; ; SWIList format file ; ; Defines output styles for SWIList ; [Assembler...] ; ; swis.sh ; ; SWI names from numbers [generated %d[%zdy %mo %ce%yr] by SWIList] ; You may freely distribute and modify this file. ; [ :LNOT::DEF:swis__dfn GBLL swis__dfn MACRO SWIDEF $name,$number $name EQU $number X$name EQU $number :OR: &20000 MEND %% ; --- %m SWIs --- %% SWIDEF %s,&%n %% ] END [C...] /* * swis.h * * SWI names from numbers [generated %d[%zdy %mo %ce%yr] by SWIList] * You may freely distribute and modify this file. */ #pragma force_top_level #pragma include_only_once #ifndef SWIS_H #define SWIS_H %% /* --- %m SWIs --- */ %% #define %s 0x%n #define X%s 0x%x %% #endif [C++...] // // swis.h // // SWI names from numbers [generated %d[%zdy %mo %ce%yr] by SWIList] // You may freely distribute and modify this file. // #ifndef SWIS_H #define SWIS_H %% // --- %m SWIs --- %% #define %s 0x%n #define X%s 0x%x %% #endif