;;; -*-lisp-*- ;;; ;;; Code generation protocol ;;; ;;; (c) 2009 Straylight/Edgeware ;;; ;;;----- Licensing notice --------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; This file is part of the Sensble Object Design, an object system for C. ;;; ;;; SOD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; SOD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with SOD; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, ;;; Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. (cl:in-package #:sod) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Temporary names. ;; Protocol. (export 'format-temporary-name) (defgeneric format-temporary-name (var stream) (:documentation "Write the name of a temporary variable VAR to STREAM.")) (export 'var-in-use-p) (defgeneric var-in-use-p (var) (:documentation "Answer whether VAR is currently being used. See `with-temporary-var'.") (:method (var) "Non-temporary variables are always in use." (declare (ignore var)) t)) (defgeneric (setf var-in-use-p) (value var) (:documentation "Record whether VAR is currently being used. See `with-temporary-var'.")) ;; Root class. (export '(temporary-name temp-tag)) (defclass temporary-name () ((tag :initarg :tag :reader temp-tag)) (:documentation "Base class for temporary variable and argument names.")) ;; Important temporary names. (export '(*sod-ap* *sod-master-ap*)) (defparameter *sod-ap* (make-instance 'temporary-name :tag "sod__ap")) (defparameter *sod-master-ap* (make-instance 'temporary-name :tag "sod__master_ap")) (defparameter *sod-tmp-ap* (make-instance 'temporary-name :tag "sod__tmp_ap")) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Instructions. ;; Classes. (export 'inst) (defclass inst () () (:documentation "A base class for instructions. An `instruction' is anything which might be useful to string into a code generator. Both statements and expressions can be represented by trees of instructions. The `definst' macro is a convenient way of defining new instructions. The only important protocol for instructions is output, which is achieved by calling `print-object' with `*print-escape*' nil. This doesn't really do very much, but it acts as a handy marker for instruction subclasses.")) (export 'inst-metric) (defgeneric inst-metric (inst) (:documentation "Returns a `metric' describing how complicated INST is. The default metric of an inst node is simply 1; `inst' subclasses generated by `definst' (q.v.) have an automatically generated method which returns one plus the sum of the metrics of the node's children. This isn't intended to be a particularly rigorous definition. Its purpose is to allow code generators to make decisions about inlining or calling code fairly simply.") (:method ((inst t)) (declare (ignore inst)) 1) (:method ((inst null)) (declare (ignore inst)) 1) (:method ((inst list)) (reduce #'+ inst :key #'inst-metric))) ;; Instruction definition. (export 'definst) (defmacro definst (code (streamvar &key export) args &body body) "Define an instruction type and describe how to output it. An `inst' can represent any structured piece of output syntax: a statement, expression or declaration, for example. This macro defines the following things: * A class `CODE-inst' to represent the instruction. * Instance slots named after the ARGS, with matching keyword initargs, and `inst-ARG' readers. * A constructor `make-CODE-inst' which accepts the ARGS (in order, not with keywords) as arguments and returns a fresh instance. * A print method, which prints a diagnostic dump if `*print-escape*' is set, or invokes the BODY (with STREAMVAR bound to the output stream) otherwise. The BODY is expected to produce target code at this point. If EXPORT is non-nil, then export the `CODE-inst' and `make-CODE-inst' symbols." (let ((inst-var (gensym "INST")) (class-name (symbolicate code '-inst)) (constructor-name (symbolicate 'make- code '-inst)) (keys (mapcar (lambda (arg) (intern (symbol-name arg) :keyword)) args))) `(progn (defclass ,class-name (inst) ,(mapcar (lambda (arg key) `(,arg :initarg ,key :reader ,(symbolicate 'inst- arg))) args keys)) (defun ,constructor-name (,@args) (make-instance ',class-name ,@(mappend #'list keys args))) (defmethod inst-metric ((,inst-var ,class-name)) (with-slots (,@args) ,inst-var (+ 1 ,@(mapcar (lambda (arg) `(inst-metric ,arg)) args)))) (defmethod print-object ((,inst-var ,class-name) ,streamvar) (with-slots (,@args) ,inst-var (if *print-escape* (print-unreadable-object (,inst-var ,streamvar :type t) (format stream "~@<~@{~S ~@_~S~^ ~_~}~:>" ,@(mappend #'list keys args))) (block ,code ,@body)))) ,@(and export `((export '(,class-name ,constructor-name ,@(mapcar (lambda (arg) (symbolicate 'inst- arg)) args))))) ',code))) ;; Important instruction classes. ;; HACK: use a gensym for the `expr' and `type' slots to avoid leaking the ;; slot names, since the symbol `expr' is exported from our package and ;; `type' belongs to the `common-lisp' package. (definst var (stream :export t) (name #1=#:type init) (pprint-c-type #1# stream name) (when init (format stream " = ~A" init)) (write-char #\; stream)) (definst set (stream :export t) (var #1=#:expr) (format stream "~@<~A = ~@_~2I~A;~:>" var #1#)) (definst update (stream :export t) (var op #1=#:expr) (format stream "~@<~A ~A= ~@_~2I~A;~:>" var op #1#)) (definst return (stream :export t) (#1=#:expr) (format stream "return~@[ (~A)~];" #1#)) (definst break (stream :export t) () (format stream "break;")) (definst continue (stream :export t) () (format stream "continue;")) (definst expr (stream :export t) (#1=#:expr) (format stream "~A;" #1#)) (definst block (stream :export t) (decls body) (format stream "{~:@_~@< ~2I~@[~{~A~:@_~}~:@_~]~{~A~^~:@_~}~:>~:@_}" decls body)) (definst function (stream :export t) (name #1=#:type body) (pprint-logical-block (stream nil) (princ "static " stream) (pprint-c-type #1# stream name) (format stream "~:@_~A~:@_~:@_" body))) ;; Formatting utilities. (defun format-compound-statement* (stream child morep thunk) "Underlying function for `format-compound-statement'." (cond ((typep child 'block-inst) (funcall thunk stream) (write-char #\space stream) (princ child stream) (when morep (write-char #\space stream))) (t (pprint-logical-block (stream nil) (funcall thunk stream) (write-char #\space stream) (pprint-indent :block 2 stream) (pprint-newline :linear stream) (princ child stream) (pprint-indent :block 0 stream) (case morep (:space (write-char #\space stream) (pprint-newline :linear stream)) ((t) (pprint-newline :mandatory stream))))))) (export 'format-compound-statement) (defmacro format-compound-statement ((stream child &optional morep) &body body) "Format a compound statement to STREAM. The introductory material is printed by BODY. The CHILD is formatted properly according to whether it's a `block-inst'. If MOREP is true, then allow for more stuff following the child." `(format-compound-statement* ,stream ,child ,morep (lambda (,stream) ,@body))) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Code generation. ;; Accessors. (export 'codegen-functions) (defgeneric codegen-functions (codegen) (:documentation "Return the list of `function-inst's of completed functions.")) (export 'ensure-var) (defgeneric ensure-var (codegen name type &optional init) (:documentation "Add a variable to CODEGEN's list. The variable is called NAME (which should be comparable using `equal' and print to an identifier) and has the given TYPE. If INIT is present and non-nil it is an expression `inst' used to provide the variable with an initial value.")) (export '(emit-inst emit-insts)) (defgeneric emit-inst (codegen inst) (:documentation "Add INST to the end of CODEGEN's list of instructions.")) (defgeneric emit-insts (codegen insts) (:documentation "Add a list of INSTS to the end of CODEGEN's list of instructions.") (:method (codegen insts) (dolist (inst insts) (emit-inst codegen inst)))) (export '(emit-decl emit-decls)) (defgeneric emit-decl (codegen inst) (:documentation "Add INST to the end of CODEGEN's list of declarations.")) (defgeneric emit-decls (codegen insts) (:documentation "Add a list of INSTS to the end of CODEGEN's list of declarations.")) (export 'codegen-push) (defgeneric codegen-push (codegen) (:documentation "Pushes the current code generation state onto a stack. The state consists of the accumulated variables and instructions.")) (export 'codegen-pop) (defgeneric codegen-pop (codegen) (:documentation "Pops a saved state off of the CODEGEN's stack. Returns the newly accumulated variables and instructions as lists, as separate values.")) (export 'codegen-add-function) (defgeneric codegen-add-function (codegen function) (:documentation "Adds a function to CODEGEN's list. Actually, we're not picky: FUNCTION can be any kind of object that you're willing to find in the list returned by `codegen-functions'.")) (export 'temporary-var) (defgeneric temporary-var (codegen type) (:documentation "Return the name of a temporary variable. The temporary variable will have the given TYPE, and will be marked in-use. You should clear the in-use flag explicitly when you've finished with the variable -- or, better, use `with-temporary-var' to do the cleanup automatically.")) (export 'codegen-build-function) (defun codegen-build-function (codegen name type vars insts) "Build a function and add it to CODEGEN's list. Returns the function's name." (codegen-add-function codegen (make-function-inst name type (make-block-inst vars insts))) name) (export 'codegen-pop-block) (defgeneric codegen-pop-block (codegen) (:documentation "Makes a block (`block-inst') out of the completed code in CODEGEN.") (:method (codegen) (multiple-value-bind (vars insts) (codegen-pop codegen) (make-block-inst vars insts)))) (export 'codegen-pop-function) (defgeneric codegen-pop-function (codegen name type) (:documentation "Makes a function out of the completed code in CODEGEN. The NAME can be any object you like. The TYPE should be a function type object which includes argument names. The return value is the NAME.") (:method (codegen name type) (multiple-value-bind (vars insts) (codegen-pop codegen) (codegen-build-function codegen name type vars insts)))) (export 'with-temporary-var) (defmacro with-temporary-var ((codegen var type) &body body) "Evaluate BODY with VAR bound to a temporary variable name. During BODY, VAR will be marked in-use; when BODY ends, VAR will be marked available for re-use." (multiple-value-bind (doc decls body) (parse-body body :docp nil) (declare (ignore doc)) `(let ((,var (temporary-var ,codegen ,type))) ,@decls (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (setf (var-in-use-p ,var) nil))))) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Code generation idioms. (export 'deliver-expr) (defun deliver-expr (codegen target expr) "Emit code to deliver the value of EXPR to the TARGET. The TARGET may be one of the following. * `:void', indicating that the value is to be discarded. The expression will still be evaluated. * `:void-return', indicating that the value is to be discarded (as for `:void') and furthermore a `return' from the current function should be forced after computing the value. * `:return', indicating that the value is to be returned from the current function. * A variable name, indicating that the value is to be stored in the variable. In the cases of `:return', `:void' and `:void-return' targets, it is valid for EXPR to be nil; this signifies that no computation needs to be performed. Variable-name targets require an expression." (case target (:return (emit-inst codegen (make-return-inst expr))) (:void (when expr (emit-inst codegen (make-expr-inst expr)))) (:void-return (when expr (emit-inst codegen (make-expr-inst expr))) (emit-inst codegen (make-return-inst nil))) (t (emit-inst codegen (make-set-inst target expr))))) (export 'convert-stmts) (defun convert-stmts (codegen target type func) "Invoke FUNC to deliver a value to a non-`:return' target. FUNC is a function which accepts a single argument, a non-`:return' target, and generates statements which deliver a value (see `deliver-expr') of the specified TYPE to this target. In general, the generated code will have the form setup instructions... (deliver-expr CODEGEN TARGET (compute value...)) cleanup instructions... where the cleanup instructions are essential to the proper working of the generated program. The `convert-stmts' function will call FUNC to generate code, and arrange that its value is correctly delivered to TARGET, regardless of what the TARGET is -- i.e., it lifts the restriction to non-`:return' targets. It does this by inventing a new temporary variable." (case target (:return (with-temporary-var (codegen var type) (funcall func var) (deliver-expr codegen target var))) (:void-return (funcall func :void) (emit-inst codegen (make-return-inst nil))) (t (funcall func target)))) ;;;----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------