dep.js: Report out-of-date deps as being `stale'.
[dep-ui] / dep.js
1 /* -*-javascript-*-
2 *
3 * Dependency-based computation.
4 *
5 * (c) 2013 Mark Wooding
6 */
8 /*----- Licensing notice --------------------------------------------------*
9 *
10 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
11 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
12 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
13 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
14 *
15 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
19 *
20 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 * along with this program; if not, see <>.
22 */
24 var DEP = { }; (function () {
26 /*----- Utility functions and classes -------------------------------------*/
28 function dolist(list, func) {
29 /* Apply FUNC to each element of LIST, discarding the results.
30 *
31 * JavaScript's looping iterates over indices rather than values, which is
32 * consistent with what you want from a mapping, but inconvenient for
33 * sequences.
34 */
36 var i;
37 for (i in list) func(list[i]);
38 }
39 DEP.dolist = dolist;
41 function eql(x, y) {
42 /* A standard equality function, suitable for detecting changes to `Dep'
43 * objects. This may be needlessly sensitive for some cases, but at least
44 * that's slow rather than wrong.
45 */
47 return x === y;
48 }
50 function try_finally(trythunk, finalthunk) {
51 /* Call the TRYTHUNK. When TRYTHUNK exits (even if it's with an exception)
52 * then call FINALTHUNK. If TRYTHUNK returned normally then return its
53 * value; otherwise continue with the non-local flow control.
54 *
55 * This is an unpleasant hack because V8 doesn't optimize functions which
56 * contain try/finally very well (despite this being an easy transformation
57 * for the compiler).
58 */
60 try { return trythunk(); }
61 finally { finalthunk(); }
62 }
64 function try_cleanup(trythunk, cleanthunk) {
65 /* Call the TRYTHUNK. If TRYTHUNK returns normally, just return its value;
66 * otherwise call CLEANTHUNK and re-throw the exception.
67 *
68 * This is an unpleasant hack because V8 doesn't optimize functions which
69 * contain try/catch very well (despite this being an easy transformation
70 * for the compiler).
71 */
73 var e;
74 try { return trythunk(); }
75 catch (e) { cleanthunk(); throw e; }
76 }
78 /* A Tag is an object which is interesting only because of its identity, and
79 * that the set of Tags is basically determined by the static structure of
80 * the program.
81 */
82 function Tag(what) {
83 this.what = what;
84 }
85 Tag.prototype = {
86 toString: function () { return '#{Tag ' + this.what + '}'; }
87 }
88 DEP.Tag = Tag;
90 /* A Generation is like a Tag, except that it's expected that a program will
91 * manufacture Generations repeatedly, and perhaps use them to determine
92 * whether an object is `up-to-date' in some sense.
93 */
94 function Generation(what) {
95 this.what = what;
96 this.seq = Generation._next++;
97 }
98 Generation.prototype = {
99 toString: function () {
100 return '#{Generation ' + this.what + ' #' + this.seq.toString() + '}';
101 }
102 };
103 Generation._next = 0;
104 DEP.Generation = Generation;
106 /*----- The system state --------------------------------------------------*/
108 var GENERATION = new Generation('dep-generation');
109 // Current recomputation generation.
111 var EVALUATING = null; // The dep being re-evaluated.
112 var STATE = 'ready'; // The current state.
114 /* Flags for Dep objects. */
115 var F_VALUE = 1; // Value is up-to-date.
116 var F_DEPS = 2; // Known as a dependent.
117 var F_CHANGED = 4; // Changed in current phase.
118 var F_RECOMPUTING = 8; // Currently being recomputed.
119 var F_QUEUED = 16; // Queued for recomputation.
121 var BAD = new Tag('BAD'); // Used for the value of `bad' deps.
123 var DELAYED = []; // Actions delayed by `with_frozen'.
124 var PENDING = []; // Deps awaiting recomputation.
126 /*----- Exceptions --------------------------------------------------------*/
128 CircularDependency = new Tag('CircularDependency');
129 DEP.CircularDependency = CircularDependency;
131 BusyRecomputing = new Tag('BusyRecomputing');
132 DEP.BusyRecomputing = BusyRecomputing;
134 /*----- Main code ---------------------------------------------------------*/
136 /* A `Dep' object maintains a value, either because it was provided
137 * explicitly by the programmer, or computed in terms of other `Dep' objects.
138 * In the latter case, its value will be recomputed if any of its
139 * dependencies change value.
140 *
141 * A `Dep' object may have listener functions attached to it. These
142 * functions will bw called when its value changes.
143 *
144 * A `Dep' may be `bad'. In this case, use of its value by a dependent
145 * causes that `Dep' to become bad in turn.
146 */
148 function Dep(value, maybefunc) {
149 /* Initialize a new `Dep' object.
150 *
151 * Handling of the arguments is a little fiddly. If two arguments are
152 * provided then the first is set as the value and the second as the
153 * recomputation function. Otherwise, the first argument is interpreted as
154 * the recomputation function if it has `function' type, or as an initial
155 * explicit value otherwise. To force a function to be interpreted as an
156 * initial value, pass a second argument of `null'.
157 *
158 * Some properties can be fiddled with by client programs (rather than
159 * trying to invent some crazy option-parsing protocol in the constructor).
160 *
161 * `name' A string name for this `Dep', used when printing.
162 *
163 * `equivp' A predicate for deciding whether two value assigned
164 * to this `Dep' are equivalent. Used to decide whether
165 * a change should be propagated.
166 */
168 var val, func, f = F_CHANGED;
169 var me = this;
171 // Work out what's going on with our crazy argument convention.
172 if (maybefunc !== undefined) {
173 val = value;
174 func = maybefunc;
175 f |= F_VALUE | F_QUEUED;
176 } else if (typeof value === 'function') {
177 val = BAD;
178 func = value;
179 f |= F_QUEUED;
180 } else {
181 val = value === undefined ? BAD : value;
182 func = null;
183 f |= F_VALUE | F_DEPS;
184 }
186 // Initialize the various slots.
187 this._value_function = func; // Recomputation function.
188 this._value = val; // Current value.
190 = undefined; // Name, for printing.
191 this.equivp = eql; // Equivalent-value predicate.
192 this.__flags = f; // Current flags.
193 this._generation = GENERATION; // Have we done this one already?.
194 this._listeners = []; // List of listener functions.
196 // We need to maintain the dependency graph. In order to prevent duplicate
197 // entries in the various sets, we use maps rather than lists, but this
198 // presents a problem with coming up with keys: JavaScript stringifies
199 // objects rather than using them as-is, which is obviously hopeless. So
200 // assign each `Dep' a unique sequence number and use that as the key.
201 this._seq = Dep._seq++; // For identifying this object.
202 this._dependents = { }; // Set of dependent objects.
203 this._dependencies = { }; // Set of objects we depend on.
205 // If we have a recomputation function then exercise it.
206 if (func !== null) {
207 with_frozen(function () {
208 PENDING.push(me);
209 });
210 }
211 }
213 DEP.Dep = Dep;
214 Dep._seq = 0; // Next sequence number to allocate.
216 Dep.prototype = {
218 toString: function () {
219 /* Convert the receiver to a string.
220 *
221 * The printed representation includes a number of bits of information
222 * which are probably meaningless to most readers but are handy for
223 * debugging this library if it's misbehaving.
224 */
226 // Basic stuff.
227 var s = '#{Dep';
228 var f = this._flags();
229 var v = this._value;
231 // The dep's name.
232 if ( !== null) s += ' "' + + '"';
234 // Sequence number -- distinguishes the dep if nothing else will.
235 s += ' #' + this._seq;
237 // The value, or some kind of marker that it doesn't have one.
238 if (!(f & F_VALUE)) s += ' #{stale}';
239 else if (v === BAD) s += ' #{bad}';
240 else s += ' ' + v.toString();
242 // Various flags.
243 if (!(f & F_DEPS)) s += ' :recompute-deps';
244 if (f & F_QUEUED) s += ' :queued';
245 if (f & F_CHANGED) s += ' :changed';
247 // Done.
248 s += '}';
249 return s;
250 },
252 _flags: function () {
253 /* Return the receiver's flags.
254 *
255 * If the receiver isn't up-to-date then we synthesize the flags.
256 */
258 if (STATE === 'ready') return F_VALUE | F_DEPS;
259 else if (this._generation === GENERATION) return this.__flags;
260 else if (this._value_function === null) return F_VALUE | F_DEPS;
261 else return 0;
262 },
264 _update: function (value) {
265 /* Store VALUE as the receiver's value.
266 *
267 * Return whether the value has changed as a result. This is a low-level
268 * function which doesn't handle propagation or anything like that.
269 */
271 if (value === BAD ?
272 this._value === BAD :
273 (this._value !== BAD &&
274 this.equivp(value, this._value)))
275 return false;
276 else {
277 this._value = value;
278 return true;
279 }
280 },
282 _new_value: function () {
283 /* Run the `_value_function' of the receiver, returning the result.
284 *
285 * If a bad dep is read during this then return `BAD'. Other exceptions
286 * are propagated in the usual way.
287 */
289 var old = EVALUATING;
290 var me = this;
291 var val;
293 this._dependencies = { };
294 return try_finally(function () {
295 EVALUATING = me;
296 return orelse(function () { return me._value_function(); },
297 function () { return BAD; });
298 }, function() {
299 EVALUATING = old;
300 });
301 },
303 _propagate: function () {
304 /* Propagate a change in the receiver to dependents and listeners. */
306 var d, di, f;
308 // Iterate over each dependent, pushing each one onto the `PENDING'
309 // queue, bringing it into the current generation, and marking it as
310 // having no current value.
311 for (di in this._dependents) {
312 d = this._dependents[di];
313 f = d._flags();
314 if (!(f & (F_QUEUED | F_DEPS))) {
315 PENDING.push(d);
316 d._generation = GENERATION;
317 d.__flags = (f & ~F_VALUE) | F_QUEUED;
318 }
319 }
321 // We no longer have any dependents. Maybe we'll acquire more when the
322 // old dependents recompute themselves.
323 this._dependents = { };
325 // Tell the listeners that something interesting happened.
326 dolist(this._listeners, function (l) { l(); });
327 },
329 _recompute: function () {
330 /* Recompute the receiver, propagating changes and so on.
331 *
332 * Return whether we actually needed to change anything.
333 */
335 var queued = this.__flags & F_QUEUED;
336 var me = this;
338 // Update us with the given VALUE.
339 function update(value) {
340 if (me._update(value)) {
341 me.__flags = queued | F_VALUE | F_DEPS | F_CHANGED;
342 me._propagate();
343 return true;
344 } else {
345 me.__flags = queued | F_VALUE | F_DEPS;
346 return false;
347 }
348 };
350 // Try to recompute our value. If that doesn't work then mark us as bad
351 // and propagate that.
352 return try_cleanup(function () { return update(me._new_value()); },
353 function () { update(BAD); });
354 },
356 _force: function () {
357 /* Make sure the receiver has a current value.
358 *
359 * Return true if the receiver's value has changed in this recomputation
360 * phase.
361 *
362 * If it already has a good value then just return. Otherwise mark it
363 * as recomputing (to trap circularities) and poke our dependencies to
364 * ensure that they're up-to-date. If they weren't, then we recompute
365 * our own value before returning.
366 */
368 var f = this._flags();
369 var d, any = false;
371 if (f & F_RECOMPUTING) throw CircularDependency;
372 else if (f & F_VALUE) return f & F_CHANGED;
373 else {
374 this._generation = GENERATION;
375 this.__flags = (f & ~F_QUEUED) | F_RECOMPUTING;
376 for (d in this._dependencies)
377 if (this._dependencies[d]._force()) any = true;
378 if (any)
379 return this._recompute();
380 else {
381 this.__flags = f;
382 return false;
383 }
384 }
385 },
387 value: function () {
388 /* Fetch and return the receiver's current value.
389 *
390 * If the receiver is bad then an exception is thrown. This exception
391 * can be caught using `orelse'; a dep recomputation function can let the
392 * exception propagate, and be marked as bad in turn.
393 */
395 var val;
397 if (STATE === 'recomputing') {
398 this._force();
399 if (EVALUATING) {
400 this._dependents[EVALUATING._seq] = EVALUATING;
401 EVALUATING._dependencies[this._seq] = this;
402 }
403 }
404 val = this._value;
405 if (val === BAD) throw BAD;
406 return val;
407 },
409 set_value: function (value) {
410 /* Set the receiver's value to VALUE, and propagate. */
412 var me = this;
414 with_frozen(function () {
415 if (me._update(value)) {
416 me._generation = GENERATION;
417 me.__flags = F_VALUE | F_CHANGED;
418 me._propagate();
419 }
420 });
421 },
423 make_bad: function () {
424 /* Mark the receiver as being bad, and propagate. */
425 this.set_value(BAD);
426 },
428 add_listener: function (func) {
429 /* Add FUNC to the receiver's list of listeners.
430 *
431 * Listener functions are called without arguments, and any values
432 * returned are ignored.
433 */
435 this._listeners.push(func);
436 },
438 goodp: function () {
439 /* Return whether the receiver is good (i.e., not marked as bad). */
441 return this._value !== BAD;
442 }
443 };
445 function orelse(thunk, errthunk) {
446 /* Call THUNK. If it succeeds, then return its result. If THUNK
447 * reads a bad dep then call ERRTHINK and return its result instead.
448 */
450 var e;
451 try { return thunk(); }
452 catch (e) {
453 if (e === BAD) { return errthunk(); }
454 else throw e;
455 }
456 }
457 DEP.orelse = orelse;
459 function bad() {
460 /* For use in a value-function: make the dep be bad. */
461 throw BAD;
462 }
463 DEP.bad = bad;
465 function recompute_pending() {
466 /* Recompute any pending dependencies.
467 *
468 * The state is `recomputing' during this.
469 */
471 var d, f;
472 var old_state = STATE;
473 STATE = 'recomputing';
474 try_finally(function () {
475 while (PENDING.length) {
476 d = PENDING.shift();
477 f = d.__flags;
478 d.__flags = f & ~F_QUEUED;
479 if (!(f & F_VALUE))
480 d._recompute();
481 else if (!(f & F_DEPS)) {
482 d.new_value();
483 d.__flags = f | F_DEPS;
484 }
485 }
486 }, function () {
487 while (PENDING.length) {
488 d = PENDING.shift();
489 d._value = BAD;
490 }
491 STATE = old_state;
492 });
493 }
495 function with_frozen(body, delay) {
496 /* Call BODY with dependencies frozen.
497 *
498 * If the BODY function changes any dep values (using D.set_value(...))
499 * then dependents won't be updated until the BODY completes.
500 *
501 * It's very bad to do this during a recomputation phase. If DELAY is
502 * true, then the BODY is delayed until the recomputation completes;
503 * otherwise you get an exception.
504 */
506 var op, val;
507 var old_delayed, old_pending, old_state;
509 switch (STATE) {
510 case 'frozen':
511 body();
512 break;
513 case 'recomputing':
514 if (!delay) throw BusyRecomputing;
515 DELAYED.push(body);
516 break;
517 case 'ready':
518 old_delayed = DELAYED;
519 old_pending = PENDING;
520 old_state = STATE;
521 STATE = "frozen";
522 try_finally(function () {
523 DELAYED = [];
524 PENDING = [];
525 GENERATION = new Generation('dep-generation');
526 val = body();
527 for (;;) {
528 recompute_pending();
529 if (!DELAYED.length) break;
530 op = DELAYED.shift();
531 op();
532 }
533 }, function () {
534 DELAYED = old_delayed;
535 PENDING = old_pending;
536 STATE = old_state;
537 });
538 break;
539 }
540 }
541 DEP.with_frozen = with_frozen;
543 /*----- That's all, folks -------------------------------------------------*/
544 })();