shake it all up
[tripe-android] / admin.scala
... / ...
1/* -*-scala-*-
2 *
3 * Managing TrIPE administration connections
4 *
5 * (c) 2018 Straylight/Edgeware
6 */
8/*----- Licensing notice --------------------------------------------------*
9 *
10 * This file is part of the Trivial IP Encryption (TrIPE) Android app.
11 *
12 * TrIPE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
13 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
14 * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
15 * option) any later version.
16 *
17 * TrIPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
18 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
19 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
20 * for more details.
21 *
22 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 * along with TrIPE. If not, see <>.
24 */
26package; package object admin {
28/*----- Imports -----------------------------------------------------------*/
30import{BufferedReader, Reader, Writer};
31import java.util.concurrent.locks.{Condition, ReentrantLock => Lock};
33import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, Publisher};
34import scala.concurrent.Channel;
35import scala.util.control.Breaks;
37import Implicits._;
39/*----- Classification of server messages ---------------------------------*/
41sealed abstract class Message;
43sealed abstract class JobMessage extends Message;
44case object JobOK extends JobMessage;
45case class JobInfo(info: Seq[String]) extends JobMessage;
46case class JobFail(err: Seq[String]) extends JobMessage;
47case object JobLostConnection extends JobMessage;
49case class BackgroundJobMessage(tag: String, msg: JobMessage)
50 extends Message;
51case class JobDetached(tag: String) extends Message;
53sealed abstract class AsyncMessage extends Message;
54case class Trace(msg: String) extends AsyncMessage;
55case class Warning(err: Seq[String]) extends AsyncMessage;
56case class Notify(note: Seq[String]) extends AsyncMessage;
57case object ConnectionLost extends AsyncMessage;
59sealed abstract class ServiceMessage extends Message;
60case class ServiceCancel(jobid: String) extends ServiceMessage;
61case class ServiceClaim(svc: String, version: String)
62 extends ServiceMessage;
63case class ServiceJob(jobid: String, svc: String,
64 cmd: String, args: Seq[String])
65 extends ServiceMessage;
67/*----- Main code ---------------------------------------------------------*/
69object Connection {
72class ConnectionClosed extends Exception;
74class ServerFailed(msg: String) extends Exception(msg);
76class CommandFailed(val msg: Seq[String]) extends Exception {
77 override def getMessage(): String =
78 "%s(%s)".format(getClass.getName, quoteTokens(msg));
81class ConnectionLostException extends Exception;
83class Connection(val in: Reader, val out: Writer)
84 extends Publisher[AsyncMessage]
86 /* Synchronization.
87 *
88 * This class is complicatedly multithreaded. The following fields must
89 * only be accessed while the instance is locked. To prevent deadlocks,
90 * hold the `Connection' lock before locking any individual `Job' objects.
91 */
93 var livep: Boolean = true; // Is this connection still alive?
94 var fgjob: Option[this.Job] = None; // Foreground job, if there is one.
95 val jobmap = new HashMap[String, this.Job]; // Maps tags to extant jobs.
96 var bgseq = 0; // Next background job tag.
98 class Job extends Iterator[Seq[String]] {
99 private[Connection] val ch = new Channel[JobMessage];
100 private[this] var nextmsg: Option[JobMessage] = None;
102 private[this] def fetchNext()
103 { if (nextmsg == None) nextmsg = Some(; }
104 override def hasNext: Boolean = {
105 fetchNext();
106 nextmsg match {
107 case Some(JobOK) => false
108 case _ => true
109 }
110 }
111 override def next(): Seq[String] = {
112 fetchNext();
113 nextmsg match {
114 case None => ???
115 case Some(JobOK) => throw new NoSuchElementException
116 case Some(JobFail(msg)) => throw new CommandFailed(msg)
117 case Some(JobLostConnection) => throw new ConnectionLostException
118 case Some(JobInfo(msg)) => nextmsg = None; msg
119 }
120 }
122 def keyvals(): Map[String, String] = {
123 val b = Map.newBuilder[String, String];
124 for (line <- this; token <- line) {
125 token.indexOf('=') match {
126 case -1 => throw new ServerFailed("missing `=' in key-value list");
127 case eq =>
128 val k = token.substring(0, eq);
129 val v = token.substring(eq + 1);
130 b += k -> v;
131 }
132 }
133 b.result
134 }
136 def traceish(): Seq[(Char, Boolean, String)] = {
137 val b = Seq.newBuilder[(Char, Boolean, String)];
138 for (line <- this) line match {
139 case List(key, desc@_*) =>
140 val live = if (key.length == 1) false
141 else if (key.length == 2 && key(1) == '+') true
142 else throw new ServerFailed(
143 s"incomprehensible traceish key `$key'");
144 b += ((key(0), live, desc.mkString(" ")));
145 case _ => throw new ServerFailed("empty line in traceish output");
146 }
147 b.result
148 }
150 def expectEmpty() {
151 if (hasNext) throw new ServerFailed("no output expected");
152 }
154 def oneLine(): Seq[String] = {
155 if (hasNext) {
156 val line = next();
157 if (!hasNext) return line;
158 }
159 throw new ServerFailed("exactly one line expected");
160 }
161 }
163 def submit(bg: Boolean, toks: String*): this.Job = {
164 var cmd = toks;
165println(";; wait for lock");
166 synchronized {
167 if (bg) {
168 val tag = bgseq formatted "J%05d"; bgseq += 1;
169 cmd = toks match {
170 case Seq(cmd, tail@_*) => cmd +: "-background" +: tag +: tail;
171 }
172 }
173println(";; wait for foreground");
174 while (livep && fgjob != None) wait();
175 if (!livep) throw new ConnectionClosed;
176println(";; write command");
177 try { out.write(quoteTokens(cmd)); out.write('\n'); out.flush(); }
178 catch { case e: Throwable => notify(); throw e; }
179 val j = new Job;
180 fgjob = Some(j);
181 j
182 }
183 }
185 def submit(toks: String*): this.Job = submit(false, toks: _*);
187 def close() { synchronized { out.close(); } }
189 /* These two expect the connection lock to be held. */
190 def foregroundJob: Job =
191 fgjob.getOrElse { throw new ServerFailed("no foreground job"); }
192 def releaseForegroundJob() { fgjob = None; notify(); }
194 def parseServerLine(s: String): Message = nextToken(s) match {
195 case None => throw new ServerFailed("empty line from server")
196 case Some(("TRACE", next)) => Trace(s.substring(next))
197 case Some((code, next)) => (code, splitTokens(s, next)) match {
198 case ("OK", Seq()) => JobOK
199 case ("INFO", tail) => JobInfo(tail)
200 case ("FAIL", tail) => JobFail(tail)
201 case ("BGDETACH", Seq(tag)) => JobDetached(tag)
202 case ("BGOK", Seq(tag)) => BackgroundJobMessage(tag, JobOK)
203 case ("BGINFO", Seq(tag, tail@_*)) =>
204 BackgroundJobMessage(tag, JobInfo(tail))
205 case ("BGFAIL", Seq(tag, tail@_*)) =>
206 BackgroundJobMessage(tag, JobFail(tail))
207 case ("WARN", tail) => Warning(tail)
208 case ("NOTE", tail) => Notify(tail)
209 case ("SVCCLAIM", Seq(svc, ver)) => ServiceClaim(svc, ver)
210 case ("SVCJOB", Seq(tag, svc, cmd, args@_*)) =>
211 ServiceJob(tag, svc, cmd, args)
212 case ("SVCCANCEL", Seq(tag)) => ServiceCancel(tag)
213 case (_, tail) => throw new ServerFailed(
214 "incomprehensible line from server: " + quoteTokens(code +: tail))
215 }
216 }
218 def processJobMessage(msg: JobMessage)
219 (getjob: (Boolean) => Job) {
220 synchronized { getjob(msg.isInstanceOf[JobInfo]); }.ch.write(msg);
221 }
223 /* Reading lines from the server. */
224 val readthr = thread("admin reader") {
225println(";; readthr running");
226 val bin = in match {
227 case br: BufferedReader => br;
228 case _ => new BufferedReader(in)
229 }
230 var line: String = null;
232 try {
233println(";; wait for line");
234 while ({line = bin.readLine; line != null}) {
235println(s";; line: $line");
236 parseServerLine(line) match {
237 case JobDetached(tag) => synchronized {
238 jobmap(tag) = foregroundJob; releaseForegroundJob();
239 }
240 case msg: JobMessage => processJobMessage(msg) { keep =>
241 val j = foregroundJob; if (!keep) releaseForegroundJob(); j
242 }
243 case BackgroundJobMessage(tag, msg) =>
244 processJobMessage(msg) { keep =>
245 val j = jobmap.getOrElse(tag, throw new ServerFailed(
246 s"no job with tag `${tag}'"));
247 if (!keep) jobmap.remove(tag);
248 j
249 }
250 case msg: AsyncMessage =>
251 publish(msg);
252 case _: ServiceMessage =>
253 ();
254 }
255 }
256 } catch {
257 case e: Throwable => e.printStackTrace();
258 } finally {
259 synchronized {
260 livep = false;
261 for ((_, j) <- jobmap);
262 fgjob match {
263 case Some(j) =>
265 fgjob = None;
266 notifyAll();
267 case None => ();
268 }
269 }
270 publish(ConnectionLost);
271 in.close(); out.close();
272 }
273 }
276/*----- That's all, folks -------------------------------------------------*/