Stacked GIT ----------- StGIT is a Python application providing similar functionality to Quilt (i.e. pushing/poping patches to a stack) on top of GIT. These operations are performed using the GIT merge algorithms. Note that StGIT is not an SCM interface for GIT. Use the GIT commands or some other tools like Cogito for this. For the latest version see Basic Operations ---------------- For a full list of commands: stg help For help on individual commands: stg (-h | --help) To initialise a tree (the tree must have been previously initialised with GIT): stg init To add/delete files: stg add [*] stg rm [*] To inspect the tree status: stg status To get a diff between 2 revisions: stg diff [-r rev1[:[rev2]]] A revision name can be of the form '([patch]/[bottom | top]) | ' If the patch name is not specified but '/' is passed, the topmost patch is considered. If neither 'bottom' or 'top' follows the '/', the whole patch diff is displayed (this does not include the local changes). Note than when the first patch is pushed to the stack, the current HEAD is saved in the .git/refs/heads/base file for easy reference. To create/delete a patch: stg new stg delete [] The 'new' command also sets the topmost patch to the newly created one. To push/pop a patch to/from the stack: stg push [] stg pop [] Note that the 'push' command can apply any patch in the unapplied list. This is useful if you want to reorder the patches. To add the patch changes to the tree: stg refresh To inspect the patches applied: stg series stg applied stg unapplied stg top To export a patch series: stg export [] The 'export' command supports options to automatically number the patches (-n) or add the '.diff' extension (-d). StGIT does not yet provide support for cloning or pulling changes from a different repository. Until this becomes available, run the following commands: stg pop -a your-git-script-for-pulling-and-merging stg push -a You can also look in the TODO file for what's planned to be implemented in the future. Directory Structure ------------------- .git/ objects/ ??/ refs/ heads/ master - the master commit id ... bases/ master - the bottom id of the stack (to get a big diff) ... tags/ ... branches/ ... patches/ master/ applied - list of applied patches unapplied - list of not-yet applied patches current - name of the topmost patch patch1/ first - the initial id of the patch (used for log) bottom - the bottom id of the patch top - the top id of the patch patch2/ ... ... HEAD -> refs/heads/ A Bit of StGIT Patch Theory --------------------------- We assume that a patch is a diff between two nodes - bottom and top. A node is a commit SHA1 id or tree SHA1 id in the GIT terminology: P - patch N - node P = diff(Nt, Nb) Nb - bottom (start) node Nt - top (end) node Nf - first node (for log generation) For an ordered stack of patches: P1 = diff(N1, N0) P2 = diff(N2, N1) ... Ps = P1 + P2 + P3 + ... = diff(Nst, Nsb) Ps - the big patch of the whole stack Nsb - bottom stack node (= N0) Nst - top stack node (= Nn) Applying (pushing) a patch on the stack (Nst can differ from Nb) is done by diff3 merging. The new patch becomes: P' = diff(Nt', Nb') Nb' = Nst Nt' = diff3(Nst, Nb, Nt) (note that the diff3 parameters order is: branch1, ancestor, branch2) The above operation allows easy patch re-ordering. Removing (popping) a patch from the stack is done by simply setting the Nst to Nb.