mdw-sbuild-server: Fix commentary typo.
[profile] / dot / tmux.conf
... / ...
1### -*-conf-*-
3## pterm compatibility. The default settings for these cause tmux to send
4## pterm some control sequences it doesn't understand, with ^G as a
5## terminator, which results in annoying and unnecessary dinging. Since the
6## problematic control sequences are only to do with frobbing the cursor
7## shape anyway, just clobber them.
8set -g terminal-overrides "*:Cr=:Cs=:Ms="
9set -ga terminal-overrides ",*88col*:colors=88,*256col*:colors=256"
10set -ga terminal-overrides ",xterm*:XT,screen*:XT"
12## Sane key-bindings. I'm used to screen. Bite me.
13set -g prefix C-z
14bind Tab select-pane -t.+1
15bind M-Tab select-pane -t.-1
16bind C-c new-window
17bind C-l refresh-client
18bind Q break-pane
19bind S split-window
20bind X kill-pane
21bind c new-window
22bind k kill-window
23bind z send C-z
24bind C-z last-window