;;; -*-lisp-*- ;;; ;;; Test the property set implementation ;;; ;;; (c) 2013 Straylight/Edgeware ;;; ;;;----- Licensing notice --------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; This file is part of the Sensble Object Design, an object system for C. ;;; ;;; SOD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; SOD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with SOD; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, ;;; Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. (cl:in-package #:sod-test) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Here we go. (defclass pset-test (test-case) ()) (add-test *sod-test-suite* (get-suite pset-test)) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Utilities. (defun pset-equal-p (pset-a pset-b) (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (p (or pset-a (make-property-set)) q) (q (or pset-b (make-property-set)) p)) ((>= i 2) t) (with-pset-iterator (next p) (loop (let ((prop (next))) (when (null prop) (return)) (let ((other (pset-get q (p-key prop)))) (unless (and other (equal (p-name prop) (p-name other)) (eq (p-type prop) (p-type other)) (equal (p-value prop) (p-value other))) (return-from pset-equal-p nil)))))))) (defun assert-pset-equal (pset-a pset-b) (unless (pset-equal-p pset-a pset-b) (failure "Assert equal property sets: ~A ~_and ~A" pset-a pset-b))) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Parser tests. (defun check-pset-parse (string pset) (let* ((char-scanner (make-string-scanner string)) (scanner (make-instance 'sod-token-scanner :char-scanner char-scanner :filename "")) (errors nil)) (with-parser-context (token-scanner-context :scanner scanner) (multiple-value-bind (result winp consumedp) (handler-bind ((error (lambda (cond) (declare (ignore cond)) (setf errors t) (if (find-restart 'continue) (invoke-restart 'continue) :decline)))) (parse-property-set scanner)) (declare (ignore consumedp)) (when errors (setf winp nil)) (cond ((null pset) (assert-false winp)) (t (assert-true winp) (unless (eq pset t) (assert-pset-equal result pset)))))))) (def-test-method parse-empty ((test pset-test) :run nil) (check-pset-parse "anything" (make-property-set))) (def-test-method parse-simple ((test pset-test) :run nil) (check-pset-parse "[ thing = 69 ]" (make-property-set "thing" 69))) (def-test-method parse-wrong ((test pset-test) :run nil) (check-pset-parse "[ broken = (1 + ]" nil)) (def-test-method parse-arith ((test pset-test) :run nil) (check-pset-parse (concatenate 'string "[ " "one = 13*5 - 16*4, " "two = \"spong\", " "three = 'c', " "four = something_different" "]") (make-property-set "one" 1 "two" "spong" "three" #\c "four" (cons :id "something_different")))) ;;;----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------