Mention bug-fixes below in CHANGES.html.
[disorder] / doc /
1 .\"
2 .\" Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Richard Kettlewell
3 .\"
4 .\" This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 .\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 .\" the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 .\" (at your option) any later version.
8 .\"
9 .\" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 .\" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 .\" GNU General Public License for more details.
13 .\"
14 .\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 .\" along with this program. If not, see <>.
16 .\"
17 .TH disorder 1
19 disorder \- DisOrder jukebox client
21 .B disorder
22 .RI [ OPTIONS ]
23 .RB [ \-\- ]
24 .RI [ COMMANDS ...]
26 .B disorder
27 is used to query the \fBdisorderd\fR(8) daemon from the command line.
28 It may be used to request tracks, scratch tracks, query the current
29 state, etc, and by an administrator to shutdown or reconfigure the
30 daemon.
31 .PP
32 If no commands are specified then \fBdisorder\fR connects to the
33 daemon and then immediately disconnects.
34 This can be used to test whether the daemon is running.
35 Otherwise, it executes the commands specified.
36 .PP
37 This man page documents the command-line client.
38 See \fBdisorderd\fR (8) for information about the server process
39 and \fBdisorder_config\fR (5) for documentation of the configuration file.
41 .TP
42 .B \-\-config \fIPATH\fR, \fB\-c \fIPATH
43 Set the configuration file.
44 The default is
45 .IR pkgconfdir/config .
46 .TP
47 .B \-\-debug\fR, \fB\-d
48 Enable debugging.
49 .TP
50 .B \-\-help\fR, \fB\-h
51 Display a usage message.
52 .TP
53 .B \-\-version\fR, \fB\-V
54 Display version number.
55 .TP
56 .B \-\-help\-commands\fR, \fB\-H
57 List all known commands.
59 .TP
61 Create a new user.
62 If \fIRIGHTS\fR is not specified then the \fBdefault_rights\fR
63 setting from the server's configuration file applies.
64 .TP
65 .B adopt \fIID\fR
66 Adopts track \fIID\fR (in the queue).
67 The track will show up as submitted by the calling user.
68 .TP
69 .B authorize \fIUSERNAME\fR [\fIRIGHTS\fR]
70 Create user \fIUSERNAME\fR with a random password.
71 User \fIUSERNAME\fR must be a UNIX login user (not just any old string).
72 If \fIRIGHTS\fR is not specified then the \fBdefault_rights\fR
73 setting from the server's configuration file applies.
74 .IP
75 \fI~USERNAME/.disorder/passwd\fR is created with the password in it, so the new
76 user should be able to log in immediately.
77 .IP
78 If writing the \fIpasswd\fR file fails then the user will already have been
79 created in DisOrder's user database.
80 Use \fBdisorder deluser\fR to remove them before trying again.
81 .TP
82 .B deluser \fIUSERNAME\fR
83 Delete a user.
84 .TP
85 .B dirs \fIDIRECTORY\fR [\fB~\fIREGEXP\fR]
86 List all the directories in \fIDIRECTORY\fR.
87 .IP
88 An optional regexp may be specified, marked with an initial \fB~\fR.
89 Only directories with a basename matching the regexp will be returned.
90 .TP
91 .B disable
92 Disable playing after the current track finishes.
93 .TP
95 Set some property of a user.
96 .TP
97 .B enable
98 (Re-)enable playing.
99 .TP
100 .B files \fIDIRECTORY\fR [\fB~\fIREGEXP\fR]
101 List all the files in \fIDIRECTORY\fR.
102 .IP
103 An optional regexp may be specified, marked with an initial \fB~\fR.
104 Only files with a basename matching the regexp will be returned.
105 .TP
106 .B get \fITRACK\fR \fIKEY\fR
107 Display the preference \fIKEY\fR for \fITRACK\fR.
108 See \fBdisorder_preferences\fR (5).
109 .TP
110 .B get\-global \fIKEY\fR
111 Get a global preference.
112 See \fBdisorder_preferences\fR (5).
113 .TP
114 .B get\-volume
115 Display the current volume settings.
116 .TP
117 .B length \fITRACK\fR
118 Display the length of \fITRACK\fR in seconds.
119 .TP
120 .B log
121 Write event log messages to standard output, until the server is terminated.
122 See \fBdisorder_protocol\fR (5) for details of the output syntax.
123 .TP
124 .B move \fITRACK\fR \fIDELTA\fR
125 Move
126 .I TRACK
127 by
128 .I DELTA
129 within the queue.
130 Positive values move towards the head of the queue, negative
131 values towards the tail.
132 .IP
133 Note that if you specify a negative value then the
134 .B \-\-
135 option separate (before all commands) becomes mandatory, as otherwise the
136 negative value is misinterpreted an an option.
137 .TP
138 .B part \fITRACK\fR \fICONTEXT\fI \fIPART\fR
139 Get a track name part.
140 .IP
141 \fICONTEXT\fR should be either \fBsort\fR or \fBdisplay\fR.
142 \fBpart\fR is the part of the name desired, typically \fBartist\fR,
143 \fBalbum\fR or \fBtitle\fR.
144 .TP
145 .B pause
146 Pause the current track.
147 (Note that not all players support pausing.)
148 .TP
149 .B play \fITRACKS\fR...
150 Add \fITRACKS\fR to the end of the queue.
151 .TP
152 .B playing
153 Report the currently playing track.
154 .TP
155 .B prefs \fITRACK\fR
156 Display all the preferences for \fITRACK\fR.
157 See \fBdisorder_preferences\fR (5).
158 .TP
159 .B queue
160 List the current queue.
161 The first entry in the list is the next track to play.
162 .TP
163 .B random\-disable
164 Disable random play.
165 .TP
166 .B random\-enable
167 Enable random play.
168 .TP
169 .B recent
170 List recently played tracks.
171 The first entry is the oldest track, the last entry is the most
172 recently played one.
173 .TP
174 .B reconfigure
175 Make the daemon reload its configuration file.
176 .IP
177 Not all configuration options can be modified during the lifetime of the
178 server; of those that can't, some will just be ignored if they change while
179 others will cause the new configuration to be rejected.
180 See \fBdisorder_config\fR(5) for details.
181 .TP
182 .B remove \fITRACK\fR
183 Remove a track from the queue.
184 .TP
185 .B rescan
186 Rescan the filesystem for new tracks.
187 There is an automatic daily rescan but if you've just added some tracks
188 and want them to show up immediately, use this command.
189 .TP
190 .B resolve \fITRACK\fR
191 Resolve aliases for \fITRACK\fR and print out the real track name.
192 .TP
193 .B resume
194 Resume the current track after a pause.
195 .TP
196 .B rtp\-address
197 Report the RTP brodcast address used by the server (if any).
198 .TP
199 .B schedule-del \fIEVENT\fR
200 Delete a scheduled event.
201 .TP
202 .B schedule-list
203 List scheduled events.
204 Each line contains the ID, a timestamp, 'N' or 'J' for normal or junk priority,
205 the user, the action and action-specific data.
206 .TP
207 .B schedule-play \fIWHEN PRIORITY TRACK\fI
208 Play \fITRACK\fR at time \fIWHEN\fR.
209 Various time/date formats are supported depending on locale but the following
210 three will always work:
211 .RS
212 .RS
213 .TP
215 .TP
216 .B "HH:MM:SS"
217 .TP
218 .B "HH:MM"
219 .RE
220 .RE
221 .IP
222 \fIPRIORITY\fR should be \fBjunk\fR or \fBnormal\fR.
223 This determines how the event is handled if it becomes due when the server is
224 down.
225 Junk events are just discarded in this case, while normal events will be
226 executed when the server comes back up, even if this is much later.
227 .TP
228 .B schedule-set-global \fIWHEN PRIORITY NAME VALUE\fI
229 Set global preference \fINAME\fR to \fIVALUE\fR at time \fIWHEN\fR.
230 .TP
231 .B schedule-unset-global \fIWHEN PRIORITY NAME\fI
232 Unset global preference \fINAME\fR at time \fIWHEN\fR.
233 .TP
234 .B scratch
235 Scratch the currently playing track.
236 .TP
237 .B scratch\-id \fIID\fR
238 Scratch the currently playing track, provided it has the given ID.
239 .TP
240 .B search \fITERMS\fR
241 Search for tracks containing all of the listed terms.
242 The terms are separated by spaces and form a single argument,
243 so must be quoted, for example:
244 .IP
245 .B "disorder search 'bowie china'"
246 .IP
247 You can limit the search to tracks with a particular tag, too, using the
248 \fBtag:\fR modifier.
249 For example:
250 .IP
251 .B "disorder search 'love tag:depressing'"
252 .TP
253 .B set \fITRACK\fR \fIKEY\fR \fIVALUE\fR
254 Set the preference \fIKEY\fR for \fITRACK\fR to \fIVALUE\fR.
255 See \fBdisorder_preferences\fR (5).
256 .TP
257 .B set\-global \fIKEY\fR \fIVALUE\fR
258 Set a global preference.
259 See \fBdisorder_preferences\fR (5).
260 .TP
261 .B set\-volume \fBLEFT\fR \fBRIGHT\fR
262 Set the volume.
263 .TP
264 .B setup\-guest \fR[\fB\-\-no\-online\-registration\fR]
265 Create the "guest" user for use by the web interface.
266 This user will have no password and will only have the "read" and
267 "register" rights, the latter allowing new users to automatically
268 register themselves via the web interface.
269 .IP
270 With the option \fB\-\-no-online\-registration\fR, the "register" right is
271 suppressed and users must be manually created by an administrator.
272 .IP
273 If online registration is desired then \fBmail_sender\fR must be set in the
274 configuration file.
275 See \fBdisorder_config\fR(5).
276 .TP
277 .B shutdown
278 Shut down the daemon.
279 .TP
280 .B stats
281 List server statistics.
282 .TP
283 .B tags
284 List known tags.
285 .TP
286 .B unset \fITRACK\fR \fIKEY\fR
287 Unset the preference \fIKEY\fR for \fITRACK\fR.
288 See \fBdisorder_preferences\fR (5).
289 .TP
290 .B unset\-global \fIKEY\fR
291 Unset the global preference \fIKEY\fR.
292 See \fBdisorder_preferences\fR (5).
293 .TP
294 .B userinfo \fIUSERNAME PROPERTY
295 Get some property of a user.
296 .TP
297 .B users
298 List known users.
299 .TP
300 .B version
301 Report the daemon's version number.
302 .PP
303 For
304 .B move
305 and
306 .BR remove ,
307 tracks may be specified by name or by ID.
308 If you use the name and a track appears twice in the queue it is
309 undefined which is affected.
311 .B disorder
312 is locale-aware.
313 If you do not set the locale correctly then it may not handle non-ASCII
314 data properly.
315 .PP
316 The client determines which user to attempt to authenticate as by examining the
317 current UID.
318 This can be overridden in a per-user configuration file, see
319 \fBdisorder_config\fR(5).
320 .PP
321 See \fBdisorder_protocol\fR(5) for the rights required to run each command.
322 (For instance, \fBshutdown\fR requires the \fBadmin\fR right, which most users
323 would not normally have.)
324 .PP
325 This program is not intended to run in a setuid environment.
326 .PP
327 The regexp syntax used by the \fBfiles\fR and \fBdirs\fR commands use the
328 syntax described in \fBpcrepattern\fR(3).
329 Matching is case-independent.
330 It is strongly recommended that you quote regexps, since they often
331 contain characters treated specially by the shell.
332 For example:
333 .PP
334 .B "disorder dirs /Music ~'^(?!the [^t])t'"
336 If you cannot play a track, or it does not appear in the database even after a
337 rescan, check the following things:
338 .TP
339 .B .
340 Are there any error messages in the system log? The server logs to
341 \fBLOG_DAEMON\fR, which typically ends up in
342 .I /var/log/daemon.log
343 or
344 .IR /var/log/messages ,
345 though this depends on local configuration.
346 .TP
347 .B .
348 Is the track in a known format? Have a look at
349 .I pkgconfdir/config
350 for the formats recognized by the local installation.
351 The filename matching is case-sensitive.
352 .TP
353 .B .
354 Do permissions on the track allow the server to read it?
355 .TP
356 .B .
357 Do the permissions on the containing directories allow the server to read and
358 execute them?
359 .PP
360 The user the server runs as is determined by the \fBuser\fR directive in the
361 configuration file.
362 The README recommends using \fBjukebox\fR for this purpose but it could
363 be different locally.
365 .TP
366 .B HOME
367 The user's home directory.
368 .TP
369 .B LC_ALL\fR, \fBLANG\fR, etc
370 Current locale.
371 See \fBlocale\fR(7).
373 .TP
374 .I pkgconfdir/config
375 Global configuration file.
376 See \fBdisorder_config\fR(5).
377 .TP
378 .I ~/.disorder/passwd
379 Per-user password file
380 .TP
381 .I pkgstatedir/socket
382 Communication socket for \fBdisorder\fR(1).
383 .SH "SEE ALSO"
384 \fBdisorderd\fR(8), \fBdisorder_config\fR(5), \fBsyslog\fR(3), \fBtime\fR(2),
385 \fBpcrepattern\fR(3), \fBdisobedience\fR(1), \fBdisorder.cgi\fR(8),
386 \fBdisorder_preferences\fR(5)
387 .PP
388 "\fBpydoc disorder\fR" for the Python API documentation.
389 .\" Local Variables:
390 .\" mode:nroff
391 .\" fill-column:79
392 .\" End: