pock: Use `MPMul' so that we can avoid `reduce'.
[catacomb-python] / pock
1 #! /usr/bin/python
2 ### -*- mode: python, coding: utf-8 -*-
3 ###
4 ### Tool for generating and verifying primality certificates
5 ###
6 ### (c) 2017 Straylight/Edgeware
7 ###
9 ###----- Licensing notice ---------------------------------------------------
10 ###
11 ### This file is part of the Python interface to Catacomb.
12 ###
13 ### Catacomb/Python is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
14 ### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15 ### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
16 ### (at your option) any later version.
17 ###
18 ### Catacomb/Python is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19 ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 ### GNU General Public License for more details.
22 ###
23 ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24 ### along with Catacomb/Python; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
25 ### Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
27 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 ### Imported modules.
30 from sys import argv, stdin, stdout, stderr
31 import os as OS
32 import itertools as I
33 import math as M
34 import optparse as OP
36 import catacomb as C
38 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 ### Utilities.
41 def _excval():
42 """Return the most recent exception object."""
43 return SYS.exc_info()[1]
45 class ExpectedError (Exception):
46 """
47 I represent an expected error, which should be reported in a friendly way.
48 """
49 pass
51 def prod(ff, one = 1):
52 """Return ONE times the product of the elements of FF."""
53 return C.MPMul().factor(one).factor(ff).done()
55 def parse_label(line):
56 """
57 Split LINE at an `=' character and return the left and right halves.
59 The returned pieces have leading and trailing whitespace trimmed.
60 """
61 eq = line.find('=')
62 if eq < 0: raise ExpectedError('expected `LABEL = ...\'')
63 return line[:eq].strip(), line[eq + 1:].strip()
65 def parse_list(s, n):
66 l = s.split(',', n - 1)
67 if n is not None and len(l) != n:
68 raise ExpectedError('expected `,\'-separated list of %d items' % n)
69 return l
71 def conv_int(s):
72 """Convert S to a integer."""
73 try: return C.MP(s, 0)
74 except TypeError: raise ExpectedError('invalid integer `%s\'' % s)
78 class ProgressReporter (object):
79 """
80 I keep users amused while the program looks for large prime numbers.
82 My main strategy is the printing of incomprehensible runes. I can be
83 muffled by lowering by verbosity level.
85 Prime searches are recursive in nature. When a new recursive level is
86 started, call `push'; and call `pop' when the level is finished. This must
87 be done around the top level too.
88 """
89 def __init__(me):
90 """Initialize the ProgressReporter."""
91 me._level = -1
92 me._update()
93 def _update(me):
94 """
95 Update our idea of whether we're active.
97 We don't write inscrutable runes when inactive. The current policy is to
98 write nothing if verbosity is zero, to write runes for the top level only
99 if verbosity is 1, and to write runes always if verbosity is higher than
100 that.
101 """
102 me._active = VERBOSITY >= 2 or (VERBOSITY == 1 and me._level == 0)
103 def push(me):
104 """Push a new search level."""
105 me._level += 1
106 me._update()
107 if me._level > 0: me.p('[')
108 else: me.p(';; ')
109 def pop(me):
110 """Pop a search level."""
111 if me._level > 0: me.p(']')
112 else: me.p('\n')
113 me._level -= 1
114 me._update()
115 def p(me, ch):
116 """Print CH as a progress rune."""
117 if me._active: stderr.write(ch); stderr.flush()
119 def combinations(r, v):
120 """
121 Return an iterator which yields all combinations of R elements from V.
123 V must be an indexable sequence. The each combination is returned as a
124 list, containing elements from V in their original order.
125 """
127 ## Set up the selection vector. C will contain the indices of the items of
128 ## V we've selected for the current combination. At all times, C contains
129 ## a strictly increasing sequence of integers in the interval [0, N).
130 n = len(v)
131 c = range(r)
133 while True:
135 ## Yield up the current combination.
136 vv = [v[i] for i in c]
137 yield vv
139 ## Now advance to the next one. Find the last index in C which we can
140 ## increment subject to the rules. As we iterate downwards, i will
141 ## contain the index into C, and j will be the maximum acceptable value
142 ## for the corresponding item. We'll step the last index until it
143 ## reaches the limit, and then step the next one down, resetting the last
144 ## index, and so on.
145 i, j = r, n
146 while True:
148 ## If i is zero here, then we've advanced everything as far as it will
149 ## go. We're done.
150 if i == 0: return
152 ## Move down to the next index.
153 i -= 1; j -= 1
155 ## If this index isn't at its maximum value, then we've found the place
156 ## to step.
157 if c[i] != j: break
159 ## Step this index on by one, and set the following indices to the
160 ## immediately following values.
161 j = c[i] + 1
162 while i < r: c[i] = j; i += 1; j += 1
164 class ArgFetcher (object):
165 """
166 I return arguments from a list, reporting problems when they occur.
167 """
168 def __init__(me, argv, errfn):
169 """
170 Initialize, returning successive arguments from ARGV.
172 Errors are reported to ERRFN.
173 """
174 me._argv = argv
175 me._argc = len(argv)
176 me._errfn = errfn
177 me._i = 0
178 def arg(me, default = None, must = True):
179 """
180 Return the next argument.
182 If MUST is true, then report an error (to the ERRFN) if there are no more
183 arguments; otherwise, return the DEFAULT.
184 """
185 if me._i >= me._argc:
186 if must: me._errfn('missing argument')
187 return default
188 arg = me._argv[me._i]; me._i += 1
189 return arg
190 def int(me, default = None, must = True, min = None, max = None):
191 """
192 Return the next argument converted to an integer.
194 If MUST is true, then report an error (to the ERRFN) if there are no more
195 arguments; otherwise return the DEFAULT. Report an error if the next
196 argument is not a valid integer, or if the integer is beyond the MIN and
197 MAX bounds.
198 """
199 arg = me.arg(default = None, must = must)
200 if arg is None: return default
201 try: arg = int(arg)
202 except ValueError: me._errfn('bad integer')
203 if (min is not None and arg < min) or (max is not None and arg > max):
204 me._errfn('out of range')
205 return arg
207 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
208 ### Sieving for small primes.
210 class Sieve (object):
211 """
212 I represent a collection of small primes, up to some chosen limit.
214 The limit is available as the `limit' attribute. Let L be this limit;
215 then, if N < L^2 is some composite, then N has at least one prime factor
216 less than L.
217 """
219 ## Figure out the number of bits in a (nonnegative) primitive `int'. We'll
220 ## use a list of these as our sieve.
221 _NBIT = 15
222 while type(1 << (_NBIT + 1)) == int: _NBIT += 1
224 def __init__(me, limit):
225 """
226 Initialize a sieve holding all primes below LIMIT.
227 """
229 ## The sieve is maintained in the `_bits' attribute. This is a list of
230 ## integers, used as a bitmask: let 2 < n < L be an odd integer; then bit
231 ## (n - 3)/2 will be clear iff n is prime. Let W be the value of
232 ## `_NBIT', above; then bit W i + j in the sieve is stored in bit j of
233 ## `_bits[i]'.
235 ## Store the limit for later inspection.
236 me.limit = limit
238 ## Calculate the size of sieve we'll need and initialize the bit list.
239 n = (limit - 2)/2
240 sievesz = (n + me._NBIT - 1)/me._NBIT
241 me._sievemax = sievesz*me._NBIT
242 me._bits = sievesz*[0]
244 ## This is standard Sieve of Eratosthenes. For each index i: if
245 ## bit i is clear, then p = 2 i + 3 is prime, so set the bits
246 ## corresponding to each multiple of p, i.e., bits (k p - 3)/2 =
247 ## (2 k i + 3 - 3)/2 = k i for k > 1.
248 for i in xrange(me._sievemax):
249 if me._bitp(i): i += 1; continue
250 p = 2*i + 3
251 if p >= limit: break
252 for j in xrange(i + p, me._sievemax, p): me._setbit(j)
253 i += 1
255 def _bitp(me, i): i, j = divmod(i, me._NBIT); return (me._bits[i] >> j)&1
256 def _setbit(me, i): i, j = divmod(i, me._NBIT); me._bits[i] |= 1 << j
258 def smallprimes(me):
259 """
260 Return an iterator over the known small primes.
261 """
262 yield 2
263 n = 3
264 for b in me._bits:
265 for j in xrange(me._NBIT):
266 if not (b&1): yield n
267 b >>= 1; n += 2
269 ## We generate the sieve on demand.
270 SIEVE = None
272 def initsieve(sievebits):
273 """
274 Generate the sieve.
276 Ensure that it can be used to check the primality of numbers up to (but not
277 including) 2^SIEVEBITS.
278 """
279 global SIEVE
280 if SIEVE is not None: raise ValueError('sieve already defined')
281 if sievebits < 6: sievebits = 6
282 SIEVE = Sieve(1 << (sievebits + 1)/2)
284 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
285 ### Primality checking.
287 def small_test(p):
288 """
289 Check that P is a small prime.
291 If not, raise an `ExpectedError'. The `SIEVE' variable must have been
292 initialized.
293 """
294 if p < 2: raise ExpectedError('%d too small' % p)
295 if SIEVE.limit*SIEVE.limit < p:
296 raise ExpectedError('%d too large for small prime' % p)
297 for q in SIEVE.smallprimes():
298 if q*q > p: return
299 if p%q == 0: raise ExpectedError('%d divides %d' % (q, p))
301 def pock_test(p, a, qq):
302 """
303 Check that P is prime using Pocklington's criterion.
305 If not, raise an `ExpectedError'.
307 Let Q be the product of the elements of the sequence QQ. The test works as
308 follows. Suppose p is the smallest prime factor of P. If A^{P-1} /== 1
309 (mod P) then P is certainly composite (Fermat's test); otherwise, we have
310 established that the order of A in (Z/pZ)^* divides P - 1. Next, let t =
311 A^{(P-1)/q} for some prime factor q of Q, and let g = gcd(t - 1, P). If g
312 = P then the proof is inconclusive; if 1 < g < P then g is a nontrivial
313 factor of P, so P is composite; otherwise, t has order q in (Z/pZ)^*, so
314 (Z/pZ)^* contains a subgroup of size q, and therefore q divides p - 1. If
315 QQ is a sequence of distinct primes, and the preceding criterion holds for
316 all q in QQ, then Q divides p - 1. If Q^2 < P then the proof is
317 inconclusive; otherwise, let p' be any prime dividing P/p. Then p' >= p >
318 Q, so p p' > Q^2 > P; but p p' divides P, so this is a contradiction.
319 Therefore P/p has no prime factors, and P is prime.
320 """
322 ## We don't actually need the distinctness criterion. Suppose that q^e
323 ## divides Q. Then gcd(t - 1, P) = 1 implies that A^{(P-1)/q^{e-1}} has
324 ## order q^e in (Z/pZ)^*, which accounts for the multiplicity.
326 Q = prod(qq)
327 if p < 2: raise ExpectedError('%d too small' % p)
328 if Q*Q <= p:
329 raise ExpectedError('too few Pocklington factors for %d' % p)
330 if pow(a, p - 1, p) != 1:
331 raise ExpectedError('%d is Fermat witness for %d' % (a, p))
332 for q in qq:
333 if Q%(q*q) == 0:
334 raise ExpectedError('duplicate Pocklington factor %d for %d' % (q, p))
335 g = p.gcd(pow(a, (p - 1)/q, p) - 1)
336 if g == p:
337 raise ExpectedError('%d order not multiple of %d mod %d' % (a, q, p))
338 elif g != 1:
339 raise ExpectedError('%d divides %d' % (g, p))
341 def ecpp_test(p, a, b, x, y, qq):
342 """
343 Check that P is prime using Goldwasser and Kilian's ECPP method.
345 If not, raise an `ExpectedError'.
347 Let Q be the product of the elements of the sequence QQ. Suppose p is the
348 smallest prime factor of P. Let g = gcd(4 A^3 + 27 B^2, P). If g = P then
349 the test is inconclusive; otherwise, if g /= 1 then g is a nontrivial
350 factor of P. Define E(GF(p)) = { (x, y) | y^2 = x^3 + A x + B } U { inf }
351 to be the elliptic curve over p with short-Weierstraß coefficients A and B;
352 we have just checked that this curve is not singular. If R = (X, Y) is not
353 a point on this curve, then the test is inconclusive. If Q R is not the
354 point at infinity, then the test fails; otherwise we deduce that P has
355 Q-torsion in E. Let S = (Q/q) R for some prime factor q of Q. If S is the
356 point at infinity then the test is inconclusive; otherwise, q divides the
357 order of S in E. If QQ is a sequence of distinct primes, and the preceding
358 criterion holds for all q in QQ, then Q divides the order of S. Therefore
359 #E(p) >= Q. If Q <= (qrrt(P) + 1)^2 then the test is inconclusive.
360 Otherwise, Hasse's theorem tells us that |p + 1 - #E(p)| <= 2 sqrt(p);
361 hence we must have p + 1 + 2 sqrt(p) = (sqrt(p) + 1)^2 >= #E(p) >= Q >
362 (qrrt(P) + 1)^2; so sqrt(p) + 1 > qrrt(P) + 1, i.e., p^2 > P. As for
363 Pocklington above, if p' is any prime factor of P/p, then p p' >= p^2 > P,
364 which is a contradiction, and we conclude that P is prime.
365 """
367 ## This isn't going to work if gcd(P, 6) /= 1: we're going to use the
368 ## large-characteristic addition formulae.
369 g = p.gcd(6)
370 if g != 1: raise ExpectedError('%d divides %d' % (g, p))
372 ## We want to check that Q > (qrrt(P) + 1)^2 iff sqrt(Q) > qrrt(P) + 1; but
373 ## calculating square roots is not enjoyable (partly because we have to
374 ## deal with the imprecision). Fortunately, some algebra will help: the
375 ## condition holds iff qrrt(P) < sqrt(Q) - 1 iff P < Q^2 - 4 Q sqrt(Q) +
376 ## 6 Q - 4 sqrt(Q) + 1 = Q (Q + 6) + 1 - 4 sqrt(Q) (Q + 1) iff Q (Q + 6) -
377 ## P + 1 > 4 sqrt(Q) (Q + 1) iff (Q (Q + 6) - P + 1)^2 > 16 Q (Q + 1)^2
378 Q = prod(qq)
379 t, u = Q*(Q + 6) - p + 1, 4*(Q + 1)
380 if t*t <= Q*u*u: raise ExpectedError('too few subgroups for ECPP')
382 ## Construct the curve.
383 E = C.PrimeField(p).ec(a, b) # careful: may not be a prime!
385 ## Find the base point.
386 R = E(x, y)
387 if not R.oncurvep():
388 raise ExpectedError('(%d, %d) is not on the curve' % (x, y))
390 ## Check that it has Q-torsion.
391 if Q*R: raise ExpectedError('(%d, %d) not a %d-torsion point' % (x, y, Q))
393 ## Now check the individual factors.
394 for q in qq:
395 if Q%(q*q) == 0:
396 raise ExpectedError('duplicate ECPP factor %d for %d' % (q, p))
397 S = (Q/q)*R
398 if not S:
399 raise ExpectedError('(%d, %d) order not a multiple of %d' % (x, y, q))
400 g = p.gcd(S._z)
401 if g != 1:
402 raise ExpectedError('%d divides %d' % (g, p))
404 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
405 ### Proof steps and proofs.
407 class BaseStep (object):
408 """
409 I'm a step in a primality proof.
411 I assert that a particular number is prime, and can check this.
413 This class provides basic protocol for proof steps, mostly to do with
414 handling labels.
416 The step's label is kept in its `label' attribute. It can be set by the
417 constructor, and is `None' by default. Users can modify this attribute if
418 they like. Labels beginning `$' are assumed to be internal and
419 uninteresting; other labels cause `check' lines to be written to the output
420 listing the actual number of interest.
422 Protocol that proof steps should provide:
424 label A string labelling the proof step and the associated prime
425 number.
427 p The prime number which this step proves to be prime.
429 check() Check that the proof step is actually correct, assuming that
430 any previous steps have already been verified.
432 out(FILE) Write an appropriate encoding of the proof step to the output
433 FILE.
434 """
435 def __init__(me, label = None, *arg, **kw):
436 """Initialize a proof step, setting a default label if necessary."""
437 super(BaseStep, me).__init__(*arg, **kw)
438 me.label = label
439 def out(me, file):
440 """
441 Write the proof step to an output FILE.
443 Subclasses must implement a method `_out' which actually does the work.
444 Here, we write a `check' line to verify that the proof actually applies
445 to the number we wanted, if the label says that this is an interesting
446 step.
447 """
448 me._out(file)
449 if me.label is not None and not me.label.startswith('$'):
450 file.write('check %s, %d, %d\n' % (me.label, me.p.nbits, me.p))
452 class SmallStep (BaseStep):
453 """
454 I represent a claim that a number is a small prime.
456 Such claims act as the base cases in a complicated primality proof. When
457 verifying, the claim is checked by trial division using a collection of
458 known small primes.
459 """
460 def __init__(me, pp, p, *arg, **kw):
461 """
462 Initialize a small-prime step.
464 PP is the overall PrimeProof object of which this is a step; P is the
465 small number whose primality is asserted.
466 """
467 super(SmallStep, me).__init__(*arg, **kw)
468 me.p = p
469 def check(me):
470 """Check that the number is indeed a small prime."""
471 return small_test(me.p)
472 def _out(me, file):
473 """Write a small-prime step to the FILE."""
474 file.write('small %s = %d\n' % (me.label, me.p))
475 def __repr__(me): return 'SmallStep(%d)' % (me.p)
476 @classmethod
477 def parse(cls, pp, line):
478 """
479 Parse a small-prime step from a LINE in a proof file.
481 SMALL-STEP ::= `small' LABEL `=' P
483 PP is a PrimeProof object holding the results from the previous steps.
484 """
485 if SIEVE is None: raise ExpectedError('missing `sievebits\' line')
486 label, p = parse_label(line)
487 return cls(pp, conv_int(p), label = label)
489 class PockStep (BaseStep):
490 """
491 I represent a Pocklington certificate for a number.
493 The number is not explicitly represented in a proof file. See `pock_test'
494 for the underlying mathematics.
495 """
496 def __init__(me, pp, a, R, qqi, *arg, **kw):
497 """
498 Inititialize a Pocklington step.
500 PP is the overall PrimeProof object of which this is a step; A is the
501 generator of a substantial subgroup of units; R is a cofactor; and QQI is
502 a sequence of labels for previous proof steps. If Q is the product of
503 the primes listed in QQI, then the number whose primality is asserted is
504 2 Q R + 1.
505 """
506 super(PockStep, me).__init__(*arg, **kw)
507 me._a = a
508 me._R = R
509 me._qqi = qqi
510 me._qq = [pp.get_step(qi).p for qi in qqi]
511 me.p = prod(me._qq, 2*R) + 1
512 def check(me):
513 """Verify a proof step based on Pocklington's theorem."""
514 return pock_test(me.p, me._a, me._qq)
515 def _out(me, file):
516 """Write a Pocklington step to the FILE."""
517 file.write('pock %s = %d, %d, [%s]\n' % \
518 (me.label, me._a,
519 me._R, ', '.join('%s' % qi for qi in me._qqi)))
520 def __repr__(me): return 'PockStep(%d, %d, %s)' % (me._a, me._R, me._qqi)
521 @classmethod
522 def parse(cls, pp, line):
523 """
524 Parse a Pocklington step from a LINE in a proof file.
526 POCK-STEP ::= `pock' LABEL `=' A `,' R `,' `[' Q-LIST `]'
527 Q-LIST ::= Q [`,' Q-LIST]
529 PP is a PrimeProof object holding the results from the previous steps.
530 """
531 label, rest = parse_label(line)
532 a, R, qq = parse_list(rest, 3)
533 qq = qq.strip()
534 if not qq.startswith('[') or not qq.endswith(']'):
535 raise ExpectedError('missing `[...]\' around Pocklington factors')
536 return cls(pp, conv_int(a), conv_int(R),
537 [q.strip() for q in qq[1:-1].split(',')], label = label)
539 class ECPPStep (BaseStep):
540 """
541 I represent a Goldwasser--Kilian ECPP certificate for a number.
542 """
543 def __init__(me, pp, p, a, b, x, y, qqi, *arg, **kw):
544 """
545 Inititialize an ECPP step.
547 PP is the overall PrimeProof object of which this is a step; P is the
548 number whose primality is asserted; A and B are the short Weierstraß
549 curve coefficients; X and Y are the base point coordinates; and QQI is a
550 sequence of labels for previous proof steps.
551 """
552 super(ECPPStep, me).__init__(*arg, **kw)
553 me._a, me._b = a, b
554 me._x, me._y = x, y
555 me._qqi = qqi
556 me._qq = [pp.get_step(qi).p for qi in qqi]
557 me.p = p
558 def check(me):
559 """Verify a proof step based on Goldwasser and Kilian's theorem."""
560 return ecpp_test(me.p, me._a, me._b, me._x, me._y, me._qq)
561 def _out(me, file):
562 """Write an ECPP step to the FILE."""
563 file.write('ecpp %s = %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, [%s]\n' % \
564 (me.label, me.p, me._a, me._b, me._x, me._y,
565 ', '.join('%s' % qi for qi in me._qqi)))
566 def __repr__(me):
567 return 'ECPPstep(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %s)' % \
568 (me.p, me._a, me._b, me._x, me._y, me._qqi)
569 @classmethod
570 def parse(cls, pp, line):
571 """
572 Parse an ECPP step from a LINE in a proof file.
574 ECPP-STEP ::= `ecpp' LABEL `=' P `,' A `,' B `,' X `,' Y `,'
575 `[' Q-LIST `]'
576 Q-LIST ::= Q [`,' Q-LIST]
578 PP is a PrimeProof object holding the results from the previous steps.
579 """
580 label, rest = parse_label(line)
581 p, a, b, x, y, qq = parse_list(rest, 6)
582 qq = qq.strip()
583 if not qq.startswith('[') or not qq.endswith(']'):
584 raise ExpectedError('missing `[...]\' around ECPP factors')
585 return cls(pp, conv_int(p), conv_int(a), conv_int(b),
586 conv_int(x), conv_int(y),
587 [q.strip() for q in qq[1:-1].split(',')], label = label)
589 def check(pp, line):
590 """
591 Handle a `check' line in a proof file.
593 CHECK ::= `check' LABEL, B, N
595 Verify that the proof step with the given LABEL asserts the primality of
596 the integer N, and that 2^{B-1} <= N < 2^B.
597 """
598 label, nb, p = parse_list(line, 3)
599 label, nb, p = label.strip(), conv_int(nb), conv_int(p)
600 pi = pp.get_step(label).p
601 if pi != p:
602 raise ExpectedError('check failed: %s = %d /= %d' % (label, pi, p))
603 if p.nbits != nb:
604 raise ExpectedError('check failed: nbits(%s) = %d /= %d' % \
605 (label, p.nbits, nb))
606 if VERBOSITY: print(';; %s = %d [%d]' % (label, p, nb))
608 def setsievebits(pp, line):
609 """
610 Handle a `sievebits' line in a proof file.
612 SIEVEBITS ::= `sievebits' N
614 Ensure that the verifier is willing to accept small primes up to 2^N.
615 """
616 initsieve(int(line))
618 class PrimeProof (object):
619 """
620 I represent a proof of primality for one or more numbers.
622 I can encode my proof as a line-oriented text file, in a simple format, and
623 read such a proof back to check it.
624 """
626 ## A table to dispatch on keywords read from a file.
627 STEPMAP = { 'small': SmallStep.parse,
628 'pock': PockStep.parse,
629 'ecpp': ECPPStep.parse,
630 'sievebits': setsievebits,
631 'check': check }
633 def __init__(me):
634 """
635 Initialize a proof object.
636 """
637 me._steps = {} # Maps labels to steps.
638 me._stepseq = [] # Sequence of labels, in order.
639 me._pmap = {} # Maps primes to steps.
640 me._i = 0
642 def addstep(me, step):
643 """
644 Add a new STEP to the proof.
646 The STEP may have a label already. If not, a new internal label is
647 chosen. The proof step is checked before being added to the proof. The
648 label is returned.
649 """
651 ## If there's already a step for this prime, and the new step doesn't
652 ## have a label, then return the old one instead.
653 if step.label is None:
654 try: return me._pmap[step.p]
655 except KeyError: pass
657 ## Make sure the step is actually correct.
658 step.check()
660 ## Generate a label if the step doesn't have one already.
661 if step.label is None: step.label = '$t%d' % me._i; me._i += 1
663 ## If the label is already taken then we have a problem.
664 if step.label in me._steps:
665 raise ExpectedError('duplicate label `%s\'' % step.label)
667 ## Store the proof step.
668 me._pmap[step.p] = step.label
669 me._steps[step.label] = step
670 me._stepseq.append(step.label)
671 return step.label
673 def get_step(me, label):
674 """
675 Check that LABEL labels a known step, and return that step.
676 """
677 try: return me._steps[label]
678 except KeyError: raise ExpectedError('unknown label `%s\'' % label)
680 def write(me, file):
681 """
682 Write the proof to the given FILE.
683 """
685 ## Prefix the main steps with a `sievebits' line.
686 file.write('sievebits %d\n' % (2*(SIEVE.limit.bit_length() - 1)))
688 ## Write the steps out one by one.
689 for label in me._stepseq: me._steps[label].out(file)
691 def read(me, file):
692 """
693 Read a proof from a given FILE.
698 Comments (beginning `;') and blank lines are ignored. Other lines begin
699 with a keyword.
700 """
701 lastp = None
702 for lno, line in enumerate(file, 1):
703 line = line.strip()
704 if line.startswith(';'): continue
705 ww = line.split(None, 1)
706 if not ww: continue
707 w = ww[0]
708 if len(ww) > 1: tail = ww[1]
709 else: tail = ''
710 try:
711 try: op = me.STEPMAP[w]
712 except KeyError:
713 raise ExpectedError('unrecognized keyword `%s\'' % w)
714 step = op(me, tail)
715 if step is not None:
716 me.addstep(step)
717 lastp = step.p
718 except ExpectedError:
719 raise ExpectedError('%s:%d: %s' %
720 (file.name, lno, _excval().message))
721 return lastp
723 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
724 ### Finding provable primes.
726 class BasePrime (object):
727 """
728 I represent a prime number which has been found and can be proven.
730 This object can eventually be turned into a sequence of proof steps and
731 added to a PrimeProof. This isn't done immediately, because some
732 prime-search strategies want to build a pool of provable primes and will
733 then select some subset of them to actually construct the number of final
734 interest. This way, we avoid cluttering the output proof with proofs of
735 uninteresting numbers.
737 Protocol required.
739 p The prime number in question.
741 label(LABEL) Associate LABEL with this prime, and the corresponding proof
742 step. A label can be set in the constructor, or later using
743 this method.
745 register(PP) Register the prime with a PrimeProof, adding any necessary
746 proof steps. Returns the label of the proof step for this
747 number.
749 _mkstep(PP, **KW)
750 Return a proof step for this prime.
751 """
752 def __init__(me, label = None, *args, **kw):
753 """Initialize a provable prime number object."""
754 super(BasePrime, me).__init__(*args, **kw)
755 me._index = me._pp = None
756 me._label = label
757 def label(me, label):
758 """Set this number's LABEL."""
759 me._label = label
760 def register(me, pp):
761 """
762 Register the prime's proof steps with PrimeProof PP.
764 Return the final step's label.
765 """
766 if me._pp is not None:
767 assert me._pp == pp
768 else:
769 me._pp = pp
770 me._index = pp.addstep(me._mkstep(pp, label = me._label))
771 ##try: me._index = pp.addstep(me._mkstep(pp, label = me._label))
772 ##except: raise RuntimeError('generated proof failed sanity check')
773 return me._index
775 class SmallPrime (BasePrime):
776 """I represent a prime small enough to be checked in isolation."""
777 def __init__(me, p, *args, **kw):
778 super(SmallPrime, me).__init__(*args, **kw)
779 me.p = p
780 def _mkstep(me, pp, **kw):
781 return SmallStep(pp, me.p, **kw)
783 class PockPrime (BasePrime):
784 """I represent a prime proven using Pocklington's theorem."""
785 def __init__(me, p, a, qq, *args, **kw):
786 super(PockPrime, me).__init__(*args, **kw)
787 me.p = p
788 me._a = a
789 me._qq = qq
790 def _mkstep(me, pp, **kw):
791 return PockStep(pp, me._a, (me.p - 1)/prod((q.p for q in me._qq), 2),
792 [q.register(pp) for q in me._qq], **kw)
794 def gen_small(nbits, label = None, p = None):
795 """
796 Return a new small prime.
798 The prime will be exactly NBITS bits long. The proof step will have the
799 given LABEL attached. Report progress to the ProgressReporter P.
800 """
801 while True:
803 ## Pick a random NBITS-bit number.
804 n = C.rand.mp(nbits, 1)
805 assert n.nbits == nbits
807 ## If it's probably prime, then check it against the small primes we
808 ## know. If it passes then we're done. Otherwise, try again.
809 if n.primep():
810 for q in SIEVE.smallprimes():
811 if q*q > n: return SmallPrime(n, label = label)
812 if n%q == 0: break
814 def gen_pock(nbits, nsubbits = 0, label = None, p = ProgressReporter()):
815 """
816 Return a new prime provable using Pocklington's theorem.
818 The prime N will be exactly NBITS long, of the form N = 2 Q R + 1. If
819 NSUBBITS is nonzero, then each prime factor of Q will be NSUBBITS bits
820 long; otherwise a suitable default will be chosen. The proof step will
821 have the given LABEL attached. Report progress to the ProgressReporter P.
823 The prime numbers this function returns are a long way from being uniformly
824 distributed.
825 """
827 ## Pick a suitable value for NSUBBITS if we don't have one.
828 if not nsubbits:
830 ## This is remarkably tricky. Picking about 1/3 sqrt(NBITS) factors
831 ## seems about right for large numbers, but there's serious trouble
832 ## lurking for small sizes.
833 nsubbits = int(3*M.sqrt(nbits))
834 if nbits < nsubbits + 3: nsubbits = nbits//2 + 1
835 if nbits == 2*nsubbits: nsubbits += 1
837 ## Figure out how many subgroups we'll need.
838 npiece = ((nbits + 1)//2 + nsubbits - 1)//nsubbits
839 p.push()
841 ## Keep searching...
842 while True:
844 ## Come up with a collection of known prime factors.
845 p.p('!'); qq = [gen(nsubbits, p = p) for i in xrange(npiece)]
846 Q = prod(q.p for q in qq)
848 ## Come up with bounds on the cofactor. If we're to have N = 2 Q R + 1,
849 ## and 2^{B-1} <= N < 2^B, then we must have 2^{B-2}/Q <= R < 2^{B-1}/Q.
850 Rbase = (C.MP(0).setbit(nbits - 2) + Q - 1)//Q
851 Rwd = C.MP(0).setbit(nbits - 2)//Q
853 ## Probe the available space of cofactors. If the space is kind of
854 ## narrow, then we want to give up quickly if we're not finding anything
855 ## suitable.
856 step = 0
857 while step < Rwd:
858 step += 1
860 ## Pick a random cofactor and examine the number we ended up with.
861 ## Make sure it really does have the length we expect.
862 R = C.rand.range(Rwd) + Rbase
863 n = 2*Q*R + 1
864 assert n.nbits == nbits
866 ## As a complication, if NPIECE is 1, it's just about possible that Q^2
867 ## <= n, in which case this isn't going to work.
868 if Q*Q < n: continue
870 ## If n has small factors, then pick another cofactor.
871 if C.PrimeFilter.smallfactor(n) == C.PGEN_FAIL: continue
873 ## Work through the small primes to find a suitable generator. The
874 ## value 2 is almost always acceptable, so don't try too hard here.
875 for a in I.islice(SIEVE.smallprimes(), 16):
877 ## First, try the Fermat test. If that fails, then n is definitely
878 ## composite.
879 if pow(a, n - 1, n) != 1: p.p('.'); break
880 p.p('*')
882 ## Work through the subgroup orders, checking that suitable powers of
883 ## a generate the necessary subgroups.
884 for q in qq:
885 if n.gcd(pow(a, (n - 1)/q.p, n) - 1) != 1:
886 p.p('@'); ok = False; break
887 else:
888 ok = True
890 ## we're all good.
891 if ok: p.pop(); return PockPrime(n, a, qq, label = label)
893 def gen(nbits, label = None, p = ProgressReporter()):
894 """
895 Generate a prime number with NBITS bits.
897 Give it the LABEL, and report progress to P.
898 """
899 if SIEVE.limit >> (nbits + 1)/2: g = gen_small
900 else: g = gen_pock
901 return g(nbits, label = label, p = p)
903 def gen_limlee(nbits, nsubbits,
904 label = None, qlfmt = None, p = ProgressReporter()):
905 """
906 Generate a Lim--Lee prime with NBITS bits.
908 Let p be the prime. Then we'll have p = 2 q_0 q_1 ... q_k, with all q_i at
909 least NSUBBITS bits long, and all but q_k exactly that long.
911 The prime will be given the LABEL; progress is reported to P. The factors
912 q_i will be labelled by filling in the `printf'-style format string QLFMT
913 with the argument i.
914 """
916 ## Figure out how many factors (p - 1)/2 will have.
917 npiece = nbits//nsubbits
918 if npiece < 2: raise ExpectedError('too few pieces')
920 ## Decide how big to make the pool of factors.
921 poolsz = max(3*npiece + 5, 25) # Heuristic from GnuPG
923 ## Prepare for the main loop.
924 disp = nstep = 0
925 qbig = None
926 p.push()
928 ## Try to make a prime.
929 while True:
930 p.p('!')
932 ## Construct a pool of NSUBBITS-size primes. There's a problem with very
933 ## small sizes: we might not be able to build a pool of distinct primes.
934 pool = []; qmap = {}
935 for i in xrange(poolsz):
936 for j in xrange(64):
937 q = gen(nsubbits, p = p)
938 if q.p not in qmap: break
939 else:
940 raise ExpectedError('insufficient diversity')
941 qmap[q.p] = q
942 pool.append(q)
944 ## Work through combinations of factors from the pool.
945 for qq in combinations(npiece - 1, pool):
947 ## Construct the product of the selected factors.
948 qsmall = prod(q.p for q in qq)
950 ## Maybe we'll need to replace the large factor. Try not to do this
951 ## too often. DISP measures the large factor's performance at
952 ## producing candidates with the right length. If it looks bad then
953 ## we'll have to replace it.
954 if 3*disp*disp > nstep*nstep:
955 qbig = None
956 if disp < 0: p.p('<')
957 else: p.p('>')
959 ## If we don't have a large factor, then make one.
960 if qbig is None:
961 qbig = gen(nbits - qsmall.nbits, p = p)
962 disp = 0; nstep = 0
964 ## We have a candidate. Calculate it and make sure it has the right
965 ## length.
966 n = 2*qsmall*qbig.p + 1
967 nstep += 1
968 if n.nbits < nbits: disp -= 1
969 elif n.nbits > nbits: disp += 1
970 elif C.PrimeFilter.smallfactor(n) == C.PGEN_FAIL: pass
971 else:
973 ## The candidate has passed the small-primes test. Now check it
974 ## against Pocklington.
975 for a in I.islice(SIEVE.smallprimes(), 16):
977 ## Fermat test.
978 if pow(a, n - 1, n) != 1: p.p('.'); break
979 p.p('*')
981 ## Find a generator of a sufficiently large subgroup.
982 if n.gcd(pow(a, (n - 1)/qbig.p, n) - 1) != 1: p.p('@'); continue
983 ok = True
984 for q in qq:
985 if n.gcd(pow(a, (n - 1)/q.p, n) - 1) != 1:
986 p.p('@'); ok = False; break
988 ## We're done.
989 if ok:
991 ## Label the factors.
992 qq.append(qbig)
993 if qlfmt:
994 for i, q in enumerate(qq): q.label(qlfmt % i)
996 ## Return the number we found.
997 p.pop(); return PockPrime(n, a, qq, label = label)
999 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1000 ### Main program.
1002 def __main__():
1003 global VERBOSITY
1005 ## Prepare an option parser.
1006 op = OP.OptionParser(
1007 usage = '''\
1008 pock [-qv] [-s SIEVEBITS] CMD ARGS...
1009 gen NBITS
1011 check [FILE]''',
1012 description = 'Generate or verify certified prime numbers.')
1013 op.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest = 'verbosity',
1014 action = 'count', default = 1,
1015 help = 'print mysterious runes while looking for prime numbers')
1016 op.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest = 'quietude',
1017 action = 'count', default = 0,
1018 help = 'be quiet while looking for prime numbers')
1019 op.add_option('-s', '--sievebits', dest = 'sievebits',
1020 type = 'int', default = 32,
1021 help = 'size (in bits) of largest small prime')
1022 opts, argv = op.parse_args()
1023 VERBOSITY = opts.verbosity - opts.quietude
1024 p = ProgressReporter()
1025 a = ArgFetcher(argv, op.error)
1027 ## Process arguments and do what the user asked.
1028 w = a.arg()
1030 if w == 'gen':
1031 ## Generate a prime with no special structure.
1032 initsieve(opts.sievebits)
1033 nbits = a.int(min = 4)
1034 pp = PrimeProof()
1035 p = gen(nbits, 'p', p = p)
1036 p.register(pp)
1037 pp.write(stdout)
1039 elif w == 'll':
1040 ## Generate a Lim--Lee prime.
1041 initsieve(opts.sievebits)
1042 nbits = a.int(min = 4)
1043 nsubbits = a.int(min = 4, max = nbits)
1044 pp = PrimeProof()
1045 p = gen_limlee(nbits, nsubbits, 'p', 'q_%d', p = p)
1046 p.register(pp)
1047 pp.write(stdout)
1049 elif w == 'check':
1050 ## Check an existing certificate.
1051 fn = a.arg(default = '-', must = False)
1052 if fn == '-': f = stdin
1053 else: f = open(fn, 'r')
1054 pp = PrimeProof()
1055 p = pp.read(f)
1057 else:
1058 raise ExpectedError("unknown command `%s'" % w)
1060 if __name__ == '__main__':
1061 prog = OS.path.basename(argv[0])
1062 try: __main__()
1063 except ExpectedError: exit('%s: %s' % (prog, _excval().message))
1064 except IOError: exit('%s: %s' % (prog, _excval()))
1066 ###----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------