;;; -*-lisp-*- ;;; ;;; Class construction protocol implementation ;;; ;;; (c) 2009 Straylight/Edgeware ;;; ;;;----- Licensing notice --------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; This file is part of the Sensible Object Design, an object system for C. ;;; ;;; SOD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;;; (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; SOD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with SOD; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, ;;; Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. (cl:in-package #:sod) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Classes. (defmethod shared-initialize :after ((class sod-class) slot-names &key pset) "Specific behaviour for SOD class initialization. Properties inspected are as follows: * `:metaclass' names the metaclass to use. If unspecified, nil is stored, and (unless you intervene later) `guess-metaclass' will be called by `finalize-sod-class' to find a suitable default. * `:nick' provides a nickname for the class. If unspecified, a default (the class's name, forced to lowercase) will be chosen in `finalize-sod-class'. * `:link' names the chained superclass. If unspecified, this class will be left at the head of its chain." ;; If no nickname, copy the class name. It won't be pretty, though. (default-slot-from-property (class 'nickname slot-names) (pset :nick :id) (string-downcase (slot-value class 'name))) ;; Set the metaclass if the appropriate property has been provided; ;; otherwise leave it unbound for now, and we'll sort out the mess during ;; finalization. (default-slot-from-property (class 'metaclass slot-names) (pset :metaclass :id meta (find-sod-class meta))) ;; If no chain-link, then start a new chain here. (default-slot-from-property (class 'chain-link slot-names) (pset :link :id link (find-sod-class link)) nil)) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Slots. (defmethod make-sod-slot ((class sod-class) name type pset &optional location) (with-default-error-location (location) (let ((slot (make-instance (get-property pset :slot-class :symbol 'sod-slot) :class class :name name :type type :location (file-location location) :pset pset))) (with-slots (slots) class (setf slots (append slots (list slot)))) slot))) (defmethod shared-initialize :after ((slot sod-slot) slot-names &key pset) "This method does nothing. It only exists so that it isn't an error to provide a `:pset' initarg to (make-instance 'sod-slot ...)." (declare (ignore slot-names pset))) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Slot initializers. (defmethod make-sod-instance-initializer ((class sod-class) nick name value-kind value-form pset &optional location) (with-default-error-location (location) (let* ((slot (find-instance-slot-by-name class nick name)) (initializer (make-sod-initializer-using-slot class slot 'sod-instance-initializer value-kind value-form pset (file-location location)))) (with-slots (instance-initializers) class (setf instance-initializers (append instance-initializers (list initializer)))) initializer))) (defmethod make-sod-class-initializer ((class sod-class) nick name value-kind value-form pset &optional location) (with-default-error-location (location) (let* ((slot (find-class-slot-by-name class nick name)) (initializer (make-sod-initializer-using-slot class slot 'sod-class-initializer value-kind value-form pset (file-location location)))) (with-slots (class-initializers) class (setf class-initializers (append class-initializers (list initializer)))) initializer))) (defmethod make-sod-initializer-using-slot ((class sod-class) (slot sod-slot) init-class value-kind value-form pset location) (make-instance (get-property pset :initializer-class :symbol init-class) :class class :slot slot :value-kind value-kind :value-form value-form :location location :pset pset)) (defmethod shared-initialize :after ((init sod-initializer) slot-names &key pset) "This method does nothing. It only exists so that it isn't an error to provide a `:pset' initarg to (make-instance 'sod-initializer ...)." (declare (ignore slot-names pset)) nil) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Messages. (defmethod make-sod-message ((class sod-class) name type pset &optional location) (with-default-error-location (location) (let* ((msg-class (or (get-property pset :message-class :symbol) (and (get-property pset :combination :keyword) 'aggregating-message) 'standard-message)) (message (make-instance msg-class :class class :name name :type type :location (file-location location) :pset pset))) (with-slots (messages) class (setf messages (append messages (list message)))) message))) (defmethod shared-initialize :after ((message sod-message) slot-names &key pset) (declare (ignore slot-names pset)) (with-slots ((type %type)) message (check-message-type message type))) (defmethod check-message-type ((message sod-message) (type c-function-type)) nil) (defmethod check-message-type ((message sod-message) (type c-type)) (error "Messages must have function type, not ~A" type)) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Methods. (defmethod make-sod-method ((class sod-class) nick name type body pset &optional location) (with-default-error-location (location) (let* ((message (find-message-by-name class nick name)) (method (make-sod-method-using-message message class type body pset (file-location location)))) (with-slots (methods) class (setf methods (append methods (list method)))) method))) (defmethod make-sod-method-using-message ((message sod-message) (class sod-class) type body pset location) (make-instance (or (get-property pset :method-class :symbol) (sod-message-method-class message class pset)) :message message :class class :type type :body body :location location :pset pset)) (defmethod sod-message-method-class ((message sod-message) (class sod-class) pset) (declare (ignore pset)) 'sod-method) (defmethod shared-initialize :after ((method sod-method) slot-names &key pset) (declare (ignore slot-names pset)) ;; Check that the arguments are named if we have a method body. (with-slots (body (type %type)) method (unless (or (not body) (every (lambda (arg) (or (eq arg :ellipsis) (argument-name arg) (eq (argument-type arg) (c-type void)))) (c-function-arguments type))) (error "Abstract declarators not permitted in method definitions"))) ;; Check the method type. (with-slots (message (type %type)) method (check-method-type method message type))) (defmethod check-method-type ((method sod-method) (message sod-message) (type c-type)) (error "Methods must have function type, not ~A" type)) (defmethod check-method-type ((method sod-method) (message sod-message) (type c-function-type)) (with-slots ((msgtype %type)) message (unless (c-type-equal-p (c-type-subtype msgtype) (c-type-subtype type)) (error "Method return type ~A doesn't match message ~A" (c-type-subtype msgtype) (c-type-subtype type))) (unless (argument-lists-compatible-p (c-function-arguments msgtype) (c-function-arguments type)) (error "Method arguments ~A don't match message ~A" type msgtype)))) ;;;----- That's all, folks --------------------------------------------------