Support schedule-* commands from command-line client. Exiguously tested.
[disorder] / doc /
1 .\"
2 .\" Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Richard Kettlewell
3 .\"
4 .\" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 .\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 .\" the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 .\" (at your option) any later version.
8 .\"
9 .\" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
10 .\" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 .\" General Public License for more details.
13 .\"
14 .\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 .\" along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 .\" Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
17 .\" USA
18 .\"
19 .TH disobedience 1
21 disobedience \- GUI client for DisOrder jukebox
23 .B disobedience
24 .RI [ OPTIONS ]
26 .B disobedience
27 is a graphical client for DisOrder.
29 .SS "Server Menu"
30 This has the following options:
31 .TP
32 .B Login
33 Brings up the \fBLogin Details Window\fR; see below.
34 .TP
35 .B "Manage Users"
36 Brings up the \fBUser Management Window\fR; see below.
37 .TP
38 .B Quit
39 Terminates the program.
40 .SS "Edit Menu"
41 This has the following options:
42 .TP
43 .B "Select All"
44 Select all tracks in whichever of the Queue or Recent tabs are showing.
45 .TP
46 .B Properties
47 Edit the details of the selected tracks.
48 See
49 .B "Properties Window"
50 below.
51 .SS "Control Menu"
52 This has the following options:
53 .TP
54 .B Scratch
55 Interrupts the currently playing track.
56 .TP
57 .B Playing
58 Pause and resume the current track.
59 .TP
60 .B "Random play"
61 Enable and disable random play.
62 Does not take effect until the currently playing track finishes.
63 .TP
64 .B "Network player"
65 Enables or disables network play.
66 See
68 below.
69 .SS "Help Menu"
70 This has only one option, "About DisOrder", which pops up a box giving the
71 name, author and version number of the software.
72 .SS "Controls"
73 .TP
74 .B "Pause button"
75 The pause button can be used to pause and resume tracks.
76 .TP
77 .B "Scratch button"
78 The scratch button, a red cross, can be used to interrupt the currently playing
79 track.
80 .TP
81 .B "Random play button"
82 The random play button can be used to enable and disable random play.
83 It does not take effect until the currently playing track finishes.
84 .TP
85 .B "Play button"
86 The play button controls whether tracks will be played at all.
87 As above it does not take effect until the currently playing track finishes.
88 .TP
89 .B "Network play button"
90 The network play buttons enables or disables network play.
91 See
93 below.
94 .TP
95 .B "Volume slider"
96 The volume slider indicates the current volume level and can be used to adjust
97 it.
98 0 is silent and 10 is maximum volume.
99 .TP
100 .B "Balance slider"
101 The balance slider indicates the current balance and can be used to adjust it.
102 -1 means only the left speaker, 0 means both speakers at equal volume and +1
103 means the only the right speaker.
104 .SS "Queue Tab"
105 This displays the currently playing track and the queue.
106 The currently playing track is at the top and has a green background.
107 Queued tracks appear below it and have alternating red and white backgrounds.
108 .PP
109 The left button can be use to select and deselect tracks.
110 On its own it just selects the pointed track and deselects everything else.
111 With CTRL it flips the state of the pointed track without affecting anything
112 else.
113 With SHIFT it selects every track from the last click to the current position
114 and deselects everything else.
115 With both CTRL and SHIFT it selects everything from the last click to the
116 current position without deselecting anything.
117 .PP
118 The right button pops up a menu.
119 This has the following options:
120 .TP
121 .B Properties
122 Edit the details of the selected tracks.
123 See
124 .B "Properties Window"
125 below.
126 .TP
127 .B "Select All"
128 Select all tracks.
129 .TP
130 .B Scratch
131 Interrupt the currently playing track.
132 (Note that this appears even if you right click over a queued track rather
133 than the currently playing track.)
134 .TP
135 .B Remove
136 Remove the selected tracks from the queue.
137 .SS "Recent Tab"
138 This displays recently played tracks, the most recent at the top.
139 .PP
140 The left button functions as above.
141 The right button pops up a menu with the following options:
142 .TP
143 .B Properties
144 Edit the details of the selected tracks.
145 See
146 .B "Properties Window"
147 below.
148 .TP
149 .B "Select All"
150 Select all tracks.
151 .SS "Choose Tab"
152 This displays all the tracks known to the server in a tree structure.
153 .PP
154 Directories are represented with an arrow to their left.
155 This can be clicked to reveal or hide the contents of the directory.
156 The top level "directories" break up tracks by their first letter.
157 .PP
158 Playable files are represented by their name.
159 If they are playing or in the queue then a notes icon appears next to them.
160 .PP
161 Left clicking on a file will select it.
162 As with the queue tab you can use SHIFT and CTRL to select multiple files.
163 .PP
164 The text box at the top is a search form.
165 If you enter search terms here then tracks containing all those words will be
166 highlighted.
167 You can also limit the results to tracks with particular tags, by including
168 \fBtag:\fITAG\fR for each tag.
169 .PP
170 To start a new search just edit the contents of the search box.
171 The cancel button to its right clears the current search.
172 The up and down arrows will scroll the window to make the previous or next
173 search result visible.
174 .PP
175 Right clicking over a track will pop up a menu with the following options:
176 .TP
177 .B Play
178 Play selected tracks.
179 .TP
180 .B Properties
181 Edit properties of selected tracks.
182 See
183 .B "Properties Window"
184 below.
185 .PP
186 A middle click on a track will add it to the queue.
187 .PP
188 Right clicking over a directory will pop up a menu with the following options:
189 .TP
190 .B "Play all tracks"
191 Play all the tracks in the directory, in the order they appear on screen.
192 .TP
193 .B "Track properties"
194 Edit properties of all tracks in the directory.
195 .TP
196 .B "Select all tracks"
197 Select all the tracks in the directory (and deselect everything else).
198 .PP
199 Note that these options do not apply recursively - only the tracks in the
200 relevant directory are affected, not those in its subdirectories.
201 .SS "Added Tab"
202 This displays a list of tracks recently added to the server's database.
203 The most recently added track is at the top.
204 .PP
205 Left clicking a track will select it.
206 CTRL and SHIFT work as above to select muliple files.
207 .PP
208 Right clicking over a track will pop up a menu with the following options:
209 .TP
210 .B "Track properties"
211 Edit properties of selected tracks.
212 See
213 .B "Properties Window"
214 below.
215 .TP
216 .B "Play track"
217 Play selected tracks.
218 .TP
219 .B "Select All Tracks"
220 Select all tracks.
221 .SS "Login Details Window"
222 The login details window allows you to edit the connection details and
223 authorization information used by Disobedience.
224 It has four text entry fields:
225 .TP
226 .B Hostname
227 The host to connect to.
228 .TP
229 .B Service
230 The service name or port number to connect to.
231 .TP
232 .B "User name"
233 The user name to log in as.
234 .TP
235 .B Password
236 The password to use when logging in.
237 Note that this is NOT your login password but is your password to the
238 DisOrder server.
239 .PP
240 It has three buttons:
241 .TP
242 .B Login
243 This button attempts to (re-)connect to the server with the currently displayed
244 settings.
245 The settings are not saved.
246 .TP
247 .B Save
248 This button saves the current settings in
249 .IR $HOME/.disorder/passwd .
250 .TP
251 .B Close
252 This button closes the window, discarding any unsaved changes.
253 .SS "Properties Window"
254 This window contains details of one or more tracks and allows them to be
255 edited.
256 .PP
257 The Artist, Album and Title fields determine how the tracks appear in
258 the queue and recently played tabs.
259 .PP
260 The Tags field determine which tags apply to the track.
261 Tags are separated by commas and can contain any printing characters except
262 comma.
263 .PP
264 The Weight field determines the track weight. Tracks with higher weights are
265 proportionately more likely to be picked at random. The default weight is
266 90000, and the maximum weight is 2147483647.
267 .PP
268 The Random checkbox determines whether the track will be picked at random.
269 Random play is enabled for every track by default, but it can be turned off
270 here.
271 .PP
272 The double-headed arrow to the right of each preference will propagate its
273 value to all the other tracks in the window.
274 For instance, this can be used to efficiently correct the artist or album
275 fields, or bulk-disable random play for many tracks.
276 .PP
277 Press "OK" to confirm all changes and close the window, "Apply" to confirm
278 changes but keep the window open and "Cancel" to close the window and discard
279 all changes.
280 .SS "User Management Window"
281 This window is primarily of interest to adminstrators, and will not be
282 available to users without admin rights. The left hand side is a list of all
283 users; the right hand side contains the editable details of the currently
284 selected user.
285 .PP
286 When you select any user you can edit their email address or change their
287 password. It is also possible to edit the individual user rights. Click on
288 the "Apply" button to commit any changes you make.
289 .PP
290 The "Add" button creates a new user. You must enter at least a username.
291 Default rights are setting according to local configuration, \fInot\fR server
292 configuration (but this may be changed in the future). As above, click on
293 "Apply" to actually create the new user.
294 .PP
295 The "Delete" button deletes the selected user. This operation cannot be
296 undone.
298 .TP
299 .B CTRL+A
300 Select all tracks (queue/recent)
301 .TP
302 .B CTRL+L
303 Brings up the \fBLogin Details Window\fR.
304 .TP
305 .B CTRL+Q
306 Quit.
308 Network play uses a background
309 .BR disorder\-playrtp (1)
310 process.
311 If you quit Disobedience the player will continue playing and can be
312 disabled from a later run of Disobedience.
313 .PP
314 The player will log to
315 .I ~/.disorder/HOSTNAME\-rtp.log
316 so look there if it does not seem to be working.
317 .PP
318 You can stop it without running Disobedience by the command
319 .BR "killall disorder\-playrtp" .
321 .TP
322 .B \-\-config \fIPATH\fR, \fB\-c \fIPATH
323 Set the configuration file.
324 The default is
325 .IR pkgconfdir/config .
326 .TP
327 .B \-\-debug\fR, \fB\-d
328 Enable debugging.
329 .TP
330 .B \-\-help\fR, \fB\-h
331 Display a usage message.
332 .TP
333 .B \-\-version\fR, \fB\-V
334 Display version number.
335 .SS "GTK+ Options"
336 Additional options are supported by the GTK+ library.
337 Refer to GTK+ documentation for further information.
338 Under X11 they include:
339 .TP
340 .B \-\-display \fIDISPLAY\fR
341 The X display to use.
342 .TP
343 .B \-\-screen \fISCREEN\fR
344 The screen number to use.
345 .\" If know enough to use it you know enough to find it
346 .\" .TP
347 .\" .B \-\-sync
348 .\" Make all X requests synchronously.
350 If you are using
351 .B disobedience
352 on the same host as the server then no additional configuration should be
353 required.
354 .PP
355 If it is running on a different host then the easiest way to set it up is to
356 use the login details window in Disobedience.
357 Enter the connection details, use Login to connect to the server, and then
358 use Save to store them for future sessions.
359 .PP
360 The other clients read their configuration from the same location so after
361 setting up with Disobedience, tools such as
362 .BR disorder (1)
363 should work as well.
364 .SH BUGS
365 Disobedience is newly introduced with DisOrder 2.0.
366 There are bound to be bugs.
367 Please send feedback.
368 .PP
369 There is no particular provision for multiple users of the same computer
370 sharing a single \fBdisorder\-playrtp\fR process.
371 This shouldn't be too much of a problem in practice but something could
372 perhaps be done given demand.
374 .TP
375 .I ~/.disorder/HOSTNAME\-rtp
376 Socket for communication with RTP player.
377 .TP
378 .I ~/.disorder/HOSTNAME\-rtp.log
379 Log file for RTP player.
380 .SH "SEE ALSO"
381 .BR disorder\-playrtp (1),
382 .BR disorder_config (5)
383 .PP
384 .B
385 .br
386 - DisOrder home page
387 .PP
388 .B\-x11.html
389 .br
390 - Using GTK+ on the X Window System
391 .\" Local Variables:
392 .\" mode:nroff
393 .\" fill-column:79
394 .\" End: