[tripe] / keys / tripe-keys.in
1 #! @PYTHON@
2 ### -*-python-*-
3 ###
4 ### Key management and distribution
5 ###
6 ### (c) 2006 Straylight/Edgeware
7 ###
9 ###----- Licensing notice ---------------------------------------------------
10 ###
11 ### This file is part of Trivial IP Encryption (TrIPE).
12 ###
13 ### TrIPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
14 ### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15 ### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
16 ### (at your option) any later version.
17 ###
18 ### TrIPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19 ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 ### GNU General Public License for more details.
22 ###
23 ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24 ### along with TrIPE; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
25 ### Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
27 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 ### External dependencies.
30 import catacomb as C
31 import os as OS
32 import sys as SYS
33 import re as RX
34 import getopt as O
35 import shutil as SH
36 import time as T
37 import filecmp as FC
38 from cStringIO import StringIO
39 from errno import *
40 from stat import *
42 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 ### Useful regular expressions
45 ## Match a comment or blank line.
46 rx_comment = RX.compile(r'^\s*(#|$)')
48 ## Match a KEY = VALUE assignment.
49 rx_keyval = RX.compile(r'^\s*([-\w]+)(?:\s+(?!=)|\s*=\s*)(|\S|\S.*\S)\s*$')
51 ## Match a ${KEY} substitution.
52 rx_dollarsubst = RX.compile(r'\$\{([-\w]+)\}')
54 ## Match a @TAG@ substitution.
55 rx_atsubst = RX.compile(r'@([-\w]+)@')
57 ## Match a single non-alphanumeric character.
58 rx_nonalpha = RX.compile(r'\W')
60 ## Match the literal string "<SEQ>".
61 rx_seq = RX.compile(r'\<SEQ\>')
63 ## Match a shell metacharacter.
64 rx_shmeta = RX.compile('[\\s`!"#$&*()\\[\\];\'|<>?\\\\]')
66 ## Match a character which needs escaping in a shell double-quoted string.
67 rx_shquote = RX.compile(r'["`$\\]')
69 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 ### Utility functions.
72 ## Exceptions.
73 class SubprocessError (Exception): pass
74 class VerifyError (Exception): pass
76 ## Program name and identification.
77 quis = OS.path.basename(SYS.argv[0])
81 def moan(msg):
82 """Report MSG to standard error."""
83 SYS.stderr.write('%s: %s\n' % (quis, msg))
85 def die(msg, rc = 1):
86 """Report MSG to standard error, and exit with code RC."""
87 moan(msg)
88 SYS.exit(rc)
90 def subst(s, rx, map):
91 """
92 Substitute values into a string.
94 Repeatedly match RX (a compiled regular expression) against the string S.
95 For each match, extract group 1, and use it as a key to index the MAP;
96 replace the match by the result. Finally, return the fully-substituted
97 string.
98 """
99 out = StringIO()
100 i = 0
101 for m in rx.finditer(s):
102 out.write(s[i:m.start()] + map[m.group(1)])
103 i = m.end()
104 out.write(s[i:])
105 return out.getvalue()
107 def shell_quotify(arg):
108 """
109 Quotify ARG to keep the shell happy.
111 This isn't actually used for invoking commands, just for presentation
112 purposes; but correctness is still nice.
113 """
114 if not rx_shmeta.search(arg):
115 return arg
116 elif arg.find("'") == -1:
117 return "'%s'" % arg
118 else:
119 return '"%s"' % rx_shquote.sub(lambda m: '\\' + m.group(0), arg)
121 def rmtree(path):
122 """Delete the directory tree given by PATH."""
123 try:
124 st = OS.lstat(path)
125 except OSError, err:
126 if err.errno == ENOENT:
127 return
128 raise
129 if not S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
130 OS.unlink(path)
131 else:
132 cwd = OS.getcwd()
133 try:
134 OS.chdir(path)
135 for i in OS.listdir('.'):
136 rmtree(i)
137 finally:
138 OS.chdir(cwd)
139 OS.rmdir(path)
141 def zap(file):
142 """Delete the named FILE if it exists; otherwise do nothing."""
143 try:
144 OS.unlink(file)
145 except OSError, err:
146 if err.errno == ENOENT: return
147 raise
149 def run(args):
150 """
151 Run a subprocess whose arguments are given by the string ARGS.
153 The ARGS are split at word boundaries, and then subjected to configuration
154 variable substitution (see conf_subst). Individual argument elements
155 beginning with `!' are split again into multiple arguments at word
156 boundaries.
157 """
158 args = map(conf_subst, args.split())
159 nargs = []
160 for a in args:
161 if len(a) > 0 and a[0] != '!':
162 nargs += [a]
163 else:
164 nargs += a[1:].split()
165 args = nargs
166 print '+ %s' % ' '.join([shell_quotify(arg) for arg in args])
167 SYS.stdout.flush()
168 rc = OS.spawnvp(OS.P_WAIT, args[0], args)
169 if rc != 0:
170 raise SubprocessError, rc
172 def hexhyphens(bytes):
173 """
174 Convert a byte string BYTES into hex, with hyphens at each 4-byte boundary.
175 """
176 out = StringIO()
177 for i in xrange(0, len(bytes)):
178 if i > 0 and i % 4 == 0: out.write('-')
179 out.write('%02x' % ord(bytes[i]))
180 return out.getvalue()
182 def fingerprint(kf, ktag):
183 """
184 Compute the fingerprint of a key, using the user's selected hash.
186 KF is the name of a keyfile; KTAG is the tag of the key.
187 """
188 h = C.gchashes[conf['fingerprint-hash']]()
189 k = C.KeyFile(kf)[ktag].fingerprint(h, '-secret')
190 return h.done()
192 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
193 ### The configuration file.
195 ## Exceptions.
196 class ConfigFileError (Exception): pass
198 ## The configuration dictionary.
199 conf = {}
201 def conf_subst(s):
202 """
203 Apply configuration substitutions to S.
205 That is, for each ${KEY} in S, replace it with the current value of the
206 configuration variable KEY.
207 """
208 return subst(s, rx_dollarsubst, conf)
210 def conf_read(f):
211 """
212 Read the file F and insert assignments into the configuration dictionary.
213 """
214 lno = 0
215 for line in file(f):
216 lno += 1
217 if rx_comment.match(line): continue
218 if line[-1] == '\n': line = line[:-1]
219 match = rx_keyval.match(line)
220 if not match:
221 raise ConfigFileError, "%s:%d: bad line `%s'" % (f, lno, line)
222 k, v = match.groups()
223 conf[k] = conf_subst(v)
225 def conf_defaults():
226 """
227 Apply defaults to the configuration dictionary.
229 Fill in all the interesting configuration variables based on the existing
230 contents, as described in the manual.
231 """
232 for k, v in [('repos-base', 'tripe-keys.tar.gz'),
233 ('sig-base', 'tripe-keys.sig-<SEQ>'),
234 ('repos-url', '${base-url}${repos-base}'),
235 ('sig-url', '${base-url}${sig-base}'),
236 ('sig-file', '${base-dir}${sig-base}'),
237 ('repos-file', '${base-dir}${repos-base}'),
238 ('conf-file', '${base-dir}tripe-keys.conf'),
239 ('upload-hook', ': run upload hook'),
240 ('kx', 'dh'),
241 ('kx-genalg', lambda: {'dh': 'dh',
242 'ec': 'ec',
243 'x25519': 'x25519',
244 'x448': 'x448'}[conf['kx']]),
245 ('kx-param-genalg', lambda: {'dh': 'dh-param',
246 'ec': 'ec-param',
247 'x25519': 'empty',
248 'x448': 'empty'}[conf['kx']]),
249 ('kx-param', lambda: {'dh': '-LS -b3072 -B256',
250 'ec': '-Cnist-p256',
251 'x25519': '',
252 'x448': ''}[conf['kx']]),
253 ('kx-attrs', lambda: {'dh': 'serialization=constlen',
254 'ec': 'serialization=constlen',
255 'x25519': '',
256 'x448': ''}[conf['kx']]),
257 ('kx-expire', 'now + 1 year'),
258 ('kx-warn-days', '28'),
259 ('bulk', 'iiv'),
260 ('cipher', lambda: conf['bulk'] == 'naclbox'
261 and 'salsa20' or 'rijndael-cbc'),
262 ('hash', 'sha256'),
263 ('master-keygen-flags', '-l'),
264 ('master-attrs', ''),
265 ('mgf', '${hash}-mgf'),
266 ('mac', lambda: conf['bulk'] == 'naclbox'
267 and 'poly1305/128'
268 or '%s-hmac/%d' %
269 (conf['hash'],
270 C.gchashes[conf['hash']].hashsz * 4)),
271 ('sig', lambda: {'dh': 'dsa',
272 'ec': 'ecdsa',
273 'x25519': 'ed25519',
274 'x448': 'ed448'}[conf['kx']]),
275 ('sig-fresh', 'always'),
276 ('sig-genalg', lambda: {'kcdsa': 'dh',
277 'dsa': 'dsa',
278 'rsapkcs1': 'rsa',
279 'rsapss': 'rsa',
280 'ecdsa': 'ec',
281 'eckcdsa': 'ec',
282 'ed25519': 'ed25519',
283 'ed448': 'ed448'}[conf['sig']]),
284 ('sig-param', lambda: {'dh': '-LS -b3072 -B256',
285 'dsa': '-b3072 -B256',
286 'ec': '-Cnist-p256',
287 'rsa': '-b3072',
288 'ed25519': '',
289 'ed448': ''}[conf['sig-genalg']]),
290 ('sig-hash', '${hash}'),
291 ('sig-expire', 'forever'),
292 ('fingerprint-hash', '${hash}')]:
293 try:
294 if k in conf: continue
295 if type(v) == str:
296 conf[k] = conf_subst(v)
297 else:
298 conf[k] = v()
299 except KeyError, exc:
300 if len(exc.args) == 0: raise
301 conf[k] = '<missing-var %s>' % exc.args[0]
303 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
304 ### Key-management utilities.
306 def master_keys():
307 """
308 Iterate over the master keys.
309 """
310 if not OS.path.exists('master'):
311 return
312 for k in C.KeyFile('master').itervalues():
313 if (k.type != 'tripe-keys-master' or
314 k.expiredp or
315 not k.tag.startswith('master-')):
316 continue #??
317 yield k
319 def master_sequence(k):
320 """
321 Return the sequence number of the given master key as an integer.
323 No checking is done that K is really a master key.
324 """
325 return int(k.tag[7:])
327 def max_master_sequence():
328 """
329 Find the master key with the highest sequence number and return this
330 sequence number.
331 """
332 seq = -1
333 for k in master_keys():
334 q = master_sequence(k)
335 if q > seq: seq = q
336 return seq
338 def seqsubst(x, q):
339 """
340 Return the value of the configuration variable X, with <SEQ> replaced by
341 the value Q.
342 """
343 return rx_seq.sub(str(q), conf[x])
345 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
346 ### Commands: help [COMMAND...]
348 def version(fp = SYS.stdout):
349 fp.write('%s, %s version %s\n' % (quis, PACKAGE, VERSION))
351 def usage(fp):
352 fp.write('Usage: %s SUBCOMMAND [ARGS...]\n' % quis)
354 def cmd_help(args):
355 if len(args) == 0:
356 version(SYS.stdout)
357 print
358 usage(SYS.stdout)
359 print """
360 Key management utility for TrIPE.
362 Options supported:
364 -h, --help Show this help message.
365 -v, --version Show the version number.
366 -u, --usage Show pointlessly short usage string.
368 Subcommands available:
369 """
370 args = commands.keys()
371 args.sort()
372 for c in args:
373 try: func, min, max, help = commands[c]
374 except KeyError: die("unknown command `%s'" % c)
375 print '%s%s%s' % (c, help and ' ', help)
377 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
378 ### Commands: newmaster
380 def cmd_newmaster(args):
381 seq = max_master_sequence() + 1
382 run('''key -kmaster add
383 -a${sig-genalg} !${sig-param}
384 -e${sig-expire} !${master-keygen-flags} -tmaster-%d tripe-keys-master
385 sig=${sig} hash=${sig-hash} !${master-attrs}''' % seq)
386 run('key -kmaster extract -f-secret repos/master.pub')
388 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
389 ### Commands: setup
391 def cmd_setup(args):
392 OS.mkdir('repos')
393 run('''key -krepos/param add
394 -a${kx-param-genalg} !${kx-param}
395 -eforever -tparam tripe-param
396 kx-group=${kx} mgf=${mgf} mac=${mac}
397 bulk=${bulk} cipher=${cipher} hash=${hash} ${kx-attrs}''')
398 cmd_newmaster(args)
400 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
401 ### Commands: upload
403 def cmd_upload(args):
405 ## Sanitize the repository directory
406 umask = OS.umask(0); OS.umask(umask)
407 mode = 0666 & ~umask
408 for f in OS.listdir('repos'):
409 ff = OS.path.join('repos', f)
410 if (f.startswith('master') or f.startswith('peer-')) \
411 and f.endswith('.old'):
412 OS.unlink(ff)
413 continue
414 OS.chmod(ff, mode)
416 rmtree('tmp')
417 OS.mkdir('tmp')
418 OS.symlink('../repos', 'tmp/repos')
419 cwd = OS.getcwd()
420 try:
422 ## Build the configuration file
423 seq = max_master_sequence()
424 v = {'MASTER-SEQUENCE': str(seq),
425 'HK-MASTER': hexhyphens(fingerprint('repos/master.pub',
426 'master-%d' % seq))}
427 fin = file('tripe-keys.master')
428 fout = file('tmp/tripe-keys.conf', 'w')
429 for line in fin:
430 fout.write(subst(line, rx_atsubst, v))
431 fin.close(); fout.close()
432 SH.copyfile('tmp/tripe-keys.conf', conf_subst('${conf-file}.new'))
433 commit = [conf['repos-file'], conf['conf-file']]
435 ## Make and sign the repository archive
436 OS.chdir('tmp')
437 run('tar chozf ${repos-file}.new .')
438 OS.chdir(cwd)
439 for k in master_keys():
440 seq = master_sequence(k)
441 sigfile = seqsubst('sig-file', seq)
442 run('''catsign -kmaster sign -abdC -kmaster-%d
443 -o%s.new ${repos-file}.new''' % (seq, sigfile))
444 commit.append(sigfile)
446 ## Commit the changes
447 for base in commit:
448 new = '%s.new' % base
449 OS.rename(new, base)
451 ## Remove files in the base-dir which don't correspond to ones we just
452 ## committed
453 allow = {}
454 basedir = conf['base-dir']
455 bdl = len(basedir)
456 for base in commit:
457 if base.startswith(basedir): allow[base[bdl:]] = 1
458 for found in OS.listdir(basedir):
459 if found not in allow: OS.remove(OS.path.join(basedir, found))
460 finally:
461 OS.chdir(cwd)
462 rmtree('tmp')
463 run('sh -c ${upload-hook}')
465 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
466 ### Commands: rebuild
468 def cmd_rebuild(args):
469 zap('keyring.pub')
470 for i in OS.listdir('repos'):
471 if i.startswith('peer-') and i.endswith('.pub'):
472 run('key -kkeyring.pub merge %s' % OS.path.join('repos', i))
474 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
475 ### Commands: update
477 def cmd_update(args):
478 cwd = OS.getcwd()
479 rmtree('tmp')
480 try:
482 ## Fetch a new distribution
483 OS.mkdir('tmp')
484 OS.chdir('tmp')
485 seq = int(conf['master-sequence'])
486 run('curl -sL -o tripe-keys.tar.gz ${repos-url}')
487 run('curl -sL -o tripe-keys.sig %s' % seqsubst('sig-url', seq))
488 run('tar xfz tripe-keys.tar.gz')
490 ## Verify the signature
491 want = C.bytes(rx_nonalpha.sub('', conf['hk-master']))
492 got = fingerprint('repos/master.pub', 'master-%d' % seq)
493 if want != got: raise VerifyError
494 run('''catsign -krepos/master.pub verify -avC -kmaster-%d
495 -t${sig-fresh} tripe-keys.sig tripe-keys.tar.gz''' % seq)
497 ## OK: update our copy
498 OS.chdir(cwd)
499 if OS.path.exists('repos'): OS.rename('repos', 'repos.old')
500 OS.rename('tmp/repos', 'repos')
501 if not FC.cmp('tmp/tripe-keys.conf', 'tripe-keys.conf', False):
502 moan('configuration file changed: recommend running another update')
503 OS.rename('tmp/tripe-keys.conf', 'tripe-keys.conf')
504 rmtree('repos.old')
506 finally:
507 OS.chdir(cwd)
508 rmtree('tmp')
509 cmd_rebuild(args)
511 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
512 ### Commands: generate TAG
514 def cmd_generate(args):
515 tag, = args
516 keyring_pub = 'peer-%s.pub' % tag
517 zap('keyring'); zap(keyring_pub)
518 run('key -kkeyring merge repos/param')
519 run('key -kkeyring add -a${kx-genalg} -pparam -e${kx-expire} -t%s tripe' %
520 tag)
521 run('key -kkeyring extract -f-secret %s %s' % (keyring_pub, tag))
523 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
524 ### Commands: clean
526 def cmd_clean(args):
527 rmtree('repos')
528 rmtree('tmp')
529 for i in OS.listdir('.'):
530 r = i
531 if r.endswith('.old'): r = r[:-4]
532 if (r == 'master' or r == 'param' or
533 r == 'keyring' or r == 'keyring.pub' or r.startswith('peer-')):
534 zap(i)
536 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
537 ### Commands: check
539 def check_key(k):
540 now = T.time()
541 thresh = int(conf['kx-warn-days']) * 86400
542 if k.exptime == C.KEXP_FOREVER: return None
543 elif k.exptime == C.KEXP_EXPIRE: left = -1
544 else: left = k.exptime - now
545 if left < 0:
546 return "key `%s' HAS EXPIRED" % k.tag
547 elif left < thresh:
548 if left >= 86400: n, u, uu = left // 86400, 'day', 'days'
549 else: n, u, uu = left // 3600, 'hour', 'hours'
550 return "key `%s' EXPIRES in %d %s" % (k.tag, n, n == 1 and u or uu)
551 else:
552 return None
554 def cmd_check(args):
555 if OS.path.exists('keyring.pub'):
556 for k in C.KeyFile('keyring.pub').itervalues():
557 whinge = check_key(k)
558 if whinge is not None: print whinge
559 if OS.path.exists('master'):
560 whinges = []
561 for k in C.KeyFile('master').itervalues():
562 whinge = check_key(k)
563 if whinge is None: break
564 whinges.append(whinge)
565 else:
566 for whinge in whinges: print whinge
568 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
569 ### Commands: mtu
571 def mac_tagsz():
572 macname = conf['mac']
573 index = macname.rindex('/')
574 if index == -1: tagsz = C.gcmacs[macname].tagsz
575 else: tagsz = int(macname[index + 1:])/8
576 return tagsz
578 def cmd_mtu(args):
579 mtu, = (lambda mtu = '1500': (mtu,))(*args)
580 mtu = int(mtu)
582 mtu -= 20 # Minimum IP header
583 mtu -= 8 # UDP header
584 mtu -= 1 # TrIPE packet type octet
586 bulk = conf['bulk']
588 if bulk == 'v0':
589 blksz = C.gcciphers[conf['cipher']].blksz
590 mtu -= mac_tagsz() # MAC tag
591 mtu -= 4 # Sequence number
592 mtu -= blksz # Initialization vector
594 elif bulk == 'iiv':
595 mtu -= mac_tagsz() # MAC tag
596 mtu -= 4 # Sequence number
598 elif bulk == 'naclbox':
599 mtu -= 16 # MAC tag
600 mtu -= 4 # Sequence number
602 else:
603 die("Unknown bulk transform `%s'" % bulk)
605 print mtu
607 ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------
608 ### Main driver.
610 commands = {'help': (cmd_help, 0, 1, ''),
611 'newmaster': (cmd_newmaster, 0, 0, ''),
612 'setup': (cmd_setup, 0, 0, ''),
613 'upload': (cmd_upload, 0, 0, ''),
614 'update': (cmd_update, 0, 0, ''),
615 'clean': (cmd_clean, 0, 0, ''),
616 'mtu': (cmd_mtu, 0, 1, '[PATH-MTU]'),
617 'check': (cmd_check, 0, 0, ''),
618 'generate': (cmd_generate, 1, 1, 'TAG'),
619 'rebuild': (cmd_rebuild, 0, 0, '')}
621 def init():
622 """
623 Load the appropriate configuration file and set up the configuration
624 dictionary.
625 """
626 for f in ['tripe-keys.master', 'tripe-keys.conf']:
627 if OS.path.exists(f):
628 conf_read(f)
629 break
630 conf_defaults()
632 def main(argv):
633 """
634 Main program: parse options and dispatch to appropriate command handler.
635 """
636 try:
637 opts, args = O.getopt(argv[1:], 'hvu',
638 ['help', 'version', 'usage'])
639 except O.GetoptError, exc:
640 moan(exc)
641 usage(SYS.stderr)
642 SYS.exit(1)
643 for o, v in opts:
644 if o in ('-h', '--help'):
645 cmd_help([])
646 SYS.exit(0)
647 elif o in ('-v', '--version'):
648 version(SYS.stdout)
649 SYS.exit(0)
650 elif o in ('-u', '--usage'):
651 usage(SYS.stdout)
652 SYS.exit(0)
653 if len(argv) < 2:
654 cmd_help([])
655 else:
656 c = argv[1]
657 try: func, min, max, help = commands[c]
658 except KeyError: die("unknown command `%s'" % c)
659 args = argv[2:]
660 if len(args) < min or (max is not None and len(args) > max):
661 SYS.stderr.write('Usage: %s %s%s%s\n' % (quis, c, help and ' ', help))
662 SYS.exit(1)
663 func(args)
665 ###----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------
667 if __name__ == '__main__':
668 init()
669 main(SYS.argv)