math/mp-sqrt.c, math/pgen-granfrob.c: Publish `squarep' function.
[catacomb] / symm / multigen
1 #! @PYTHON@
2 ###
3 ### Generate files by filling in simple templates
4 ###
5 ### (c) 2013 Straylight/Edgeware
6 ###
8 ###----- Licensing notice ---------------------------------------------------
9 ###
10 ### This file is part of Catacomb.
11 ###
12 ### Catacomb is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 ### it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
14 ### published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
15 ### License, or (at your option) any later version.
16 ###
17 ### Catacomb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 ### GNU Library General Public License for more details.
21 ###
22 ### You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
23 ### License along with Catacomb; if not, write to the Free
24 ### Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
25 ### MA 02111-1307, USA.
27 from __future__ import with_statement
29 import itertools as IT
30 import optparse as OP
31 import os as OS
32 import re as RX
33 import sys as SYS
34 if SYS.version_info >= (3,): from io import StringIO
35 else: from cStringIO import StringIO
36 from sys import argv, exit, stderr
38 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 ### Utilities.
41 QUIS = OS.path.basename(argv[0]) # Program name, for use in errors.
43 def die(msg):
44 """Report MSG as a fatal error, and exit."""
45 stderr.write('%s: %s\n' % (QUIS, msg))
46 exit(1)
48 def indexed(seq):
49 """
50 Generate pairs (I, X), where I counts from zero and X are the items of SEQ.
51 """
52 return IT.izip(IT.count(), seq)
54 if SYS.version_info >= (3,):
55 def func_name(func): return func.__name__
56 IT.izip = zip
57 else:
58 def func_name(func): return func.func_name
60 try: next
61 except NameError:
62 def next(obj): return
64 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
65 ### Reading the input values.
67 ## Map column names to (Relation, # index) pairs.
68 COLMAP = {}
70 class Cursor (object):
71 """
72 A Cursor object keeps track of an iteration through a Relation.
74 At any time, the Cursor has a `current' row; the individual cells of this
75 row may be retrieved using Python's standard indexing operator. The `step'
76 method advances to the next row (if there is one). The `reset' method
77 returns to row zero.
78 """
80 def __init__(me, rel):
81 """
82 Initialize a new Cursor object, tracking its way through a Relation REL.
84 The new Cursor has row zero as its current row. The REL must not be
85 empty.
86 """
87 me._rel = rel
88 me.reset()
90 def step(me):
91 """
92 Advance the Cursor to the next row.
94 Returns False if there is no next row; otherwise True.
95 """
96 me._i += 1
97 if me._i >= len(me._rel):
98 me._i = me._row = None
99 return False
100 me._row = me._rel[me._i]
101 return True
103 def reset(me):
104 """
105 Reset the Cursor, so that row zero is current again.
106 """
107 me._i = 0
108 me._row = me._rel[0]
110 def __getitem__(me, i):
111 """
112 Return the item in column I of the Cursor's current row.
114 The index must be acceptable to the underlying row object, but otherwise
115 the Cursor imposes no restrictions. Indices need not be numeric, for
116 example.
117 """
118 return me._row[i]
120 def __repr__(me):
121 """
122 Return a text description of the Cursor, for diagnostic use.
123 """
124 return '#<Cursor %r[%d] = %r>' % (me._rel, me._i, me._row)
126 class CursorSet (object):
127 """
128 A CursorSet iterates over the cartiesian product of a number of Relations.
130 More precisely: it maintains a stack, each level of which tracks a number
131 of Relations. More Relations can be pushed onto this stack with the `push'
132 method, and removed with `pop'. The `step' method advances through the
133 cartesian product of the Relations in the top level of the stack -- the
134 `active' Relations. Columns from the current rows of all of the currently
135 known Relations -- whether active or not -- can be extracted using `get'.
136 """
138 def __init__(me):
139 """
140 Initialize a new CursorSet object.
142 A new CursorSet has an empty stack.
143 """
144 me._map = {}
145 me._stack = []
146 me._act = None
148 def push(me, rels):
149 """
150 Push the new Relations RELS onto the stack and start iterating.
152 The currently active Relations are pushed down. Those Relations which are
153 not already known to the CursorSet become the newly active collection.
154 (Relations which are already known are simply ignored.)
156 Iteration traverses Relations on the right more rapidly.
157 """
158 cc = []
159 rr = []
160 for r in rels:
161 if r in me._map: continue
162 c = me._map[r] = Cursor(r)
163 rr.append(r)
164 cc.append(c)
165 me._stack.append((me._act, rr))
166 me._act = cc
168 def step(me):
169 """
170 Advance the CursorSet through the currently active Relations.
172 Return False if the active Relations have now been exhausted; otherwise
173 return True.
174 """
175 i = 0
176 while i < len(me._act):
177 if me._act[i].step(): return True
178 if i >= len(me._act): return False
179 me._act[i].reset()
180 i += 1
181 return False
183 def pop(me):
184 """
185 Pop the active Relations.
187 Return to iterating over the previously active collection.
188 """
189 me._act, rels = me._stack.pop()
190 for r in rels: del me._map[r]
192 def get(me, rel, i):
193 """
194 Return the item with index I in the current row of Relation REL.
195 """
196 return me._map[rel][i]
198 class Relation (object):
199 """
200 A Relation keeps track of a table of data.
202 A Relation consists of a `header', which is a sequence of string names,
203 and a rectangular array of data, each row of which has the same number of
204 items as the header.
206 Relations can be iterated over using Cursors and CursorSets.
207 """
209 def __init__(me, head):
210 """
211 Initialize a new, empty Relation with header HEAD.
213 The `COLMAP' dictionary is updated to map the names in the header to this
214 Relation and its column indices.
215 """
216 me._head = head
217 me._rows = []
218 for i, c in indexed(head): COLMAP[c] = me, i
220 def addrow(me, row):
221 """
222 Add a ROW to the Relation.
224 The new row must have the correct number of entries.
225 """
226 if len(row) != len(me._head):
227 die("mismatch: row `%s' doesn't match heading `%s'" %
228 (', '.join(row), ', '.join(me._head)))
229 me._rows.append(row)
231 def __len__(me):
232 """Return the number of rows in the Relation."""
233 return len(me._rows)
235 def __getitem__(me, i):
236 """Return the Ith row of the Relation."""
237 return me._rows[i]
239 def __repr__(me):
240 """Return a textual description of the Relation, for diagnostic use."""
241 return '#<Relation %r>' % me._head
243 def read_immediate(word):
244 """
245 Return a Relation constructed by parsing WORD.
247 The WORD has the form `HEAD=ROW ROW ...', where the HEAD and ROWs are
248 comma-separated lists of strings which will form the relation's header and
249 rows respectively. There is no way to include an item which contains a
250 comma or whitespace.
251 """
252 head, rels = word.split('=', 1)
253 rel = Relation([c.strip() for c in head.split(',')])
254 for row in rels.split(): rel.addrow([c.strip() for c in row.split(',')])
256 def read_file(spec):
257 """
258 Return a Relation constructed from a file, according to SPEC.
260 The SPEC has the form `FILE:HEAD', where FILE names a file, and HEAD is a
261 comma-separated list of strings to form the relation's header. Each line
262 from the file which is neither empty nor begins with `#' is split into
263 whitespace-separated words to form a row in the relation. There is no way
264 to include an item which contains whitespace.
265 """
266 file, head = spec.split(':', 1)
267 rel = Relation([c.strip() for c in head.split(',')])
268 with open(file) as f:
269 for line in f:
270 line = line.strip()
271 if line.startswith('#') or line == '': continue
272 rel.addrow(line.split())
274 def read_thing(spec):
275 """
276 Return a relation constructed from SPEC.
278 If SPEC begins with `@' then read the relation from a file (see
279 `read_file'); otherwise interpret it as immediate data (see
280 `read_immediate').
281 """
282 if spec.startswith('@'): read_file(spec[1:])
283 else: read_immediate(spec)
285 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
286 ### Template structure.
288 class BasicTemplate (object):
289 """
290 Base class for template objects.
292 The protocol for templates consists of two methods:
294 relations() Return a set of Relations mentioned at top-level in
295 substitutions in the template.
297 subst(OUT, CS) Fill in the template, writing the output to the
298 stream OUT. The CS is a CursorSet object tracking
299 the current iteration state.
300 """
301 pass
303 class LiteralTemplate (BasicTemplate):
304 """
305 A LiteralTemplate outputs a fixed string.
306 """
308 def __init__(me, text, **kw):
309 """
310 Initialize a new LiteralTemplate object. TEXT is the text to be written.
311 """
312 super(LiteralTemplate, me).__init__(**kw)
313 me._text = text
315 def relations(me):
316 """A LiteralTemplate contains no substitutions."""
317 return set()
319 def subst(me, out, cs):
320 """A LiteralTemplate just emits its text."""
321 out.write(me._text)
323 def __repr__(me):
324 return '#<LiteralTemplate %r>' % me._text
326 class TagTemplate (BasicTemplate):
327 """
328 A TagTemplate object expands a substitution tag.
330 It extracts an item from the current row of a relation, processes it
331 according to an operation, and outputs the result.
332 """
334 def __init__(me, rel, i, op, **kw):
335 """
336 Initialize a new TagTemplate object.
338 REL is the relation from which to pick the output; I is the column index;
339 OP is a transformation to apply to the data, and may be None to indicate
340 that the data should not be transformed.
341 """
342 super(TagTemplate, me).__init__(**kw)
343 me._rel = rel
344 me._i = i
345 me._op = op
347 def relations(me):
348 """The TagTemplate knows which relation it uses."""
349 return set([me._rel])
351 def subst(me, out, cs):
352 """
353 A TagTemplate extracts and transforms an item from the current row of
354 a relation.
355 """
356 val = cs.get(me._rel, me._i)
357 if me._op is not None: val = me._op(val)
358 out.write(val)
360 def __repr__(me):
361 return '#<TagTemplate %s>' % me._rel._head[me._i]
363 class SequenceTemplate (BasicTemplate):
364 """
365 A SequenceTemplate concatenates a number of other templates.
366 """
368 def __new__(cls, seq, **kw):
369 """
370 Construct a template from a sequence SEQ of other templates.
372 If SEQ is a singleton (which it often is) then return it directly;
373 otherwise construct a SequenceTemplate.
374 """
375 if len(seq) == 1:
376 return seq[0]
377 else:
378 return super(SequenceTemplate, cls).__new__(cls, **kw)
380 def __init__(me, seq, **kw):
381 """
382 Initialize a new SequenceTemplate object from SEQ.
384 The sequence is flattened out: if SEQ contains SequenceTemplates then we
385 use their children directly, so that we don't have a useless tree.
386 """
387 super(SequenceTemplate, me).__init__(**kw)
388 tt = []
389 cls = type(me)
390 for t in seq:
391 if isinstance(t, cls): tt += t._seq
392 else: tt.append(t)
393 me._seq = tt
395 def relations(me):
396 """
397 The relations of a SequenceTemplate are the union of the relations of its
398 children.
399 """
400 rr = set()
401 for t in me._seq: rr.update(t.relations())
402 return rr
404 def subst(me, out, cs):
405 """
406 The output of a SequenceTemplate is the concatenation of the expansions
407 of its children.
408 """
409 for t in me._seq: t.subst(out, cs)
411 def __repr__(me):
412 return '#<SequenceTemplate %r>' % me._seq
414 class RepeatTemplate (BasicTemplate):
415 """
416 A RepeatTemplate iterates its body over a number of relations.
417 """
419 def __init__(me, sub):
420 """
421 Initialize a new RepeatTemplate, given a template to act as its body.
422 """
423 me._sub = sub
425 def relations(me):
426 """
427 A RepeatTemplate hides the relations of its body.
428 """
429 return set()
431 def subst(me, out, cs):
432 """
433 Substitute a RepeatTemplate, by iterating over the relations mentioned in
434 its body template.
435 """
436 rr = me._sub.relations()
437 for r in rr:
438 if len(r) == 0: return
439 cs.push(rr)
440 while True:
441 me._sub.subst(out, cs)
442 if not cs.step(): break
443 cs.pop()
445 def __repr__(me):
446 return '#<RepeatTemplate %r>' % me._sub
448 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
449 ### Some slightly cheesy parsing machinery.
451 class ParseState (object):
452 """
453 A ParseState object keeps track of a parser's position in a file.
455 The `curr' slot contains the current line under consideration.
456 """
458 def __init__(me, file, text):
459 """
460 Initialize a ParseState object.
462 The FILE is a string naming the source file, and the TEXT is an iterator
463 over the file's lines.
464 """
465 me._file = file
466 me._i = 0
467 me._it = iter(text.splitlines(True))
468 me.step()
470 def step(me):
471 """
472 Advance the ParseState to the next line.
474 Sets `curr' to the next line, or to None if the input is exhausted.
475 """
476 try: me.curr = next(me._it)
477 except StopIteration: me.curr = None
478 else: me._i += 1
480 def error(me, msg):
481 """
482 Report a fatal error during parsing, attributing it to the current line.
483 """
484 die('%s:%d: %s' % (me._file, me._i, msg))
486 class token (object):
487 """
488 A token object has no interesting properties other than its identity.
489 """
491 def __init__(me, name):
492 """Initialize a new token, with the given NAME."""
493 me._name = name
494 def __repr__(me):
495 """Return a description of the token, for diagnostic purposes."""
496 return '#<%s>' % me._name
498 ## Some magical tokens useful during parsing.
499 EOF = token('eof')
500 END = token('end')
502 ## Regular expressions matching substitution tags.
503 R_SIMPLETAG = RX.compile(r'@ (\w+)', RX.VERBOSE)
504 R_COMPLEXTAG = RX.compile(r'@ { (\w+) ((?: : \w+)*) }', RX.VERBOSE)
506 ## A dictionary mapping operation names to functions which implement them.
507 OPMAP = {}
509 def defop(func):
510 """
511 Decorator for substitution operator functions.
513 Remember the operator in `OPMAP'; the operator's name is taken from FUNC's
514 name, removing a prefix `op_' if there is one.
516 An operator function is given the raw value as an argument and should
517 return the transformed value.
518 """
519 name = func_name(func)
520 if name.startswith('op_'): name = name[3:]
521 OPMAP[name] = func
522 return func
524 @defop
525 def op_u(val):
526 """@{COLUMN:u} -- the item in upper case."""
527 return val.upper()
529 @defop
530 def op_l(val):
531 """@{COLUMN:l} -- the item in upper case."""
532 return val.lower()
534 @defop
535 def op_f(val):
536 """@{COLUMN:f} -- the item, with `/' characters replaced by `-'."""
537 return val.replace('/', '-')
539 R_NOTIDENT = RX.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+')
540 @defop
541 def op_c(val):
542 """
543 @{COLUMN:c} -- the item, with non-alphanumeric sequences replaced with `_'.
544 """
545 return R_NOTIDENT.sub('_', val)
547 def _pairify(val):
548 """
549 Split VAL into two, at an `=' sign.
551 If VAL has the form `THIS=THAT' then return the pair (THIS, THAT);
552 otherwise return (VAL, VAL).
553 """
554 c = val.find('=')
555 if c >= 0: return val[:c], val[c + 1:]
556 else: return val, val
558 @defop
559 def op_left(val):
560 """@{COLUMN:left} -- the left-hand side of the item."""
561 return _pairify(val)[0]
562 @defop
563 def op_right(val):
564 """@{COLUMN:right} -- the left-hand side of the item."""
565 return _pairify(val)[1]
567 def parse_text(ps):
568 """
569 Parse a chunk of text from a ParseState.
571 Stop when we get to something which looks like a template keyword, but
572 extract tags. Return the resulting template.
574 Tags have the form `@COLUMN', or `@{COLUMN:OPERATOR:...}'. The text may
575 contain comments beginning `%#', which are ignored, and lines beginning
576 `%%' which have the initial `%' removed and are otherwise treated as normal
577 text (and, in particular, may contain tags). Other lines beginning with
578 `%' are directives and must be processed by our caller.
579 """
581 ## Starting out: no templates collected, and an empty buffer of literal
582 ## text.
583 tt = []
584 lit = StringIO()
586 def spill():
587 ## Spill accumulated literal text from `lit' into a LiteralTemplate
588 ## object.
589 l = lit.getvalue()
590 if l: tt.append(LiteralTemplate(l))
592 lit.truncate()
594 ## Iterate over the lines of input.
595 while True:
596 line = ps.curr
598 ## Stop if there's no more text; handle lines beginning with `%'.
599 if line is None: break
600 elif line.startswith('%'):
601 if line.startswith('%#'): ps.step(); continue
602 elif line.startswith('%%'): line = line[1:]
603 else: break
605 ## Work through the line, finding tags.
606 i = 0
607 while True:
609 ## If there are no more `@' signs, there can be no more tags, and we're
610 ## done.
611 j = line.find('@', i)
612 if j < 0: break
614 ## Write the chunk we've found.
615 lit.write(line[i:j])
617 ## If the next character is also `@' then this is an escape and we
618 ## should carry on.
619 if line[j:].startswith('@@'):
620 lit.write('@')
621 i = j + 2
622 continue
624 ## Parse the tag into a column name, and maybe some operators.
625 m = R_SIMPLETAG.match(line, j)
626 if not m: m = R_COMPLEXTAG.match(line, j)
627 if not m: ps.error('invalid tag')
628 col =
629 try: rel, i = COLMAP[col]
630 except KeyError: ps.error("unknown column `%s'" % col)
631 ops = m.lastindex >= 2 and
633 ## If we have operators then look them up and compose them.
634 wholeop = None
635 if ops:
636 for opname in ops[1:].split(':'):
637 try: op = OPMAP[opname]
638 except KeyError: ps.error("unknown operation `%s'" % opname)
639 if wholeop is None: wholeop = op
640 else: wholeop = (lambda f, g: lambda x: f(g(x)))(op, wholeop)
642 ## Emit a LiteralTemplate for the accumulated text, and a TagTemplate
643 ## for the tag.
644 spill()
645 tt.append(TagTemplate(rel, i, wholeop))
647 ## Continue from after the tag.
648 i = m.end()
650 ## Finished a line. Write out the remainder of the line and move onto
651 ## the next.
652 lit.write(line[i:])
653 ps.step()
655 ## Run out of things to do. Flush out the rest of the literal text and
656 ## combine the templates.
657 spill()
658 return SequenceTemplate(tt)
660 ## A dictionary mapping regular expressions to directive-processing functions.
661 DIRECT = []
663 def direct(rx):
664 """
665 Function decorator for template file directives.
667 Associate the regular expression RX with the function in `DIRECT'.
668 Directive functions are invoked as FUNC(PS, M), where PS is the ParseState,
669 and M is the match object resulting from matching RX against the directive
670 text.
671 """
672 def _(func):
673 DIRECT.append((RX.compile(rx, RX.VERBOSE), func))
674 return func
675 return _
677 def parse_template(ps):
678 """
679 Parse a single template from the ParseState PS.
681 A single template is either a chunk of text (parsed by `parse_text') or a
682 directive (handled by the appropriate function in `DIRECT').
684 Returns either a template object, or a special token. In particular, `EOF'
685 is returned if we run out of text; directives may return other tokens.
686 """
688 ## Skip initial comments. Otherwise we might end up with an empty
689 ## SequenceTemplate here.
690 while ps.curr is not None and ps.curr.startswith('%#'): ps.step()
692 ## If we've run out of input, return `EOF' here. A line beginning `%%', or
693 ## not beginning `%', means we've found a chunk of text. Otherwise find
694 ## the right directive handler.
695 if ps.curr is None: return EOF
696 elif ps.curr.startswith('%'):
697 if ps.curr.startswith('%%'): return parse_text(ps)
698 for rx, func in DIRECT:
699 line = ps.curr[1:].strip()
700 m = rx.match(line)
701 if m:
702 ps.step()
703 return func(ps, m)
704 ps.error("unrecognized directive")
705 else:
706 return parse_text(ps)
708 def parse_templseq(ps, nestp):
709 """
710 Parse a sequence of templates from the ParseState PS.
712 Calls `parse_template' repeatedly If NESTP is true, then an `END' token
713 (presumably from a directive handler) is permitted and halts parsing;
714 otherwise `END' signifies an error.
716 Returns a template object.
717 """
719 tt = []
720 while True:
721 t = parse_template(ps)
722 if t is END:
723 if nestp: break
724 else: ps.error("unexpected `end' directive")
725 elif t is EOF:
726 if nestp: ps.error("unexpected end of file")
727 else: break
728 tt.append(t)
729 return SequenceTemplate(tt)
731 @direct(r'repeat')
732 def dir_repeat(ps, m):
733 """
734 %repeat
735 BODY
736 %end
738 Iterate the body over the cartesian product of the relations mentioned
739 within.
740 """
741 return RepeatTemplate(parse_templseq(ps, True))
743 @direct(r'end')
744 def dir_end(ps, m):
745 """%end -- an end marker used to delimet chunks of template."""
746 return END
748 def compile_template(file, text):
749 """
750 Compile TEXT into a template, attributing errors to FILE.
751 """
752 ps = ParseState(file, text)
753 t = parse_templseq(ps, False)
754 return t
756 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
757 ### Main code.
759 op = OP.OptionParser(
760 description = 'Generates files by filling in simple templates',
761 usage = 'usage: %prog {-l | -g TMPL} FILE [COL,...=VAL,... ... | @FILE:COL,...] ...',
762 version = 'Catacomb version @VERSION@')
763 def cb_gen(opt, optstr, arg, op):
764 op.values.input = arg
765 op.values.mode = 'gen'
766 for short, long, kw in [
767 ('-l', '--list', dict(
768 action = 'store_const', const = 'list', dest = 'mode',
769 help = 'list filenames generated')),
770 ('-g', '--generate', dict(
771 action = 'callback', metavar = 'TEMPLATE',
772 callback = cb_gen, type = 'string',
773 help = 'generate file(s) from TEMPLATE file'))]:
774 op.add_option(short, long, **kw)
775 op.set_defaults(mode = 'what?')
776 opts, args = op.parse_args()
778 if len(args) < 1: op.error('missing FILE')
779 filepat = args[0]
780 for rel in args[1:]: read_thing(rel)
781 filetempl = compile_template('<output>', filepat)
783 def filenames(filetempl):
784 """
785 Generate the filenames in the compiled filename template FILETEMPL.
786 """
787 cs = CursorSet()
788 rr = filetempl.relations()
789 for r in rr:
790 if not len(r): return
791 cs.push(rr)
792 while True:
793 out = StringIO()
794 filetempl.subst(out, cs)
795 yield out.getvalue(), cs
796 if not cs.step(): break
797 cs.pop()
799 ## Main dispatch.
800 if opts.mode == 'list':
801 for file, cs in filenames(filetempl): print(file)
802 elif opts.mode == 'gen':
803 with open(opts.input) as f:
804 templ = RepeatTemplate(compile_template(opts.input,
805 for file, cs in filenames(filetempl):
806 new = file + '.new'
807 with open(new, 'w') as out:
808 templ.subst(out, cs)
809 OS.rename(new, file)
810 else:
811 die('What am I doing here?')
813 ###----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------