Add '.ext/cfd/' from commit '09d274abdda494424271ffff4f83ee5a58cb262e'
[catacomb] / math / ec-info.c
1 /* -*-c-*-
2 *
3 * Elliptic curve information management
4 *
5 * (c) 2004 Straylight/Edgeware
6 */
8 /*----- Licensing notice --------------------------------------------------*
9 *
10 * This file is part of Catacomb.
11 *
12 * Catacomb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
14 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
15 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
16 *
17 * Catacomb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
21 *
22 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
23 * License along with Catacomb; if not, write to the Free
24 * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
25 * MA 02111-1307, USA.
26 */
28 /*----- Header files ------------------------------------------------------*/
30 #include <mLib/darray.h>
32 #include "ec.h"
33 #include "ectab.h"
34 #include "gf.h"
35 #include "keysz.h"
36 #include "mpbarrett.h"
37 #include "pgen.h"
38 #include "primeiter.h"
39 #include "mprand.h"
40 #include "mpint.h"
41 #include "rabin.h"
43 /*----- Embedding degree checking -----------------------------------------*
44 *
45 * Let %$q = p^m$% be a prime power, and let %$E$% be an elliptic curve over
46 * %$\gf{q}$% with %$n = \#E(\gf{q}) = r h$% where %$r$% is prime. Then the
47 * Weil and Tate pairings can be used to map %$r$%-torsion points on
48 * %$E(\gf{q})$% onto the %$r$%-th roots of unity (i.e., the order-%$r$%
49 * subgroup) in an extension field %$\gf{p^k}$% of %$\gf{p}$% (%%\emph{not}%%
50 * of %$\gf{q}$% -- see [Hitt]). We call the smallest such %$k$% the
51 * %%\emph{embedding degree}%% of the curve %$E$%. The
52 * Menezes-Okamoto-Vanstone (MOV) attack solves the discrete log problem in
53 * %$E(\gf{q})$% by using the pairing and then applying index calculus to
54 * extract a discrete log in %$\gf{p^k}$%; obviously this only works if %$k$%
55 * is small enough.
56 *
57 * The usual check, suggested in, e.g., [P1363] or [SEC1], only covers
58 * extension fields %$\gf{q^\ell}$% of %$\gf{q}$%, which is fine when %$q$%
59 * is prime, but when we're dealing with binary fields it works less well.
60 * Indeed, as [Hitt] demonstrates, the embedding field can actually be
61 * %%\emph{smaller}%% than %$\gf{q}$%, and choosing %$m$% prime doesn't help
62 * (even though I previously thought it did).
63 *
64 * Define the %%\emph{embedding degree bound}%% %$B$% to be the smallest
65 * %$i$% such that discrete logs in %$\gf{p^i}$% are about as hard as in
66 * %$E(\gf{q})$%.
67 *
68 * The embedding group is a subgroup of the multiplicative group
69 * %$\gf{p^k}^*$% which contains %$p^k - 1$% elements; therefore we must have
70 * %$r \mid p^k - 1$%, or, equivalently, %$p^k \equiv 1 \pmod{r}$%.
71 *
72 * The recommended checking procedure, e.g., in [P1363], is just to check
73 * %$q^i \not\equiv 1 \pmod{r}$% for each %$0 < i < B$%. This is fast when
74 * you only consider extension fields of %$\gf{q}$%, since %$B$% is at most
75 * about 27. However, as noted above, this is inadequate when %$q$% is a
76 * prime power, and we must check all the extension fields of %$p$%. Now
77 * %$B$% can be about 15000, which is rather scarier -- we need a better
78 * algorithm.
79 *
80 * As noted, we must have %$p^k \equiv 1 \pmod{r}$%; but by minimality of
81 * %$k$%, we must have %$p^i \not\equiv 1 \pmod{r}$% for %$0 < i < k$%.
82 * Therefore %$p$% generates an order-%$k$% subgroup in %$\gf{r}^*$%, so we
83 * must have %$k \mid r - 1$%.
84 *
85 * Of course, factoring %$r - 1$% is a mug's game; but we're not interested
86 * in the complete factorization -- just the %$B$%-smooth portion. An
87 * algorithm suggests itself:
88 *
89 * 1. Extract the factors of %$r - 1$% which are less than %$B$%.
90 *
91 * 2. For each divisor %$d$% of %$r - 1$% less than %$B$% (which we can
92 * construct using this factorization), make sure that
93 * %$p^d \not\equiv 1 \pmod{r}$%.
94 *
95 * This takes a little while but not ever-so long.
96 *
97 * This is enough for cryptosystems based on the computational Diffie-
98 * Hellman problem to be secure. However, it's %%\emph{not}%% enough for the
99 * %%\emph{decisional}%% Diffie-Hellman problem to be hard; it appears we
100 * also need to hope that there aren't any suitable distortion maps with
101 * which one can solve the DDH problem. I don't know how to check for those
102 * at the moment.
103 *
104 * We'll take the subgroup order as indicative of the security level actually
105 * wanted. Then, to ensure security against the MOV attack, we must ensure
106 * that the embedding degree is sufficiently large that discrete logs in
107 * %$\gf{q^m}$% are at least as hard as discrete logs over the curve.
108 *
109 * We actually allow a small amount of slop in the conversions, in order to
110 * let people pick nice round numbers for their key lengths.
111 *
112 * References:
113 *
114 * [Hitt] L. Hitt, On an improved definition of embedding degree;
115 *
116 *
117 * [P1363] IEEE 1363-2000: Standard Specifications for Public Key
118 * Cryptography;
119 *
120 * [SEC1] SEC 1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography;
121 *
122 */
124 /* --- @movcheck@ --- *
125 *
126 * Arguments: @mp *r@ = curve subgroup order
127 * @mp *p@ = field characteristic
128 * @unsigned long B@ = embedding degree bound
129 *
130 * Returns: Zero if OK, nonzero if an embedding was found.
131 *
132 * Use: Checks a curve for embeddings with degree less than the
133 * stated bound %$B$%. See above for explanation and a
134 * description of the algorithm.
135 */
137 static int movcheck(mp *r, mp *p, unsigned long B)
138 {
139 mpmont mm;
140 mp *r1, *pp = MP_NEW, *t = MP_NEW, *u = MP_NEW, *v = MP_NEW, *tt;
141 struct factor {
142 unsigned long f;
143 unsigned c, e;
144 };
145 DA_DECL(factor_v, struct factor);
146 factor_v fv = DA_INIT;
147 size_t nf;
148 struct factor *ff;
149 primeiter pi;
150 mp *BB;
151 unsigned long d, f;
152 unsigned i, j;
153 int rc = 0;
155 /* --- Special case --- *
156 *
157 * If %$r = 2$% then (a) Montgomery reduction won't work, and (b) we have
158 * no security worth checking anyway. Otherwise we're guaranteed that
159 * %$r$% is a prime, so it must be odd.
160 */
162 if (MP_EQ(r, MP_TWO))
163 return (0);
165 /* --- First factor the %$B%-smooth portion of %$r - 1$% --- *
166 *
167 * We can generate prime numbers up to %$B$% efficiently, so trial division
168 * it is.
169 */
171 BB = mp_fromulong(MP_NEW, B);
172 r1 = mp_sub(MP_NEW, r, MP_ONE);
173 primeiter_create(&pi, 0);
174 for (;;) {
175 pp = primeiter_next(&pi, pp);
176 if (MP_CMP(pp, >, BB))
177 break;
178 mp_div(&u, &v, r1, pp);
179 if (!MP_ZEROP(v))
180 continue;
181 i = 0;
182 do {
183 tt = r1; r1 = u; u = tt; i++;
184 mp_div(&u, &v, r1, pp);
185 } while (MP_ZEROP(v));
186 DA_ENSURE(&fv, 1);
187 DA_UNSAFE_EXTEND(&fv, 1);
188 DA_LAST(&fv).f = mp_toulong(pp);
189 DA_LAST(&fv).e = i;
190 DA_LAST(&fv).c = 0;
191 }
192 MP_DROP(BB); MP_DROP(pp); primeiter_destroy(&pi);
193 nf = DA_LEN(&fv); ff = DA(&fv);
195 /* --- Now generate divisors of %$r - 1$% less than %$B$% --- *
196 *
197 * For each divisor %$d$%, check whether %$p^d \equiv 1 \pmod{r}$%.
198 */
200 mpmont_create(&mm, r);
201 u = mpmont_mul(&mm, u, p, mm.r2);
202 for (;;) {
204 /* --- Construct the divisor --- */
206 d = 1;
207 for (i = 0; i < nf; i++) {
208 f = ff[i].f; j = ff[i].c; if (!j) continue;
209 for (;;) {
210 if (f >= (B + d - 1)/d) goto toobig;
211 if (j & 1) d *= f;
212 j >>= 1; if (!j) break;
213 f *= f;
214 }
215 }
216 v = mp_fromulong(v, d);
218 /* --- Compute %$p^k \bmod r$% and check --- */
220 t = mpmont_expr(&mm, t, u, v);
221 if (MP_EQ(t, mm.r)) {
222 rc = -1;
223 break;
224 }
226 /* --- Step the divisors along --- */
228 toobig:
229 for (i = 0; i < nf; i++) {
230 if (ff[i].c < ff[i].e) {
231 ff[i].c++;
232 goto more;
233 }
234 ff[i].c = 0;
235 }
236 break;
237 more:;
238 }
240 /* --- Clear away the debris --- */
242 mpmont_destroy(&mm);
243 MP_DROP(t); MP_DROP(u); MP_DROP(v); MP_DROP(r1);
244 DA_DESTROY(&fv);
245 return (rc);
246 }
248 /*----- Main code ---------------------------------------------------------*/
250 /* --- @ec_curveparse@ --- *
251 *
252 * Arguments: @qd_parse *qd@ = parser context
253 *
254 * Returns: Elliptic curve pointer if OK, or null.
255 *
256 * Use: Parses an elliptic curve description, which has the form
257 *
258 * * a field description
259 * * an optional `;'
260 * * `prime', `primeproj', `bin', or `binproj'
261 * * an optional `:'
262 * * the %$a$% parameter
263 * * an optional `,'
264 * * the %$b$% parameter
265 */
267 ec_curve *ec_curveparse(qd_parse *qd)
268 {
269 mp *a = MP_NEW, *b = MP_NEW;
270 ec_curve *c;
271 field *f;
273 if ((f = field_parse(qd)) == 0) goto fail;
274 qd_delim(qd, ';');
275 switch (qd_enum(qd, "prime,primeproj,bin,binproj")) {
276 case 0:
277 if (F_TYPE(f) != FTY_PRIME) {
278 qd->e = "field not prime";
279 goto fail;
280 }
281 qd_delim(qd, ':');
282 if ((a = qd_getmp(qd)) == 0) goto fail;
283 qd_delim(qd, ',');
284 if ((b = qd_getmp(qd)) == 0) goto fail;
285 c = ec_prime(f, a, b);
286 break;
287 case 1:
288 if (F_TYPE(f) != FTY_PRIME) {
289 qd->e = "field not prime";
290 goto fail;
291 }
292 qd_delim(qd, ':');
293 if ((a = qd_getmp(qd)) == 0) goto fail;
294 qd_delim(qd, ',');
295 if ((b = qd_getmp(qd)) == 0) goto fail;
296 c = ec_primeproj(f, a, b);
297 break;
298 case 2:
299 if (F_TYPE(f) != FTY_BINARY) {
300 qd->e = "field not binary";
301 goto fail;
302 }
303 qd_delim(qd, ':');
304 if ((a = qd_getmp(qd)) == 0) goto fail;
305 qd_delim(qd, ',');
306 if ((b = qd_getmp(qd)) == 0) goto fail;
307 c = ec_bin(f, a, b);
308 break;
309 case 3:
310 if (F_TYPE(f) != FTY_BINARY) {
311 qd->e = "field not binary";
312 goto fail;
313 }
314 qd_delim(qd, ':');
315 if ((a = qd_getmp(qd)) == 0) goto fail;
316 qd_delim(qd, ',');
317 if ((b = qd_getmp(qd)) == 0) goto fail;
318 c = ec_binproj(f, a, b);
319 break;
320 default:
321 goto fail;
322 }
323 if (!c) {
324 qd->e = "bad curve parameters";
325 goto fail;
326 }
327 if (a) MP_DROP(a);
328 if (b) MP_DROP(b);
329 return (c);
331 fail:
332 if (f) F_DESTROY(f);
333 if (a) MP_DROP(a);
334 if (b) MP_DROP(b);
335 return (0);
336 }
338 /* --- @ec_ptparse@ --- *
339 *
340 * Arguments: @qd_parse *qd@ = parser context
341 * @ec *p@ = where to put the point
342 *
343 * Returns: The point address, or null.
344 *
345 * Use: Parses an elliptic curve point. This has the form
346 *
347 * * %$x$%-coordinate
348 * * optional `,'
349 * * %$y$%-coordinate
350 */
352 ec *ec_ptparse(qd_parse *qd, ec *p)
353 {
354 mp *x = MP_NEW, *y = MP_NEW;
356 if (qd_enum(qd, "inf") >= 0) {
357 EC_SETINF(p);
358 return (p);
359 }
360 if ((x = qd_getmp(qd)) == 0) goto fail;
361 qd_delim(qd, ',');
362 if ((y = qd_getmp(qd)) == 0) goto fail;
363 EC_DESTROY(p);
364 p->x = x;
365 p->y = y;
366 p->z = 0;
367 return (p);
369 fail:
370 if (x) MP_DROP(x);
371 if (y) MP_DROP(y);
372 return (0);
373 }
375 /* --- @ec_infofromdata@ --- *
376 *
377 * Arguments: @ec_info *ei@ = where to write the information
378 * @ecdata *ed@ = raw data
379 *
380 * Returns: ---
381 *
382 * Use: Loads elliptic curve information about one of the standard
383 * curves.
384 */
386 void ec_infofromdata(ec_info *ei, ecdata *ed)
387 {
388 field *f;
390 switch (ed->ftag) {
391 case FTAG_PRIME:
392 f = field_prime(&ed->p);
393 ei->c = ec_primeproj(f, &ed->a, &ed->b);
394 break;
396 f = field_niceprime(&ed->p);
397 ei->c = ec_primeproj(f, &ed->a, &ed->b);
398 break;
399 case FTAG_BINPOLY:
400 f = field_binpoly(&ed->p);
401 ei->c = ec_binproj(f, &ed->a, &ed->b);
402 break;
403 case FTAG_BINNORM:
404 f = field_binnorm(&ed->p, &ed->beta);
405 ei->c = ec_binproj(f, &ed->a, &ed->b);
406 break;
407 default:
408 abort();
409 }
411 assert(f); assert(ei->c);
412 EC_CREATE(&ei->g); ei->g.x = &ed->gx; ei->g.y = &ed->gy; ei->g.z = 0;
413 ei->r = &ed->r; ei->h = &ed->h;
414 }
416 /* --- @ec_infoparse@ --- *
417 *
418 * Arguments: @qd_parse *qd@ = parser context
419 * @ec_info *ei@ = curve information block, currently
420 * uninitialized
421 *
422 * Returns: Zero on success, nonzero on failure.
423 *
424 * Use: Parses an elliptic curve information string, and stores the
425 * information in @ei@. This is either the name of a standard
426 * curve, or it has the form
427 *
428 * * elliptic curve description
429 * * optional `;'
430 * * common point
431 * * optional `:'
432 * * group order
433 * * optional `*'
434 * * cofactor
435 */
437 int ec_infoparse(qd_parse *qd, ec_info *ei)
438 {
439 ec_curve *c = 0;
440 field *f;
441 ec g = EC_INIT;
442 const ecentry *ee;
443 mp *r = MP_NEW, *h = MP_NEW;
445 for (ee = ectab; ee->name; ee++) {
446 if (qd_enum(qd, ee->name) >= 0) {
447 ec_infofromdata(ei, ee->data);
448 goto found;
449 }
450 }
452 if ((c = ec_curveparse(qd)) == 0) goto fail;
453 qd_delim(qd, ';'); if (!ec_ptparse(qd, &g)) goto fail;
454 qd_delim(qd, ':'); if ((r = qd_getmp(qd)) == 0) goto fail;
455 qd_delim(qd, '*'); if ((h = qd_getmp(qd)) == 0) goto fail;
456 ei->c = c; ei->g = g; ei->r = r; ei->h = h;
458 found:
459 return (0);
461 fail:
462 EC_DESTROY(&g);
463 if (r) MP_DROP(r);
464 if (h) MP_DROP(h);
465 if (c) { f = c->f; ec_destroycurve(c); F_DESTROY(f); }
466 return (-1);
467 }
469 /* --- @ec_getinfo@ --- *
470 *
471 * Arguments: @ec_info *ei@ = where to write the information
472 * @const char *p@ = string describing a curve
473 *
474 * Returns: Null on success, or a pointer to an error message.
475 *
476 * Use: Parses out information about a curve. The string is either a
477 * standard curve name, or a curve info string.
478 */
480 const char *ec_getinfo(ec_info *ei, const char *p)
481 {
482 qd_parse qd;
484 qd.p = p;
485 qd.e = 0;
486 if (ec_infoparse(&qd, ei))
487 return (qd.e);
488 if (!qd_eofp(&qd)) {
489 ec_freeinfo(ei);
490 return ("junk found at end of string");
491 }
492 return (0);
493 }
495 /* --- @ec_sameinfop@ --- *
496 *
497 * Arguments: @const ec_info *ei, *ej@ = two elliptic curve parameter sets
498 *
499 * Returns: Nonzero if the curves are identical (not just isomorphic).
500 *
501 * Use: Checks for sameness of curve parameters.
502 */
504 int ec_sameinfop(const ec_info *ei, const ec_info *ej)
505 {
506 return (ec_samep(ei->c, ej->c) &&
507 MP_EQ(ei->r, ej->r) && MP_EQ(ei->h, ej->h) &&
508 EC_EQ(&ei->g, &ej->g));
509 }
511 /* --- @ec_freeinfo@ --- *
512 *
513 * Arguments: @ec_info *ei@ = elliptic curve information block to free
514 *
515 * Returns: ---
516 *
517 * Use: Frees the information block.
518 */
520 void ec_freeinfo(ec_info *ei)
521 {
522 field *f;
524 EC_DESTROY(&ei->g);
525 MP_DROP(ei->r);
526 MP_DROP(ei->h);
527 f = ei->c->f; ec_destroycurve(ei->c); F_DESTROY(f);
528 }
530 /* --- @ec_checkinfo@ --- *
531 *
532 * Arguments: @const ec_info *ei@ = elliptic curve information block
533 *
534 * Returns: Null if OK, or pointer to error message.
535 *
536 * Use: Checks an elliptic curve according to the rules in SEC1.
537 */
539 static const char *gencheck(const ec_info *ei, grand *gr, mp *q, mp *ch)
540 {
541 ec_curve *c = ei->c;
542 unsigned long qmbits, rbits, cbits, B;
543 mp *qq;
544 mp *nn;
545 mp *x, *y;
546 ec p;
547 int rc;
549 /* --- Check curve isn't anomalous --- */
551 if (MP_EQ(ei->r, q)) return ("curve is anomalous");
553 /* --- Check %$G \in E \setminus \{ 0 \}$% --- */
555 if (EC_ATINF(&ei->g)) return ("generator at infinity");
556 if (ec_check(c, &ei->g)) return ("generator not on curve");
558 /* --- Check %$r$% is prime --- */
560 if (!pgen_primep(ei->r, gr)) return ("generator order not prime");
562 /* --- Check that the cofactor is correct --- *
563 *
564 * Let %$q$% be the size of the field, and let %$n = h r = \#E(\gf{q})$% be
565 * the number of %$\gf{q}$%-rational points on our curve. Hasse's theorem
566 * tells us that
567 *
568 * %$|q + 1 - n| \le 2\sqrt{q}$%
569 *
570 * or, if we square both sides,
571 *
572 * %$(q + 1 - n)^2 \le 4 q$%.
573 *
574 * We'd like the cofactor to be uniquely determined by this equation, which
575 * is possible as long as it's not too big. (If it is, we have to mess
576 * about with Weil pairings, which is no fun.) For this, we need the
577 * following inequalities:
578 *
579 * * %$A = (q + 1 - n)^2 \le 4 q$% (both lower and upper bounds from
580 * Hasse's theorem);
581 *
582 * * %$B = (q + 1 - n - r)^2 > 4 q$% (check %$h - 1$% isn't possible);
583 * and
584 *
585 * * %$C = (q + 1 - n + r)^2 > 4 q$% (check %$h + 1$% isn't possible).
586 */
588 rc = 1;
589 qq = mp_add(MP_NEW, q, MP_ONE);
590 nn = mp_mul(MP_NEW, ei->r, ei->h);
591 nn = mp_sub(nn, qq, nn);
592 qq = mp_lsl(qq, q, 2);
594 y = mp_sqr(MP_NEW, nn);
595 if (MP_CMP(y, >, qq)) rc = 0;
597 x = mp_sub(MP_NEW, nn, ei->r);
598 y = mp_sqr(y, x);
599 if (MP_CMP(y, <=, qq)) rc = 0;
601 x = mp_add(x, nn, ei->r);
602 y = mp_sqr(y, x);
603 if (MP_CMP(y, <=, qq)) rc = 0;
605 MP_DROP(x);
606 MP_DROP(y);
607 MP_DROP(nn);
608 MP_DROP(qq);
609 if (!rc) return ("incorrect or ambiguous cofactor");
611 /* --- Check %$n G = 0$% --- */
613 EC_CREATE(&p);
614 ec_mul(c, &p, &ei->g, ei->r);
615 rc = EC_ATINF(&p);
616 EC_DESTROY(&p);
617 if (!rc) return ("incorrect group order");
619 /* --- Check the embedding degree --- */
621 rbits = mp_bits(ei->r);
622 cbits = mp_bits(ch);
623 qmbits = keysz_todl(keysz_fromec(rbits * 7/8));
624 B = (qmbits + cbits - 1)/cbits;
625 if (movcheck(ei->r, ch, B))
626 return("curve embedding degree too low");
628 /* --- Done --- */
630 return (0);
631 }
633 static int primeeltp(mp *x, field *f)
634 { return (!MP_NEGP(x) && MP_CMP(x, <, f->m)); }
636 static const char *primecheck(const ec_info *ei, grand *gr)
637 {
638 ec_curve *c = ei->c;
639 field *f = c->f;
640 mp *x, *y;
641 int rc;
642 const char *err;
644 /* --- Check %$p$% is an odd prime --- */
646 if (!pgen_primep(f->m, gr)) return ("p not prime");
648 /* --- Check %$a$%, %$b$%, %$G_x$% and %$G_y$% are in %$[0, p)$% --- */
650 if (!primeeltp(c->a, f)) return ("a out of range");
651 if (!primeeltp(c->b, f)) return ("b out of range");
652 if (!primeeltp(ei->g.x, f)) return ("G_x out of range");
653 if (!primeeltp(ei->g.x, f)) return ("G_y out of range");
655 /* --- Check %$4 a^3 + 27 b^2 \not\equiv 0 \pmod{p}$% --- */
657 x = F_SQR(f, MP_NEW, c->a);
658 x = F_MUL(f, x, x, c->a);
659 x = F_QDL(f, x, x);
660 y = F_SQR(f, MP_NEW, c->b);
661 y = F_TPL(f, y, y);
662 y = F_TPL(f, y, y);
663 y = F_TPL(f, y, y);
664 x = F_ADD(f, x, x, y);
665 rc = F_ZEROP(f, x);
666 MP_DROP(x);
667 MP_DROP(y);
668 if (rc) return ("not an elliptic curve");
670 /* --- Now do the general checks --- */
672 err = gencheck(ei, gr, f->m, f->m);
673 return (err);
674 }
676 static const char *bincheck(const ec_info *ei, grand *gr)
677 {
678 ec_curve *c = ei->c;
679 field *f = c->f;
680 mp *x;
681 int rc;
682 const char *err;
684 /* --- Check that %$m$% is prime --- */
686 x = mp_fromuint(MP_NEW, f->nbits);
687 rc = pfilt_smallfactor(x);
688 mp_drop(x);
689 if (rc != PGEN_DONE) return ("degree not prime");
691 /* --- Check that %$p$% is irreducible --- */
693 if (!gf_irreduciblep(f->m)) return ("p not irreducible");
695 /* --- Check that %$a, b, G_x, G_y$% have degree less than %$p$% --- */
697 if (mp_bits(c->a) > f->nbits) return ("a out of range");
698 if (mp_bits(c->b) > f->nbits) return ("a out of range");
699 if (mp_bits(ei->g.x) > f->nbits) return ("G_x out of range");
700 if (mp_bits(ei->g.y) > f->nbits) return ("G_y out of range");
702 /* --- Check that %$b \ne 0$% --- */
704 if (F_ZEROP(f, c->b)) return ("b is zero");
706 /* --- Now do the general checks --- */
708 x = mp_lsl(MP_NEW, MP_ONE, f->nbits);
709 err = gencheck(ei, gr, x, MP_TWO);
710 mp_drop(x);
711 return (err);
712 }
714 const char *ec_checkinfo(const ec_info *ei, grand *gr)
715 {
716 switch (F_TYPE(ei->c->f)) {
717 case FTY_PRIME: return (primecheck(ei, gr)); break;
718 case FTY_BINARY: return (bincheck(ei, gr)); break;
719 }
720 return ("unknown curve type");
721 }
723 /*----- Test rig ----------------------------------------------------------*/
725 #ifdef TEST_RIG
727 #include "fibrand.h"
729 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
730 {
731 const ecentry *ee;
732 const char *e;
733 int ok = 1;
734 int i;
735 grand *gr;
737 gr = fibrand_create(0);
738 if (argc > 1) {
739 for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
740 ec_info ei;
741 if ((e = ec_getinfo(&ei, argv[i])) != 0)
742 fprintf(stderr, "bad curve spec `%s': %s\n", argv[i], e);
743 else {
744 e = ec_checkinfo(&ei, gr);
745 ec_freeinfo(&ei);
746 if (!e)
747 printf("OK %s\n", argv[i]);
748 else {
749 printf("BAD %s: %s\n", argv[i], e);
750 ok = 0;
751 }
752 }
753 assert(mparena_count(MPARENA_GLOBAL) == 0);
754 }
755 } else {
756 fputs("checking standard curves:", stdout);
757 fflush(stdout);
758 for (ee = ectab; ee->name; ee++) {
759 ec_info ei;
760 ec_infofromdata(&ei, ee->data);
761 e = ec_checkinfo(&ei, gr);
762 ec_freeinfo(&ei);
763 if (e) {
764 printf(" [%s fails: %s]", ee->name, e);
765 ok = 0;
766 } else
767 printf(" %s", ee->name);
768 fflush(stdout);
769 assert(mparena_count(MPARENA_GLOBAL) == 0);
770 }
771 fputs(ok ? " ok\n" : " failed\n", stdout);
772 }
773 gr->ops->destroy(gr);
774 return (!ok);
775 }
777 #endif
779 /*----- That's all, folks -------------------------------------------------*/