Disable patchlog test for "stg new"
[stgit] / stgit / lib / git.py
... / ...
1import os, os.path, re
2from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo
4from stgit import exception, run, utils
5from stgit.config import config
7class RepositoryException(exception.StgException):
8 pass
10class DateException(exception.StgException):
11 def __init__(self, string, type):
12 exception.StgException.__init__(
13 self, '"%s" is not a valid %s' % (string, type))
15class DetachedHeadException(RepositoryException):
16 def __init__(self):
17 RepositoryException.__init__(self, 'Not on any branch')
19class Repr(object):
20 def __repr__(self):
21 return str(self)
23class NoValue(object):
24 pass
26def make_defaults(defaults):
27 def d(val, attr):
28 if val != NoValue:
29 return val
30 elif defaults != NoValue:
31 return getattr(defaults, attr)
32 else:
33 return None
34 return d
36class TimeZone(tzinfo, Repr):
37 def __init__(self, tzstring):
38 m = re.match(r'^([+-])(\d{2}):?(\d{2})$', tzstring)
39 if not m:
40 raise DateException(tzstring, 'time zone')
41 sign = int(m.group(1) + '1')
42 try:
43 self.__offset = timedelta(hours = sign*int(m.group(2)),
44 minutes = sign*int(m.group(3)))
45 except OverflowError:
46 raise DateException(tzstring, 'time zone')
47 self.__name = tzstring
48 def utcoffset(self, dt):
49 return self.__offset
50 def tzname(self, dt):
51 return self.__name
52 def dst(self, dt):
53 return timedelta(0)
54 def __str__(self):
55 return self.__name
57class Date(Repr):
58 """Immutable."""
59 def __init__(self, datestring):
60 # Try git-formatted date.
61 m = re.match(r'^(\d+)\s+([+-]\d\d:?\d\d)$', datestring)
62 if m:
63 try:
64 self.__time = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(m.group(1)),
65 TimeZone(m.group(2)))
66 except ValueError:
67 raise DateException(datestring, 'date')
68 return
70 # Try iso-formatted date.
71 m = re.match(r'^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s+(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\s+'
72 + r'([+-]\d\d:?\d\d)$', datestring)
73 if m:
74 try:
75 self.__time = datetime(
76 *[int(m.group(i + 1)) for i in xrange(6)],
77 **{'tzinfo': TimeZone(m.group(7))})
78 except ValueError:
79 raise DateException(datestring, 'date')
80 return
82 raise DateException(datestring, 'date')
83 def __str__(self):
84 return self.isoformat()
85 def isoformat(self):
86 """Human-friendly ISO 8601 format."""
87 return '%s %s' % (self.__time.replace(tzinfo = None).isoformat(' '),
88 self.__time.tzinfo)
89 @classmethod
90 def maybe(cls, datestring):
91 if datestring in [None, NoValue]:
92 return datestring
93 return cls(datestring)
95class Person(Repr):
96 """Immutable."""
97 def __init__(self, name = NoValue, email = NoValue,
98 date = NoValue, defaults = NoValue):
99 d = make_defaults(defaults)
100 self.__name = d(name, 'name')
101 self.__email = d(email, 'email')
102 self.__date = d(date, 'date')
103 assert isinstance(self.__date, Date) or self.__date in [None, NoValue]
104 name = property(lambda self: self.__name)
105 email = property(lambda self: self.__email)
106 date = property(lambda self: self.__date)
107 def set_name(self, name):
108 return type(self)(name = name, defaults = self)
109 def set_email(self, email):
110 return type(self)(email = email, defaults = self)
111 def set_date(self, date):
112 return type(self)(date = date, defaults = self)
113 def __str__(self):
114 return '%s <%s> %s' % (self.name, self.email, self.date)
115 @classmethod
116 def parse(cls, s):
117 m = re.match(r'^([^<]*)<([^>]*)>\s+(\d+\s+[+-]\d{4})$', s)
118 assert m
119 name = m.group(1).strip()
120 email = m.group(2)
121 date = Date(m.group(3))
122 return cls(name, email, date)
123 @classmethod
124 def user(cls):
125 if not hasattr(cls, '__user'):
126 cls.__user = cls(name = config.get('user.name'),
127 email = config.get('user.email'))
128 return cls.__user
129 @classmethod
130 def author(cls):
131 if not hasattr(cls, '__author'):
132 cls.__author = cls(
133 name = os.environ.get('GIT_AUTHOR_NAME', NoValue),
134 email = os.environ.get('GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL', NoValue),
135 date = Date.maybe(os.environ.get('GIT_AUTHOR_DATE', NoValue)),
136 defaults = cls.user())
137 return cls.__author
138 @classmethod
139 def committer(cls):
140 if not hasattr(cls, '__committer'):
141 cls.__committer = cls(
142 name = os.environ.get('GIT_COMMITTER_NAME', NoValue),
143 email = os.environ.get('GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL', NoValue),
144 date = Date.maybe(
145 os.environ.get('GIT_COMMITTER_DATE', NoValue)),
146 defaults = cls.user())
147 return cls.__committer
149class Tree(Repr):
150 """Immutable."""
151 def __init__(self, sha1):
152 self.__sha1 = sha1
153 sha1 = property(lambda self: self.__sha1)
154 def __str__(self):
155 return 'Tree<%s>' % self.sha1
157class Commitdata(Repr):
158 """Immutable."""
159 def __init__(self, tree = NoValue, parents = NoValue, author = NoValue,
160 committer = NoValue, message = NoValue, defaults = NoValue):
161 d = make_defaults(defaults)
162 self.__tree = d(tree, 'tree')
163 self.__parents = d(parents, 'parents')
164 self.__author = d(author, 'author')
165 self.__committer = d(committer, 'committer')
166 self.__message = d(message, 'message')
167 tree = property(lambda self: self.__tree)
168 parents = property(lambda self: self.__parents)
169 @property
170 def parent(self):
171 assert len(self.__parents) == 1
172 return self.__parents[0]
173 author = property(lambda self: self.__author)
174 committer = property(lambda self: self.__committer)
175 message = property(lambda self: self.__message)
176 def set_tree(self, tree):
177 return type(self)(tree = tree, defaults = self)
178 def set_parents(self, parents):
179 return type(self)(parents = parents, defaults = self)
180 def add_parent(self, parent):
181 return type(self)(parents = list(self.parents or []) + [parent],
182 defaults = self)
183 def set_parent(self, parent):
184 return self.set_parents([parent])
185 def set_author(self, author):
186 return type(self)(author = author, defaults = self)
187 def set_committer(self, committer):
188 return type(self)(committer = committer, defaults = self)
189 def set_message(self, message):
190 return type(self)(message = message, defaults = self)
191 def is_nochange(self):
192 return len(self.parents) == 1 and self.tree == self.parent.data.tree
193 def __str__(self):
194 if self.tree == None:
195 tree = None
196 else:
197 tree = self.tree.sha1
198 if self.parents == None:
199 parents = None
200 else:
201 parents = [p.sha1 for p in self.parents]
202 return ('Commitdata<tree: %s, parents: %s, author: %s,'
203 ' committer: %s, message: "%s">'
204 ) % (tree, parents, self.author, self.committer, self.message)
205 @classmethod
206 def parse(cls, repository, s):
207 cd = cls(parents = [])
208 lines = list(s.splitlines(True))
209 for i in xrange(len(lines)):
210 line = lines[i].strip()
211 if not line:
212 return cd.set_message(''.join(lines[i+1:]))
213 key, value = line.split(None, 1)
214 if key == 'tree':
215 cd = cd.set_tree(repository.get_tree(value))
216 elif key == 'parent':
217 cd = cd.add_parent(repository.get_commit(value))
218 elif key == 'author':
219 cd = cd.set_author(Person.parse(value))
220 elif key == 'committer':
221 cd = cd.set_committer(Person.parse(value))
222 else:
223 assert False
224 assert False
226class Commit(Repr):
227 """Immutable."""
228 def __init__(self, repository, sha1):
229 self.__sha1 = sha1
230 self.__repository = repository
231 self.__data = None
232 sha1 = property(lambda self: self.__sha1)
233 @property
234 def data(self):
235 if self.__data == None:
236 self.__data = Commitdata.parse(
237 self.__repository,
238 self.__repository.cat_object(self.sha1))
239 return self.__data
240 def __str__(self):
241 return 'Commit<sha1: %s, data: %s>' % (self.sha1, self.__data)
243class Refs(object):
244 def __init__(self, repository):
245 self.__repository = repository
246 self.__refs = None
247 def __cache_refs(self):
248 self.__refs = {}
249 for line in self.__repository.run(['git', 'show-ref']).output_lines():
250 m = re.match(r'^([0-9a-f]{40})\s+(\S+)$', line)
251 sha1, ref = m.groups()
252 self.__refs[ref] = sha1
253 def get(self, ref):
254 """Throws KeyError if ref doesn't exist."""
255 if self.__refs == None:
256 self.__cache_refs()
257 return self.__repository.get_commit(self.__refs[ref])
258 def exists(self, ref):
259 try:
260 self.get(ref)
261 except KeyError:
262 return False
263 else:
264 return True
265 def set(self, ref, commit, msg):
266 if self.__refs == None:
267 self.__cache_refs()
268 old_sha1 = self.__refs.get(ref, '0'*40)
269 new_sha1 = commit.sha1
270 if old_sha1 != new_sha1:
271 self.__repository.run(['git', 'update-ref', '-m', msg,
272 ref, new_sha1, old_sha1]).no_output()
273 self.__refs[ref] = new_sha1
274 def delete(self, ref):
275 if self.__refs == None:
276 self.__cache_refs()
277 self.__repository.run(['git', 'update-ref',
278 '-d', ref, self.__refs[ref]]).no_output()
279 del self.__refs[ref]
281class ObjectCache(object):
282 """Cache for Python objects, for making sure that we create only one
283 Python object per git object."""
284 def __init__(self, create):
285 self.__objects = {}
286 self.__create = create
287 def __getitem__(self, name):
288 if not name in self.__objects:
289 self.__objects[name] = self.__create(name)
290 return self.__objects[name]
291 def __contains__(self, name):
292 return name in self.__objects
293 def __setitem__(self, name, val):
294 assert not name in self.__objects
295 self.__objects[name] = val
297class RunWithEnv(object):
298 def run(self, args, env = {}):
299 return run.Run(*args).env(utils.add_dict(self.env, env))
301class RunWithEnvCwd(RunWithEnv):
302 def run(self, args, env = {}):
303 return RunWithEnv.run(self, args, env).cwd(self.cwd)
305class Repository(RunWithEnv):
306 def __init__(self, directory):
307 self.__git_dir = directory
308 self.__refs = Refs(self)
309 self.__trees = ObjectCache(lambda sha1: Tree(sha1))
310 self.__commits = ObjectCache(lambda sha1: Commit(self, sha1))
311 self.__default_index = None
312 self.__default_worktree = None
313 self.__default_iw = None
314 env = property(lambda self: { 'GIT_DIR': self.__git_dir })
315 @classmethod
316 def default(cls):
317 """Return the default repository."""
318 try:
319 return cls(run.Run('git', 'rev-parse', '--git-dir'
320 ).output_one_line())
321 except run.RunException:
322 raise RepositoryException('Cannot find git repository')
323 @property
324 def default_index(self):
325 if self.__default_index == None:
326 self.__default_index = Index(
327 self, (os.environ.get('GIT_INDEX_FILE', None)
328 or os.path.join(self.__git_dir, 'index')))
329 return self.__default_index
330 def temp_index(self):
331 return Index(self, self.__git_dir)
332 @property
333 def default_worktree(self):
334 if self.__default_worktree == None:
335 path = os.environ.get('GIT_WORK_TREE', None)
336 if not path:
337 o = run.Run('git', 'rev-parse', '--show-cdup').output_lines()
338 o = o or ['.']
339 assert len(o) == 1
340 path = o[0]
341 self.__default_worktree = Worktree(path)
342 return self.__default_worktree
343 @property
344 def default_iw(self):
345 if self.__default_iw == None:
346 self.__default_iw = IndexAndWorktree(self.default_index,
347 self.default_worktree)
348 return self.__default_iw
349 directory = property(lambda self: self.__git_dir)
350 refs = property(lambda self: self.__refs)
351 def cat_object(self, sha1):
352 return self.run(['git', 'cat-file', '-p', sha1]).raw_output()
353 def rev_parse(self, rev):
354 try:
355 return self.get_commit(self.run(
356 ['git', 'rev-parse', '%s^{commit}' % rev]
357 ).output_one_line())
358 except run.RunException:
359 raise RepositoryException('%s: No such revision' % rev)
360 def get_tree(self, sha1):
361 return self.__trees[sha1]
362 def get_commit(self, sha1):
363 return self.__commits[sha1]
364 def commit(self, commitdata):
365 c = ['git', 'commit-tree', commitdata.tree.sha1]
366 for p in commitdata.parents:
367 c.append('-p')
368 c.append(p.sha1)
369 env = {}
370 for p, v1 in ((commitdata.author, 'AUTHOR'),
371 (commitdata.committer, 'COMMITTER')):
372 if p != None:
373 for attr, v2 in (('name', 'NAME'), ('email', 'EMAIL'),
374 ('date', 'DATE')):
375 if getattr(p, attr) != None:
376 env['GIT_%s_%s' % (v1, v2)] = str(getattr(p, attr))
377 sha1 = self.run(c, env = env).raw_input(commitdata.message
378 ).output_one_line()
379 return self.get_commit(sha1)
380 @property
381 def head(self):
382 try:
383 return self.run(['git', 'symbolic-ref', '-q', 'HEAD']
384 ).output_one_line()
385 except run.RunException:
386 raise DetachedHeadException()
387 def set_head(self, ref, msg):
388 self.run(['git', 'symbolic-ref', '-m', msg, 'HEAD', ref]).no_output()
389 def simple_merge(self, base, ours, theirs):
390 """Given three trees, tries to do an in-index merge in a temporary
391 index with a temporary index. Returns the result tree, or None if
392 the merge failed (due to conflicts)."""
393 assert isinstance(base, Tree)
394 assert isinstance(ours, Tree)
395 assert isinstance(theirs, Tree)
397 # Take care of the really trivial cases.
398 if base == ours:
399 return theirs
400 if base == theirs:
401 return ours
402 if ours == theirs:
403 return ours
405 index = self.temp_index()
406 try:
407 index.merge(base, ours, theirs)
408 try:
409 return index.write_tree()
410 except MergeException:
411 return None
412 finally:
413 index.delete()
414 def apply(self, tree, patch_text):
415 """Given a tree and a patch, will either return the new tree that
416 results when the patch is applied, or None if the patch
417 couldn't be applied."""
418 assert isinstance(tree, Tree)
419 if not patch_text:
420 return tree
421 index = self.temp_index()
422 try:
423 index.read_tree(tree)
424 try:
425 index.apply(patch_text)
426 return index.write_tree()
427 except MergeException:
428 return None
429 finally:
430 index.delete()
431 def diff_tree(self, t1, t2, diff_opts):
432 assert isinstance(t1, Tree)
433 assert isinstance(t2, Tree)
434 return self.run(['git', 'diff-tree', '-p'] + list(diff_opts)
435 + [t1.sha1, t2.sha1]).raw_output()
437class MergeException(exception.StgException):
438 pass
440class MergeConflictException(MergeException):
441 pass
443class Index(RunWithEnv):
444 def __init__(self, repository, filename):
445 self.__repository = repository
446 if os.path.isdir(filename):
447 # Create a temp index in the given directory.
448 self.__filename = os.path.join(
449 filename, 'index.temp-%d-%x' % (os.getpid(), id(self)))
450 self.delete()
451 else:
452 self.__filename = filename
453 env = property(lambda self: utils.add_dict(
454 self.__repository.env, { 'GIT_INDEX_FILE': self.__filename }))
455 def read_tree(self, tree):
456 self.run(['git', 'read-tree', tree.sha1]).no_output()
457 def write_tree(self):
458 try:
459 return self.__repository.get_tree(
460 self.run(['git', 'write-tree']).discard_stderr(
461 ).output_one_line())
462 except run.RunException:
463 raise MergeException('Conflicting merge')
464 def is_clean(self):
465 try:
466 self.run(['git', 'update-index', '--refresh']).discard_output()
467 except run.RunException:
468 return False
469 else:
470 return True
471 def merge(self, base, ours, theirs):
472 """In-index merge, no worktree involved."""
473 self.run(['git', 'read-tree', '-m', '-i', '--aggressive',
474 base.sha1, ours.sha1, theirs.sha1]).no_output()
475 def apply(self, patch_text):
476 """In-index patch application, no worktree involved."""
477 try:
478 self.run(['git', 'apply', '--cached']
479 ).raw_input(patch_text).no_output()
480 except run.RunException:
481 raise MergeException('Patch does not apply cleanly')
482 def delete(self):
483 if os.path.isfile(self.__filename):
484 os.remove(self.__filename)
485 def conflicts(self):
486 """The set of conflicting paths."""
487 paths = set()
488 for line in self.run(['git', 'ls-files', '-z', '--unmerged']
489 ).raw_output().split('\0')[:-1]:
490 stat, path = line.split('\t', 1)
491 paths.add(path)
492 return paths
494class Worktree(object):
495 def __init__(self, directory):
496 self.__directory = directory
497 env = property(lambda self: { 'GIT_WORK_TREE': '.' })
498 directory = property(lambda self: self.__directory)
500class CheckoutException(exception.StgException):
501 pass
503class IndexAndWorktree(RunWithEnvCwd):
504 def __init__(self, index, worktree):
505 self.__index = index
506 self.__worktree = worktree
507 index = property(lambda self: self.__index)
508 env = property(lambda self: utils.add_dict(self.__index.env,
509 self.__worktree.env))
510 cwd = property(lambda self: self.__worktree.directory)
511 def checkout(self, old_tree, new_tree):
512 # TODO: Optionally do a 3-way instead of doing nothing when we
513 # have a problem. Or maybe we should stash changes in a patch?
514 assert isinstance(old_tree, Tree)
515 assert isinstance(new_tree, Tree)
516 try:
517 self.run(['git', 'read-tree', '-u', '-m',
518 '--exclude-per-directory=.gitignore',
519 old_tree.sha1, new_tree.sha1]
520 ).discard_output()
521 except run.RunException:
522 raise CheckoutException('Index/workdir dirty')
523 def merge(self, base, ours, theirs):
524 assert isinstance(base, Tree)
525 assert isinstance(ours, Tree)
526 assert isinstance(theirs, Tree)
527 try:
528 r = self.run(['git', 'merge-recursive', base.sha1, '--', ours.sha1,
529 theirs.sha1],
530 env = { 'GITHEAD_%s' % base.sha1: 'ancestor',
531 'GITHEAD_%s' % ours.sha1: 'current',
532 'GITHEAD_%s' % theirs.sha1: 'patched'})
533 r.discard_output()
534 except run.RunException, e:
535 if r.exitcode == 1:
536 raise MergeConflictException()
537 else:
538 raise MergeException('Index/worktree dirty')
539 def changed_files(self):
540 return self.run(['git', 'diff-files', '--name-only']).output_lines()
541 def update_index(self, files):
542 self.run(['git', 'update-index', '--remove', '-z', '--stdin']
543 ).input_nulterm(files).discard_output()