; ; cdll definition file for Sapphire C support section ; name "Sapphire.CSapph" version 1.00 author "© %ce%yr Straylight (%zdy %mo %ce%yr)" nonAPCS ;----- Exported symbols ----------------------------------------------------- exports { ; Next = 60 __csapph_stub = 0 ; --- Run-time support --- __rt_udiv10 = 1 __rt_sdiv10 = 2 __rt_udiv = 3 __rt_sdiv = 4 __rt_divtest = 5 ; --- Sapphire/C veneer --- __sapph_veneer = 6 call = 7 swi = 8 _call = 9 _callx = 10 _swi = 11 _swix = 12 ; --- Specific Sapphire routine veneers --- __sapph_scratchpad = 13 strsubst = 14 strcmp = 15 stricmp = 16 strbuffer = 17 strerror = 18 __sapph_msgs_lookup = 19 __sapph_msgs_error = 20 malloc = 21 __sapph_free = 22 __sapph_alloc_error = 23 __sapph_flex_alloc = 24 __sapph_flex_free = 25 __sapph_flex_size = 26 __sapph_flex_extend = 27 __sapph_flex_midExtend = 28 __sapph_flex_save = 29 __sapph_flex_load = 30 ; --- Maths routines from the C library --- sin = 31 cos = 32 atan = 33 tan = 34 asin = 35 acos = 36 atan2 = 37 exp = 38 log = 39 log10 = 40 __sapph_sqrt = 41 pow = 42 fabs = 43 fmod = 44 ceil = 45 floor = 46 modf = 47 sinh = 48 cosh = 49 tanh = 50 frexp = 51 ldexp = 52 cmath_errno = 53 ; --- ctype routines from the C library --- ctype_init = 54 ctype_findTable = 55 toupper = 56 tolower = 57 ; --- setjmp and longjmp --- setjmp = 58 longjmp = 59 } ;----- Object files --------------------------------------------------------- objects { lib.sapphire dl.csapph }