color fgcolor bgcolor [attributes]


You can permanently set an option by putting it in the ~/.tigrc file. The file consists of a series of commands. Each line of the file may contain only one command.

The hash mark (#), or semi-colon (;) is used as a comment character. All text after the comment character to the end of the line is ignored. You can use comments to annotate your initialization file.

Color options

Color options control highlighting and the user interface styles. If your terminal supports color, these commands can be used to assign foreground/backgound combinations to certain areas. Optionally, an attribute can be given as the last parameter. The syntax is:

color area fgcolor bgcolor [attributes]

Valid colors include: white, black, green, magenta, blue, cyan, yellow, red, default. Use default to refer to the default terminal colors.

Valid attributes include: normal, blink, bold, dim, reverse, standout, and underline. Note, not all attributes may be supported by the terminal.

Valid area names are described below. Note, all names are case-insensitive, and you may use -, _, and . interchangeably. So "Diff-Header", "DIFF_HEADER", and "diff.header" are the same.

Diff markup

Options concerning diff start, chunks and lines added and deleted.

diff-header, diff-chunk, diff-add, diff-del

Enhanced git diff markup

Extra diff information emitted by the git diff machinery, such as mode changes, rename detection, and similarity.

diff-oldmode, diff-newmode, diff-copy-from, diff-copy-to, diff-rename-from, diff-rename-to, diff-similarity diff-dissimilarity diff-tree, diff-index

Pretty print commit headers

Commit diffs and the revision logs are usually formatted using pretty printed headers , unless --pretty=raw was given. This includes lines, such as merge info, commit ID, and author and comitter date.

pp-author, pp-commit, pp-merge, pp-date, pp-adate, pp-cdate

Raw commit header

Usually shown when --pretty=raw is given, however commit is pretty much omnipresent.

commit, parent, tree, author, committer

Commit message

For now only Signed-off-by lines are colorized.


UI colors

Colors for text not matching any of the above: default

Status window colors: status

Title window colors: title-blur, title-focus

Cursor line colors: cursor

Main view specific: main-date, main-author, main-commit, main-delim, main-tag, main-ref


Some sample options:

# Diff colors
color diff-header       yellow  default
color diff-index        blue    default
color diff-chunk        magenta default
# UI colors
color title-blur        white   blue
color title-focus       white   blue    bold

