math/pgen.c: Have `steps' and `tests' count down as documented.
[catacomb] / math / mp-nthrt.c
1 /* -*-c-*-
2 *
3 * Calculating %$n$%th roots
4 *
5 * (c) 2020 Straylight/Edgeware
6 */
8 /*----- Licensing notice --------------------------------------------------*
9 *
10 * This file is part of Catacomb.
11 *
12 * Catacomb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
13 * under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published
14 * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 * (at your option) any later version.
16 *
17 * Catacomb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 * Library General Public License for more details.
21 *
22 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
23 * License along with Catacomb. If not, write to the Free Software
24 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
25 * USA.
26 */
28 /*----- Header files ------------------------------------------------------*/
30 #include "mp.h"
31 #include "mpint.h"
32 #include "mplimits.h"
33 #include "primeiter.h"
35 /*----- Main code ---------------------------------------------------------*/
37 /* --- @mp_nthrt@ --- *
38 *
39 * Arguments: @mp *d@ = fake destination
40 * @mp *a@ = an integer
41 * @mp *n@ = a strictly positive integer
42 * @int *exectp_out@ = set nonzero if an exact solution is found
43 *
44 * Returns: The integer %$\bigl\lfloor \sqrt[n]{a} \bigr\rfloor$%.
45 *
46 * Use: Return an approximation to the %$n$%th root of %$a$%.
47 * Specifically, it returns the largest integer %$x$% such that
48 * %$x^n \le a$%. If %$x^n = a$% then @*exactp_out@ is set
49 * nonzero; otherwise it is set zero. (If @exactp_out@ is null
50 * then this information is discarded.)
51 *
52 * The exponent %$n$% must be strictly positive: it's not clear
53 * to me what the right answer is for %$n \le 0$%. If %$a$% is
54 * negative then %$n$% must be odd; otherwise there is no real
55 * solution.
56 */
58 mp *mp_nthrt(mp *d, mp *a, mp *n, int *exactp_out)
59 {
60 /* We want to find %$x$% such that %$x^n = a$%. Newton--Raphson says we
61 * start with a guess %$x_i$%, and refine it to a better guess %$x_{i+1}$%
62 * which is where the tangent to the curve %$y = x^n - a$% at %$x = x_i$%
63 * meets the %$x$%-axis. The tangent meets the curve at
64 * %($x_i, x_i^n - a)$%, and has gradient %$n x_i^{n-1}$%, and hence meets
65 * the %$x$%-axis at %$x_{i+1} = x_i - (x_i^n - a)/(n x_i^{n-1})$%.
66 *
67 * We're working with plain integers here, and we actually want
68 * %$\lfloor x \rfloor$%. We can check that we're close enough because
69 * %$x^n$% is monotonic for positive %$x$%: if %$x_i^n > a$% then we're too
70 * large; if %$(xi + i)^n \le a$% then we're too small; otherwise we're
71 * done.
72 */
74 mp *ai = MP_NEW, *bi = MP_NEW, *xi = MP_NEW,
75 *nm1 = MP_NEW, *delta = MP_NEW;
76 int cmp;
77 unsigned f = 0;
78 #define f_neg 1u
80 /* Firstly, deal with a zero or negative %$xa%. */
81 if (!MP_NEGP(a))
82 MP_COPY(a);
83 else {
84 assert(MP_ODDP(n));
85 f |= f_neg;
86 a = mp_neg(MP_NEW, a);
87 }
89 /* Secondly, reject %$n \le 0$%.
90 *
91 * Clearly %$x^0 = 1$% for nonzero %$x$%, so if %$a$% is zero then we could
92 * return anything, but maybe %$1$% for concreteness; but what do we return
93 * for %$a \ne 1$%? For %$n < 0$% there's just no hope.
94 */
95 assert(MP_POSP(n));
97 /* Pick a starting point. This is rather important to get right. In
98 * particular, for large %$n$%, if our initial guess is too small, then the
99 * next iteration is a wild overestimate and it takes a long time to
100 * converge back.
101 */
102 nm1 = mp_sub(nm1, n, MP_ONE);
103 xi = mp_fromulong(xi, mp_bits(a));
104 xi = mp_add(xi, xi, nm1); mp_div(&xi, 0, xi, n);
105 assert(MP_CMP(xi, <=, MP_ULONG_MAX));
106 xi = mp_setbit(xi, MP_ZERO, mp_toulong(xi));
108 /* The main iteration. */
109 for (;;) {
110 ai = mp_exp(ai, xi, n);
111 bi = mp_add(bi, xi, MP_ONE); bi = mp_exp(bi, bi, n);
112 cmp = mp_cmp(ai, a);
113 if (cmp <= 0 && MP_CMP(a, <, bi)) break;
114 ai = mp_sub(ai, ai, a);
115 bi = mp_exp(bi, xi, nm1); bi = mp_mul(bi, bi, n);
116 mp_div(&delta, 0, ai, bi);
117 if (MP_ZEROP(delta) && cmp > 0) xi = mp_sub(xi, xi, MP_ONE);
118 else xi = mp_sub(xi, xi, delta);
119 }
121 /* Final sorting out of negative inputs.
122 *
123 * If the input %$a$% is not an exact %$n$%th root, then we must round
124 * %%\emph{up}%% so that, after negation, we implement the correct floor
125 * behaviour.
126 */
127 if (f&f_neg) {
128 if (cmp) xi = mp_add(xi, xi, MP_ONE);
129 xi = mp_neg(xi, xi);
130 }
132 /* Free up the temporary things. */
133 MP_DROP(a); MP_DROP(ai); MP_DROP(bi);
134 MP_DROP(nm1); MP_DROP(delta); mp_drop(d);
136 /* Done. */
137 if (exactp_out) *exactp_out = (cmp == 0);
138 return (xi);
140 #undef f_neg
141 }
143 /* --- @mp_perfect_power_p@ --- *
144 *
145 * Arguments: @mp **x@ = where to write the base
146 * @mp **n@ = where to write the exponent
147 * @mp *a@ = an integer
148 *
149 * Returns: Nonzero if %$a$% is a perfect power.
150 *
151 * Use: Returns whether an integer %$a$% is a perfect power, i.e.,
152 * whether it can be written in the form %$a = x^n$% where
153 * %$|x| > 1$% and %$n > 1$% are integers. If this is possible,
154 * then (a) store %$x$% and the largest such %$n$% in @*x@ and
155 * @*n@, and return nonzero; otherwise, store %$x = a$% and
156 * %$n = 1$% and return zero. (Either @x@ or @n@, or both, may
157 * be null to discard these outputs.)
158 *
159 * Note that %$-1$%, %$0$% and %$1$% are not considered perfect
160 * powers by this definition. (The exponent is not well-defined
161 * in these cases, but it seemed better to implement a function
162 * which worked for all integers.) Note also that %$-4$% is not
163 * a perfect power since it has no real square root.
164 */
166 int mp_perfect_power_p(mp **x, mp **n, mp *a)
167 {
168 mp *r = MP_ONE, *p = MP_NEW, *t = MP_NEW;
169 int exactp, rc = 0;
170 primeiter pi;
171 unsigned f = 0;
172 #define f_neg 1u
174 /* Initial setup. We'll modify @a@ as we go, so we have to destroy it when
175 * we're done; therefore we should take a copy now.
176 */
177 MP_COPY(a);
179 /* According to the definition above, @0@ is %%\emph{not}%% a perfect
180 * power. Dispose of this special case early.
181 */
182 if (MP_ZEROP(a)) goto done;
184 /* Start by initializing a prime iterator. If %$a$% is negative, then it
185 * can't be an even power so start iterating at 3; otherwise we must start
186 * with 2.
187 */
188 primeiter_create(&pi, MP_NEGP(a) ? MP_THREE : MP_TWO);
189 if (MP_NEGP(a)) { a = mp_neg(a, a); f |= f_neg; }
191 /* Prime the pump for the main loop. */
192 p = primeiter_next(&pi, p);
194 /* Here we go. */
195 for (;;) {
197 /* See if %$a$% is a perfect %$p$%th power. */
198 t = mp_nthrt(t, a, p, &exactp);
199 if (MP_EQ(t, MP_ONE))
200 /* No, and moreover %$2^p > a$%. We won't get anywhere by examining
201 * larger primes, so stop here.
202 */
203 break;
205 else if (!exactp)
206 /* No. Oh, well: let's try the next prime, then. */
208 p = primeiter_next(&pi, p);
209 else {
210 /* Yes! We've found that %$a = a'^p$% for some %$a'$%. We know
211 * (induction) that %$a'$% is not a perfect %$q$%th power for any prime
212 * %$q < p$%, so we can write %$a = x^n$% if and only if we can write
213 * %$a' = x'^{n'}$%, in which case we have %$a = a'^p = x'^{p n'}$%.
214 */
215 r = mp_mul(r, r, p);
216 MP_DROP(a); a = t; t = MP_NEW;
217 rc = 1;
218 }
219 }
221 /* We're all done. */
222 primeiter_destroy(&pi);
224 done:
225 /* Return the resulting decomposition. */
226 if (x) { mp_drop(*x); *x = f&f_neg ? mp_neg(a, a) : a; a = 0; }
227 if (n) { mp_drop(*n); *n = r; r = 0; }
229 /* Clean everything up. */
230 mp_drop(a); mp_drop(p); mp_drop(r); mp_drop(t);
232 /* All done. */
233 return (rc);
235 #undef f_neg
236 }
238 /*----- Test rig ----------------------------------------------------------*/
240 #ifdef TEST_RIG
242 #include <mLib/testrig.h>
244 static int vrf_nthrt(dstr *v)
245 {
246 mp *a = *(mp **)v[0].buf;
247 mp *n = *(mp **)v[1].buf;
248 mp *r0 = *(mp **)v[2].buf;
249 int exactp0 = *(int *)v[3].buf, exactp;
250 mp *r = mp_nthrt(MP_NEW, a, n, &exactp);
251 int ok = 1;
253 if (!MP_EQ(r, r0) || exactp != exactp0) {
254 ok = 0;
255 fputs("\n*** nthrt failed", stderr);
256 fputs("\n*** a = ", stderr); mp_writefile(a, stderr, 10);
257 fputs("\n*** n = ", stderr); mp_writefile(n, stderr, 10);
258 fputs("\n*** r calc = ", stderr); mp_writefile(r, stderr, 10);
259 fprintf(stderr, "\n*** ex calc = %d", exactp);
260 fputs("\n*** r exp = ", stderr); mp_writefile(r0, stderr, 10);
261 fprintf(stderr, "\n*** ex exp = %d", exactp0);
262 fputc('\n', stderr);
263 }
265 mp_drop(a); mp_drop(n); mp_drop(r); mp_drop(r0);
266 assert(mparena_count(MPARENA_GLOBAL) == 0);
268 return (ok);
269 }
271 static int vrf_ppp(dstr *v)
272 {
273 mp *a = *(mp **)v[0].buf;
274 int ret0 = *(int *)v[1].buf;
275 mp *x0 = *(mp **)v[2].buf;
276 mp *n0 = *(mp **)v[3].buf;
277 mp *x = MP_NEW, *n = MP_NEW;
278 int ret = mp_perfect_power_p(&x, &n, a);
279 int ok = 1;
281 if (ret != ret0 || !MP_EQ(x, x0) || !MP_EQ(n, n0)) {
282 ok = 0;
283 fputs("\n*** perfect_power_p failed", stderr);
284 fputs("\n*** a = ", stderr); mp_writefile(a, stderr, 10);
285 fprintf(stderr, "\n*** r calc = %d", ret);
286 fputs("\n*** x calc = ", stderr); mp_writefile(x, stderr, 10);
287 fputs("\n*** n calc = ", stderr); mp_writefile(n, stderr, 10);
288 fprintf(stderr, "\n*** r exp = %d", ret0);
289 fputs("\n*** x exp = ", stderr); mp_writefile(x0, stderr, 10);
290 fputs("\n*** n exp = ", stderr); mp_writefile(n0, stderr, 10);
291 fputc('\n', stderr);
292 }
294 mp_drop(a); mp_drop(x); mp_drop(n); mp_drop(x0); mp_drop(n0);
295 assert(mparena_count(MPARENA_GLOBAL) == 0);
297 return (ok);
298 }
300 static test_chunk tests[] = {
301 { "nthrt", vrf_nthrt, { &type_mp, &type_mp, &type_mp, &type_int, 0 } },
302 { "perfect-power-p", vrf_ppp, { &type_mp, &type_int, &type_mp, &type_mp, 0 } },
303 { 0, 0, { 0 } },
304 };
306 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
307 {
308 sub_init();
309 test_run(argc, argv, tests, SRCDIR "/t/mp");
310 return (0);
311 }
313 #endif
315 /*----- That's all, folks -------------------------------------------------*/