pub/keycheck-mp.c (keycheck_prime): Use `pgen_primep' to do the legwork.
[catacomb] / utils / advmodes
1 #! /usr/bin/python
3 from sys import argv, exit
4 from struct import unpack, pack
5 from itertools import izip
6 import catacomb as C
8 R = C.FibRand(0)
10 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 ### Utilities.
13 def combs(things, k):
14 ii = range(k)
15 n = len(things)
16 while True:
17 yield [things[i] for i in ii]
18 for j in xrange(k):
19 if j == k - 1: lim = n
20 else: lim = ii[j + 1]
21 i = ii[j] + 1
22 if i < lim:
23 ii[j] = i
24 break
25 ii[j] = j
26 else:
27 return
29 POLYMAP = {}
31 def poly(nbits):
32 try: return POLYMAP[nbits]
33 except KeyError: pass
34 base = C.GF(0).setbit(nbits).setbit(0)
35 for k in xrange(1, nbits, 2):
36 for cc in combs(range(1, nbits), k):
37 p = base + sum((C.GF(0).setbit(c) for c in cc), C.GF(0))
38 if p.irreduciblep(): POLYMAP[nbits] = p; return p
39 raise ValueError, nbits
41 def prim(nbits):
42 ## No fancy way to do this: I'd need a much cleverer factoring algorithm
43 ## than I have in my pockets.
44 if nbits == 64: cc = [64, 4, 3, 1, 0]
45 elif nbits == 96: cc = [96, 10, 9, 6, 0]
46 elif nbits == 128: cc = [128, 7, 2, 1, 0]
47 elif nbits == 192: cc = [192, 15, 11, 5, 0]
48 elif nbits == 256: cc = [256, 10, 5, 2, 0]
49 else: raise ValueError, 'no field for %d bits' % nbits
50 p = C.GF(0)
51 for c in cc: p = p.setbit(c)
52 return p
54 def Z(n):
55 return
57 def mul_blk_gf(m, x, p): return ((C.GF.loadb(m)*x)%p).storeb((p.nbits + 6)/8)
59 def with_lastp(it):
60 it = iter(it)
61 try: j = next(it)
62 except StopIteration: raise ValueError, 'empty iter'
63 lastp = False
64 while not lastp:
65 i = j
66 try: j = next(it)
67 except StopIteration: lastp = True
68 yield i, lastp
70 def safehex(x):
71 if len(x): return hex(x)
72 else: return '""'
74 def keylens(ksz):
75 sel = []
76 if isinstance(ksz, C.KeySZSet): kk = ksz.set
77 elif isinstance(ksz, C.KeySZRange): kk = range(ksz.min, ksz.max, ksz.mod)
78 elif isinstance(ksz, C.KeySZAny): kk = range(64); sel = [0]
79 kk = list(kk); kk = kk[:]
80 n = len(kk)
81 while n and len(sel) < 4:
82 i = R.range(n)
83 n -= 1
84 kk[i], kk[n] = kk[n], kk[i]
85 sel.append(kk[n])
86 return sel
88 def pad0star(m, w):
89 n = len(m)
90 if not n: r = w
91 else: r = (-len(m))%w
92 if r: m += Z(r)
93 return C.ByteString(m)
95 def pad10star(m, w):
96 r = w - len(m)%w
97 if r: m += '\x80' + Z(r - 1)
98 return C.ByteString(m)
100 def ntz(i):
101 j = 0
102 while (i&1) == 0: i >>= 1; j += 1
103 return j
105 def blocks(x, w):
106 v, i, n = [], 0, len(x)
107 while n - i > w:
108 v.append(C.ByteString(x[i:i + w]))
109 i += w
110 return v, C.ByteString(x[i:])
112 EMPTY = C.bytes('')
114 def blocks0(x, w):
115 v, tl = blocks(x, w)
116 if len(tl) == w: v.append(tl); tl = EMPTY
117 return v, tl
119 def dummygen(bc): return []
121 CUSTOM = {}
123 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
124 ### RC6.
126 class RC6Cipher (type):
127 def __new__(cls, w, r):
128 name = 'rc6-%d/%d' % (w, r)
129 me = type(name, (RC6Base,), {})
130 = name
131 me.r = r
132 me.w = w
133 me.blksz = w/2
134 me.keysz = C.KeySZRange(me.blksz, 1, 255, 1)
135 return me
137 def rotw(w):
138 return w.bit_length() - 1
140 def rol(w, x, n):
141 m0, m1 = C.MP(0).setbit(w - n) - 1, C.MP(0).setbit(n) - 1
142 return ((x&m0) << n) | (x >> (w - n))&m1
144 def ror(w, x, n):
145 m0, m1 = C.MP(0).setbit(n) - 1, C.MP(0).setbit(w - n) - 1
146 return ((x&m0) << (w - n)) | (x >> n)&m1
148 class RC6Base (object):
150 ## Magic constants.
151 P400 = C.MP(0xb7e151628aed2a6abf7158809cf4f3c762e7160f38b4da56a784d9045190cfef324e7738926cfbe5f4bf8d8d8c31d763da06)
152 Q400 = C.MP(0x9e3779b97f4a7c15f39cc0605cedc8341082276bf3a27251f86c6a11d0c18e952767f0b153d27b7f0347045b5bf1827f0188)
154 def __init__(me, k):
156 ## Build the magic numbers.
157 P = me.P400 >> (400 - me.w)
158 if P%2 == 0: P += 1
159 Q = me.Q400 >> (400 - me.w)
160 if Q%2 == 0: Q += 1
161 M = C.MP(0).setbit(me.w) - 1
163 ## Convert the key into words.
164 wb = me.w/8
165 c = (len(k) + wb - 1)/wb
166 kb, ktl = blocks(k, me.w/8)
167 L = map(C.MP.loadl, kb + [ktl])
168 assert c == len(L)
170 ## Build the subkey table.
171 me.d = rotw(me.w)
172 n = 2*me.r + 4
173 S = [(P + i*Q)&M for i in xrange(n)]
175 ##for j in xrange(c):
176 ## print 'L[%3d] = %s' % (j, hex(L[j]).upper()[2:].rjust(2*wb, '0'))
177 ##for i in xrange(n):
178 ## print 'S[%3d] = %s' % (i, hex(S[i]).upper()[2:].rjust(2*wb, '0'))
180 i = j = 0
181 A = B = C.MP(0)
183 for s in xrange(3*max(c, n)):
184 A = S[i] = rol(me.w, S[i] + A + B, 3)
185 B = L[j] = rol(me.w, L[j] + A + B, (A + B)%(1 << me.d))
186 ##print 'S[%3d] = %s' % (i, hex(S[i]).upper()[2:].rjust(2*wb, '0'))
187 ##print 'L[%3d] = %s' % (j, hex(L[j]).upper()[2:].rjust(2*wb, '0'))
188 i = (i + 1)%n
189 j = (j + 1)%c
191 ## Done.
192 me.s = S
194 def encrypt(me, x):
195 M = C.MP(0).setbit(me.w) - 1
196 a, b, c, d = map(C.MP.loadl, blocks0(x, me.blksz/4)[0])
197 b = (b + me.s[0])&M
198 d = (d + me.s[1])&M
199 ##print 'B = %s' % (hex(b).upper()[2:].rjust(me.w/4, '0'))
200 ##print 'D = %s' % (hex(d).upper()[2:].rjust(me.w/4, '0'))
201 for i in xrange(2, 2*me.r + 2, 2):
202 t = rol(me.w, 2*b*b + b, me.d)
203 u = rol(me.w, 2*d*d + d, me.d)
204 a = (rol(me.w, a ^ t, u%(1 << me.d)) + me.s[i + 0])&M
205 c = (rol(me.w, c ^ u, t%(1 << me.d)) + me.s[i + 1])&M
206 ##print 'A = %s' % (hex(a).upper()[2:].rjust(me.w/4, '0'))
207 ##print 'C = %s' % (hex(c).upper()[2:].rjust(me.w/4, '0'))
208 a, b, c, d = b, c, d, a
209 a = (a + me.s[2*me.r + 2])&M
210 c = (c + me.s[2*me.r + 3])&M
211 ##print 'A = %s' % (hex(a).upper()[2:].rjust(me.w/4, '0'))
212 ##print 'C = %s' % (hex(c).upper()[2:].rjust(me.w/4, '0'))
213 return C.ByteString(a.storel(me.blksz/4) + b.storel(me.blksz/4) +
214 c.storel(me.blksz/4) + d.storel(me.blksz/4))
216 def decrypt(me, x):
217 M = C.MP(0).setbit(me.w) - 1
218 a, b, c, d = map(C.MP.loadl, blocks0(x, me.blksz/4))
219 c = (c - me.s[2*me.r + 3])&M
220 a = (a - me.s[2*me.r + 2])&M
221 for i in xrange(2*me.r + 1, 1, -2):
222 a, b, c, d = d, a, b, c
223 u = rol(me.w, 2*d*d + d, me.d)
224 t = rol(me.w, 2*b*b + b, me.d)
225 c = ror(me.w, (c - me.s[i + 1])&M, t%(1 << me.d)) ^ u
226 a = ror(me.w, (a - me.s[i + 0])&M, u%(1 << me.d)) ^ t
227 a = (a + s[2*me.r + 2])&M
228 c = (c + s[2*me.r + 3])&M
229 return C.ByteString(a.storel(me.blksz/4) + b.storel(me.blksz/4) +
230 c.storel(me.blksz/4) + d.storel(me.blksz/4))
232 for (w, r) in [(8, 16), (16, 16), (24, 16), (32, 16),
233 (32, 20), (48, 16), (64, 16), (96, 16), (128, 16),
234 (192, 16), (256, 16), (400, 16)]:
235 CUSTOM['rc6-%d/%d' % (w, r)] = RC6Cipher(w, r)
237 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
238 ### OMAC (or CMAC).
240 def omac_masks(E):
241 blksz = E.__class__.blksz
242 p = poly(8*blksz)
243 z = Z(blksz)
244 L = E.encrypt(z)
245 m0 = mul_blk_gf(L, C.GF(2), p)
246 m1 = mul_blk_gf(m0, C.GF(2), p)
247 return m0, m1
249 def dump_omac(E):
250 blksz = E.__class__.blksz
251 m0, m1 = omac_masks(E)
252 print 'L = %s' % hex(E.encrypt(Z(blksz)))
253 print 'm0 = %s' % hex(m0)
254 print 'm1 = %s' % hex(m1)
255 for t in xrange(3):
256 print 'v%d = %s' % (t, hex(E.encrypt(C.MP(t).storeb(blksz))))
257 print 'z%d = %s' % (t, hex(omac(E, t, '')))
259 def omac(E, t, m):
260 blksz = E.__class__.blksz
261 m0, m1 = omac_masks(E)
262 a = Z(blksz)
263 if t is not None: m = C.MP(t).storeb(blksz) + m
264 v, tl = blocks(m, blksz)
265 for x in v: a = E.encrypt(a ^ x)
266 r = blksz - len(tl)
267 if r == 0:
268 a = E.encrypt(a ^ tl ^ m0)
269 else:
270 pad = pad10star(tl, blksz)
271 a = E.encrypt(a ^ pad ^ m1)
272 return a
274 def cmac(E, m):
275 if VERBOSE: dump_omac(E)
276 return omac(E, None, m),
278 def cmacgen(bc):
279 return [(0,), (1,),
280 (3*bc.blksz,),
281 (3*bc.blksz - 5,)]
283 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
284 ### Counter mode.
286 def ctr(E, m, c0):
287 blksz = E.__class__.blksz
288 y = C.WriteBuffer()
289 c = C.MP.loadb(c0)
290 while y.size < len(m):
291 y.put(E.encrypt(c.storeb(blksz)))
292 c += 1
293 return C.ByteString(m) ^ C.ByteString(y)[:len(m)]
295 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
296 ### GCM.
298 def gcm_mangle(x):
299 y = C.WriteBuffer()
300 for b in x:
301 b = ord(b)
302 bb = 0
303 for i in xrange(8):
304 bb <<= 1
305 if b&1: bb |= 1
306 b >>= 1
307 y.putu8(bb)
308 return C.ByteString(y)
310 def gcm_mul(x, y):
311 w = len(x)
312 p = poly(8*w)
313 u, v = C.GF.loadl(gcm_mangle(x)), C.GF.loadl(gcm_mangle(y))
314 z = (u*v)%p
315 return gcm_mangle(z.storel(w))
317 def gcm_pow(x, n):
318 w = len(x)
319 p = poly(8*w)
320 u = C.GF.loadl(gcm_mangle(x))
321 z = pow(u, n, p)
322 return gcm_mangle(z.storel(w))
324 def gcm_ctr(E, m, c0):
325 y = C.WriteBuffer()
326 pre = c0[:-4]
327 c, = unpack('>L', c0[-4:])
328 while y.size < len(m):
329 c += 1
330 y.put(E.encrypt(pre + pack('>L', c)))
331 return C.ByteString(m) ^ C.ByteString(y)[:len(m)]
333 def g(what, x, m, a0 = None):
334 n = len(x)
335 if a0 is None: a = Z(n)
336 else: a = a0
337 i = 0
338 for b in blocks0(m, n)[0]:
339 a = gcm_mul(a ^ b, x)
340 if VERBOSE: print '%s[%d] = %s -> %s' % (what, i, hex(b), hex(a))
341 i += 1
342 return a
344 def gcm_pad(w, x):
345 return C.ByteString(x + Z(-len(x)%w))
347 def gcm_lens(w, a, b):
348 if w < 12: n = w
349 else: n = w/2
350 return C.ByteString(C.MP(a).storeb(n) + C.MP(b).storeb(n))
352 def ghash(whata, whatb, x, a, b):
353 w = len(x)
354 ha = g(whata, x, gcm_pad(w, a))
355 hb = g(whatb, x, gcm_pad(w, b))
356 if a:
357 hc = gcm_mul(ha, gcm_pow(x, (len(b) + w - 1)/w)) ^ hb
358 if VERBOSE: print '%s || %s -> %s' % (whata, whatb, hex(hc))
359 else:
360 hc = hb
361 return g(whatb, x, gcm_lens(w, 8*len(a), 8*len(b)), hc)
363 def gcmenc(E, n, h, m, tsz = None):
364 w = E.__class__.blksz
365 x = E.encrypt(Z(w))
366 if VERBOSE: print 'x = %s' % hex(x)
367 if len(n) + 4 == w: c0 = C.ByteString(n + pack('>L', 1))
368 else: c0 = ghash('?', 'n', x, EMPTY, n)
369 if VERBOSE: print 'c0 = %s' % hex(c0)
370 y = gcm_ctr(E, m, c0)
371 t = ghash('h', 'y', x, h, y) ^ E.encrypt(c0)
372 return y, t
374 def gcmdec(E, n, h, y, t):
375 w = E.__class__.blksz
376 x = E.encrypt(Z(w))
377 if VERBOSE: print 'x = %s' % hex(x)
378 if len(n) + 4 == w: c0 = C.ByteString(n + pack('>L', 1))
379 else: c0 = ghash('?', 'n', x, EMPTY, n)
380 if VERBOSE: print 'c0 = %s' % hex(c0)
381 m = gcm_ctr(E, y, c0)
382 tt = ghash('h', 'y', x, h, y) ^ E.encrypt(c0)
383 if t == tt: return m,
384 else: return None,
386 def gcmgen(bc):
387 return [(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1),
388 (bc.blksz, 3*bc.blksz, 3*bc.blksz),
389 (bc.blksz - 4, bc.blksz + 3, 3*bc.blksz + 9),
390 (bc.blksz - 1, 3*bc.blksz - 5, 3*bc.blksz + 5)]
392 def gcm_mul_tests(nbits):
393 print 'gcm-mul%d {' % nbits
394 for i in xrange(64):
395 x = R.block(nbits/8)
396 y = R.block(nbits/8)
397 z = gcm_mul(x, y)
398 print ' %s\n %s\n %s;' % (hex(x), hex(y), hex(z))
399 print '}'
401 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
402 ### CCM.
404 def stbe(n, w): return C.MP(n).storeb(w)
406 def ccm_fmthdr(blksz, n, hsz, msz, tsz):
407 b = C.WriteBuffer()
408 if blksz == 8:
409 q = blksz - len(n) - 1
410 f = 0
411 if hsz: f |= 0x40
412 f |= (tsz - 1) << 3
413 f |= q - 1
414 b.putu8(f).put(n).put(stbe(msz, q))
415 elif blksz == 16:
416 q = blksz - len(n) - 1
417 f = 0
418 if hsz: f |= 0x40
419 f |= (tsz - 2)/2 << 3
420 f |= q - 1
421 b.putu8(f).put(n).put(stbe(msz, q))
422 else:
423 q = blksz - len(n) - 2
424 f0 = f1 = 0
425 if hsz: f1 |= 0x80
426 f0 |= tsz
427 f1 |= q
428 b.putu8(f0).putu8(f1).put(n).put(stbe(msz, q))
429 b = C.ByteString(b)
430 if VERBOSE: print 'hdr = %s' % hex(b)
431 return b
433 def ccm_fmtctr(blksz, n, i = 0):
434 b = C.WriteBuffer()
435 if blksz == 8 or blksz == 16:
436 q = blksz - len(n) - 1
437 b.putu8(q - 1).put(n).put(stbe(i, q))
438 else:
439 q = blksz - len(n) - 2
440 b.putu8(0).putu8(q).put(n).put(stbe(i, q))
441 b = C.ByteString(b)
442 if VERBOSE: print 'ctr = %s' % hex(b)
443 return b
445 def ccmaad(b, h, blksz):
446 hsz = len(h)
447 if not hsz: pass
448 elif hsz < 0xfffe: b.putu16(hsz)
449 elif hsz <= 0xffffffff: b.putu16(0xfffe).putu32(hsz)
450 else: b.putu16(0xffff).putu64(hsz)
451 b.put(h);
453 def ccmenc(E, n, h, m, tsz = None):
454 blksz = E.__class__.blksz
455 if tsz is None: tsz = blksz
456 b = C.WriteBuffer()
457 b.put(ccm_fmthdr(blksz, n, len(h), len(m), tsz))
458 ccmaad(b, h, blksz)
459 b.put(m);
460 b = C.ByteString(b)
461 a = Z(blksz)
462 v, _ = blocks0(b, blksz)
463 i = 0
464 for x in v:
465 a = E.encrypt(a ^ x)
466 if VERBOSE:
467 print 'b[%d] = %s' % (i, hex(x))
468 print 'a[%d] = %s' % (i + 1, hex(a))
469 i += 1
470 y = ctr(E, a + m, ccm_fmtctr(blksz, n))
471 return C.ByteString(y[blksz:]), C.ByteString(y[0:tsz])
473 def ccmdec(E, n, h, y, t):
474 blksz = E.__class__.blksz
475 tsz = len(t)
476 b = C.WriteBuffer()
477 b.put(ccm_fmthdr(blksz, n, len(h), len(y), tsz))
478 ccmaad(b, h, blksz)
479 mm = ctr(E, t + Z(blksz - tsz) + y, ccm_fmtctr(blksz, n))
480 u, m = C.ByteString(mm[0:tsz]), C.ByteString(mm[blksz:])
481 b.put(m);
482 b = C.ByteString(b)
483 a = Z(blksz)
484 v, _ = blocks0(b, blksz)
485 i = 0
486 for x in v:
487 a = E.encrypt(a ^ x)
488 if VERBOSE:
489 print 'b[%d] = %s' % (i, hex(x))
490 print 'a[%d] = %s' % (i + 1, hex(a))
491 i += 1
492 if u == a[:tsz]: return m,
493 else: return None,
495 def ccmgen(bc):
496 bsz = bc.blksz
497 return [(bsz - 5, 0, 0, 4), (bsz - 5, 1, 0, 4), (bsz - 5, 0, 1, 4),
498 (bsz/2 + 1, 3*bc.blksz, 3*bc.blksz),
499 (bsz/2 + 1, 3*bc.blksz - 5, 3*bc.blksz + 5)]
501 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
502 ### EAX.
504 def eaxenc(E, n, h, m, tsz = None):
505 if VERBOSE:
506 print 'k = %s' % hex(k)
507 print 'n = %s' % hex(n)
508 print 'h = %s' % hex(h)
509 print 'm = %s' % hex(m)
510 dump_omac(E)
511 if tsz is None: tsz = E.__class__.blksz
512 c0 = omac(E, 0, n)
513 y = ctr(E, m, c0)
514 ht = omac(E, 1, h)
515 yt = omac(E, 2, y)
516 if VERBOSE:
517 print 'c0 = %s' % hex(c0)
518 print 'ht = %s' % hex(ht)
519 print 'yt = %s' % hex(yt)
520 return y, C.ByteString((c0 ^ ht ^ yt)[:tsz])
522 def eaxdec(E, n, h, y, t):
523 if VERBOSE:
524 print 'k = %s' % hex(k)
525 print 'n = %s' % hex(n)
526 print 'h = %s' % hex(h)
527 print 'y = %s' % hex(y)
528 print 't = %s' % hex(t)
529 dump_omac(E)
530 c0 = omac(E, 0, n)
531 m = ctr(E, y, c0)
532 ht = omac(E, 1, h)
533 yt = omac(E, 2, y)
534 if VERBOSE:
535 print 'c0 = %s' % hex(c0)
536 print 'ht = %s' % hex(ht)
537 print 'yt = %s' % hex(yt)
538 if t == (c0 ^ ht ^ yt)[:len(t)]: return m,
539 else: return None,
541 def eaxgen(bc):
542 return [(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1),
543 (bc.blksz, 3*bc.blksz, 3*bc.blksz),
544 (bc.blksz - 1, 3*bc.blksz - 5, 3*bc.blksz + 5)]
546 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
547 ### PMAC.
549 def ocb_masks(E):
550 blksz = E.__class__.blksz
551 p = poly(8*blksz)
552 x = C.GF(2); xinv = p.modinv(x)
553 z = Z(blksz)
554 L = E.encrypt(z)
555 Lxinv = mul_blk_gf(L, xinv, p)
556 Lgamma = 66*[L]
557 for i in xrange(1, len(Lgamma)):
558 Lgamma[i] = mul_blk_gf(Lgamma[i - 1], x, p)
559 return Lgamma, Lxinv
561 def dump_ocb(E):
562 Lgamma, Lxinv = ocb_masks(E)
563 print 'L x^-1 = %s' % hex(Lxinv)
564 for i, lg in enumerate(Lgamma[:16]):
565 print 'L x^%d = %s' % (i, hex(lg))
567 def pmac1(E, m):
568 blksz = E.__class__.blksz
569 Lgamma, Lxinv = ocb_masks(E)
570 a = o = Z(blksz)
571 i = 0
572 v, tl = blocks(m, blksz)
573 for x in v:
574 i += 1
575 b = ntz(i)
576 o ^= Lgamma[b]
577 a ^= E.encrypt(x ^ o)
578 if VERBOSE:
579 print 'Z[%d]: %d -> %s' % (i, b, hex(o))
580 print 'A[%d]: %s' % (i, hex(a))
581 if len(tl) == blksz: a ^= tl ^ Lxinv
582 else: a ^= pad10star(tl, blksz)
583 return E.encrypt(a)
585 def pmac2(E, m):
586 blksz = E.__class__.blksz
587 p = prim(8*blksz)
588 L = E.encrypt(Z(blksz))
589 o = mul_blk_gf(L, C.GF(10), p)
590 a = Z(blksz)
591 v, tl = blocks(m, blksz)
592 for x in v:
593 a ^= E.encrypt(x ^ o)
594 o = mul_blk_gf(o, C.GF(2), p)
595 if len(tl) == blksz: a ^= tl ^ mul_blk_gf(o, C.GF(3), p)
596 else: a ^= pad10star(tl, blksz) ^ mul_blk_gf(o, C.GF(5), p)
597 return E.encrypt(a)
599 def ocb3_masks(E):
600 Lgamma, _ = ocb_masks(E)
601 Lstar = Lgamma[0]
602 Ldollar = Lgamma[1]
603 return Lstar, Ldollar, Lgamma[2:]
605 def dump_ocb3(E):
606 Lstar, Ldollar, Lgamma = ocb3_masks(E)
607 print 'L_* = %s' % hex(Lstar)
608 print 'L_$ = %s' % hex(Ldollar)
609 for i, lg in enumerate(Lgamma[:16]):
610 print 'L x^%d = %s' % (i, hex(lg))
612 def pmac3(E, m):
613 ## Note that `PMAC3' is /not/ a secure MAC. It depends on other parts of
614 ## OCB3 to prevent a rather easy linear-algebra attack.
615 blksz = E.__class__.blksz
616 Lstar, Ldollar, Lgamma = ocb3_masks(E)
617 a = o = Z(blksz)
618 i = 0
619 v, tl = blocks0(m, blksz)
620 for x in v:
621 i += 1
622 b = ntz(i)
623 o ^= Lgamma[b]
624 a ^= E.encrypt(x ^ o)
625 if VERBOSE:
626 print 'Z[%d]: %d -> %s' % (i, b, hex(o))
627 print 'A[%d]: %s' % (i, hex(a))
628 if tl:
629 o ^= Lstar
630 a ^= E.encrypt(pad10star(tl, blksz) ^ o)
631 if VERBOSE:
632 print 'Z[%d]: * -> %s' % (i, hex(o))
633 print 'A[%d]: %s' % (i, hex(a))
634 return a
636 def pmac1_pub(E, m):
637 if VERBOSE: dump_ocb(E)
638 return pmac1(E, m),
640 def pmacgen(bc):
641 return [(0,), (1,),
642 (3*bc.blksz,),
643 (3*bc.blksz - 5,)]
645 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
646 ### OCB.
648 def ocb1enc(E, n, h, m, tsz = None):
649 ## This is OCB1.PMAC1 from Rogaway's `Authenticated-Encryption with
650 ## Associated-Data'.
651 blksz = E.__class__.blksz
652 if VERBOSE: dump_ocb(E)
653 Lgamma, Lxinv = ocb_masks(E)
654 if tsz is None: tsz = blksz
655 a = Z(blksz)
656 o = E.encrypt(n ^ Lgamma[0])
657 if VERBOSE: print 'R = %s' % hex(o)
658 i = 0
659 y = C.WriteBuffer()
660 v, tl = blocks(m, blksz)
661 for x in v:
662 i += 1
663 b = ntz(i)
664 o ^= Lgamma[b]
665 a ^= x
666 if VERBOSE:
667 print 'Z[%d]: %d -> %s' % (i, b, hex(o))
668 print 'A[%d]: %s' % (i, hex(a))
669 y.put(E.encrypt(x ^ o) ^ o)
670 i += 1
671 b = ntz(i)
672 o ^= Lgamma[b]
673 n = len(tl)
674 if VERBOSE:
675 print 'Z[%d]: %d -> %s' % (i, b, hex(o))
676 print 'LEN = %s' % hex(C.MP(8*n).storeb(blksz))
677 yfinal = E.encrypt(C.MP(8*n).storeb(blksz) ^ Lxinv ^ o)
678 cfinal = tl ^ yfinal[:n]
679 a ^= o ^ (tl + yfinal[n:])
680 y.put(cfinal)
681 t = E.encrypt(a)
682 if h: t ^= pmac1(E, h)
683 return C.ByteString(y), C.ByteString(t[:tsz])
685 def ocb1dec(E, n, h, y, t):
686 ## This is OCB1.PMAC1 from Rogaway's `Authenticated-Encryption with
687 ## Associated-Data'.
688 blksz = E.__class__.blksz
689 if VERBOSE: dump_ocb(E)
690 Lgamma, Lxinv = ocb_masks(E)
691 a = Z(blksz)
692 o = E.encrypt(n ^ Lgamma[0])
693 if VERBOSE: print 'R = %s' % hex(o)
694 i = 0
695 m = C.WriteBuffer()
696 v, tl = blocks(y, blksz)
697 for x in v:
698 i += 1
699 b = ntz(i)
700 o ^= Lgamma[b]
701 if VERBOSE:
702 print 'Z[%d]: %d -> %s' % (i, b, hex(o))
703 print 'A[%d]: %s' % (i, hex(a))
704 u = E.decrypt(x ^ o) ^ o
705 m.put(u)
706 a ^= u
707 i += 1
708 b = ntz(i)
709 o ^= Lgamma[b]
710 n = len(tl)
711 if VERBOSE:
712 print 'Z[%d]: %d -> %s' % (i, b, hex(o))
713 print 'LEN = %s' % hex(C.MP(8*n).storeb(blksz))
714 yfinal = E.encrypt(C.MP(8*n).storeb(blksz) ^ Lxinv ^ o)
715 mfinal = tl ^ yfinal[:n]
716 a ^= o ^ (mfinal + yfinal[n:])
717 m.put(mfinal)
718 u = E.encrypt(a)
719 if h: u ^= pmac1(E, h)
720 if t == u[:len(t)]: return C.ByteString(m),
721 else: return None,
723 def ocb2enc(E, n, h, m, tsz = None):
724 ## For OCB2, it's important for security that n = log_x (x + 1) is large in
725 ## the field representations of GF(2^w) used -- in fact, we need more, that
726 ## i n (mod 2^w - 1) is large for i in {4, -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4}. The
727 ## original paper lists the values for 64 and 128, but we support other
728 ## block sizes, so here's the result of the (rather large, in some cases)
729 ## computation.
730 ##
731 ## Block size log_x (x + 1)
732 ##
733 ## 64 9686038906114705801
734 ## 96 63214690573408919568138788065
735 ## 128 338793687469689340204974836150077311399
736 ## 192 161110085006042185925119981866940491651092686475226538785
737 ## 256 22928580326165511958494515843249267194111962539778797914076675796261938307298
739 blksz = E.__class__.blksz
740 if tsz is None: tsz = blksz
741 p = prim(8*blksz)
742 L = E.encrypt(n)
743 o = mul_blk_gf(L, C.GF(2), p)
744 a = Z(blksz)
745 v, tl = blocks(m, blksz)
746 y = C.WriteBuffer()
747 for x in v:
748 a ^= x
749 y.put(E.encrypt(x ^ o) ^ o)
750 o = mul_blk_gf(o, C.GF(2), p)
751 n = len(tl)
752 yfinal = E.encrypt(C.MP(8*n).storeb(blksz) ^ o)
753 cfinal = tl ^ yfinal[:n]
754 a ^= (tl + yfinal[n:]) ^ mul_blk_gf(o, C.GF(3), p)
755 y.put(cfinal)
756 t = E.encrypt(a)
757 if h: t ^= pmac2(E, h)
758 return C.ByteString(y), C.ByteString(t[:tsz])
760 def ocb2dec(E, n, h, y, t):
761 blksz = E.__class__.blksz
762 p = prim(8*blksz)
763 L = E.encrypt(n)
764 o = mul_blk_gf(L, C.GF(2), p)
765 a = Z(blksz)
766 v, tl = blocks(y, blksz)
767 m = C.WriteBuffer()
768 for x in v:
769 u = E.encrypt(x ^ o) ^ o
770 y.put(u)
771 a ^= u
772 o = mul_blk_gf(o, C.GF(2), p)
773 n = len(tl)
774 yfinal = E.encrypt(C.MP(8*n).storeb(blksz) ^ o)
775 mfinal = tl ^ yfinal[:n]
776 a ^= (mfinal + yfinal[n:]) ^ mul_blk_gf(o, C.GF(3), p)
777 m.put(mfinal)
778 u = E.encrypt(a)
779 if h: u ^= pmac2(E, h)
780 if t == u[:len(t)]: return C.ByteString(m),
781 else: return None,
783 OCB3_STRETCH = { 4: ( 4, 17),
784 8: ( 5, 25),
785 12: ( 6, 33),
786 16: ( 6, 8),
787 24: ( 7, 40),
788 32: ( 8, 1),
789 48: ( 8, 80),
790 64: ( 8, 176),
791 96: ( 9, 160),
792 128: ( 9, 352),
793 200: (10, 192) }
795 def ocb3nonce(E, n, tsz):
797 ## Figure out how much we need to glue onto the nonce. This ends up being
798 ## [t mod w]_v || 0^p || 1 || N, where w is the block size in bits, t is
799 ## the tag length in bits, v = floor(log_2(w - 1)) + 1, and p = w - l(N) -
800 ## v - 1. But this is an annoying way to think about it because of the
801 ## byte misalignment. Instead, think of it as a byte-aligned prefix
802 ## encoding the tag and an `is the nonce full-length' flag, followed by
803 ## optional padding, and then the nonce:
804 ##
805 ## F || N if l(N) = w - f
806 ## F || 0^p || 1 || N otherwise
807 ##
808 ## where F is [t mod w]_v || 0^{f-v-1} || b; f = floor(log_2(w - 1)) + 2;
809 ## b is 1 if l(N) = w - f, or 0 otherwise; and p = w - f - l(N) - 1.
810 blksz = E.__class__.blksz
811 tszbits = min(C.MP(8*blksz - 1).nbits, 8)
812 fwd = tszbits/8 + 1
813 f = 8*(tsz%blksz) << + 8*fwd - tszbits
815 ## Form the augmented nonce.
816 nb = C.WriteBuffer()
817 nsz, nwd = len(n), blksz - fwd
818 if nsz == nwd: f |= 1
819 nb.put(C.MP(f).storeb(fwd))
820 if nsz < nwd: - nsz - 1).putu8(1)
821 nb.put(n)
822 nn = C.ByteString(nb)
823 if VERBOSE: print 'aug-nonce = %s' % hex(nn)
825 ## Calculate the initial offset.
826 split, shift = OCB3_STRETCH[blksz]
827 t2pw = C.MP(0).setbit(8*blksz) - 1
828 lomask = (C.MP(0).setbit(split) - 1)
829 himask = ~lomask
830 top, bottom = nn&himask.storeb2c(blksz), C.MP.loadb(nn)&lomask
831 ktop = C.MP.loadb(E.encrypt(top))
832 stretch = (ktop << 8*blksz) | (ktop ^ (ktop << shift)&t2pw)
833 o = (stretch >> 8*blksz - bottom).storeb(blksz)
834 if VERBOSE:
835 print 'stretch = %s' % hex(stretch.storeb(2*blksz))
836 print 'Z[0] = %s' % hex(o)
838 return o
840 def ocb3enc(E, n, h, m, tsz = None):
841 blksz = E.__class__.blksz
842 if tsz is None: tsz = blksz
843 Lstar, Ldollar, Lgamma = ocb3_masks(E)
844 if VERBOSE: dump_ocb3(E)
846 ## Set things up.
847 o = ocb3nonce(E, n, tsz)
848 a =
850 ## Split the message into blocks.
851 i = 0
852 y = C.WriteBuffer()
853 v, tl = blocks0(m, blksz)
854 for x in v:
855 i += 1
856 b = ntz(i)
857 o ^= Lgamma[b]
858 a ^= x
859 if VERBOSE:
860 print 'Z[%d]: %d -> %s' % (i, b, hex(o))
861 print 'A[%d]: %s' % (i, hex(a))
862 y.put(E.encrypt(x ^ o) ^ o)
863 if tl:
864 o ^= Lstar
865 n = len(tl)
866 pad = E.encrypt(o)
867 a ^= pad10star(tl, blksz)
868 if VERBOSE:
869 print 'Z[%d]: * -> %s' % (i, hex(o))
870 print 'A[%d]: %s' % (i, hex(a))
871 y.put(tl ^ pad[0:n])
872 o ^= Ldollar
873 t = E.encrypt(a ^ o) ^ pmac3(E, h)
874 return C.ByteString(y), C.ByteString(t[:tsz])
876 def ocb3dec(E, n, h, y, t):
877 blksz = E.__class__.blksz
878 tsz = len(t)
879 Lstar, Ldollar, Lgamma = ocb3_masks(E)
880 if VERBOSE: dump_ocb3(E)
882 ## Set things up.
883 o = ocb3nonce(E, n, tsz)
884 a =
886 ## Split the message into blocks.
887 i = 0
888 m = C.WriteBuffer()
889 v, tl = blocks0(y, blksz)
890 for x in v:
891 i += 1
892 b = ntz(i)
893 o ^= Lgamma[b]
894 if VERBOSE:
895 print 'Z[%d]: %d -> %s' % (i, b, hex(o))
896 print 'A[%d]: %s' % (i, hex(a))
897 u = E.encrypt(x ^ o) ^ o
898 m.put(u)
899 a ^= u
900 if tl:
901 o ^= Lstar
902 n = len(tl)
903 pad = E.encrypt(o)
904 if VERBOSE:
905 print 'Z[%d]: * -> %s' % (i, hex(o))
906 print 'A[%d]: %s' % (i, hex(a))
907 u = tl ^ pad[0:n]
908 m.put(u)
909 a ^= pad10star(u, blksz)
910 o ^= Ldollar
911 u = E.encrypt(a ^ o) ^ pmac3(E, h)
912 if t == u[:tsz]: return C.ByteString(m),
913 else: return None,
915 def ocbgen(bc):
916 w = bc.blksz
917 return [(w, 0, 0), (w, 1, 0), (w, 0, 1),
918 (w, 0, 3*w),
919 (w, 3*w, 3*w),
920 (w, 0, 3*w + 5),
921 (w, 3*w - 5, 3*w + 5)]
923 def ocb3gen(bc):
924 w = bc.blksz
925 return [(w - 2, 0, 0), (w - 2, 1, 0), (w - 2, 0, 1),
926 (w - 5, 0, 3*w),
927 (w - 3, 3*w, 3*w),
928 (w - 2, 0, 3*w + 5),
929 (w - 2, 3*w - 5, 3*w + 5)]
931 def ocb3_mct(bc, ksz, tsz):
932 k = C.ByteString(C.WriteBuffer().zero(ksz - 4).putu32(8*tsz))
933 E = bc(k)
934 n = C.MP(1)
935 nw = bc.blksz - 4
936 cbuf = C.WriteBuffer()
937 for i in xrange(128):
938 s =
939 y, t = ocb3enc(E, n.storeb(nw), s, s, tsz); n += 1; cbuf.put(y).put(t)
940 y, t = ocb3enc(E, n.storeb(nw), EMPTY, s, tsz); n += 1; cbuf.put(y).put(t)
941 y, t = ocb3enc(E, n.storeb(nw), s, EMPTY, tsz); n += 1; cbuf.put(y).put(t)
942 _, t = ocb3enc(E, n.storeb(nw), C.ByteString(cbuf), EMPTY, tsz)
943 print hex(t)
945 def ocb3_mct2(bc):
946 k = C.bytes('000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f')
947 E = bc(k)
948 tsz = min(E.blksz, 32)
949 n = C.MP(1)
950 cbuf = C.WriteBuffer()
951 for i in xrange(128):
952 sbuf = C.WriteBuffer()
953 for j in xrange(i): sbuf.putu8(j)
954 s = C.ByteString(sbuf)
955 y, t = ocb3enc(E, n.storeb(2), s, s, tsz); n += 1; cbuf.put(y).put(t)
956 y, t = ocb3enc(E, n.storeb(2), EMPTY, s, tsz); n += 1; cbuf.put(y).put(t)
957 y, t = ocb3enc(E, n.storeb(2), s, EMPTY, tsz); n += 1; cbuf.put(y).put(t)
958 _, t = ocb3enc(E, n.storeb(2), C.ByteString(cbuf), EMPTY, tsz)
959 print hex(t)
961 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
962 ### Main program.
964 class struct (object):
965 def __init__(me, **kw):
966 me.__dict__.update(kw)
968 binarg = struct(mk = R.block, parse = C.bytes, show = safehex)
969 intarg = struct(mk = lambda x: x, parse = int, show = None)
971 MODEMAP = { 'eax-enc': (eaxgen, 3*[binarg] + [intarg], eaxenc),
972 'eax-dec': (dummygen, 4*[binarg], eaxdec),
973 'ccm-enc': (ccmgen, 3*[binarg] + [intarg], ccmenc),
974 'ccm-dec': (dummygen, 4*[binarg], ccmdec),
975 'cmac': (cmacgen, [binarg], cmac),
976 'gcm-enc': (gcmgen, 3*[binarg] + [intarg], gcmenc),
977 'gcm-dec': (dummygen, 4*[binarg], gcmdec),
978 'ocb1-enc': (ocbgen, 3*[binarg] + [intarg], ocb1enc),
979 'ocb1-dec': (dummygen, 4*[binarg], ocb1dec),
980 'ocb2-enc': (ocbgen, 3*[binarg] + [intarg], ocb2enc),
981 'ocb2-dec': (dummygen, 4*[binarg], ocb2dec),
982 'ocb3-enc': (ocb3gen, 3*[binarg] + [intarg], ocb3enc),
983 'ocb3-dec': (dummygen, 4*[binarg], ocb3dec),
984 'pmac1': (pmacgen, [binarg], pmac1_pub) }
986 mode = argv[1]
987 if len(argv) == 3 and mode == 'gcm-mul':
988 VERBOSE = False
989 nbits = int(argv[2])
990 gcm_mul_tests(nbits)
991 exit(0)
992 bc = None
993 for d in CUSTOM, C.gcprps:
994 try: bc = d[argv[2]]
995 except KeyError: pass
996 else: break
997 if bc is None: raise KeyError, argv[2]
998 if len(argv) == 5 and mode == 'ocb3-mct':
999 VERBOSE = False
1000 ksz, tsz = int(argv[3]), int(argv[4])
1001 ocb3_mct(bc, ksz, tsz)
1002 exit(0)
1003 if len(argv) == 3 and mode == 'ocb3-mct2':
1004 VERBOSE = False
1005 ocb3_mct2(bc)
1006 exit(0)
1007 if len(argv) == 3:
1008 VERBOSE = False
1009 gen, argty, func = MODEMAP[mode]
1010 if mode.endswith('-enc'): mode = mode[:-4]
1011 print '%s-%s {' % (, mode)
1012 for ksz in keylens(bc.keysz):
1013 for argvals in gen(bc):
1014 k = R.block(ksz)
1015 args = [ for t, a in izip(argty, argvals)]
1016 rets = func(bc(k), *args)
1017 print ' %s' % safehex(k)
1018 for t, a in izip(argty, args):
1019 if print ' %s' %
1020 for r, lastp in with_lastp(rets):
1021 print ' %s%s' % (safehex(r), lastp and ';' or '')
1022 print '}'
1023 else:
1024 VERBOSE = True
1025 k = C.bytes(argv[3])
1026 gen, argty, func = MODEMAP[mode]
1027 args = [t.parse(a) for t, a in izip(argty, argv[4:])]
1028 rets = func(bc(k), *args)
1029 for r in rets:
1030 if r is None: print "X"
1031 else: print hex(r)
1033 ###----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------