[ssr] / StraySrc / Libraries / Steel / h / menu
1 /*
2 * menu
3 *
4 * A working menu system
5 *
6 * © 1992-1998 Straylight
7 */
9 /*----- Licensing note ----------------------------------------------------*
10 *
11 * This file is part of Straylight's Steel library.
12 *
13 * Steel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
14 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
16 * any later version.
17 *
18 * Steel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 * GNU General Public License for more details.
22 *
23 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24 * along with Steel. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
25 * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
26 */
28 #ifndef __menu_h
29 #define __menu_h
31 #ifndef __wimp_h
32 #include "wimp.h"
33 #endif
35 #ifndef __event_h
36 typedef struct menu__menustr *menu;
37 typedef menu (*event_menu_maker)(void *handle);
38 typedef void (*event_menu_proc)(void *handle, char* hit);
39 #include "event.h"
40 #endif
42 typedef void (*menu_selectProc)(int hits[],void *handle);
43 typedef void (*menu_helpProc)(int hits[],void *handle);
45 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 The syntax of menu strings is an extension of the system used by the
48 RISC_OSlib menu segment:
50 menu_description ::= <flags> <item> <sep> { <flags> <item> <sep> }
51 flags ::= '!' | '~' | '>' | ' ' | '+'
52 sep ::= ',' | '|'
53 item ::= <a bunch of other characters>
55 flags have meanings as follows:
57 ' ' has no effect
58 '~' shades the item
59 '>' item has a menu dbox attached
60 '!' item is ticked
61 '+' open submenu even if item is shaded
63 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
65 /*
66 * menu menu_new(char *title,char *items)
67 *
68 * Use
69 * Creates a menu as per the old RISC_OSlib system.
70 *
71 * Parameters
72 * char *title == the menu title (truncated to 12 chars if necessary)
73 * char *items == the menu item text. Data is indirected where required.
74 *
75 * Returns
76 * A pointer to the menu if successful, or a NULL pointer if not.
77 */
79 menu menu_new(char *title,char *items);
81 /*
82 * void menu_submenu(menu main,int item,menu submenu)
83 *
84 * Use
85 * Attaches a menu as a submenu, but it will put in a submenu warning flag,
86 * so the user-friendly too-many-windows messages come up right!
87 *
88 * Parameters
89 * menu main == the main menu
90 * int item == the menu item number
91 * menu submenu == the submenu
92 */
94 void menu_submenu(menu main,int item,menu submenu);
96 /*
97 * void menu_dispose(menu *m,BOOL recurse)
98 *
99 * Use
100 * Kill off a menu or menu tree. Won't work on submenus.
101 *
102 * Parameters
103 * menu *m == pointer to menu to Domestos-ise.
104 * BOOL recurse == do we want to kill its submenus too?
105 */
107 void menu_dispose(menu *m,BOOL recurse);
109 /*
110 * wimp_menustr *menu_syshandle(menu m)
111 *
112 * Use
113 * Returns pointer to actual menu structure.
114 *
115 * Parameters
116 * menu m == menu handle for which structure is required.
117 *
118 * Returns
119 * A pointer to the WIMP menu structure.
120 */
122 wimp_menustr *menu_syshandle(menu m);
124 /*
125 * void menu_extend(menu m,char *items)
126 *
127 * Use
128 * Extend the given menu by a bit.
129 *
130 * Parameters
131 * menu m == the menu to extend
132 * char *items == the items to tag on the end
133 */
135 void menu_extend(menu m,char *items);
137 /*
138 * void menu_setflags(menu m,int i,BOOL tick,BOOL shade)
139 *
140 * Use
141 * Changes menu item properties.
142 *
143 * Parameters
144 * menu m == menu to change
145 * int i == menu item to change
146 * BOOL tick == tick the item
147 * BOOL shade == shade the item
148 */
150 void menu_setflags(menu m,int i,BOOL tick,BOOL shade);
152 /*
153 * void menu_make_writeable(menu m,int i,char *buff,int bufflen,char *valid)
154 *
155 * Use
156 * Makes a menu entry writable (sorry about the spelling - it's Acorn's
157 * fault).
158 *
159 * Parameters
160 * menu m == the menu in question
161 * int i == the item to be handled
162 * char *buff == where the data is to reside
163 * int bufflen == max length of data that can be crammed into buff
164 * char *valid == validation string (0 for none)
165 */
167 void menu_make_writeable(menu m,int i,char *buff,int bufflen,char *valid);
169 /*
170 * void menu_make_sprite(menu m,int i,char *name)
171 *
172 * Use
173 * Turns a menu entry into a sprite. Utterly useless, but there you go...
174 *
175 * Parameters
176 * menu m == the menu we're dealing with
177 * int i == the item to sprite-ise
178 * char *name == the sprite name
179 */
181 void menu_make_sprite(menu m,int i,char *name);
183 /*
184 * void menu_redirectItem(menu m,int i,char *buff,int bufflen,char *valid)
185 *
186 * Use
187 * Allows you to make a menu item's data point to your workspace, so you
188 * can change the text of an item at any time. The buffer length isn't
189 * important.
190 *
191 * Parameters
192 * menu m == the menu in question
193 * int i == the item to be handled
194 * char *buff == where the data is to reside
195 * int bufflen == max length of data that can be crammed into buff
196 * char *valid == validation string (0 for none)
197 */
199 void menu_redirectItem(menu m,int i,char *buff,int bufflen,char *valid);
201 /*
202 * void menu_minWidth(menu m,int min)
203 *
204 * Use
205 * Sets the minimum permissable width of a menu (in characters). Note that
206 * this call will not make the menu thinner than the width calculated
207 * during menu_new or menu_extend.
208 *
209 * Parameters
210 * menu m == the menu to change
211 * int min == the minumum allowable width fro the menu in characters. If
212 * 0 is passed, the width reverts to the calculated width.
213 */
215 void menu_minWidth(menu m,int min);
217 /*
218 * void menu_settitle(menu m,char *title)
219 *
220 * Use
221 * Change a menu title.
222 *
223 * Parameters
224 * menu m == the menu to change
225 * char *title == the new title
226 */
228 void menu_settitle(menu m,char *title);
230 /*
231 * void menu_attach
232 * (
233 * wimp_w w,
234 * menu m,
235 * menu_selectProc sel,
236 * menu_helpProc help,
237 * void *handle
238 * )
239 *
240 * Use
241 * Basically equivalent to event_attachmenu, only it handles help requests
242 * neatly etc. Source code compatibility *cannot* be assured, because I
243 * want to be able to expand this routine to cater for later changes. I
244 * will try to soften the blow (if any) by supplying macros that will work
245 * with older programs, but I can't guarantee anything.
246 *
247 * Parameters
248 * wimp_w w == the window to attach to
249 * menu m == the menu to attach
250 * menu_selectProc sel == procedure to handle most selection-type events
251 * menu_helpProc help == procedure to handle help requests for the menu
252 */
254 void menu_attach
255 (
256 wimp_w w,
257 menu m,
258 menu_selectProc sel,
259 menu_helpProc help,
260 void *handle
261 );
263 /*
264 * void menu_attachMaker
265 * (
266 * wimp_w w,
267 * event_menu_maker m,
268 * menu_selectProc sel,
269 * menu_helpProc help,
270 * void *handle
271 * )
272 *
273 * Use
274 * This routine deals with event_attachmenumaker as menu_attach deals with
275 * event_attachmenu.
276 *
277 * Parameters
278 * wimp_w w == the window to attach to
279 * menu m == the menu to attach
280 * menu_selectProc sel == procedure to handle most selection-type events
281 * menu_helpProc help == procedure to handle help requests for the menu
282 */
284 void menu_attachMaker
285 (
286 wimp_w w,
287 event_menu_maker m,
288 menu_selectProc sel,
289 menu_helpProc help,
290 void *handle
291 );
293 /*
294 * void menu_open(menu m,menu_selectProc sel,menu_helpProc help,void *handle)
295 *
296 * Use
297 * Analagous to event_openMenu().
298 *
299 * Parameters
300 * As above.
301 */
303 void menu_open(menu m,menu_selectProc sel,menu_helpProc help,void *handle);
305 /*
306 * void menu_make(event_menu_maker m,menu_selectProc sel,menu_helpProc help,void *handle)
307 *
308 * Use
309 * Analagous to event_makeMenu().
310 *
311 * Parameters
312 * As above.
313 */
315 void menu_make(event_menu_maker m,menu_selectProc sel,menu_helpProc help,void *handle);
317 /*
318 * void menu_saveHandler(wimp_w w,menu_handler *h)
319 *
320 * Use
321 * Saves information about the menu handle for the given window in the
322 * block specified. This can be used *only* to restore the handler for a
323 * window later (although it needn't be the same one). Note too that the
324 * window need not have to have menu handlers registered using the menu
325 * calls, or even have any at all.
326 *
327 * Parameters
328 * wimp_w w == the window whose menu handlers we are to save
329 * menu_handler *h == pointer to a chunk of memory to fill in.
330 */
332 typedef struct menu_handler
333 {
334 BOOL doneByMenu;
335 union
336 {
337 struct
338 {
339 menu m;
340 event_menu_maker make;
341 menu_selectProc sel;
342 menu_helpProc help;
343 void *handle;
344 }
345 m;
346 struct
347 {
348 menu m;
349 event_menu_maker make;
350 event_menu_proc proc;
351 void *handle;
352 }
353 e;
354 }
355 info;
356 }
357 menu_handler;
359 void menu_saveHandler(wimp_w w,menu_handler *h);
361 /*
362 * void menu_restoreHandler(wimp_w w,menu_handler *h)
363 *
364 * Use
365 * Restores handlers from a structure filled in by menu_saveHandler.
366 *
367 * Parameters
368 * wimp_w w == the window whose handlers we are to set up.
369 * menu_handler *h == pointer to a chunk of memory filled in correctly.
370 */
372 void menu_restoreHandler(wimp_w w,menu_handler *h);
374 #endif