Made size-of a type method, added vector type and made some changes to the quark...
[clg] / tools / config.lisp
1 (defun configure-cflags (config-program)
2 (let ((process
3 (run-program
4 config-program '("--cflags") :wait t :output :stream)))
5 (unless process
6 (error "Unable to run %A" config-program))
7 (labels ((split (string)
8 (let ((position (position #\sp string)))
9 (if position
10 (cons
11 (subseq string 0 position)
12 (split (subseq string (1+ position))))
13 (list string)))))
14 (prog1
15 (split (read-line (process-output process)))
16 (process-close process)))))