bin_PROGRAMS = agedu agedu_SOURCES = agedu.c du.c alloc.c trie.c index.c html.c httpd.c \ fgetline.c licence.c agedu_LDADD = $(LIBOBJS) man1_MANS = agedu.1 # If Halibut is available to rebuild the man pages from their .but # source, then man pages are treated as derived files in the obvious # way, and deleted by 'make clean'. If Halibut is not available (the # typical case if someone has downloaded the source archive and rerun #, the man pages are treated as source files by this # makefile. if HAVE_HALIBUT BUILT_MANS = $(man1_MANS) CLEANFILES = $(BUILT_MANS) .SUFFIXES = .but .1 .but.1: halibut --man=$@ $< doc: $(BUILT_MANS) endif