[ssr] / StraySrc / Libraries / Steel / h / viewer
1 /*
2 * viewer
3 * Allows creation of Filer-like windows which rearrange themselves.
4 *
5 * v. 1.00 (13 August 1991)
6 *
7 * © 1991-1998 Straylight
8 */
10 /*----- Licensing note ----------------------------------------------------*
11 *
12 * This file is part of Straylight's Steel library.
13 *
14 * Steel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
15 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
17 * any later version.
18 *
19 * Steel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
20 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22 * GNU General Public License for more details.
23 *
24 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25 * along with Steel. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
26 * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
27 */
29 #ifndef __viewer_h
30 #define __viewer_h
32 #ifndef __wimp_h
33 #include "wimp.h"
34 #endif
36 #ifndef __sprite_h
37 #include "sprite.h"
38 #endif
40 #ifndef __menu_h
41 #include "menu.h"
42 #endif
44 /*
45 * The handle types for the viewer segment
46 */
47 typedef struct viewer__viewerstr *viewer;
48 typedef struct viewer__iconstr *viewer_icon;
50 /*
51 * Event handler types
52 *
53 * The whole viewer can have a caller-defined handle, and each icon in it
54 * also has one. The standard event handler gets both. If no ico was
55 * clicked, the icon handle is 0. You should have a handle to your viewer
56 * global data in the icon structure. The raw event handler passes only the
57 * global handle.
58 */
60 typedef void (*viewer_eventhandler)
61 (
62 viewer v,
63 viewer_icon i,
64 wimp_bbits b,
65 void *vhandle,
66 void *ihandle
67 );
69 typedef BOOL (*viewer_raweventhandler)
70 (
71 viewer v,
72 wimp_eventstr *e,
73 void *handle
74 );
76 typedef void (*viewer_redrawhandler)
77 (
78 viewer_icon i,
79 wimp_redrawstr *r,
80 wimp_box *box,
81 char *text,
82 char *sprite,
83 BOOL selected,
84 void *handle
85 );
87 /*
88 * Types for data export.
89 */
91 typedef BOOL (*viewer_saveproc)(viewer_icon i,char *filename, void *handle);
92 typedef BOOL (*viewer_sendproc)(viewer_icon i,void *handle, int *maxbuf);
93 typedef int (*viewer_printproc)(viewer_icon i,char *filename, void *handle);
95 /*
96 * For sorting icons
97 */
99 typedef int (*viewer_compare)(void *a,void *b);
101 /*
102 * A macro for telling the event handler about a close event. I know it's
103 * not the same, but...
104 */
105 #define viewer_CLOSE ((viewer_icon)-1)
107 /*
108 * A macro for telling the event handler about a help request
109 */
110 #define viewer_HELP ((viewer_icon)-2)
112 /*
113 * A macro representing no icon being clicked.
114 */
115 #define viewer_NOICON ((viewer_icon)0)
117 /*
118 * void viewer_drawFileIcons
119 * (
120 * viewer_icon icn,
121 * wimp_redrawstr *r,
122 * wimp_box *box,
123 * char *text,
124 * char *sprite,
125 * BOOL selected,
126 * void *handle
127 * )
128 *
129 * Use
130 * Redraw handler which takes into account filetypes of icons. The icons
131 * automatically get new sprites if the sprites for their filetypes change.
132 * For applications, the text is considered to be a filename. Register
133 * this function using viewer_redrawHandler().
134 *
135 * Parameters
136 * viewer_icon icn == the icon to paint
137 * wimp_redrawstr *r == information about this redraw
138 * wimp_box *box == the box to draw the icon in
139 * char *text == the text to display
140 * char *sprite == the sprite to display
141 * BOOL selected == is the icon selected?
142 * void *handle == a caller defined handle (ignored)
143 */
145 void viewer_drawFileIcons
146 (
147 viewer_icon icn,
148 wimp_redrawstr *r,
149 wimp_box *box,
150 char *text,
151 char *sprite,
152 BOOL selected,
153 void *handle
154 );
156 /*
157 * viewer viewer_create
158 * (
159 * int x,
160 * int y,
161 * int width,
162 * int height,
163 * sprite_area *spr,
164 * char *title,
165 * char *banner
166 * )
167 *
168 * Use
169 * Creates a viewer window. Note that viewer windows don't need templates,
170 * and don't contain real wimp icons, just yer normal redrawn-by-
171 * application things (which can be handled by a caller-defined function if
172 * necessary). The banner along the top is optional - if a null pointer is
173 * passed, no banner is included. The sprite area passed applies to all
174 * the icons in the window, although if you want to, you can use your own
175 * redraw routine to handle different sprite areas for them.
176 *
177 * Parameters
178 * int x,int y == the coordinates of the top-left corner of the window
179 * (file windows for editors need good positioning here).
180 * int width == the width of an icon
181 * int height == the height of an icon
182 * sprite_area *spr == the sprite area for the window
183 * char *title == the title of the window
184 * char *banner == the banner heading along the top (like 'Sprite file
185 * window' or something)
186 *
187 * Returns
188 * A handle to the viewer window. As usual, a NULL pointer indicates
189 * something went wrong.
190 */
192 viewer viewer_create
193 (
194 int x,
195 int y,
196 int width,
197 int height,
198 sprite_area *spr,
199 char *title,
200 char *banner
201 );
203 /*
204 * void viewer_display(viewer v)
205 *
206 * Use
207 * Displays a viewer on the screen.
208 *
209 * Parameters
210 * viewer v == the viewer handle
211 */
213 void viewer_display(viewer v);
215 /*
216 * void viewer_hide(viewer v)
217 *
218 * Use
219 * Hides an open viewer.
220 *
221 * Parameters
222 * viewer v == the handle
223 */
225 void viewer_hide(viewer v);
227 /*
228 * void viewer_delete(viewer v,void (*freeProc)(void *handle))
229 *
230 * Use
231 * Zaps a viewer and everything in it. The function you pass to this
232 * routine is called with every icon handle the viewer has associated with
233 * it, so you don't need to link all the structures together - I've already
234 * done that here!
235 *
236 * Parameters
237 * viewer v == the viewer to destroy
238 * void (*freeProc)(void *handle) == a function to free one of the caller-
239 * defined viewer icon structures.
240 */
242 void viewer_delete(viewer v,void (*freeProc)(void *handle));
244 /*
245 * void viewer_eventHandler(viewer v,viewer_eventhandler proc,void *handle)
246 *
247 * Use
248 * Attaches an event handler to the viewer. The handle passed to this
249 * function is only used for close events, so you can take appropriate
250 * action at the other end. Otherwise, the handle for the icon concerned
251 * is used. Suggested code:
252 *
253 * void user_viewer(viewer v,viewer_icon i,wimp_bbits b,void *handle)
254 * {
255 * user_fileStructure *file=(user_fileStructure *)handle;
256 * user_itemStructure *item=(user_itemStructure *)handle;
257 * switch ((int)i)
258 * {
259 * case (int)viewer_CLOSE:
260 * ... use 'file' for this bit of code ...
261 * break;
262 * case viewer_NOICON:
263 * ... use 'file' for this bit as well ...
264 * break;
265 * default:
266 * ... use 'item' for this bit of code ...
267 * break;
268 * }
269 * }
270 *
271 * Parameters
272 * viewer v == the viewer to attach the handler to
273 * viewer_eventhandler proc == the event handler
274 * void *handle == the handle
275 */
277 void viewer_eventHandler(viewer v,viewer_eventhandler proc,void *handle);
279 /*
280 * void viewer_rawEventHandler
281 * (
282 * viewer v,
283 * viewer_raweventhandler proc,
284 * void *handle
285 * )
286 *
287 * Use
288 * Attaches a raw event handler to a viewer. Same as always, this one.
289 *
290 * Parameters
291 * viewer v == the viewer handle
292 * viewer_raweventhandler proc == the handler routine
293 * void *handle == the handle for the user's data
294 */
296 void viewer_rawEventHandler
297 (
298 viewer v,
299 viewer_raweventhandler proc,
300 void *handle
301 );
303 /*
304 * void viewer_redrawHandler(viewer v,viewer_redrawhandler proc,void *handle)
305 *
306 * Use
307 * Adds in a user-defined routine for redrawing icons in the window.
308 *
309 * Parameters
310 * viewer v == the viewer handle
311 * viewer_redrawhandler proc == the routine for doing the redraw
312 * void *handle == a handle to be passed to the routine (a sprite area or
313 * something)
314 */
316 void viewer_redrawHandler(viewer v,viewer_redrawhandler proc,void *handle);
318 /*
319 * void viewer_setIconSize(viewer v,int width,int height)
320 *
321 * Use
322 * Sets a new icon size for the viewer. This would normally be
323 * accompanied by a chnge in redraw handler. It would be used e.g. when
324 * using a menu option giving a choice between 'Large icons' and 'Small
325 * icons'.
326 *
327 * Parameters
328 * viewer v == the viewer which is to receive this change
329 * int width == the new width
330 * int height == the new height
331 */
333 void viewer_setIconSize(viewer v,int width,int height);
335 /*
336 * void viewer_setCompare(viewer v,viewer_compare cmp)
337 *
338 * Use
339 * Registers a compare function for the viewer specified. The function
340 * is passed the caller-defined handles of two icons. The function must
341 * return <0 if a<b, >0 if a>b, or ==0 if a==b (like strcmp does). The
342 * viewer's icons are then resorted. Pass 0 to use the default sorting
343 * system (a caseless compare on the icon text)
344 *
345 * Parameters
346 * viewer v == the viewer we're going to set the comparer up for
347 * viewer_compare cmp == the function to do comparing
348 */
350 void viewer_setCompare(viewer v,viewer_compare cmp);
352 /*
353 * viewer_icon viewer_addIcon
354 * (
355 * viewer v,
356 * char *text,
357 * char *sprite,
358 * BOOL inOrder,
359 * void *handle
360 * )
361 *
362 * Use
363 * Adds a new icon to a viewer window.
364 *
365 * Parameters
366 * viewer v == the handle of the viewer to use.
367 * char *text == the text to put under the icon (may be null)
368 * char *sprite == the sprite to use (may be null)
369 * BOOL inOrder == whether you want the icons sorted into order according
370 * to the text fields
371 * void *handle == the handle you want to pass to the event handler routine
372 *
373 * Returns
374 * A handle to the icon. If this is NULL, something went majorly wrong
375 * (sorry, John)
376 */
378 viewer_icon viewer_addIcon
379 (
380 viewer v,
381 char *text,
382 char *sprite,
383 BOOL inOrder,
384 void *handle
385 );
387 /*
388 * void viewer_setFiletype(viewer_icon i,int type)
389 *
390 * Use
391 * Sets the filetype of the icon - useful for bins and things. This
392 * filetype overrides the setting given to viewer_exportSelected(). It can
393 * also be used to display the correct icon in the viewer by changing the
394 * redraw handler to viewer_drawFileIcons().
395 *
396 * Parameters
397 * viewer_icon i == the icon to change
398 * int type == the filetype to give it (any valid WIMP filetype will do)
399 */
401 void viewer_setFiletype(viewer_icon i,int type);
403 /*
404 * int viewer_readFiletype(viewer_icon i)
405 *
406 * Use
407 * Returns the filetype attached to an icon.
408 *
409 * Parameters
410 * viewer_icon i == the icon handle
411 *
412 * Returns
413 * The type attached using viewer_setFiletype(), or -1 if none.
414 */
416 int viewer_readFiletype(viewer_icon i);
418 /*
419 * viewer_icon viewer_findIcon(viewer v,char *text)
420 *
421 * Use
422 * Searches through a viewer to find an icon with the same text as 'text'.
423 * The search is case-insensitive.
424 *
425 * Parameters
426 * viewer v == the viewer handle
427 * char *text == text to search for
428 *
429 * Returns
430 * The icon handle, or viewer_NOICON if unsuccessful.
431 */
433 viewer_icon viewer_findIcon(viewer v,char *text);
435 /*
436 * void viewer_removeIcon(viewer_icon i)
437 *
438 * Use
439 * Removes the icon specified. This routine is real easy!
440 *
441 * Parameters
442 * viewer_icon i == the icon to remove (they ALL have unique handles, so
443 * this is OK)
444 */
446 void viewer_removeIcon(viewer_icon i);
448 /*
449 * wimp_w viewer_syshandle(viewer v)
450 *
451 * Use
452 * Returns the WIMP window handle used for the viewer (and much use may it
453 * do you!)
454 *
455 * Parameters
456 * viewer v == the viewer handle
457 *
458 * Returns
459 * The wimp_w window handle
460 */
462 wimp_w viewer_syshandle(viewer v);
464 /*
465 * viewer_icon viewer_iconFromCoords(viewer v,int x,int y)
466 *
467 * Use
468 * Given a set of (absolute) coordinates, this returns the icon in the
469 * viewer specified that the point is on. This is mainly useful for menu
470 * maker routines, which will want to be able to select items and so on.
471 *
472 * Parameters
473 * viewer v == the viewer handle
474 * int x == the x-coordinate of the point
475 * int y == the y-coordinate of the point
476 *
477 * Returns
478 * The icon handle, or viewer__NOICON if there isn't one.
479 */
481 viewer_icon viewer_iconFromCoords(viewer v,int x,int y);
483 /*
484 * void viewer_iconToCoords(viewer_icon i,wimp_box *box)
485 *
486 * Use
487 * Calculates the bounding box of the icon given. If there is an error,
488 * nothing is written in the block.
489 *
490 * Parameters
491 * viewer_icon i == the icon we're interested in
492 * wimp_box *box == where to store the coordinates
493 */
495 void viewer_iconToCoords(viewer_icon i,wimp_box *box);
497 /*
498 * BOOL viewer_isSelected(viewer_icon i)
499 *
500 * Use
501 * Returns whether an icon is selected or not.
502 *
503 * Parameters
504 * viewer_icon i == the icon handle
505 *
506 * Returns
507 * TRUE if the icon is selected, or FALSE otherwise.
508 */
510 BOOL viewer_isSelected(viewer_icon i);
512 /*
513 * void viewer_selectIcon(viewer_icon i,BOOL onOrOff)
514 *
515 * Use
516 * Selects or deselects the icon specified.
517 *
518 * Parameters
519 * viewer_icon i == the icon handle
520 * BOOL onOrOff == TRUE to select, FALSE to deselect
521 */
523 void viewer_selectIcon(viewer_icon i,BOOL onOrOff);
525 /*
526 * viewer viewer_iconToViewer(viewer_icon i)
527 *
528 * Use
529 * Returns the viewer in which an icon is contained.
530 *
531 * Parameters
532 * viewer_icon i == the icon handle
533 *
534 * Returns
535 * The viewer handle.
536 */
538 viewer viewer_iconToViewer(viewer_icon i);
540 /*
541 * void *viewer_iconHandle(viewer_icon i)
542 *
543 * Use
544 * Returns the handle attached to the icon when it was created
545 *
546 * Parameters
547 * viewer_icon i == the icon in question
548 *
549 * Returns
550 * The handle attached
551 */
553 void *viewer_iconHandle(viewer_icon i);
555 /*
556 * char *viewer_textOfIcon(viewer_icon i)
557 *
558 * Use
559 * Returns the text of the icon given.
560 *
561 * Parameters
562 * viewer_icon i == the icon
563 *
564 * Returns
565 * Pointer to the string (read only!).
566 */
568 char *viewer_textOfIcon(viewer_icon i);
570 /*
571 * int viewer_selected(viewer v)
572 *
573 * Use
574 * Informs caller how many icons are selected.
575 *
576 * Parameters
577 * viewer v == the viewer handle
578 *
579 * Returns
580 * The number of icons selected.
581 */
583 int viewer_selected(viewer v);
585 /*
586 * int viewer_icons(viewer v)
587 *
588 * Use
589 * Returns the number of icons in a viewer.
590 *
591 * Parameters
592 * viewer v == the viewer
593 *
594 * Returns
595 * The number of icons.
596 */
598 int viewer_icons(viewer v);
600 /*
601 * void viewer_doForIcons
602 * (
603 * viewer v,
604 * BOOL onlySelected,
605 * void (*proc)(viewer_icon i,void *handle)
606 * )
607 *
608 * Use
609 * Does the same thing for either all the icons in a viewer, or just the
610 * selected ones.
611 *
612 * Parameters
613 * viewer v == the viewer handle
614 * BOOL onlySelected == whether you want to handle just the selected ones,
615 * or the whole lot.
616 * void (*proc)(viewer_icon i,void *handle) == the routine to do whatever
617 * it is you want to do.
618 */
620 void viewer_doForIcons
621 (
622 viewer v,
623 BOOL onlySelected,
624 void (*proc)(viewer_icon i,void *handle)
625 );
627 /*
628 * void viewer_selectAll(viewer v,BOOL onOrOff)
629 *
630 * Use
631 * Selects or deselects all the icons in a viewer.
632 *
633 * Parameters
634 * viewer v == the viewer handle
635 * BOOL onOrOff == whether you want the icons to be on or off
636 */
638 void viewer_selectAll(viewer v,BOOL onOrOff);
640 /*
641 * void viewer_clickSelect(viewer v,viewer_icon i,wimp_bbits b)
642 *
643 * Use
644 * Handles a click on an icon just like clicks in Filer windows.
645 *
646 * Parameters
647 * viewer v == the viewer handle
648 * viewer_icon i == the icon that was clicked
649 * wimp_bbits b == the mouse button status
650 */
652 void viewer_clickSelect(viewer v,viewer_icon i,wimp_bbits b);
654 /*
655 * char *viewer_menuItem(viewer v,char *header)
656 *
657 * Use
658 * Returns a menu item of the form either "~<header> ''",
659 * "<header> '<icon name>'", or "Selection", for inclusion in a menu
660 * string.
661 *
662 * Parameters
663 * viewer v == the viewer handle
664 * char *header == the header for the menu item
665 *
666 * Returns
667 * A pointer to a read-only string.
668 */
670 char *viewer_menuItem(viewer v,char *header);
672 /*
673 * void viewer_setupMenu(viewer v,char *header,menu m,int i,char *buff)
674 *
675 * Use
676 * Writes a menu item out as for the previous routine, but implants it
677 * directly into the menu, so you don't need to fiddle about with things
678 * like that, and also means that the menu pointer changes. The menu item
679 * must have been previously set up with menu_redirectItem. This call will
680 * also set the menu to the correct width. However, ensure that you call
681 * menu_minWidth(m,0) before fiddling with the width!
682 *
683 * Parameters
684 * viewer v == the viewer handle pertaining to this request
685 * menu m == the menu to doctor
686 * int i == the menu item
687 * char *buff == where the menu item wants the data
688 */
690 void viewer_setupMenu(viewer v,char *header,menu m,int i,char *buff);
692 /*
693 * viewer_icon viewer_firstSelected(viewer v)
694 *
695 * Use
696 * Returns the handle of the first selected icon.
697 *
698 * Parameters
699 * viewer v == the viewer handle
700 *
701 * Returns
702 * A handle to the first one, or viewer_NOICON.
703 */
705 viewer_icon viewer_firstSelected(viewer v);
707 /*
708 * void viewer_settitle(viewer v,char *title)
709 *
710 * Use
711 * Changes a viewer's title, so that the extent is updated as well.
712 *
713 * Parameters
714 * viewer v == the viewer handle
715 * char *title == the new title string
716 */
718 void viewer_settitle(viewer v,char *title);
720 /*
721 * void viewer_dragSelected(viewer_icon icn,wimp_bbits b)
722 *
723 * Use
724 * Drags a set of icons around a window.
725 *
726 * Parameters
727 * viewer_icon icn == the viewer icon handle
728 * wimp_bbits b == the button types that started this lot off
729 */
731 void viewer_dragSelected(viewer_icon icn,wimp_bbits b);
733 /*
734 * void viewer_exportSelected
735 * (
736 * viewer_icon icn,
737 * wimp_bbits b,
738 * int filetype,
739 * viewer_saveproc save,
740 * viewer_sendproc send,
741 * viewer_printproc print
742 * )
743 *
744 * Use
745 * Allows you to export the data connected with each selected icon to
746 * another application. The filename used is the icon's text.
747 *
748 * Parameters
749 * viewer_icon icn == the icon on which the user clicked to start the drag
750 * operation.
751 * wimp_bbits b == the mouse buttons which started this up.
752 * int filetype == the filetype of the data.
753 * viewer_saveproc save == the save routine (saving and <Wimp$Scrap>
754 * transfer.
755 * viewer_sendproc send == the send routine (RAM transfer).
756 * viewer_printproc print == the print routine (printing etc.)
757 */
759 void viewer_exportSelected
760 (
761 viewer_icon icn,
762 wimp_bbits b,
763 int filetype,
764 viewer_saveproc save,
765 viewer_sendproc send,
766 viewer_printproc print
767 );
769 /*
770 * viewer_icon viewer_helpIcon(viewer v)
771 *
772 * Use
773 * Informs the caller which icon the Help system is interested in.
774 *
775 * Parameters
776 * viewer v == the viewer handle
777 *
778 * Returns
779 * The icon's handle (or maybe viewer_NOICON)
780 */
782 viewer_icon viewer_helpIcon(viewer v);
784 #endif