Default handling of VT100 line drawing characters in cut and paste is
[u/mdw/putty] / int64.c
1 /*
2 * Handling of the int64 and uint64 types. Done in 32-bit integers,
3 * for (pre-C99) portability. Hopefully once C99 becomes widespread
4 * we can kiss this lot goodbye...
5 */
7 #include <assert.h>
9 typedef struct {
10 unsigned long hi, lo;
11 } uint64, int64;
13 uint64 uint64_div10(uint64 x, int *remainder) {
14 uint64 y;
15 int rem, r2;
16 y.hi = x.hi / 10;
17 y.lo = x.lo / 10;
18 rem = x.lo % 10;
19 /*
20 * Now we have to add in the remainder left over from x.hi.
21 */
22 r2 = x.hi % 10;
23 y.lo += r2 * 2 * (0x80000000 / 10);
24 rem += r2 * 2 * (0x80000000 % 10);
25 y.lo += rem / 10;
26 rem %= 10;
28 if (remainder)
29 *remainder = rem;
30 return y;
31 }
33 void uint64_decimal(uint64 x, char *buffer) {
34 char buf[20];
35 int start = 20;
36 int d;
38 while (x.hi || x.lo) {
39 x = uint64_div10(x, &d);
40 assert(start > 0);
41 buf[--start] = d + '0';
42 }
44 memcpy(buffer, buf+start, sizeof(buf)-start);
45 buffer[sizeof(buf)-start] = '\0';
46 }
48 uint64 uint64_make(unsigned long hi, unsigned long lo) {
49 uint64 y;
50 y.hi = hi;
51 y.lo = lo;
52 return y;
53 }
55 uint64 uint64_add(uint64 x, uint64 y) {
56 x.lo += y.lo;
57 x.hi += y.hi + (x.lo < y.lo ? 1 : 0);
58 return x;
59 }
61 uint64 uint64_add32(uint64 x, unsigned long y) {
62 uint64 yy;
63 yy.hi = 0;
64 yy.lo = y;
65 return uint64_add(x, yy);
66 }