# Build with 'docker build -t termux/package-builder .' and push # to docker hub with 'docker push termux/package-builder' after # changing scripts/setup-ubuntu.sh or scripts/setup-android.sdk.sh. FROM ubuntu:16.04 # Fix locale to avoid warnings: RUN locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 RUN dpkg-reconfigure locales # We expect this to be mounted with '-v $PWD:/root/termux-packages': WORKDIR /root/termux-packages # Needed for setup: ADD ./setup-ubuntu.sh /tmp/setup-ubuntu.sh ADD ./setup-android-sdk.sh /tmp/setup-android-sdk.sh # Allow configure to be run as root: ENV FORCE_UNSAFE_CONFIGURE 1 # Setup needed packages and the Android SDK and NDK: RUN apt-get update && \ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -yq sudo && \ /tmp/setup-ubuntu.sh && \ apt-get clean && \ /tmp/setup-android-sdk.sh && \ # Removed unused parts to make a smaller Docker image: cd /root/lib/android-ndk/ && \ rm -Rf toolchains/mips* && \ rm -Rf sources/cxx-stl/gabi++ sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++* sources/cxx-stl/system/ sources/cxx-stl/stlport && \ cd platforms && ls | grep -v android-21 | xargs rm -Rf && \ cd /root/lib/android-sdk/tools && rm -Rf emulator* lib* proguard templates