#!/bin/sh show_usage () { echo "usage: termux-share [options] [file]" echo "Share a file specified as argument or the stdin as text input." echo "Options:" echo " -a, --action which action to performed on the shared content: edit/send/view (default:view)" echo " -d, --default share to the default receiver if one is selected (instead of showing a chooser)" echo " -t, --title title to use for shared content (default: shared file name)" echo " -c, --content-type content-type to use (default: guessed from file extension, text/plain for stdin)" } validate_share () { SHARETYPE=$1 case "$SHARETYPE" in edit) ;; send) ;; view) ;; *) echo "Unsupported action: '$SHARETYPE' - only edit/send/view available" exit 1 ;; esac } PARAMS="" O=`busybox getopt -q -l action: -l content-type: -l default -l help -l mimetype -l title: -- a:c:dht: "$@"` if [ $? != 0 ] ; then show_usage; exit 1 ; fi eval set -- "$O" while true; do case "$1" in -a|--action) validate_share $2; PARAMS="$PARAMS --es action $2"; shift 2;; -c|--content-type) PARAMS="$PARAMS --es content-type $2"; shift 2;; -d|--default) PARAMS="$PARAMS --ez default-receiver true"; shift 1;; -h|--help) show_usage; exit 0;; -t|--title) PARAMS="$PARAMS --es title $2"; shift 2;; --) shift; break;; *) echo Error; exit 1;; esac done if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then echo "Only one file can be shared"; exit 1; fi if [ $# != 0 ]; then # Note that the file path can contain whitespace. @TERMUX_API@ Share $PARAMS --es file "`realpath "$1"`" else @TERMUX_API@ Share $PARAMS fi