# StGIT configuration file. Copy it to any of /etc/stgitrc, ~/.stgitrc # or .git/stgitrc and modify as needed. Note that the latter overrides # the former. [stgit] # Default author/committer details #authname: Your Name #authemail: your.name@yourcompany.com #commname: Your Name #commemail: your.name@yourcompany.com # Set to 'yes' if you don't want to use the 'resolved' command. # 'refresh' will automatically mark the conflicts as resolved autoresolved: no smtpserver: localhost:25 #smtpuser: username #smtppassword: password # stg will look for this first, then look for the EDITOR environmental # variable, then default to using 'vi' #editor: /usr/bin/vi [gitmergeonefile] # Different three-way merge tools below. Uncomment the preferred one. # Note that the 'output' file contains the same data as 'branch1'. This # is useful for tools that do not take an output parameter merger: diff3 -L local -L older -L remote -m -E \ "%(branch1)s" "%(ancestor)s" "%(branch2)s" > "%(output)s" #merger: xxdiff --title1 local --title2 older --title3 remote \ # --show-merged-pane -m -E -O -X -M "%(output)s" \ # "%(branch1)s" "%(ancestor)s" "%(branch2)s" #merger: emacs --eval '(ediff-merge-files-with-ancestor # "%(branch1)s" "%(branch2)s" "%(ancestor)s" nil "%(output)s")' # Leave the original files in the working tree in case of a merge conflict keeporig: yes