#! /usr/bin/perl -w ### ### Import/update crypto implementations from Catacomb. ### This file is part of secnet. ### See README for full list of copyright holders. ### ### secnet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ### under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ### the Free Software Foundation; either version d of the License, or ### (at your option) any later version. ### ### secnet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ### WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ### General Public License for more details. ### ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ### version 3 along with secnet; if not, see ### https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. use autodie; use IPC::System::Simple qw{runx capturex $EXITVAL}; use Data::Dumper; my $DONOR_VERSION = "UNKNOWN"; my $DONOR_REVISION = "UNKNOWN"; my $DONOR_DIR = "../catacomb"; (my $PROG = $0) =~ s{^.*/}{}; my @with_dir = ("sh", "-c", 'dir=$1; shift; cd "$dir" && exec "$@"', "."); sub moan ($) { print STDERR "$PROG: $_[0]\n"; } ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Building commit messages. my %DONOR_PATH_MAP = (); my %DONOR_REV_MAP = (); my $RECIP_CACHE = (); sub note_path ($$) { my ($donor, $recip) = @_; my $recip_rev = capturex "git", "rev-list", "--max-count=1", "HEAD", "--", $recip; chomp $recip_rev; my $donor_rev; if ($recip_rev eq "") { $donor_rev = undef; } elsif (exists $RECIP_CACHE{$recip_rev}) { $donor_rev = $RECIP_CACHE{$recip_rev}; } else { chomp (my @msg = capturex "git", "cat-file", "commit", $recip_rev); my $trail = ""; LINE: for (;;) { last LINE unless @msg; my $line = pop @msg; next LINE if $trail eq "" && $line =~ /^\s*$/; $trail = $line . $trail; next LINE if $trail =~ /^\s/; last LINE unless $trail =~ /^ ([^:\s]+) \s* : \s* (| \S | \S .* \S) \s* $/x; my $k = $1; my $v = $2; if ($k eq "Upstream-Revision") { if ($v !~ /^ [A-Fa-f0-9]+ $/x) { moan "ignoring bad `Upstream-Revision' `$v' in commit $recip_rev"; next LINE; } $donor_rev = $v; last LINE; } } defined $donor_rev or moan "failed to find upstream version in commit $recip_rev"; $RECIP_CACHE{$recip_rev} = $donor_rev; } $DONOR_PATH_MAP{$donor} = $recip; $DONOR_REV_MAP{$donor} = $donor_rev; } sub commit_changes () { my $msg = ""; my $any_changes = 0; ## Stage updated files for commit. my %recip_map; for my $path (keys %DONOR_PATH_MAP) { push @{$recip_map{$DONOR_PATH_MAP{$path}}}, $path; } runx "git", "update-index", "--add", "--", keys %recip_map; ## Inspect the changed files. Notice whether we've actually changed or ## added files. chomp (my @diff = capturex "git", "diff-index", "--cached", "HEAD"); my %changed = (); my %new = (); for my $line (@diff) { $line =~ /^ : [0-7]+ \ [0-7]+ \ # ([A-Fa-f0-9]+) \ ([A-Fa-f0-9]+) \ # ([ACDMRTUX])\d* \t ([^\t]+) (?: \t ([^\t]+))? $/x or die "incomprehensible git-diff line `$line'"; my $path = ($3 eq "C" or $3 eq "R") ? $5 : $4; $changed{$path} = 1; $new{$path} = ($1 !~ /[^0]/); } ## Files which haven't changed aren't interesting any more. for my $path (keys %DONOR_PATH_MAP) { my $recip = $DONOR_PATH_MAP{$path}; if (!$changed{$recip}) { delete $recip_map{$recip}; delete $DONOR_REV_MAP{$path}; } } if (!%recip_map) { moan "no changes to import"; return ""; } ## Build the commit preamble. $msg .= "Update crypto code from Catacomb $DONOR_VERSION.\n\n"; $msg .= "This change committed automatically by `$PROG'.\n\n"; ## Construct the summary of changes. my @recip = sort keys %recip_map; for my $recip (@recip) { my $disp = $new{$recip} ? "new" : "updated"; my $line = " * Import $disp `$recip' from upstream"; my @p = sort @{$recip_map{$recip}}; for (my $i = 0; $i < @p; $i++) { my $p = $p[$i]; if (!$i) { } else { @p == 2 or $line .= ","; if ($i == @p - 1) { if (length($line) + 4 > 72) { $msg .= $line . "\n"; $line = " "; } $line .= " and"; } } if (length($line) + length($p) + 3 > 72) { $msg .= $line . "\n"; $line = " "; } $line .= " `$p'" } $msg .= $line . ".\n"; } ## Now the detailed list of upstream commits. $msg .= "\nDetailed list of changes:\n"; my @paths; my @roots; for my $path (keys %DONOR_REV_MAP) { my $rev = $DONOR_REV_MAP{$path}; if (defined $rev) { push @paths, $path; push @roots, $rev; } } chomp (my @revs = capturex @with_dir, $DONOR_DIR, "git", "rev-list", "--reverse", "HEAD", "--not", @roots, "--", @paths); for my $rev (@revs) { my @affected = (); for my $path (@paths) { runx [0, 1], @with_dir, $DONOR_DIR, "git", "merge-base", "--is-ancestor", $DONOR_REV_MAP{$path}, $rev; push @affected, $path if !$EXITVAL; } $msg .= "\n" . join "", grep { s/\s+$/\n/ } map { " " . $_ } capturex @with_dir, $DONOR_DIR, "git", "show", "--stat", $rev, "--", @affected; } ## The trailer, so that we can see where we left off. $msg .= "\nUpstream-Revision: $DONOR_REVISION\n"; ## Commit everything. runx "git", "commit", "--edit", "--message", $msg, @recip; } ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Converting C sources and headers. sub convert_c ($$) { my ($from, $to) = @_; ## Convert a C source or header file. FROM is the source file name; TO is ## the destination file name. Also clobbers `TO.new'. (my $file = $from) =~ s{^ .* / ([^/]+ / [^/]+) $}{$1}x; open my $in, "<", $from; open my $out, ">", "$to.new"; ## Control state. my $pending_blank = 0; # waiting to output a blank line? my $skip_reason = ""; # why should we skip output? my $trim_spaces = -1; # number of leading spaces to trim - 1 my $if_open = 0; # current `#if' emitted to output? my $if_skippable = 0; # current `#if' not propagated? my $if_skipping = 0; # current `#if' body being skipped? my $if_unindent = 0; # indent level removed by this `#if' my @if_stack = (); # stack of previous `$if_...' vars my $if_level = 0; # current `#if' nesting level my @lookahead = (); # stack of lines to be read again LINE: for (;;) { my $line; if (@lookahead) { $line = pop @lookahead; } else { $line = <$in>; defined $line or last LINE; chomp $line; } ## Track blank lines so that we don't leave huge gaps. Also, if this is ## a blank line and we were skipping a paragraph, then we've reached the ## end. if ($line =~ /^\s*$/) { if ($skip_reason eq "para") { $skip_reason = ""; } $pending_blank = 1; next LINE; } ## If we're skipping a defun, and this is the end of it, then stop ## skipping. (But swallow the line.) if ($skip_reason eq "defun" && $line =~ /^\}/) { $skip_reason = ""; next LINE; } ## If this is a stanza heading, inspect the stanza. if ($line =~ m{^/\* --- (.*) --- \*/?$}) { my $stanza = $1; ## If we're skipping a stanza, then stop skipping. if ($skip_reason eq "stanza") { $skip_reason = ""; } ## On the other hand, there are stanze we don't want. if ($stanza eq '@sha3_{224,256,384,512}_set@' || $stanza eq '@sha3_state@' || $stanza eq '@shake_mask@' || $stanza eq '@shake{128,256}_rand@' || $stanza eq '@cshake{128,256}_rand@' || $stanza eq "Generic hash interface" || $stanza eq "Hash interface" || $stanza eq "Generic cipher interface" || $stanza eq "Cipher interface" || $stanza eq "Random generator interface") { $skip_reason = "stanza"; } } ## If this is a section heading, inspect the heading. if ($line =~ m{^/\*-{5} (.*) -{5,}\*/?$}) { my $sect = $1; ## If we're skipping a section or a stanza, then stop skipping. if ($skip_reason eq "section" || $skip_reason eq "stanza") { $skip_reason = ""; } ## On the other hand, there are sections we don't want. if ($sect eq "Signed integer types") { $skip_reason = "section"; print $out <]* [">]) \s* $/x) { my $incl = $1; my $hdr = $2; if ($hdr eq '') { $hdr = '"fake-mLib-bits.h"'; } elsif ($hdr eq '"hash.h"' || $hdr eq '"ghash-def.h"') { next LINE; } elsif ($hdr eq '"ct.h"') { next LINE; } $line = $incl . $hdr; } ## We don't have Catacomb's `config.h'. if ($line =~ /^ \# \s* include \s+ "config\.h" \s* $/x) { next LINE; } ## Zap the 16-bit implementations. if ($line =~ /^ int16 (p10\[26\]|p12\[40\])\;$/) { next LINE; } ## Maybe trim leading indentation. if ($trim_spaces > 0) { $line =~ s/^ (\#?) \ ? \ {$trim_spaces}/$1/x or $trim_spaces = -1; } ## Other random lines we don't want. if ($line eq "extern const octet shake128_keysz[], shake256_keysz[];") { next LINE; } if ($line eq "const octet") { die "fixme: read from lookahead" if @lookahead; my $line1 = <$in>; chomp $line1; my $line2 = <$in>; chomp $line2; if ($line1 =~ /^ shake128_keysz\[] = .*,/ && $line2 =~ /^ shake256_keysz\[] = .*;/) { next LINE; } else { push @lookahead, $line2, $line1; } } ## Other random tweaks. $line =~ s/ct_memeq/consttime_memeq/g; $line =~ s/\bSHA512_HASHSZ\b/SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE/g; $line =~ s/\bsha512_ctx\b/struct sha512_ctx/g; $line =~ s/\bsha512_init\b/sha512_init_ctx/g; $line =~ s{\b sha512_hash \( ([^,]+) (,\s*) ([^,]+) (,\s*) ([^)]+) \)} {sha512_process_bytes($3$2$5$2$1)}gx; $line =~ s/\bsha512_done\b/sha512_finish_ctx/g; ## Fix the provenance note. if ($line =~ /^ \* This file is part of Catacomb/) { print $out <; defined $line or last LINE; chomp $line; } ## Ignore empty lines. if ($line =~ /^\s*$/) { next LINE; } ## Copy comments to the output. An initial comment becomes the ## headline. Top-level comments get written to /every/ test chunk ## extracted from this input file. Comments within test chunks get ## added to the output chunk. if ($line =~ /^ \s* (?:\#+) \s* (| [^#\s] (?: .* \S)?) \s* $/x) { if (!$filehead) { $filehead = $1; next LINE; } my $buf = "## $1\n" if $1; COMMENT: for (;;) { die "fixme: read from lookahead" if @lookahead; $line = <$in>; defined $line or last COMMENT; chomp $line; last COMMENT unless $line =~ /^ \s* (?:\#+) \s* (| [^#\s] (?: .* \S)?) $/x; $buf .= "## $1\n"; } push @lookahead, $line if defined $line; if (defined $test) { $testout{$test} .= $buf; } else { $head = $buf . "\n"; } next LINE; } ## Handle strange formats. if ($fmt eq "ed25519djb") { ## Bernstein's format is strangely redundant. Pick out the ## interesting parts. $line =~ s/^ ([^:]{64}) ([^:]{64}) : \2 : ([^:]*) : ([^:]{128}) \3 : $/$1:$2:$3:$4/x or die "bogus djb line"; my ($k, $K, $m, $s) = ($1, $2, $3, $4); ## Test public-key generation. $testout{"pubkey"} .= <; defined $line or die "eof in test chunk"; chomp $line; $vector .= " $line"; } ## Split it into fields. We have to handle quoting, but not very well. my @f = (); FIELD: while ($vector) { if ($vector =~ /^ \s* $/) { last FIELD; } if ($vector =~ /^ \s* " ([^"]*) " (\s+ .*|) $/x) { push @f, $1; $vector = $2; } elsif ($vector =~ /^ \s* (\S+) (\s+ .*|) $/x) { push @f, $1; $vector = $2; } else { die "what even?"; } } ## Add the necessary output to the test chunk. if (!defined $vars) { next LINE; } elsif (ref($vars) eq 'CODE') { $vars->(\$testout{$test}, @f); } else { die "wrong number of fields reading `$input'" unless @f == @$vars; for (my $i = 0; $i < @f; $i++) { $testout{$test} .= "$vars->[$i] $f[$i]\n"; } } $testout{$test} .= "\n"; } ## Done with this file. close $in; } ## Write the output. open my $out, ">", "$to.new"; print $out "### " . $filehead . "\t" x ((67 - length $filehead)/8) . "-*-conf-*-\n"; print $out "### Extracted from Catacomb.\n"; OUT: for (my $i = 0; $i < @$varmap; $i += 2) { next OUT unless defined $varmap->[$i + 1]; my $test = $varmap->[$i]; exists $testout{$test} or die "missing test `$test'"; (my $chunk = $testout{$test}) =~ s/\n\n$/\n/; print $out "\n"; print $out "###" . "-" x 74 . "\n"; print $out "test " . $test . "\n\n"; print $out $chunk; } close $out; rename "$to.new", "$to"; } ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Main program. my @WANT_C = ("math/qfarith.h", "math/f25519.c", "math/f25519.h", "math/fgoldi.c", "math/fgoldi.h", "math/montladder.h", "math/scaf.c", "math/scaf.h", "math/scmul.h", "pub/x25519.c", "pub/x25519.h", "pub/ed25519.c", "pub/ed25519.h", "pub/x448.c", "pub/x448.h", "pub/ed448.c", "pub/ed448.h", "symm/keccak1600.c", "symm/keccak1600.h", "symm/sha3.c", "symm/sha3.h" ); sub hack_pickn ($$@) { my ($out, @f) = @_; die "want three fields" unless @f == 3; my @v = split ' ', $f[0]; for (my $i = 0; $i < @v; $i++) { $$out .= "v\[$i] $v[$i]\n"; } $$out .= "i $f[1]\n"; $$out .= "z $f[2]\n"; } my @fieldish_test = ("add" => ["x", "y", "z"], "sub" => ["x", "y", "z"], "neg" => ["x", "z"], "condneg" => ["x", "m", "z"], "pick2" => ["x", "y", "m", "z"], "pickn" => \&hack_pickn, "condswap" => ["x", "y", "m", "xx", "yy"], "mulconst" => ["x", "a", "z"], "mul" => ["x", "y", "z"], "sqr" => ["x", "z"], "inv" => ["x", "z"], "quosqrt" => ["x", "y", "z0", "z1"], "sub-mulc-add-sub-mul" => ["u", "v", "a", "w", "x", "y", "z"]); my @WANT_TEST = (["math/t/f25519"] => \@fieldish_test, ["math/t/fgoldi"] => \@fieldish_test, ["pub/t/x25519"] => ["x25519" => ["x", "Y", "Z"], "x25519-mct" => ["x", "Y", "n", "Z"]], ["pub/t/x25519.slow"] => ["x25519-mct" => ["x", "Y", "n", "Z"]], ["=Test vectors for Ed25519.", "!ed25519", "ed25519djb:pub/t/ed25519.djb", "pub/t/ed25519.local"] => ["pubkey" => ["a", "A"], "sign" => ["a", "m", "sig"], "verify" => ["A", "m", "sig", "rc"], "sign-ctx" => ["a", "ph", "ctx", "m", "sig"], "verify-ctx" => ["A", "ph", "ctx", "m", "sig", "rc"]], ["pub/t/x448"] => ["x448" => ["x", "Y", "Z"], "x448-mct" => ["x", "Y", "n", "Z"]], ["pub/t/x448.slow"] => ["x448-mct" => ["x", "Y", "n", "Z"]], ["pub/t/ed448"] => ["pubkey" => ["a", "A"], "sign" => ["a", "ph", "ctx", "m", "sig"], "verify" => ["A", "ph", "ctx", "m", "sig", "rc"]], ["symm/t/keccak1600"] => ["p" => ["x", "n", "z"]], ["!sha3", "sha3:symm/t/SHA3_224ShortMsg.rsp", "sha3:symm/t/SHA3_224LongMsg.rsp", "sha3:symm/t/SHA3_224Monte.rsp", "sha3:symm/t/SHA3_256ShortMsg.rsp", "sha3:symm/t/SHA3_256LongMsg.rsp", "sha3:symm/t/SHA3_256Monte.rsp", "sha3:symm/t/SHA3_384ShortMsg.rsp", "sha3:symm/t/SHA3_384LongMsg.rsp", "sha3:symm/t/SHA3_384Monte.rsp", "sha3:symm/t/SHA3_512ShortMsg.rsp", "sha3:symm/t/SHA3_512LongMsg.rsp", "sha3:symm/t/SHA3_512Monte.rsp", "sha3:symm/t/SHAKE128ShortMsg.rsp", "sha3:symm/t/SHAKE128LongMsg.rsp", "sha3:symm/t/SHAKE128VariableOut.rsp", "sha3:symm/t/SHAKE256ShortMsg.rsp", "sha3:symm/t/SHAKE256LongMsg.rsp", "sha3:symm/t/SHAKE256VariableOut.rsp", "symm/t/sha3.local"] => ["sha3-224-hex" => ["m", "h"], "sha3-224-mct" => ["n", "m", "h"], "sha3-256-hex" => ["m", "h"], "sha3-256-mct" => ["n", "m", "h"], "sha3-384-hex" => ["m", "h"], "sha3-384-mct" => ["n", "m", "h"], "sha3-512-hex" => ["m", "h"], "sha3-512-mct" => ["n", "m", "h"], "shake128" => ["m", "h"], "shake256" => ["m", "h"], "cshake128" => ["func", "perso", "m", "h"], "cshake256" => ["func", "perso", "m", "h"], "kmac128" => undef, "kmac256" => undef]); chomp ($DONOR_VERSION = capturex @with_dir, $DONOR_DIR, "git", "describe", "--abbrev=4", "--dirty=+"); chomp ($DONOR_REVISION = capturex @with_dir, $DONOR_DIR, "git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"); for my $f (@WANT_C) { (my $base = $f) =~ s{^.*/}{}; note_path $f, $base; convert_c "$DONOR_DIR/$f", $base; } for (my $i = 0; $i < @WANT_TEST; $i += 2) { my $src = $WANT_TEST[$i]; my $varmap = $WANT_TEST[$i + 1]; my $base = undef; my $fixed_name = 0; my @in = (); for my $j (@$src) { if ($j =~ s/^!//) { defined $base and die "too late to fix the name"; $base = $j; $fixed_name = 1; next; } elsif ($j =~ /^=/) { push @in, $j; next; } my $pre = ""; if ($j =~ /^([^:]*)\:(.*)$/) { $pre = $1 . ":"; $j = $2; } if (!$fixed_name) { (my $b = $j) =~ s{^ (?: .* /)? (.*) $}{$1}x; defined $base and $base ne $b and die "huh? `$b' /= `$base'"; $base = $b; } note_path $j, "$base-tests.in"; push @in, $pre . "$DONOR_DIR/$j"; } convert_test \@in, "$base-tests.in", $varmap; } commit_changes();