udpkey in Debian The =udpkey= program itself is described in a traditional manual page. It makes few assumptions about the environment in which it's run, so it needs some work to integrate it with any particular system. * Running as a server To get =udpkey= to run as a server: + Create a user to run the server, e.g., =adduser --system --group udpkey=. + Create =/etc/udpkey/keyring=, and populate it with key fragments and client public keys as described in the manual. The keyring file must be readable by the user created above. + Create =/etc/default/udpkey=. This must at the very least set =UDPKEY_DAEMON=yes= if the daemon is to be run at all. I chose port 59274 arbitrarily; if you want to use a different one, set =PORT=12345= or whatever. * Running as a client in initramfs Some simple scripts for integrating =udpkey= with =cryptsetup= are provided in =/usr/share/doc/udpkey/examples=. See the comments in those files for details. Here's the brief version. + Copy =udpkey.initramfs-hook= into =/etc/initramfs-tools/hooks=. Install =udpkey.keyscript= somewhere, say =/usr/local/sbin=. + Create =/etc/udpkey/keyring= and generate a private key. See the manual for details of how to do this. Extract the public key and transport it to the server. + Add a line to =/etc/crypttab= of the form : cvolume /dev/md/encrypted keytag/ luks,keyscript=/usr/local/sbin/udpkey.keyscript to =/etc/crypttab=. + Generate a key fragment at your chosen server, here Import the client's public key and grant it access to the key fragment. + Generate a random string of the same length and write it to =/etc/udpkey/keytag.local=. + Run : udpkey keytag /etc/udpkey/keytag.local | sha256sum to make sure that everything's actually working. Add the key to your LUKS superblock.