rand/rand.c: Mix the pool key in `rand_gate' and `rand_stretch'.
[catacomb] / symm / salsa20-tvconv
1 #! /usr/bin/perl
3 $s = undef;
4 $what = undef;
5 $sep = "\n";
6 while (<>) {
7 if (/^Primitive Name: (.*)$/) {
8 print $sep, lc $1, " {\n";
9 $sep = "}\n\n";
10 }
11 next unless /^ /;
12 @f = split;
13 if (@f == 3 && $f[1] == "=") {
14 if (defined $s) {
15 die "not a block boundary" if $pos % 64;
16 $hp = sprintf "%016x", $pos/64;
17 print " $k\n $n $hp 0 \"\"\n $s;\n";
18 undef $s;
19 undef $what;
20 }
21 if ($f[0] eq "key") { $k = lc $f[2]; $what = \$k; }
22 elsif ($f[0] eq "IV") { $n = lc $f[2]; }
23 elsif ($f[0] =~ /^stream\[(\d+)\.\.(\d+)]$/) {
24 $pos = $1;
25 $s = lc $f[2];
26 $what = \$s;
27 }
28 } elsif (@f == 1) {
29 if (defined $what) { $$what .= lc $f[0]; }
30 } else {
31 die "incomprehensible line";
32 }
33 }
34 print $sep;