[cparse] / cparse.h
1 #ifndef CPARSE_H
2 #define CPARSE_H
4 #include <config.h>
6 #include <stdio.h>
7 #include <string.h>
8 #include <errno.h>
9 #include <stdlib.h>
10 #include <assert.h>
12 #define YYLTYPE struct location
13 #include "c-parse.h"
15 struct location {
16 const char *path;
17 int line;
18 };
20 /* memory management */
21 void *xmalloc(size_t n);
22 void *xrealloc(void *ptr, size_t n);
23 void *xmalloc_noptr(size_t n);
24 void *xrealloc_noptr(void *ptr, size_t n);
25 char *xstrdup(const char *s);
26 char *xstrndup(const char *s, size_t n);
27 #define NEW(p) ((p) = xmalloc(sizeof *(p)))
29 /* error reporting */
30 extern void (*exiter)(int); /* called by fatal(), normally = exit(3) */
31 void fatal(int errno_value, const char *msg, ...);
32 void error(int errno_value, const char *msg, ...);
34 /* dictionaries */
35 struct dict *dict_new(void);
36 int dict_add(struct dict *d, const char *key, void *data);
37 void *dict_get(struct dict *d, const char *key);
39 /* scanner/parser stuff */
40 int commandline(int argc, char **argv);
41 struct external_declaration *parse(const char *filename);
42 int yyparse(void);
43 int yylex(void);
44 int yyerror(const char *msg);
45 extern FILE *yyin;
46 extern int yy_flex_debug;
47 extern int yydebug;
48 extern YYLTYPE yylloc;
49 void parser_init(FILE *fp);
50 struct declarator *lookup(const char *name);
52 struct declarator *numbertype(const struct expression *e);
53 /* return the type for a constant */
55 void inputerror(const struct location *where, const char *msg, ...);
56 enum warning_category {
57 warn_obsolete, /* obsolete constructs */
58 warn_compat /* gratuitously incompatible
59 * constructs */
60 };
61 void inputwarning(const struct location *where, enum warning_category cat,
62 const char *msg, ...);
63 void suppress_errors(void);
64 void restore_errors(void);
66 /* globals */
68 # define DECLARE_EXTERN extern
69 #endif
70 DECLARE_EXTERN int line;
71 DECLARE_EXTERN const char *path;
72 DECLARE_EXTERN struct external_declaration *translation_unit;
73 DECLARE_EXTERN int errors;
74 DECLARE_EXTERN int constant_string_literals;
75 extern const char *cpp;
77 /* various parsed things */
79 enum external_declaration_type {
80 ed_declaration,
81 ed_function_definition
82 };
84 struct external_declaration {
85 struct external_declaration *next;
86 enum external_declaration_type type;
87 union {
88 struct declaration *declaration;
89 struct function_definition *function_definition;
90 } u;
91 };
93 struct function_definition {
94 struct declaration *declaration; /* function name + type */
95 struct declaration *args; /* old-style args */
96 struct statement *body; /* function body */
97 };
99 struct enumerator {
100 struct enumerator *next;
101 char *name;
102 struct expression *value; /* or a null pointer */
103 struct location where;
104 struct declarator *declarator; /* saved declarator */
105 };
107 struct declaration_specifiers {
108 unsigned long type_specifiers;
109 #define TS_VOID 0x00000001
110 #define TS_BOOL 0x00000002
111 #define TS_CHAR 0x00000003
112 #define TS_INT 0x00000004
113 #define TS_ENUM 0x00000005
114 #define TS_TYPEDEF 0x00000006
115 #define TS_FLOAT 0x00000007
116 #define TS_DOUBLE 0x00000008
117 #define TS_STRUCT 0x00000009
118 #define TS_UNION 0x0000000A
119 #define TS_GCC_VA_LIST 0x0000000B
121 #define TS__BASIC 0x000000FF
123 #define TS_COMPLEX 0x00000100
124 #define TS_IMAGINARY 0x00000200
125 #define TS__CI 0x00000300
127 #define TS_LONG 0x00000400
128 #define TS_SHORT 0x00000800
129 #define TS_LONGLONG 0x00000C00
130 #define TS__LENGTH 0x00000C00
132 #define TS_SIGNED 0x00001000
133 #define TS_UNSIGNED 0x00002000
134 #define TS__SIGN 0x00003000
136 #define TS_DEFINITION 0x80000000
137 unsigned storage_class_specifiers;
138 #define SCS_TYPEDEF 0x0001
139 #define SCS_EXTERN 0x0002
140 #define SCS_STATIC 0x0004
141 #define SCS_AUTO 0x0008
142 #define SCS_REGISTER 0x0010
143 unsigned type_qualifiers;
144 #define TQ_CONST 0x0001
145 #define TQ_RESTRICT 0x0002
146 #define TQ_VOLATILE 0x0004
147 unsigned function_specifiers;
148 #define FS_INLINE 0x0001
149 /* XXX name is scoped, really */
150 char *name; /* of enum, struct, union or typedef */
151 struct declaration *structure; /* struct/union */
152 struct enumerator *enumerators; /* enum */
153 struct declarator *type; /* typedef */
154 unsigned long enum_compat_type;
155 };
157 struct declarator {
158 struct declarator *next; /* next declarator in list */
159 char *name; /* name in middle of declarator */
160 struct expression *bits; /* for bitfields */
161 struct declarator_type *declarator_type; /* type of declarator */
162 struct declaration_specifiers *declaration_specifiers;
163 struct initializer *initializer;
164 struct location where;
165 unsigned flags;
166 #define DF_PARAM 0x0001 /* is a parameter */
167 struct declarator *resolved; /* resolved for typedefs */
168 };
170 enum declarator_type_type {
171 dt_pointer,
172 dt_array,
173 dt_old_function,
174 dt_function
175 };
177 struct declarator_type {
178 enum declarator_type_type type;
179 unsigned type_qualifiers; /* TQ_... */
180 unsigned storage_class_specifiers; /* SCS_STATIC or 0 */
181 struct declarator_type *next; /* return type, element type, etc */
182 union {
183 struct {
184 struct expression *size;
185 unsigned flags;
186 #define AF_STAR 0x0001
187 } array;
188 struct {
189 struct identifier_list *args; /* arguments (no types) */
190 } old_function;
191 struct {
192 struct declaration *args; /* arguments (one declarator per
193 * declaration) */
194 int variadic; /* true if ", ..." */
195 } function;
196 } u;
197 struct location where;
198 };
200 struct identifier_list {
201 struct identifier_list *next;
202 char *id;
203 };
205 struct declaration {
206 struct declaration *next;
207 struct declaration_specifiers *declaration_specifiers;
208 struct declarator *declarator_list;
209 struct location where;
210 };
212 enum expression_type {
213 ex_paren,
214 ex_prefix,
215 ex_postfix,
216 ex_binary,
217 ex_id,
218 ex_number,
219 ex_char,
220 ex_string,
221 ex_wchar,
222 ex_wstring,
223 ex_fncall,
224 ex_compound_literal,
225 ex_sizeof_type,
226 ex_cast,
227 ex_implicit_conversion,
228 ex_gcc_va_arg,
229 ex_gcc_expect
230 };
232 struct expression {
233 enum expression_type type;
234 int operator;
235 struct declarator *valuetype;
236 union {
237 struct {
238 struct expression *l, *r;
239 } binary;
240 struct expression *unary;
241 char *constant;
242 char *name;
243 struct {
244 struct expression *fn;
245 struct expression_list *args;
246 } fncall;
247 struct {
248 struct expression *arg;
249 struct declaration *type;
250 } gcc_va_arg;
251 struct {
252 struct declaration *type;
253 struct initializer *value;
254 } compound_literal;
255 struct declaration *type;
256 struct expression *cast; /* target type is valuetype */
257 } u;
258 struct location where;
259 };
261 struct expression_list {
262 struct expression_list *next;
263 struct expression *e;
264 };
266 enum initializer_type {
267 in_expr,
268 in_list
269 };
271 enum designator_syntax {
272 des_c99,
273 des_gcc_colon,
274 des_gcc_raw
275 };
277 struct initializer {
278 struct initializer *next;
279 enum initializer_type type;
280 struct designator *designator;
281 union {
282 struct expression *expr;
283 struct initializer *list;
284 } u;
285 enum designator_syntax syntax;
286 };
288 enum designator_type {
289 des_expr,
290 des_field
291 };
293 struct designator {
294 enum designator_type type;
295 union {
296 struct expression *expr;
297 char *name;
298 } u;
299 struct designator *next;
300 struct location where;
301 };
303 enum statement_type {
304 st_label,
305 st_case,
306 st_default,
307 st_declaration,
308 st_expression,
309 st_if,
310 st_switch,
311 st_while,
312 st_do,
313 st_for,
314 st_for_declaration,
315 st_goto,
316 st_continue,
317 st_break,
318 st_return,
319 st_compound
320 };
322 struct statement {
323 struct statement *next;
324 enum statement_type type;
325 union {
326 char *goto_; /* goto */
327 struct {
328 char *label;
329 struct statement *body;
330 } label;
331 struct {
332 struct expression *value;
333 struct statement *body;
334 } case_;
335 struct statement *default_;
336 struct {
337 struct statement *body;
338 struct location endwhere; /* closing } */
339 struct scope *scope;
340 } compound;
341 struct declaration *declaration;
342 struct expression *expression; /* or a null pointer; also return */
343 struct {
344 struct expression *cond;
345 struct statement *true;
346 struct statement *false;
347 } if_;
348 struct {
349 struct expression *cond;
350 struct statement *body;
351 } switch_;
352 struct {
353 struct expression *cond;
354 struct statement *body;
355 } while_; /* including do-while */
356 struct {
357 struct expression *init;
358 struct expression *cond;
359 struct expression *iter;
360 struct statement *body;
361 } for_;
362 struct {
363 struct declaration *init;
364 struct expression *cond;
365 struct expression *iter;
366 struct statement *body;
367 } for_declaration;
368 } u;
369 struct location where;
370 };
372 /* dump.c ********************************************************************/
374 typedef struct dump_state dump_state;
376 dump_state *dump_new(FILE *fp);
378 int dump_declaration_specifiers(dump_state *dump,
379 const struct declaration_specifiers *ds,
380 int indent);
381 int dump_declarator(dump_state *dump,
382 const struct declarator *d,
383 int indent);
384 int dump_declaration(dump_state *dump,
385 const struct declaration *d,
386 int indent);
387 int dump_translation_unit(dump_state *dump,
388 const struct external_declaration *ed,
389 int indent);
390 int dump_expression(dump_state *dump,
391 const struct expression *e,
392 int ind);
393 int dump_initializer(dump_state *dump,
394 const struct initializer *i,
395 int ind);
396 int dump_function_definition(dump_state *dump,
397 const struct function_definition *fd,
398 int ind);
399 int dump_statement(dump_state *dump,
400 const struct statement *fd,
401 int ind);
402 void dump_locations(dump_state *dump, int flag);
404 /* type.c ********************************************************************/
406 struct declaration_specifiers *merge_declaration_specifiers
407 (struct declaration_specifiers *a,
408 struct declaration_specifiers *b);
409 /* combine two declaration_specifires structs that are bits of the same list of
410 * declaration specifiers, checking relevant constraints on the way */
412 int is_integral_type(const struct declarator *d);
413 /* return true if D has integral type. typedefs should have been resolved. */
415 int is_arithmetic_type(const struct declarator *d);
416 /* return true if D has arithmetic type. typedefs should have been
417 * resolved. */
419 int is_pointer_type(const struct declarator *d);
420 /* return true if D has pointer type. typedefs should have been resolved. */
422 int is_scalar_type(const struct declarator *d);
423 /* return true if D has scalar type. typedefs should have been resolved. */
425 struct declarator *resolve_typedefs(struct declarator *d);
426 /* resolve typedefs in value types */
428 struct declarator *target_type(struct declarator *d);
429 /* return (as a declarator) the target type of an array or whatever. Usually
430 * only makes sense after typedefs have been resolved. */
432 size_t width(unsigned long ts);
433 /* return the width of type ts */
435 /* expr.c ********************************************************************/
437 struct expression *array_decay(struct expression *e);
438 /* array-to-pointer decay (C99 */
440 struct expression *integer_promotions(struct expression *e);
441 /* integral promotions (C99
442 * anything >= (unsigned) int stays as it is
443 * otherwise if int is good enough we use that
444 * otherwise we use unsigned
445 */
447 struct declarator *usual_arithmetic_conversions(struct expression **lp,
448 struct expression **rp,
449 const struct location *where);
450 /* perform usual arithmetic conversions, return the shared value type */
452 struct expression *expr(enum expression_type type,
453 const struct location *where);
454 struct expression *binary(int op,
455 struct expression *l,
456 struct expression *r,
457 const struct location *where);
458 struct expression *prefix(int op, struct expression *r,
459 const struct location *where);
460 struct expression *postfix(int op, struct expression *l,
461 const struct location *where);
462 struct expression *paren(struct expression *content,
463 const struct location *where);
464 struct expression *stringexpr(enum expression_type type,
465 char *value,
466 const struct location *where);
467 struct expression *fncallexpr(struct expression *f,
468 struct expression_list *l,
469 const struct location *where);
470 /* various expression constructors */
472 /* constraints.c *************************************************************/
474 void ucn_constraints(unsigned long u);
476 enum declarator_context {
477 dc_function_definition,
478 dc_function_parameter,
479 dc_function_definition_parameter,
480 dc_struct_member,
481 dc_cast,
482 dc_compound_literal,
483 dc_sizeof,
484 dc_file_scope,
485 dc_block_scope
486 };
488 enum type_category {
489 tc_complete,
490 tc_incomplete,
491 tc_function
492 };
494 enum type_category get_type_category(const struct declaration_specifiers *ds,
495 const struct declarator_type *dt);
496 int is_void_args(const struct declarator_type *dt);
497 void declarator_constraints(const struct declaration_specifiers *ds,
498 const struct declarator *d,
499 enum declarator_context context,
500 int argno);
501 void declaration_constraints(const struct declaration *decl,
502 enum declarator_context context);
504 /* scope.c *******************************************************************/
506 struct scope {
507 struct scope *parent; /* containing scope */
508 struct dict *declarations; /* declarations in this scope */
509 };
511 void enter_scope(void);
512 /* enter a new scope */
514 void exit_scope(void);
515 /* exit the current scope */
517 void add_declaration(struct declarator *d);
518 /* add a declaration to the current scope. The declaration specifiers need not
519 * have been filled in yet but must get filled in eventually. */
521 struct declarator *lookup(const char *name);
522 /* look up a name, starting in the current scope and working back up to file
523 * scope. */
525 void scope_init(void);
526 /* initialize scope support before parsing a file. After calling this you are
527 * in file scope. */
529 /* gcc.c *********************************************************************/
531 void gcc_extensions(void);
532 /* enable various gcc-isms */
534 /*****************************************************************************/
536 #include "platform.h"
538 #endif /* CPARSE_H */
540 /*
541 Local Variables:
542 c-basic-offset:2
543 comment-column:40
544 fill-column:79
545 End:
546 */