#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use POSIX; use IO::File; use Getopt::Long; use File::Glob qw(:glob); our $prefix="/usr/local"; our $package='xfonts-traditional'; our $sharedir="$prefix/share/$package"; our @fontsdirs=qw(/usr/share/fonts/X11 /usr/local/share/fonts/X11); our $donefile="$package.done"; our $fontprefix="trad--"; our @rulespath; our $mode; our %foundrymap; our $verbose=0; our $reportfh; sub reportloaded { return unless $verbose; print $reportfh @_,"\n" or die $!; } sub loadrules ($) { my ($key) = @_; our %cache; my $fc=$cache{$key}; return $fc if $fc; foreach my $path (@rulespath) { my $script="$path/$key.rules"; $!=0; $@=''; my $f = do $script; if (defined $f) { reportloaded("rules: loaded ",$script); $cache{$key}=$f; return $f; } die "$! $? $script" unless $! == &ENOENT; } return $cache{$key}=undef; } sub processbdf ($$$) { my ($inbdf,$outbdf,$what) = @_; my $state='idle'; my ($foundry,$font); my ($w,$h,$xo,$yo,$y,$bitmap,$glyph); my $modified=0; while (<$inbdf>) { if ($state eq 'bitmap' && $y==$h) { $glyph = uc $glyph; $glyph =~ s/\;$//; local ($_) = $glyph; my $key= sprintf "%s,%d,%d,%d,%d", $foundry,$w,$h,$xo,$yo; my $rules= loadrules($key); return (0,'no rules') if !$rules; $rules->(); $modified += ($_ ne $glyph); print $outbdf $_,"\n" or die $! foreach split /\;/, $_; # /; $state='idle'; } if ($state eq 'bitmap') { m/^([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+$/ or die $y; length($1) == (($w+7 >> 3) << 1) or die "$1 $w"; $glyph .= "$1;"; $y++; next; } if ($state eq 'idle' && m/^FOUNDRY\s+/) { die if defined $foundry; return (0,'foundry syntax') unless m/^FOUNDRY\s+\"(\w+)\"\s+/; $foundry = $foundrymap{lc $1}; return (0,'no foundry') unless defined $foundry; $_ = "FOUNDRY \"$foundry\"\n"; } if ($state eq 'idle' && m/^FONT\s+/) { die if defined $font; return 0 unless m/^(FONT\s+)\-(\w+)\-/; $font = $foundrymap{lc $2}; return (0,'no foundry') unless defined $font; $_ = "FONT -$font-$'"; } if ($state eq 'idle' && m/^STARTCHAR\s/) { die unless defined $foundry; die unless defined $font; return (0,'foundry != font') unless $foundry eq $font; $state='startchar'; $w=undef; } if ($state eq 'startchar') { if (m/^BBX\s+(\+?\d+)\s+(\+?\d+)\s+([-+]?\d+)\s+([-+]?\d+)\s+$/) { ($w,$h,$xo,$yo) = ($1,$2,$3,$4); } if (m/^BITMAP\s+$/) { die unless defined $w; $y=0; $glyph=''; $state='bitmap'; } } print $outbdf $_ or die $!; } die $! if $inbdf->error; die $! if $outbdf->error or !$outbdf->flush; die unless $state eq 'idle'; if ($modified) { printf $reportfh "%s: %d glyphs changed\n", $what, $modified or die $!; } else { printf $reportfh "%s: unchanged - no rules matched\n", $what or die $!; } return $modified; } our (@options)=( 'R|rules-include=s@' => \@rulespath, 'share-dir=s' => \$sharedir, 'verbose|v+' => \$verbose, ); sub define_mode ($$) { my ($optname,$f) = @_; push @options, $optname, sub { die "only one mode may be specified\n" if defined $mode; $mode=$f; }; } sub loadfoundries () { foreach my $path (@rulespath) { my $p = "$path/foundries"; my $f = new IO::File $p; if (!$f) { die "$p $!" unless $!==&ENOENT; print $reportfh "foundries: none in $p\n" or die $! if $verbose; next; } while (<$f>) { s/^\s*//; s/\s+$//; next if m/^\#/; m/^(\w+)\s+(\w+)$/ or die; my $k = lc $1; next if exists $foundrymap{$k}; $foundrymap{$k}=$2; } $f->error and die $!; reportloaded('foundries: loaded ',$p); } die "no foundry maps\n" unless %foundrymap; } sub processfontdir ($) { my ($fontdir) = @_; if (!opendir FD, $fontdir) { die "$fontdir $!" unless $!==&ENOENT; return; } my $done = do "$fontdir/$donefile"; if (!$done) { die "$fontdir $! $@ " unless $!==&ENOENT; $done = { }; } my %found; while (my $dent = readdir FD) { next unless $dent =~ m/^[^.\/].*\.pcf\.gz$/; if ($dent =~ m/^\Q$fontprefix/) { $found{$dent} = 1; next; } if (!stat $dent) { die "$fontdir $dent $!" unless $!==&ENOENT; next; } die "$fontdir $dent" unless -f _; my $stats = join ' ', ((stat _)[1,7,9,10]); $tdone = $done{$dent}; if (defined $tdone && $tdone eq $stats) { $found{$dent} = 2; next; } our $stdin = new IO::File '<&STDIN' or die $!; our $stdout = new IO::File '>&STDOUT' or die $!; our $stderr = new IO::File '>&STDERR' or die $!; $reportfh = $stdout; define_mode('bdf-filter', sub { die "no arguments allowed with --bdf-filter\n" if @ARGV; $reportfh = $stderr; loadfoundries(); my $r = processbdf($stdin,$stdout,'stdin'); if ($r !~ m/^\d/) { print STDERR "stdin not processed: $r\n"; exit 2; } }); Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(bundling)); GetOptions(@options) or exit 127; push @rulespath, "$sharedir/rules"; die "need a mode\n" unless $mode; $mode->(); # 70 zcat /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/6x13.pcf.gz |pcf2bdf >in.bdf # 71 ./utility out.bdf # 83 bdftopcf out.bdf >out.pcf # 84 gzip out.pcf # 85 cp out.pcf.gz /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/ # really mkfontdir /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/ # xset fp rehash # xfontsel