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1 ### -*-python-*-
2 ###
3 ### String formatting, with bells, whistles, and gongs
4 ###
5 ### (c) 2013 Mark Wooding
6 ###
8 ###----- Licensing notice ---------------------------------------------------
9 ###
10 ### This file is part of Chopwood: a password-changing service.
11 ###
12 ### Chopwood is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 ### it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
14 ### published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
15 ### License, or (at your option) any later version.
16 ###
17 ### Chopwood is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 ### GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
21 ###
22 ### You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
23 ### License along with Chopwood; if not, see
24 ### <>.
26 from __future__ import with_statement
28 import contextlib as CTX
29 import re as RX
30 from cStringIO import StringIO
31 import sys as SYS
33 import util as U
35 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 ### A quick guide to the formatting machinery.
37 ###
38 ### This is basically a re-implementation of Common Lisp's FORMAT function in
39 ### Python. It differs in a few respects.
40 ###
41 ### * Most essentially, Python's object and argument-passing models aren't
42 ### the same as Lisp's. In fact, for our purposes, they're a bit better:
43 ### Python's sharp distinction between positional and keyword arguments
44 ### is often extremely annoying, but here they become a clear benefit.
45 ### Inspired by Python's own enhanced string-formatting machinery (the
46 ### new `str.format' method, and `string.Formatting' class, we provide
47 ### additional syntax to access keyword arguments by name, positional
48 ### arguments by position (without moving the cursor as manipulated by
49 ### `~*'), and for selecting individual elements of arguments by indexing
50 ### or attribute lookup.
51 ###
52 ### * Unfortunately, Python's I/O subsystem is much less rich than Lisp's.
53 ### We lack streams which remember their cursor position, and so can't
54 ### implmenent the `?&' (fresh line) or `~T' (horizontal tab) operators
55 ### usefully. Moreover, the Python pretty-printer is rather less well
56 ### developed than the XP-based Lisp pretty-printer, so the pretty-
57 ### printing operations are unlikely to be implemented any time soon.
58 ###
59 ### * This implementation is missing a number of formatting directives just
60 ### because they're somewhat tedious to write, such as the detailed
61 ### floating-point printing provided by `~E', `~F' and `~G'. These might
62 ### appear in time.
63 ###
64 ### Formatting takes place in two separable stages. First, a format string
65 ### is compiled into a formatting operation. Then, the formatting operation
66 ### can be applied to sets of arguments. State for these two stages is
67 ### maintained in fluid variable sets `COMPILE' and `FORMAT'.
68 ###
69 ### There are a number of protocols involved in making all of this work.
70 ### They're described in detail as we come across them, but here's an
71 ### overview.
72 ###
73 ### * Output is determined by formatting-operation objects, typically (but
74 ### not necessarily) subclasses of `BaseFormatOperation'. A format
75 ### string is compiled into a single compound formatting operation.
76 ###
77 ### * Formatting operations determine what to output from their own
78 ### internal state and from formatting arguments. The latter are
79 ### collected from argument-collection objects which are subclasses of
80 ### `BaseArg'.
81 ###
82 ### * Formatting operations can be modified using parameters, which are
83 ### supplied either through the format string or from arguments. To
84 ### abstract over this distinction, parameters are collected from
85 ### parameter-collection objects which are subclasses of `BaseParameter'.
87 FORMAT = U.Fluid()
88 ## State for format-time processing. The base state is established by the
89 ## `format' function, though various formatting operations will rebind
90 ## portions of the state while they perform recursive processing. The
91 ## variables are as follows.
92 ##
93 ## argmap The map (typically a dictionary) of keyword arguments to be
94 ## formatted. These can be accessed only though `=KEY' or
95 ## `!KEY' syntax.
96 ##
97 ## argpos The index of the next positional argument to be collected.
98 ## The `~*' directive works by setting this variable.
99 ##
100 ## argseq The sequence (typically a list) of positional arguments to be
101 ## formatted. These are collected in order (as modified by the
102 ## `~*' directive), or may be accessed through `=INDEX' or
103 ## `!INDEX' syntax.
104 ##
105 ## escape An escape procedure (i.e., usually created by `Escape()') to
106 ## be called by `~^'.
107 ##
108 ## last_multi_p A boolean, indicating that there are no more lists of
109 ## arguments (e.g., from `~:{...~}'), so `~:^' should escape if
110 ## it is encountered.
111 ##
112 ## multi_escape An escape procedure (i.e., usually created by `Escape()') to
113 ## be called by `~:^'.
114 ##
115 ## pushback Some formatting operations, notably `~@[...~]', read
116 ## arguments without consuming them, so a subsequent operation
117 ## should collect the same argument. This works by pushing the
118 ## arguments onto the `pushback' list.
119 ##
120 ## write A function which writes its single string argument to the
121 ## current output.
123 COMPILE = U.Fluid()
124 ## State for compile-time processing. The base state is established by the
125 ## `compile' function, though some formatting operations will rebind portions
126 ## of the state while they perform recursive processing. The variables are
127 ## as follows.
128 ##
129 ## control The control string being parsed.
130 ##
131 ## delim An iterable (usually a string) of delimiter directives. See
132 ## the `FormatDelimeter' class and the `collect_subformat'
133 ## function for details of this.
134 ##
135 ## end The end of the portion of the control string being parsed.
136 ## There might be more of the string, but we should pretend that
137 ## it doesn't exist.
138 ##
139 ## opmaps A list of operation maps, i.e., dictionaries mapping
140 ## formatting directive characters to the corresponding
141 ## formatting operation classes. The list is searched in order,
142 ## and the first match is used. This can be used to provide
143 ## local extensions to the formatting language.
144 ##
145 ## start The current position in the control string. This is advanced
146 ## as pieces of the string are successfully parsed.
148 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
149 ### A few random utilities.
151 def remaining():
152 """
153 Return the number of positional arguments remaining.
155 This will /include/ pushed-back arguments, so this needn't be monotonic
156 even in the absence of `~*' repositioning.
157 """
158 return len(FORMAT.pushback) + len(FORMAT.argseq) - FORMAT.argpos
160 @CTX.contextmanager
161 def bind_args(args, **kw):
162 """
163 Context manager: temporarily establish a different collection of arguments.
165 If the ARGS have a `keys' attribute, then they're assumed to be a mapping
166 object and are set as the keyword arguments, preserving the positional
167 arguments; otherwise, the positional arguments are set and the keyword
168 arguments are preserved.
170 Other keyword arguments to this function are treated as additional `FORMAT'
171 variables to be bound.
172 """
173 if hasattr(args, 'keys'):
174 with FORMAT.bind(argmap = args, **kw): yield
175 else:
176 with FORMAT.bind(argseq = args, argpos = 0, pushback = [], **kw): yield
178 ## Some regular expressions for parsing things.
179 R_INT = RX.compile(r'[-+]?[0-9]+')
180 R_WORD = RX.compile(r'[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*')
182 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
183 ### Format string errors.
185 class FormatStringError (Exception):
186 """
187 An exception type for reporting errors in format control strings.
189 Its most useful feature is that it points out where the error is in a
190 vaguely useful way. Attributes are as follows.
192 control The offending format control string.
194 msg The error message, as a human-readable string.
196 pos The position at which the error was discovered. This might
197 be a little way from the actual problem, but it's usually
198 good enough.
199 """
201 def __init__(me, msg, control, pos):
202 """
203 Construct the exception, given a message MSG, a format CONTROL string,
204 and the position POS at which the error was found.
205 """
206 me.msg = msg
207 me.control = control
208 me.pos = pos
210 def __str__(me):
211 """
212 Present a string explaining the problem, including a dump of the
213 offending portion of the string.
214 """
215 s = me.control.rfind('\n', 0, me.pos) + 1
216 e = me.control.find('\n', me.pos)
217 if e < 0: e = len(me.control)
218 return '%s\n %s\n %*s^\n' % \
219 (me.msg, me.control[s:e], me.pos - s, '')
221 def format_string_error(msg):
222 """Report an error in the current format string."""
223 raise FormatStringError(msg, COMPILE.control, COMPILE.start)
225 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
226 ### Argument collection protocol.
228 ## Argument collectors abstract away the details of collecting formatting
229 ## arguments. They're used both for collecting arguments to be output, and
230 ## for parameters designated using the `v' or `!ARG' syntaxes.
231 ##
232 ## There are a small number of primitive collectors, and some `compound
233 ## collectors' which read an argument using some other collector, and then
234 ## process it in some way.
235 ##
236 ## An argument collector should implement the following methods.
237 ##
238 ## get() Return the argument variable.
239 ##
240 ## pair() Return a pair of arguments.
241 ##
242 ## tostr(FORCEP)
243 ## Return a string representation of the collector. If FORCEP,
244 ## always return a string; otherwise, a `NextArg' collector
245 ## returns `None' to indicate that no syntax is required to
246 ## select it.
248 class BaseArg (object):
249 """
250 Base class for argument collectors.
252 This implements the `pair' method by calling `get' and hoping that the
253 corresponding argument is indeed a sequence of two items.
254 """
256 def __init__(me):
257 """Trivial constructor."""
258 pass
260 def pair(me):
261 """
262 Return a pair of arguments, by returning an argument which is a pair.
263 """
264 return me.get()
266 def __repr__(me):
267 """Print a useful string representation of the collector."""
268 return '#<%s "=%s">' % (type(me).__name__, me.tostr(True))
270 class NextArg (BaseArg):
271 """The default argument collector."""
273 def get(me):
274 """
275 Return the next argument.
277 If there are pushed-back arguments, then return the one most recently
278 pushed back. Otherwise, return the next argument from `argseq',
279 advancing `argpos'.
280 """
281 if FORMAT.pushback: return FORMAT.pushback.pop()
282 i = FORMAT.argpos
283 a = FORMAT.argseq[i]
284 FORMAT.argpos = i + 1
285 return a
287 def pair(me):
288 """Return a pair of arguments, by fetching two separate arguments."""
289 left = me.get()
290 right = me.get()
291 return left, right
293 def tostr(me, forcep):
294 """Convert the default collector to a string."""
295 if forcep: return '+'
296 else: return None
298 NEXTARG = NextArg()
299 ## Because a `NextArg' collectors are used so commonly, and they're all the
300 ## same, we make a distinguished one and try to use that instead. Nothing
301 ## goes badly wrong if you don't use this, but you'll use more memory than
302 ## strictly necessary.
304 class ThisArg (BaseArg):
305 """Return the current positional argument without consuming it."""
306 def _get(me, i):
307 """Return the positional argument I on from the current position."""
308 n = len(FORMAT.pushback)
309 if n > i: return FORMAT.pushback[n - i - 1]
310 else: return FORMAT.argseq[FORMAT.argpos + i - n]
311 def get(me):
312 """Return the next argument."""
313 return me._get(0)
314 def pair(me):
315 """Return the next two arguments without consuming either."""
316 return me._get(0), me._get(1)
317 def tostr(me, forcep):
318 """Convert the colector to a string."""
319 return '@'
321 THISARG = ThisArg()
323 class SeqArg (BaseArg):
324 """
325 A primitive collector which picks out the positional argument at a specific
326 index.
327 """
328 def __init__(me, index): me.index = index
329 def get(me): return FORMAT.argseq[me.index]
330 def tostr(me, forcep): return '%d' % me.index
332 class MapArg (BaseArg):
333 """
334 A primitive collector which picks out the keyword argument with a specific
335 key.
336 """
337 def __init__(me, key): me.key = key
338 def get(me): return FORMAT.argmap[me.key]
339 def tostr(me, forcep): return '%s' % me.key
341 class IndexArg (BaseArg):
342 """
343 A compound collector which indexes an argument.
344 """
345 def __init__(me, base, index):
346 me.base = base
347 me.index = index
348 def get(me):
349 return me.base.get()[me.index]
350 def tostr(me, forcep):
351 return '%s[%s]' % (me.base.tostr(True), me.index)
353 class AttrArg (BaseArg):
354 """
355 A compound collector which returns an attribute of an argument.
356 """
357 def __init__(me, base, attr):
358 me.base = base
359 me.attr = attr
360 def get(me):
361 return getattr(me.base.get(), me.attr)
362 def tostr(me, forcep):
363 return '%s.%s' % (me.base.tostr(True), me.attr)
365 ## Regular expression matching compound-argument suffixes.
366 R_REF = RX.compile(r'''
367 \[ ( [-+]? [0-9]+ ) \]
368 | \[ ( [^]]* ) \]
369 | \. ( [_a-zA-Z] [_a-zA-Z0-9]* )
370 ''', RX.VERBOSE)
372 def parse_arg():
373 """
374 Parse an argument collector from the current format control string.
376 The syntax of an argument is as follows.
381 | COMPOUND-ARG `[' INDEX `]'
384 SIMPLE-ARG ::= INT | WORD | `+' | `@'
386 Surrounding braces mean nothing, but may serve to separate the argument
387 from a following alphabetic formatting directive.
389 A `+' means `the next pushed-back or positional argument'. It's useful to
390 be able to say this explicitly so that indexing and attribute references
391 can be attached to it: for example, in `~={thing}@[~={+.attr}A~]'.
392 Similarly, `@' designates the same argument, except that it is not
393 consumed.
395 An integer argument selects the positional argument with that index; a
396 negative index counts backwards from the end, as is usual in Python.
398 A word argument selects the keyword argument with that key.
399 """
401 c = COMPILE.control
402 s, e = COMPILE.start, COMPILE.end
404 ## If it's delimited then pick through the delimiter.
405 brace = None
406 if s < e and c[s] == '{':
407 brace = '}'
408 s += 1
410 ## Make sure there's something to look at.
411 if s >= e: raise FormatStringError('missing argument specifier', c, s)
413 ## Find the start of the breadcrumbs.
414 if c[s] == '+':
415 getarg = NEXTARG
416 s += 1
417 if c[s] == '@':
418 getarg = THISARG
419 s += 1
420 elif c[s].isdigit():
421 m = R_INT.match(c, s, e)
422 getarg = SeqArg(int(
423 s = m.end()
424 else:
425 m = R_WORD.match(c, s, e)
426 if not m: raise FormatStringError('unknown argument specifier', c, s)
427 getarg = MapArg(
428 s = m.end()
430 ## Now parse indices and attribute references.
431 while True:
432 m = R_REF.match(c, s, e)
433 if not m: break
434 if getarg = IndexArg(getarg, int(
435 elif getarg = IndexArg(getarg,
436 elif getarg = AttrArg(getarg,
437 else: raise FormatStringError('internal error (weird ref)', c, s)
438 s = m.end()
440 ## Finally, check that we have the close delimiter we want.
441 if brace:
442 if s >= e or c[s] != brace:
443 raise FormatStringError('missing close brace', c, s)
444 s += 1
446 ## Done.
447 COMPILE.start = s
448 return getarg
450 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
451 ### Parameter collectors.
453 ## These are pretty similar in shape to argument collectors. The required
454 ## methods are as follows.
455 ##
456 ## get() Return the parameter value.
457 ##
458 ## tostr() Return a string representation of the collector. (We don't
459 ## need a FORCEP argument here, because there are no default
460 ## parameters.)
462 class BaseParameter (object):
463 """
464 Base class for parameter collector objects.
466 This isn't currently very useful, because all it provides is `__repr__',
467 but the protocol might get more complicated later.
468 """
469 def __init__(me): pass
470 def __repr__(me): return '#<%s "%s">' % (type(me).__name__, me.tostr())
472 class LiteralParameter (BaseParameter):
473 """
474 A literal parameter, parsed from the control string.
475 """
476 def __init__(me, lit): me.lit = lit
477 def get(me): return me.lit
478 def tostr(me):
479 if me.lit is None: return ''
480 elif isinstance(me.lit, (int, long)): return str(me.lit)
481 else: return "'%c" % me.lit
483 ## Many parameters are omitted, so let's just reuse a distinguished collector
484 ## for them.
485 LITNONE = LiteralParameter(None)
487 class RemainingParameter (BaseParameter):
488 """
489 A parameter which collects the number of remaining positional arguments.
490 """
491 def get(me): return remaining()
492 def tostr(me): return '#'
494 ## These are all the same, so let's just have one of them.
495 REMAIN = RemainingParameter()
497 class VariableParameter (BaseParameter):
498 """
499 A variable parameter, fetched from an argument.
500 """
501 def __init__(me, arg): me.arg = arg
502 def get(me): return me.arg.get()
503 def tostr(me):
504 s = me.arg.tostr(False)
505 if not s: return 'V'
506 else: return '!' + s
507 VARNEXT = VariableParameter(NEXTARG)
509 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
510 ### Formatting protocol.
512 ## The formatting operation protocol is pretty straightforward. An operation
513 ## must implement a method `format' which takes no arguments, and should
514 ## produce its output (if any) by calling `FORMAT.write'. In the course of
515 ## its execution, it may collect parameters and arguments.
516 ##
517 ## The `opmaps' table maps formatting directives (which are individual
518 ## characters, in upper-case for letters) to functions returning formatting
519 ## operation objects. All of the directives are implemented in this way.
520 ## The functions for the base directives are actually the (callable) class
521 ## objects for subclasses of `BaseFormatOperation', though this isn't
522 ## necessary.
523 ##
524 ## The constructor functions are called as follows:
525 ##
527 ## The ATP and COLONP arguments are booleans indicating respectively
528 ## whether the `@' and `:' modifiers were set in the control string.
529 ## GETARG is the collector for the operation's argument(s). The PARAMS
530 ## are a list of parameter collectors. Finally, CHAR is the directive
531 ## character (so directives with siilar behaviour can use the same
532 ## class).
534 class FormatLiteral (object):
535 """
536 A special formatting operation for printing literal text.
537 """
538 def __init__(me, s): me.s = s
539 def __repr__(me): return '#<%s %r>' % (type(me).__name__, me.s)
540 def format(me): FORMAT.write(me.s)
542 class FormatSequence (object):
543 """
544 A special formatting operation for applying collection of other operations
545 in sequence.
546 """
547 def __init__(me, seq):
548 me.seq = seq
549 def __repr__(me):
550 return '#<%s [%s]>' % (type(me).__name__,
551 ', '.join(repr(p) for p in me.seq))
552 def format(me):
553 for p in me.seq: p.format()
555 class BaseFormatOperation (object):
556 """
557 The base class for built-in formatting operations (and, probably, most
558 extensions).
560 Subclasses should implement a `_format' method.
562 _format(ATP, COLONP, [PARAM = DEFAULT, ...])
563 Called to produce output. The ATP and COLONP flags are from
564 the constructor. The remaining function arguments are the
565 computed parameter values. Arguments may be collected using
566 the `getarg' attribute.
568 Subclasses can set class attributes to influence the constructor.
570 MINPARAM The minimal number of parameters acceptable. If fewer
571 parameters are supplied then an error is reported at compile
572 time. The default is zero.
574 MAXPARAM The maximal number of parameters acceptable. If more
575 parameters are supplied then an error is reported at compile
576 time. The default is zero; `None' means that there is no
577 maximum (but this is unusual).
579 Instances have a number of useful attributes.
581 atp True if an `@' modifier appeared in the directive.
583 char The directive character from the control string.
585 colonp True if a `:' modifier appeared in the directive.
587 getarg Argument collector; may be called by `_format'.
589 params A list of parameter collector objects.
590 """
592 ## Default bounds on parameters.
595 def __init__(me, atp, colonp, getarg, params, char):
596 """
597 Constructor: store information about the directive, and check the bounds
598 on the parameters.
600 A subclass should call this before doing anything fancy such as parsing
601 the control string further.
602 """
604 ## Store information.
605 me.atp = atp
606 me.colonp = colonp
607 me.getarg = getarg
608 me.params = params
609 me.char = char
611 ## Check the parameters.
612 bad = False
613 if len(params) < me.MINPARAM: bad = True
614 elif me.MAXPARAM is not None and len(params) > me.MAXPARAM: bad = True
615 if bad:
616 format_string_error('bad parameters')
618 def format(me):
619 """Produce output: call the subclass's formatting function."""
620 me._format(me.atp, me.colonp, *[p.get() for p in me.params])
622 def tostr(me):
623 """Convert the operation to a directive string."""
624 return '~%s%s%s%s%s' % (
625 ','.join(a.tostr() for a in me.params),
626 me.colonp and ':' or '',
627 me.atp and '@' or '',
628 (lambda s: s and '={%s}' % s or '')(me.getarg.tostr(False)),
629 me.char)
631 def __repr__(me):
632 """Produce a readable (ahem) version of the directive."""
633 return '#<%s "%s">' % (type(me).__name__, me.tostr())
635 class FormatDelimiter (BaseFormatOperation):
636 """
637 A fake formatting operation which exists to impose additional syntactic
638 structure on control strings.
640 No `_format' method is actually defined, so `FormatDelimiter' objects
641 should never find their way into the output pipeline. Instead, they are
642 typically useful in conjunction with the `collect_subformat' function. To
643 this end, the constructor will fail if its directive character is not in
644 listed as an expected delimiter in `CONTROL.delim'.
645 """
647 def __init__(me, *args):
648 """
649 Constructor: make sure this delimiter is expected in the current context.
650 """
651 super(FormatDelimiter, me).__init__(*args)
652 if me.char not in COMPILE.delim:
653 format_string_error("unexpected close delimiter `~%s'" % me.char)
655 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
656 ### Parsing format strings.
658 def parse_operator():
659 """
660 Parse the next portion of the current control string and return a single
661 formatting operator for it.
663 If we have reached the end of the control string (as stored in
664 `CONTROL.end') then return `None'.
665 """
667 c = COMPILE.control
668 s, e = COMPILE.start, COMPILE.end
670 ## If we're at the end then stop.
671 if s >= e: return None
673 ## If there's some literal text then collect it.
674 if c[s] != '~':
675 i = c.find('~', s, e)
676 if i < 0: i = e
677 COMPILE.start = i
678 return FormatLiteral(c[s:i])
680 ## Otherwise there's a formatting directive to collect.
681 s += 1
683 ## First, collect arguments.
684 aa = []
685 while True:
686 if s >= e: break
687 if c[s] == ',':
688 aa.append(LITNONE)
689 s += 1
690 continue
691 elif c[s] == "'":
692 s += 1
693 if s >= e: raise FormatStringError('missing argument character', c, s)
694 aa.append(LiteralParameter(c[s]))
695 s += 1
696 elif c[s].upper() == 'V':
697 s += 1
698 aa.append(VARNEXT)
699 elif c[s] == '!':
700 COMPILE.start = s + 1
701 getarg = parse_arg()
702 s = COMPILE.start
703 aa.append(VariableParameter(getarg))
704 elif c[s] == '#':
705 s += 1
706 aa.append(REMAIN)
707 else:
708 m = R_INT.match(c, s, e)
709 if not m: break
710 aa.append(LiteralParameter(int(
711 s = m.end()
712 if s >= e or c[s] != ',': break
713 s += 1
715 ## Maybe there's an explicit argument.
716 if s < e and c[s] == '=':
717 COMPILE.start = s + 1
718 getarg = parse_arg()
719 s = COMPILE.start
720 else:
721 getarg = NEXTARG
723 ## Next, collect the flags.
724 atp = colonp = False
725 while True:
726 if s >= e:
727 break
728 elif c[s] == '@':
729 if atp: raise FormatStringError('duplicate at flag', c, s)
730 atp = True
731 elif c[s] == ':':
732 if colonp: raise FormatStringError('duplicate colon flag', c, s)
733 colonp = True
734 else:
735 break
736 s += 1
738 ## We should now have a directive character.
739 if s >= e: raise FormatStringError('missing directive', c, s)
740 ch = c[s].upper()
741 op = None
742 for map in COMPILE.opmaps:
743 try: op = map[ch]
744 except KeyError: pass
745 else: break
746 else:
747 raise FormatStringError('unknown directive', c, s)
748 s += 1
750 ## Done.
751 COMPILE.start = s
752 return op(atp, colonp, getarg, aa, ch)
754 def collect_subformat(delim):
755 """
756 Parse formatting operations from the control string until we find one whose
757 directive character is listed in DELIM.
759 Where an operation accepts multiple sequences of formatting directives, the
760 first element of DELIM should be the proper closing delimiter. The
761 traditional separator is `~;'.
762 """
763 pp = []
764 with COMPILE.bind(delim = delim):
765 while True:
766 p = parse_operator()
767 if not p:
768 format_string_error("missing close delimiter `~%s'" % delim[0])
769 if isinstance(p, FormatDelimiter) and p.char in delim: break
770 pp.append(p)
771 return FormatSequence(pp), p
773 def compile(control):
774 """
775 Parse the whole CONTROL string, returning the corresponding formatting
776 operator.
778 A format control string consists of formatting directives, introduced by
779 the `~' character, and literal text. Literal text is simply output as-is.
780 Formatting directives may read /arguments/ which are provided as additional
781 inputs to the `format' function, and are typically items to be written to
782 the output in some form, and /parameters/, which control the formatting of
783 the arguments, and may be supplied in the control string, or themselves
784 read from arguments. A directive may also carry up to two flags, `@' and
785 `:'.
787 The effects of the directive are determined by the corresponding formatting
788 operation, an object found by looking up the directive's identifying
789 character in `COMPILE.opmaps', which is a list of dictionaries. The
790 character is converted to upper-case (if it is alphabetic), and then the
791 dictionaries are examined in order: the first match found wins. See the
792 description of the `Formatting protocol' for details of how formatting
793 operations work.
795 A formatting directive has the following syntax.
801 PARAM ::= EMPTY | INT | `#' | `'' CHAR | `v' | `!' ARG
803 FLAGS ::= [[ `@' | `:' ]]*
805 (The useful but unusual notation [[ X | Y | ... ]]* denotes a sequence of
806 items drawn from the listed alternatives, each appearing at most once. See
807 the function `parse_arg' for the syntax of ARG.)
809 An empty PARAM is equivalent to omitting the parameter; `#' is the number
810 of remaining positional arguments; `!ARG' reads the parameter value from
811 the argument; `v' is equivalent to `!+', as a convenient abbreviation and
812 for Common Lisp compatibility. The `=ARG' notation indicates which
813 argument(s) should be processed by the operation: the default is `=+'
814 """
815 if not isinstance(control, basestring): return control
816 pp = []
817 with COMPILE.bind(control = control, start = 0, end = len(control),
818 delim = ''):
819 while True:
820 p = parse_operator()
821 if not p: break
822 pp.append(p)
823 return FormatSequence(pp)
825 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
826 ### Formatting text.
828 def format(out, control, *args, **kw):
829 """
830 Format the positional args and keywords according to the CONTROL, and write
831 the result to OUT.
833 The output is written to OUT, which may be one of the following.
835 `True' Write to standard output.
837 `False' Write to standard error.
839 `None' Return the output as a string.
841 Any object with a `write' attribute
842 Call `write' repeatedly with strings to be output.
844 Any callable object
845 Call the object repeatedly with strings to be output.
847 The CONTROL argument may be one of the following.
849 A string or unicode object
850 Compile the string into a formatting operation and use that.
852 A formatting operation
853 Apply the operation to the arguments.
854 """
856 ## Turn the output argument into a function which we can use easily. If
857 ## we're writing to a string, we'll have to extract the result at the end,
858 ## so keep track of anything we have to do later.
859 final = U.constantly(None)
860 if out is True:
861 write = SYS.stdout.write
862 elif out is False:
863 write = SYS.stderr.write
864 elif out is None:
865 strio = StringIO()
866 write = strio.write
867 final = strio.getvalue
868 elif hasattr(out, 'write'):
869 write = out.write
870 elif callable(out):
871 write = out
872 else:
873 raise TypeError, out
875 ## Turn the control argument into a formatting operation.
876 op = compile(control)
878 ## Invoke the formatting operation in the correct environment.
879 with FORMAT.bind(write = write, pushback = [],
880 argseq = args, argpos = 0,
881 argmap = kw):
882 op.format()
884 ## Done.
885 return final()
887 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
888 ### Standard formatting directives.
890 ## A dictionary, in which we'll build the basic set of formatting operators.
891 ## Callers wishing to implement extensions should include this in their
892 ## `opmaps' lists.
893 BASEOPS = {}
894 COMPILE.opmaps = [BASEOPS]
896 ## Some standard delimiter directives.
897 for i in [']', ')', '}', '>', ';']: BASEOPS[i] = FormatDelimiter
899 class SimpleFormatOperation (BaseFormatOperation):
900 """
901 Common base class for the `~A' (`str') and `~S' (`repr') directives.
903 These take similar parameters, so it's useful to deal with them at the same
904 time. Subclasses should implement a method `_convert' of one argument,
905 which returns a string to be formatted.
907 The parameters are as follows.
909 MINCOL The minimum number of characters to output. Padding is added
910 if the output string is shorter than this.
912 COLINC Lengths of padding groups. The number of padding characters
913 will be MINPAD more than a multiple of COLINC.
915 MINPAD The smallest number of padding characters to write.
917 PADCHAR The padding character.
919 If the `@' modifier is given, then padding is applied on the left;
920 otherwise it is applied on the right.
921 """
923 MAXPARAM = 4
925 def _format(me, atp, colonp,
926 mincol = 0, colinc = 1, minpad = 0, padchar = ' '):
927 what = me._convert(me.getarg.get())
928 n = len(what)
929 p = mincol - n - minpad + colinc - 1
930 p -= p%colinc
931 if p < 0: p = 0
932 p += minpad
933 if p <= 0: pass
934 elif atp: what = (p * padchar) + what
935 else: what = what + (p * padchar)
936 FORMAT.write(what)
938 class FormatString (SimpleFormatOperation):
939 """~A: convert argument to a string."""
940 def _convert(me, arg): return str(arg)
941 BASEOPS['A'] = FormatString
943 class FormatRepr (SimpleFormatOperation):
944 """~S: convert argument to readable form."""
945 def _convert(me, arg): return repr(arg)
946 BASEOPS['S'] = FormatRepr
948 class IntegerFormat (BaseFormatOperation):
949 """
950 Common base class for the integer formatting directives `~D', `~B', `~O~,
951 `~X', and `~R'.
953 These take similar parameters, so it's useful to deal with them at the same
954 time. There is a `_convert' method which does the main work. By default,
955 `_format' calls this with the argument and the value of the class attribute
956 `RADIX'; complicated subclasses might want to override this behaviour.
958 The parameters are as follows.
960 MINCOL Minimum column width. If the output is smaller than this
961 then it will be padded on the left. The default is 0.
963 PADCHAR Character to use to pad the output, should this be necessary.
964 The default is space.
966 COMMACHAR If the `:' modifier is present, then use this character to
967 separate groups of digits. The default is `,'.
969 COMMAINTERVAL If the `:' modifier is present, then separate groups of this
970 many digits. The default is 3.
972 If `@' is present, then a sign is always written; otherwise only `-' signs
973 are written.
974 """
976 MAXPARAM = 4
978 def _convert(me, n, radix, atp, colonp,
979 mincol = 0, padchar = ' ',
980 commachar = ',', commainterval = 3):
981 """
982 Convert the integer N into the given RADIX, under the control of the
983 formatting parameters supplied.
984 """
986 ## Sort out the sign. We'll deal with it at the end: for now it's just a
987 ## distraction.
988 if n < 0: sign = '-'; n = -n
989 elif atp: sign = '+'
990 else: sign = None
992 ## Build in `dd' a list of the digits, in reverse order. This will make
993 ## the commafication easier later. The general radix conversion is
994 ## inefficient but we can make that better later.
995 def revdigits(s):
996 l = list(s)
997 l.reverse()
998 return l
999 if radix == 10: dd = revdigits(str(n))
1000 elif radix == 8: dd = revdigits(oct(n))
1001 elif radix == 16: dd = revdigits(hex(n).upper())
1002 else:
1003 dd = []
1004 while n:
1005 q, r = divmod(n, radix)
1006 if r < 10: ch = asc(ord('0') + r)
1007 elif r < 36: ch = asc(ord('A') - 10 + r)
1008 else: ch = asc(ord('a') - 36 + r)
1009 dd.append(ch)
1010 if not dd: dd.append('0')
1012 ## If we must commafy then do that.
1013 if colonp:
1014 ndd = []
1015 i = 0
1016 for d in dd:
1017 if i >= commainterval: ndd.append(commachar); i = 0
1018 ndd.append(d)
1019 dd = ndd
1021 ## Include the sign.
1022 if sign: dd.append(sign)
1024 ## Maybe we must pad the result.
1025 s = ''.join(reversed(dd))
1026 npad = mincol - len(s)
1027 if npad > 0: s = npad*padchar + s
1029 ## And we're done.
1030 FORMAT.write(s)
1032 def _format(me, atp, colonp, mincol = 0, padchar = ' ',
1033 commachar = ',', commainterval = 3):
1034 me._convert(me.getarg.get(), me.RADIX, atp, colonp, mincol, padchar,
1035 commachar, commainterval)
1037 class FormatDecimal (IntegerFormat):
1038 """~D: Decimal formatting."""
1039 RADIX = 10
1040 BASEOPS['D'] = FormatDecimal
1042 class FormatBinary (IntegerFormat):
1043 """~B: Binary formatting."""
1044 RADIX = 2
1045 BASEOPS['B'] = FormatBinary
1047 class FormatOctal (IntegerFormat):
1048 """~O: Octal formatting."""
1049 RADIX = 8
1050 BASEOPS['O'] = FormatOctal
1052 class FormatHex (IntegerFormat):
1053 """~X: Hexadecimal formatting."""
1054 RADIX = 16
1055 BASEOPS['X'] = FormatHex
1057 class FormatRadix (IntegerFormat):
1058 """~R: General integer formatting."""
1059 MAXPARAM = 5
1060 def _format(me, atp, colonp, radix = None, mincol = 0, padchar = ' ',
1061 commachar = ',', commainterval = 3):
1062 if radix is None:
1063 raise ValueError, 'Not implemented'
1064 me._convert(me.getarg.get(), radix, atp, colonp, mincol, padchar,
1065 commachar, commainterval)
1066 BASEOPS['R'] = FormatRadix
1068 class FormatSuppressNewline (BaseFormatOperation):
1069 """
1070 ~newline: suppressed newline and/or spaces.
1072 Unless the `@' modifier is present, don't print the newline. Unless the
1073 `:' modifier is present, don't print the following string of whitespace
1074 characters either.
1075 """
1076 R_SPACE = RX.compile(r'\s*')
1077 def __init__(me, *args):
1078 super(FormatSuppressNewline, me).__init__(*args)
1079 m = me.R_SPACE.match(COMPILE.control, COMPILE.start, COMPILE.end)
1080 me.trail =
1081 COMPILE.start = m.end()
1082 def _format(me, atp, colonp):
1083 if atp: FORMAT.write('\n')
1084 if colonp: FORMAT.write(me.trail)
1085 BASEOPS['\n'] = FormatSuppressNewline
1087 class LiteralFormat (BaseFormatOperation):
1088 """
1089 A base class for formatting operations which write fixed strings.
1091 Subclasses should have an attribute `CHAR' containing the string (usually a
1092 single character) to be written.
1094 These operations accept a single parameter:
1096 COUNT The number of copies of the string to be written.
1097 """
1098 MAXPARAM = 1
1099 def _format(me, atp, colonp, count = 1):
1100 FORMAT.write(count * me.CHAR)
1102 class FormatNewline (LiteralFormat):
1103 """~%: Start a new line."""
1104 CHAR = '\n'
1105 BASEOPS['%'] = FormatNewline
1107 class FormatTilde (LiteralFormat):
1108 """~~: Print a literal `@'."""
1109 CHAR = '~'
1110 BASEOPS['~'] = FormatTilde
1112 class FormatCaseConvert (BaseFormatOperation):
1113 """
1114 ~(...~): Case-convert the contained output.
1116 The material output by the contained directives is subject to case
1117 conversion as follows.
1119 no modifiers Convert to lower-case.
1120 @ Make initial letter upper-case and remainder lower.
1121 : Make initial letters of words upper-case.
1122 @: Convert to upper-case.
1123 """
1124 def __init__(me, *args):
1125 super(FormatCaseConvert, me).__init__(*args)
1126 me.sub, _ = collect_subformat(')')
1127 def _format(me, atp, colonp):
1128 strio = StringIO()
1129 try:
1130 with FORMAT.bind(write = strio.write):
1131 me.sub.format()
1132 finally:
1133 inner = strio.getvalue()
1134 if atp:
1135 if colonp: out = inner.upper()
1136 else: out = inner.capitalize()
1137 else:
1138 if colonp: out = inner.title()
1139 else: out = inner.lower()
1140 FORMAT.write(out)
1141 BASEOPS['('] = FormatCaseConvert
1143 class FormatGoto (BaseFormatOperation):
1144 """
1145 ~*: Seek in positional arguments.
1147 There may be a parameter N; the default value depends on which modifiers
1148 are present. Without `@', skip forwards or backwards by N (default
1149 1) places; with `@', move to argument N (default 0). With `:', negate N,
1150 so move backwards instead of forwards, or count from the end rather than
1151 the beginning. (Exception: `~@:0*' leaves no arguments remaining, whereas
1152 `~@-0*' is the same as `~@0*', and starts again from the beginning.
1154 BUG: The list of pushed-back arguments is cleared.
1155 """
1156 MAXPARAM = 1
1157 def _format(me, atp, colonp, n = None):
1158 if atp:
1159 if n is None: n = 0
1160 if colonp:
1161 if n > 0: n = -n
1162 else: n = len(FORMAT.argseq)
1163 if n < 0: n += len(FORMAT.argseq)
1164 else:
1165 if n is None: n = 1
1166 if colonp: n = -n
1167 n += FORMAT.argpos
1168 FORMAT.argpos = n
1169 FORMAT.pushback = []
1170 BASEOPS['*'] = FormatGoto
1172 class FormatConditional (BaseFormatOperation):
1173 """
1174 ~[...[~;...]...[~:;...]~]: Conditional formatting.
1176 There are three variants, which are best dealt with separately.
1178 With no modifiers, apply the Nth enclosed piece, where N is either the
1179 parameter, or the argument if no parameter is provided. If there is no
1180 such piece (i.e., N is negative or too large) and the final piece is
1181 introduced by `~:;' then use that piece; otherwise produce no output.
1183 With `:', there must be exactly two pieces: apply the first if the argument
1184 is false, otherwise the second.
1186 With `@', there must be exactly one piece: if the argument is not `None'
1187 then push it back and apply the enclosed piece.
1188 """
1190 MAXPARAM = 1
1192 def __init__(me, *args):
1194 ## Store the arguments.
1195 super(FormatConditional, me).__init__(*args)
1197 ## Collect the pieces, and keep track of whether there's a default piece.
1198 pieces = []
1199 default = None
1200 nextdef = False
1201 while True:
1202 piece, delim = collect_subformat('];')
1203 if nextdef: default = piece
1204 else: pieces.append(piece)
1205 if delim.char == ']': break
1206 if delim.colonp:
1207 if default: format_string_error('multiple defaults')
1208 nextdef = True
1210 ## Make sure the syntax matches the modifiers we've been given.
1211 if (me.colonp or me.atp) and default:
1212 format_string_error('default not allowed here')
1213 if (me.colonp and len(pieces) != 2) or \
1214 (me.atp and len(pieces) != 1):
1215 format_string_error('wrong number of pieces')
1217 ## Store stuff.
1218 me.pieces = pieces
1219 me.default = default
1221 def _format(me, atp, colonp, n = None):
1222 if colonp:
1223 arg = me.getarg.get()
1224 if arg: me.pieces[1].format()
1225 else: me.pieces[0].format()
1226 elif atp:
1227 arg = me.getarg.get()
1228 if arg is not None:
1229 FORMAT.pushback.append(arg)
1230 me.pieces[0].format()
1231 else:
1232 if n is None: n = me.getarg.get()
1233 if 0 <= n < len(me.pieces): piece = me.pieces[n]
1234 else: piece = me.default
1235 if piece: piece.format()
1236 BASEOPS['['] = FormatConditional
1238 class FormatIteration (BaseFormatOperation):
1239 """
1240 ~{...~}: Repeated formatting.
1242 Repeatedly apply the enclosed formatting directives to a sequence of
1243 different arguments. The directives may contain `~^' to escape early.
1245 Without `@', an argument is fetched and is expected to be a sequence; with
1246 `@', the remaining positional arguments are processed.
1248 Without `:', the enclosed directives are simply applied until the sequence
1249 of arguments is exhausted: each iteration may consume any number of
1250 arguments (even zero, though this is likely a bad plan) and any left over
1251 are available to the next iteration. With `:', each element of the
1252 sequence of arguments is itself treated as a collection of arguments --
1253 either positional or keyword depending on whether it looks like a map --
1254 and exactly one such element is consumed in each iteration.
1256 If a parameter is supplied then perform at most this many iterations. If
1257 the closing delimeter bears a `:' modifier, and the parameter is not zero,
1258 then the enclosed directives are applied once even if the argument sequence
1259 is empty.
1261 If the formatting directives are empty then a formatting control is fetched
1262 using the argument collector associated with the closing delimiter.
1263 """
1265 MAXPARAM = 1
1267 def __init__(me, *args):
1268 super(FormatIteration, me).__init__(*args)
1269 me.body, me.end = collect_subformat('}')
1271 def _multi(me, body):
1272 """
1273 Treat the positional arguments as a sequence of argument sets to be
1274 processed.
1275 """
1276 args = NEXTARG.get()
1277 with U.Escape() as esc:
1278 with bind_args(args, multi_escape = FORMAT.escape, escape = esc,
1279 last_multi_p = not remaining()):
1280 body.format()
1282 def _single(me, body):
1283 """
1284 Format arguments from a single argument sequence.
1285 """
1286 body.format()
1288 def _loop(me, each, max):
1289 """
1290 Apply the function EACH repeatedly. Stop if no positional arguments
1291 remain; if MAX is not `None', then stop after that number of iterations.
1292 The EACH function is passed a formatting operation representing the body
1293 to be applied
1294 """
1295 if me.body.seq: body = me.body
1296 else: body = compile(me.end.getarg.get())
1297 oncep = me.end.colonp
1298 i = 0
1299 while True:
1300 if max is not None and i >= max: break
1301 if (i > 0 or not oncep) and not remaining(): break
1302 each(body)
1303 i += 1
1305 def _format(me, atp, colonp, max = None):
1306 if colonp: each = me._multi
1307 else: each = me._single
1308 with U.Escape() as esc:
1309 with FORMAT.bind(escape = esc):
1310 if atp:
1311 me._loop(each, max)
1312 else:
1313 with bind_args(me.getarg.get()):
1314 me._loop(each, max)
1315 BASEOPS['{'] = FormatIteration
1317 class FormatEscape (BaseFormatOperation):
1318 """
1319 ~^: Escape from iteration.
1321 Conditionally leave an iteration early.
1323 There may be up to three parameters: call then X, Y and Z. If all three
1324 are present then exit unless Y is between X and Z (inclusive); if two are
1325 present then exit if X = Y; if only one is present, then exit if X is
1326 zero. Obviously these are more useful if at least one of X, Y and Z is
1327 variable.
1329 With no parameters, exit if there are no positional arguments remaining.
1330 With `:', check the number of argument sets (as read by `~:{...~}') rather
1331 than the number of arguments in the current set, and escape from the entire
1332 iteration rather than from the processing the current set.
1333 """
1334 MAXPARAM = 3
1335 def _format(me, atp, colonp, x = None, y = None, z = None):
1336 if z is not None: cond = x <= y <= z
1337 elif y is not None: cond = x != y
1338 elif x is not None: cond = x != 0
1339 elif colonp: cond = not FORMAT.last_multi_p
1340 else: cond = remaining()
1341 if cond: return
1342 if colonp: FORMAT.multi_escape()
1343 else: FORMAT.escape()
1344 BASEOPS['^'] = FormatEscape
1346 class FormatRecursive (BaseFormatOperation):
1347 """
1348 ~?: Recursive formatting.
1350 Without `@', read a pair of arguments: use the first as a format control,
1351 and apply it to the arguments extracted from the second (which may be a
1352 sequence or a map).
1354 With `@', read a single argument: use it as a format string and apply it to
1355 the remaining arguments.
1356 """
1357 def _format(me, atp, colonp):
1358 with U.Escape() as esc:
1359 if atp:
1360 control = me.getarg.get()
1361 op = compile(control)
1362 with FORMAT.bind(escape = esc): op.format()
1363 else:
1364 control, args = me.getarg.pair()
1365 op = compile(control)
1366 with bind_args(args, escape = esc): op.format()
1367 BASEOPS['?'] = FormatRecursive
1369 ###----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------