHE or QUOTATION MARK followed by a combining character when used to
659 delimit fields.
660 For instance a line starting APOSTROPHE, COMBINING CEDILLA is prohibited.
661 .IP
662 Note that such sequences are not prohibited when the quote character cannot be
663 interpreted as a field delimiter.
665 APOSTROPHE would be permitted.
666 .TP
667 .B o
668 REVERSE SOLIDUS (BACKSLASH) followed by a combining character in a quoted
669 string when it is the first character of an escape sequence.
671 is prohibited.
672 .IP
673 As above such sequences are not prohibited when the character is not being used
674 to start an escape sequence.
676 APOSTROPHE is permitted.
677 .TP
678 .B o
679 Any of the field-splitting whitespace characters followed by a combining
680 character when not part of a quoted field.
681 For instance a line starting COLON, SPACE, COMBINING CANDRABINDU is prohibited.
682 .IP
683 As above non-delimiter uses are fine.
684 .TP
685 .B o
686 The FULL STOP characters used to quote or delimit a body.
687 .PP
688 Furthermore none of these characters are permitted to appear in the context of
689 a canonical decomposition (i.e. they must still be present when converted to
690 NFC).
691 In practice however this is not an issue in Unicode 5.0.
692 .PP
693 These rules are consistent with the observation that the split() function is
694 essentially a naive ASCII parser.
695 The implication is not that these sequences never actually appear in
696 the protocol, merely that the server is not required to honor them in
697 any useful way nor be consistent between versions: in current
698 versions the result will be lines and fields that start with combining
699 characters and are not necessarily split where you expect, but future versions
700 may remove them, reject them or ignore some or all of the delimiters that have
701 following combining characters, and no notice will be given of any change.
702 .SH "SEE ALSO"
703 \fBdisorder\fR(1),
704 \fBtime\fR(2),
705 \fBdisorder\fR(3),
706 \fBpcrepattern\fR(3)
707 \fBdisorder_config\fR(5),
708 \fBdisorderd\fR(8),
709 \fButf8\fR(7)
710 .\" Local Variables:
711 .\" mode:nroff
712 .\" fill-column:79
713 .\" End: