TODO list for agedu =================== Before it's non-embarrassingly releasable: - render HTTP access control more sane. * we should have the configurable option to use HTTP Basic authentication or Linux magic /proc/net/tcp * a third option, and the default one, should be to _try_ to use magic auth, and fall back to HTTP Basic if unavailable - sort out the command line syntax * I think there should be a unified --mode / -M for every running mode, possibly without the one-letter option for the diagnostic sorts of things * there should be some configurable options: + range limits on the age display + server address in httpd mode - do some configurability for the disk scan * wildcard-based includes and excludes + wildcards can act on the last pathname component or the whole lot + include and exclude can be interleaved; implicit "include *" before any * reinstate filesystem crossing, though not doing so should remain the default - polish up disk-scan progress reporting * by default it should be conditional on isatty(2) * manual override to enable or disable * we should find rather than guessing the terminal width - work out what to do about atimes on directories * one option is to read them during the scan and reinstate them after each recursion pop. Race-condition prone. * marking them in a distinctive colour in the reports is the other option. - make a final decision on the name! Future directions: - run-time configuration in the HTTP server * I think this probably works by having a configuration form, or a link pointing to one, somewhere on the report page. If you want to reconfigure anything, you fill in and submit the form; the web server receives HTTP GET with parameters and a referer, adjusts its internal configuration, and returns an HTTP redirect back to the referring page - which it then re-renders in accordance with the change. * All the same options should have their starting states configurable on the command line too. - polish the plain-text output: + do the same formatting as in HTML, by showing files as a single unit and also sorting by size? (Probably the other way up, due to scrolling.) + configurable recursive output depth - curses-ish equivalent of the web output + try using xterm 256-colour mode. Can (n)curses handle that? If not, try doing it manually. - cross-module: + figure out what to do about scans starting in the root directory! * Currently we end up with a double leading slash on the pathnames, which is ugly, and we also get a zero-length href in between those slashes which means the web interface doesn't let you click back up to the top level at all. * One big problem here is that a lot of the code assumes that you can find the extent of a pathname by searching for "foo" and "foo^A", trusting that anything inside the directory will begin "foo/". So I'd need to consistently fix this everywhere so that a trailing slash is disregarded while doing it, but not actually removed. * The text output gets it all wrong. * The HTML output is fiddly even at the design stage: where would I _ideally_ put the link to click on to get back to /? It's unclear! - more flexible running modes + decouple the disk scan from the index building code, so that the former can optionally output in the same format as --dump and the latter can optionally work from input on stdin (having also fixed the --dump format in the process so it's perfectly general). Then we could scan on one machine and transfer the results over the net to another machine where they'd be indexed; in particular, this way the indexing machine could be 64-bit even if the machine owning the filesystems was only 32. + ability to build a database _and_ immediately run one of the ongoing interactive report modes (httpd, curses) would seem handy. - portability + between Unices: * autoconf? * configure use of stat64 * configure use of /proc/net/tcp * what do we do elsewhere about _GNU_SOURCE? + further afield: is there in fact any non-Unix OS that supports atimes and hence can be used with agedu at all? * yes!